UN Tourism Joins Launch of Ireland’s first Sustainable Tourism Observatory

UN Tourism Joins Launch of Ireland’s first Sustainable Tourism Observatory

UN Tourism has celebrated the official launch of the Atlantic Sustainable Tourism Observatory Ireland (ASTOI) in Sligo, Ireland.

The Observatory, which has been admitted into the International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories (INSTO) underscores Ireland's commitment to fostering sustainable practices within its tourism industry. To mark the occasion, a delegation from UN Tourism met with the Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport, and Media, Mrs. Catherine Martin to discuss the latest developments in tourism sustainability and resilience, and the importance of joining forces to meet jointly the planetary crisis.  

ASTOI will collaborate closely with destinations along the Atlantic coast, on the islands and in the Heartlands region to monitor, evaluate, and promote sustainable tourism initiatives, ensuring environmental conservation, socio-economic development and cultural preservation. The observatory stands for a commitment to evidence- based decision making based on participatory approaches and transparency. 

The Observatory will monitor, among other issues, 11 key areas that touch upon all three sustainability pillars, including climate change, water, wastewater and energy management, as well as local satisfaction and accessibility.  

About INSTO 

The UN Tourism International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories (INSTO) is a network of tourism observatories monitoring the economic, environmental and social impact of tourism at the destination level. The initiative is based on UN Tourism’s long-standing commitment to the sustainable and resilient growth of the sector through measurement and monitoring, supporting the evidence-based management of tourism. ASTOI joined the INSTO network in November 2023, during the annual meeting of its constituencies in Madrid. 

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UN Tourism and Hotelschool The Hague to Drive Innovation in Hospitality

UN Tourism and Hotelschool The Hague to Drive Innovation in Hospitality

UN Tourism and Hotelschool The Hague, have agreed to partner around the development and execution of pioneering projects in the hospitality industry.

A new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) aims to stimulate innovation and fresh ventures within the hospitality industry, promoting entrepreneurship and education while engaging in open innovation projects that can enhance the tourism industry, with a particular focus on hospitality. Currently, 20% of entrepreneurs of the UN Tourism Network are directly related to hospitality and are the most dynamic projects including a variety of stakeholders of the industry.

Building on the UN Tourism's established innovation network, this agreement will further facilitate connections between startups and potential investors, as well as promote knowledge and skills through joint events, communication channels, and media interactions. This partnership not only underlines a commitment to a more sustainable future for the industry but also signifies a shared commitment to providing inclusive opportunities and memorable global student experiences, demonstrated through Hotelschool The Hague's global Sustainable Hospitality Challenge.

Strong foundations for innovative future

Ms. Natalia Bayona, Executive Director of UN Tourism, expresses: "Unfortunately 90% of startups within the hospitality sector eventually do not succeed. A decent tourism education and knowledge of the hospitality sector is necessary to develop a disruptive and well-functioning product. Through our collaborative efforts, we aspire to alter this trajectory by offering a more robust foundation, fostering invaluable connections, and providing a conducive testbed for emerging startups. Given that technology now permeates 70% of tourism enterprises, it is imperative that these startups are seamlessly integrated into the ecosystem, connected with pertinent stakeholders, and afforded the opportunity to validate their solutions in real-world settings before embarking on a larger scale.

Ms. Regine von Stieglitz, President of the Board of Directors of Hotelschool The Hague says: "At Hotelschool The Hague, we provide our students with the perfect balance of theory, real-world experience and applied research to prepare them for a career in the hospitality industry. We develop leaders who shape our global industry and drive it to give back more than it takes. We are proud to join forces with UN Tourism. We fully embrace their vision to Foster Innovation in the Hospitality Industry. In fact, our Sustainable Hospitality Challenge is a student competition designed to enhance the evolution of sustainable practices in hospitality, aligning seamlessly with the objectives of UN Tourism."

Hotelschool The Hague, founded and funded by the hospitality industry in 1929, provides high-quality education and cutting-edge research in the field of international hospitality management, with an emphasis on the transformation of sustainability and digitalization and on developing students into sought-after hospitality graduates who excel in leadership roles worldwide.

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Glasgow Declaration - Global Roundtable for Tourism Climate Action

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Tourism Climate Action
European Committee of the Regions and UN Tourism break new ground with study on Rural Tourism and Development in Europe

European Committee of the Regions and UN Tourism break new ground with study on Rural Tourism and Development in Europe

UN Tourism has partnered with the European Committee of the Regions for a comprehensive study of the significant impact and potential of tourism in fostering socio-economic development in rural areas.

UN tourism
European Committee of the Regions

The report emphasizes the critical role of cooperation between these two organizations in bridging local and global efforts towards shared objectives. It showcases the potential of rural tourism to contribute to the resilience of regional and local communities, addressing challenges such as depopulation, inequality and limited access to basic services.

Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary-General of UN Tourism says: "Tourism has the potential to transform societies, stimulate local economic development, and empower local communities. This joint study with the European Committee of the Regions underscores the importance of rural tourism in contributing to sustainable development in Europe."

Alves Vasco Cordeiro, President of the European Committee of the Regions says: "Free movement has always been at the heart of the European project. Tourism, as part of this mobility, has helped shape our European identity and is a powerful driver for growth and jobs, breathing new life into communities across Europe."

Key Findings

Tourism has the potential to transform societies, stimulate local economic development, and empower local communities

The study offers a comprehensive understanding of rural tourism and its impact on European regions, with a focus on:

  • Resilience of Rural Tourism post-COVID: The report sheds light on the remarkable resilience displayed by rural tourism during and post-COVID-19. Despite global challenges, rural tourism witnessed a surge in popularity, particularly among local travelers. This resilience underscores its potential as a robust economic driver and showcases its ability to adapt to changing circumstances.
  • Economic Diversification and Cultural Preservation: A key insight is the potential of rural tourism to drive economic diversification and job creation in rural areas. The study also underscores tourism's contribution to preserving cultural heritage. Rural tourism is seen as a bridge between tradition and modernity, fostering community participation and sustaining local services while preserving the unique identity of rural regions.
  • Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Development: The study identifies challenges faced by rural areas, such as inadequate infrastructure, limited financial resources, and declining local populations. Simultaneously, it recognizes these challenges as opportunities for growth. By providing a nuanced understanding of the complexities involved, the report sets the stage for sustainable rural tourism development, urging stakeholders to navigate challenges thoughtfully.


The report offers a roadmap for policymakers, local governments, and stakeholders to harness the potential of rural tourism while addressing its challenges.

  • Integrated Rural Value Chains and Collaboration: An overarching recommendation is the integration of rural value chains in tourism. The report emphasizes the need for collaboration between businesses and stakeholders to create synergies within the local economy. By maximizing economic benefits, this approach ensures a holistic and sustainable development trajectory for rural tourism.
  • Digital Connectivity and Skills: Recognizing the digital divide in rural areas, the report recommends a focused effort on improving digital connectivity. It underscores the importance of digital skills development to empower rural stakeholders in leveraging technology effectively. By addressing these aspects, the report aims to enhance the digital readiness of rural communities, unlocking new opportunities in the digital era.
  • Alignment with Consumer Trends and Sustainable Practices: Acknowledging evolving consumer trends and the need to place sustainability at the heart of tourism development, the report encourages responsible travel initiatives, that not only meet changing consumer expectations but also contribute to broader sustainability goals. This recommendation positions rural tourism as a catalyst for positive environmental and social impact.
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UN Tourism and Croatia to Establish Research Centre for Sustainable Tourism

UN Tourism and Croatia to Establish Research Centre for Sustainable Tourism

UN Tourism is to work with the Government Croatia and the University of Zagreb to establish a research and development centre focused on sustainable tourism.

Croatia currently serves on UN Tourism’s Committee on Tourism and Sustainability, having chaired it between 2019 and 2023. Alongside the Government’s record of promoting responsible and sustainable tourism practices, this clear leadership and support for UN Tourism’s core values make it the ideal location to host a collaborative platform to drive innovation and catalyse positive change in the tourism sector.  

Croatia leads by example in growing tourism in a sustainable manner

This landmark centre will engage stakeholders from the public and private sectors, academia, and civil society to will address some of the most critical challenges facing tourism, including:  

  • Reducing the Environmental Impact of Tourism: The centre will prioritize initiatives to minimize waste generation and plastic usage, thereby mitigating the environmental footprint of tourism activities. 
  • Increasing Usage of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency: By promoting the adoption of renewable energy sources and implementing energy-efficient practices, the centre aims to reduce carbon emissions associated with tourism operations. 
  • Accelerating Adaptation to Climate Change: Recognizing the urgent need to address climate-related risks, the centre will support adaptation strategies to enhance the resilience of tourism destinations and communities. 
  • Preserving Social Sustainability and Local Communities: The centre will work to safeguard the cultural heritage and livelihoods of local communities by promoting responsible tourism practices and equitable distribution of benefits. 
  • Enhancing Evidence-Based Policy Making: Through rigorous research and data analysis, the centre will provide policymakers with the evidence needed to formulate effective policies that balance tourism development with environmental and social considerations. 
  • Providing Relevant and Updated Research: The centre will serve as a hub for cutting-edge research and knowledge exchange, delivering timely insights and best practices for the sustainable development of tourism. 

In Zagreb, the Minister of Tourism and Sport of Croatia Nikolina Brnjac and UN Tourism Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili signed a Memorandum of Understanding to create the cutting-edge research institution.  

Welcoming the collaboration, Secretary-General Pololikashvili said: “Croatia leads by example in growing tourism in a sustainable manner. The new research centre in Zagreb will contribute to UN Tourism’s commitment to data-driven policymaking at the regional, national and destination level, ensuring tourism grows responsibly and inclusively, for the benefit of communities everywhere.”   

Minister of Tourism and Sport of Croatia Nikolina Brnjac adds: “I am proud that UN Tourism, the most relevant tourism organization globally, has recognized our efforts in Croatian tourism management reform and our strong commitment to sustainable tourism and put forward the initiative to create the first UN Tourism Centre for sustainable tourism in Croatia together with the Ministry of Tourism and Sport of the Republic of Croatia. With the University of Zagreb as a partner in the establishment of this Centre, I am convinced that this Centre will be successful and provide very relevant research for future sustainable development of tourism.” 

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UN Tourism Launches Tourism Investment Guidelines for Albania

UN Tourism Launches Tourism Investment Guidelines for Albania

UN Tourism has again placed the focus on tourism investments, bringing together public and private sector leaders in Tirana.

The “Tourism Investments and Economic Development in Europe” conference, jointly organized with Ministry of Tourism and Environment of Albania, was held within the framework of the UN Tourism Regional Commission for Europe. High-level delegates included investors from the hospitality, aviation and real estate industries, alongside  private sector stakeholders and various heads of various international organizations.  

Participants discussed and explored avenues how to revitalize Europe’s tourism sector through strategic investments, with a focus on long-term resilience and growth in line with the wider Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals.  

“Tourism Doing Business in Albania” 

During the conference, UN Tourism launched the latest in its series of “Tourism Doing Business” guidelines, with a new publication focused on Albania. The guidelines provide potential investors with an overview of Albania’s business landscape, its economic resilience and growth potential. 

  • In 2023 Albania was ranked 4th globally for the largest percentage increase in international tourist arrivals, recording growth of 56% on 2019.   
  • Albania welcomed 7.5 million international arrivals in 2022, and 10.1 million in 2023. 
  • The strong robust rebound in tourism contributed to economic growth of nearly 5% growth in 2022. As of 2023, the GDP at current prices reached USD 23 billion compared to USD 12.3 billion in 2012. 
  • International tourism in Albania constitutes 46% of total exports and 65% of exports in the services sector. 

UN Tourism Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili says: “Albania presents multifaceted investment opportunities within its tourism sector. With its strategic geographic location, developing infrastructure, and a government dedicated to enhancing foreign direct investment, Albania emerges as an attractive destination for investors. These factors have been instrumental in driving Albania's growth and ongoing development”. 

Natalia Bayona, UN Tourism Executive Director says: “The tourism sector in Albania stands as a dynamic and promising landscape, offering a compelling blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and strategic initiatives shaping its trajectory towards sustainable growth and success. With a surge in greenfield FDI announcements totaling USD 135 million within the tourism cluster, Albania solidifies its position as an attractive investment destination, heralding a promising future ahead”. 

Investments and tourism employment growing 

The guidelines offer a comprehensive overview of the investment landscape in Albania. Key takeaways include: 

  • Over the past five years, Albania has consistently attracted foreign direct investment (FDI) at levels surpassing the preceding ten-year average OF EUR 1,004 million. In 2022, the country received EUR 1.372 billion, and between January and September 2023, it received around EUR 1.089 billion. 
  • As of 2023, Albania registered more than 154 startups in different sectors including financial services, tourism, technology, and innovation.  
  • The ‘Startup Law’ supports the creation and development of high-growth potential startups in the technology and innovation sector.  

Value and Investments strategy 

Between 2018 and 2023, four greenfield projects were announced in the tourism cluster for a total of USD 135 million (according to fDi Intelligence Financial Times). Through that Strategic Investment Law, the country has promoted around 21 strategic investment projects related to tourism between 2016 and 2023. These projects, which have either been completed or initiated implementation, represent a total investment of EUR 3.09 billion, generating around 16,900 new jobs. 

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UN Tourism Members Advance Agenda for Europe as Region Leads Global Recovery

UN Tourism Members Advance Agenda for Europe as Region Leads Global Recovery

Europe’s national tourism authorities have met to advance shared solutions to the biggest challenges facing tourism as well as the opportunities offered by the sector’s post-pandemic return.

The 70th meeting of the UN Tourism Commission for Europe brought together 40 high-level representatives in the Albanian capital. With the participation of nearly all UN Tourism’s Members in the region, the meeting served as a platform for dialogue and collaboration, providing a ground for exchanging knowledge, sharing best practices, and addressing the challenges and opportunities facing the tourism sector. 

Albania leads Europe’s tourism rebound 

Prior to the meeting, UN Tourism Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili met with the Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama to discuss shared priorities and future collaboration. The Secretary General has commended Albania’s leadership in tourism recovery after the pandemic – the country has been one of the best performing destinations in 2023, showing 53% increase over the international tourism arrivals registered in 2019. 

The Secretary-General and the Prime Minister also discussed the importance of sustainable tourism development and opportunities to further enhance the tourism sector in Albania. They exchanged views on key strategies to promote responsible tourism practices, harness digital innovation, and further contribute to economic growth through tourism education. They underscored the value of fostering a resilient and inclusive tourism industry that benefits local communities and preserves cultural heritage. 

Legal framework for the Agenda for Europe 

High-level delegations representing 40 Members were informed about the work and activities realized by UN Tourism since the Commission met in Bulgaria in June 2023, as well as strategic objectives and priorities, with a focus on: 

  • Political outlook and the situation Europe 
  • The rebranding of World Tourism Organization 
  • Latest data on tourism arrivals and receipts 
  • Events and initiatives 

In Tirana, Members adopted the Rules of Procedure of the Working Group, the Selection Criteria and Key Performance Indicators for the evaluation for the projects supported through the Agenda for Europe and agreed on the priorities for the elaboration of the workplan of the Agenda for 2024. The Agenda for Europe is the manifestation of the priorities of the members in the region of Europe, the world's leading destination and a pioneer in tourism innovation. It aims to ensure a regional focus that will benefit and address the specific needs of the members at a regional and subregional level. 

This document is the result of a consultative process among the members in the region, initiated during the 66th meeting of the Commission for Europe in 2021, to advance the adaptability of the European tourism ecosystem to the new trends and reality that emerged in the post-pandemic era. 

Moving forward 

The Commission Members were updated about the preparations for World Tourism Day 2024 by Georgia and accepted the invitation of Azerbaijan to host the Commission meeting in 2025. 

Subregional focus

The second meeting of the Working Group for Southeast Europe was held on the sidelines of the 70th meeting of the Commission for Europe, by the initiative of the host, Albania, and UN Tourism. The purpose of the meeting was to foster an in-depth discussions on the specific challenges facing the tourism sector in Southeast Europe. Representatives from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, and Slovenia shared their ideas, insights, and opinions, with a special focus on short-term rentals and regional investments. 

Tomorrow, a traditional side conference will be held about “Tourism Investments and Economic Development in Europe”. During this event, a guideline “Tourism Doing Business: Investing in Albania”, developed by UN Tourism, will be presented. The speakers, experts, and other participants of the event will discuss the global tourism investments trends and opportunities, identify avenues for accelerating tourism investments for positive change and for the benefit for all and share success stories and future prospects of tourism investments in Albania. 

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UN Tourism and Moldova Launch Joint Project for Female Leadership in Tourism

UN Tourism and Moldova Launch Joint Project for Female Leadership in Tourism

UN Tourism will work with the Ministry of Culture of Moldova to advance female leadership in tourism and boost the sector’s contribution to gender equality.

The "Empowering Young Women: sustainable livelihoods through tourism" initiative aims to support women at every stage of their careers in the sector, while also  advancing several of the Sustainable Development Goals, including those related to gender equality, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. The project will also count on the support of Invest Moldova Agency, and the Moldova State University, with funding from the Estonian Development Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Estonia.

Training the Trainers for a ripple effect

To kick off the initiative, a pilot tourism skills training session, led by nine pioneering female trainers and five rural women entrepreneurs was held in Puhoi (26-27 February). Covering a diverse curriculum from Tourist Safety and Security to Digital Literacy, this session marks the first of many, with plans to extend training to approximately 200 rural women across Moldova in April 2024.

UN Tourism's experts then worked with women identified as potential trainers in tourism skills and in advancing gender equality. The support focused on the significance of gender equality in tourism, global challenges women face in the sector, and reviewed best practices for women's empowerment. This strategy aims to cultivate a self-sustaining cycle of mentorship and growth among female trainers in Moldova, paving the way for enduring professional development.

Championing Gender Equality through expertise

Natalia Bayona, Executive Director of UN Tourism says: "Women are crucial to the tourism sector, accounting for 54% of the global workforce. Nevertheless, gender inequality is still a real challenge, with 42% of women working in the informal economy versus 32% of men, women were paid 14.7% less on average than men. Education and capacity building programmes are key to transforming both the sector and women's future.”

Andrei Chistol, State Secretary, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Moldova: "Rural tourism is one of the priorities for the Ministry of Culture in Moldova. Training the capacities of 200 women in the field of tourism will contribute substantially to the development and consolidation of rural communities, the creation of new jobs, and promote new tourist destinations that will enhance the potential of the Republic of Moldova as a destination."

"The pilot program, led by pioneering female trainers, exemplifies the immediate impact of this initiative, providing hands-on training to rural women entrepreneurs and paving the way for further expansion across the country. Moreover, the focus on championing gender equality within the tourism sector underscores the initiative's commitment to fostering inclusivity and diversity and this project showcasing the transformative potential of collaboration and concerted efforts," said Otilia Dandara, First Deputy Rector of Moldova State University.

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