Accessible Tourism: Harnessing the benefits of inclusive destinations for companies and people
23 January 10:00-14:30 | FITUR 2025, IFEMA, North Conference Centre, Room N117+N118, Madrid | Livestreamed from 10:00 to 13:15 (CET)

UN Tourism and European Accessibility Resource Centre are joining forces at FITUR 2025 to feature solutions that make travel and tourism more inclusive and accessible, for people with or without disabilities, visitors and locals alike. Organized in collaboration with the European Network for Accessible Tourism (ENAT), Fundación ONCE and Ilunion Accesibilidad, the seminar will raise awareness about specific tools geared towards the implementation of Design for All and Universal Accessibility principles, by:
- Highlighting the leadership of governments, destinations and private sector in making tourism experiences more accessible, across the entire value chain;
- Analysing a wide range of socioeconomic opportunities that the accessible tourism market brings for clients, companies, employees and local communities; and
- Showcasing good practices of accessibility measures put in place, enhancing service quality, product excellence and labour inclusion, within the industry.
Provisional Agenda
Registration and Welcome Coffee
Master of Ceremony: Ms. Sonia García Fraile, Technician at Accessibility and Innovation Directorate, ONCE Foundation
Opening Remarks
Moderated by: Mr. Jesús Hernández Galán, Director, European Accessibility Resource Centre and Vice-president, European Network for Accessible Tourism (ENAT)
- Ms. Inmaculada Placencia, Senior Expert in Disability and Inclusion, European Commission (online)
- Mr. Dilyor Khakimov, Director for Institutional Relations, Partnerships and Advocacy, UN Tourism
Panel I: Accessible tourism policies, standards and strategies: Governments and destinations leading the way
- Mr. Gianluca Caramanna, Member of Parliament and Advisor to the Minister of Tourism, Government of Italy
- Ms. Teresa Ferreira, Director, Department of Tourism Resources, Turismo de Portugal
- Mr. Jonathan Gómez, Head of Malaga Tourism Board, Malaga City Council, Spain
- Mr. Jonathan Ponstingl, Deputy Head, Destination Development, Visit Berlin, Germany
- Ms. Stelena Angelova, Technician at Accessible Tourism Unit, IMPULSA IGUALDAD-TUR4all, Spain
Q & A
Panel II: Promoting accessible experiences and inclusive employment: Success stories championed by the private sector
Moderated by: Mr. Ivor Ambrose, Managing Director, European Network for Accessible Tourism (ENAT) and Senior Expert at AccessibleEU
- H.E. Mr. Mateo Estrella, Minister of Tourism, Government of Ecuador
- Mr. Glenn Mandziuk, CEO, World Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, UK
- Ms. Linda Ristagno, Assistant Director, External Affairs, International Air Transport Association, IATA
- Ms. Tatiana Alemán, Ilunion Accessibility, Spain
- Mr. Mark Aspinall, CEO, Holmeswood Coaches, United Kingdom
- Mr. John Sage, Founder and CEO, Sage Traveling, USA
Q & A
Conclusions and Closing Remarks
- Ms. Zoritsa Urosevic, Executive Director, UN Tourism
- Mr. Jesús Hernández Galán, Director, European Accessibility Resource Centre and Vice-president, European Network for Accessible Tourism (ENAT)
Related links:
- AccessibleEU and UN Tourism join forces at FITUR 2025 to feature solutions for accessible tourism - European Commission
- Provisional Programme (PDF)
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