Twistic and WeavAIR startups win the UN Tourism Hospitality Challenge

Twistic and WeavAIR startups win the UN Tourism Hospitality Challenge

The second edition of the UN Tourism Tech Adventures, along with Infecar is focused on Tourism Technologies and Solutions for Hotels and New Business Models

More than 120 entrepreneurs from nearly 70 countries around the World have presented their projects in the competition for startups focused on technologies and solutions in tourism for hotels and new business models created by UN Tourism and promoted by Infecar. The challenge, which serves to identify entrepreneurs in the sector, has culminated its edition with the election of ten finalists from around the world and two winners, the startups Twistic and WeavAIR.

All of them took part in the UN Tourism Tech Adventures on 19 and 20 February, within the framework of DigiON, the Canary Islands Business Digitalization Show, a meeting in which innovation was the protagonist against the backdrop of the island of Gran Canaria, in the Canary Islands (Spain). The startups, which presented their projects in pitch format, shared the stage with leading industry professionals, including the Social Hub, Amadeus, Kerten Hospitality, the Hague School of Hospitality, Atlantis Tecnología y Sistemas, Minor Hoteles, the TUI Group and Federación de Empresarios de Hostelería y Turismo of the Canary Islands.

Through this challenge, UN Tourism and Infecar aimed to drive a revolution within the tourism sector, with sustainability and innovation as the drivers of change. Therefore, from the outset, the competition has aimed to focus on solutions that help redefine the hotel landscape and identify new business models. All of this in a sector that generated US$1.4 trillion in international tourism revenue last year alone, when there were an estimated 1286 million international tourists.

For Natalia Bayona, Executive Director of UN Tourism: "From a pool of 120 startups from over 70 countries, the competition received technological and AI-driven solutions that are aimed at revolutionizing hotels and forging new sustainable business models. I would like to congratulate the 10 entrepreneurs that were selected as finalists and will be accompanied for further opportunities via our UN Tourism Innovation Network. They are vital within the ever-evolving hospitality sector, redefining the tourism landscape with their disruptive approaches!"

In addition to personalized support for the startups, they have received mentoring from UN Tourism and its partners as well as the possibility to be part of the Innovation Network of the UN specialized agency for the tourism sector. Likewise, given UN Tourism's commitment to education, the finalists have had the opportunity to benefit from scholarships to study at the Tourism Online Academy. The platform, which already has more than 25,000 students from over 150 countries, is a leading online learning center to meet the needs of those who work in or want to enter the tourism sector.

Meet the winning startups

The winner in the category of Innovations in Digital Hospitality and New Business Models was Twistic, a Spanish company that seeks to change the user experience through mobile applications, digital signature or electronic tags. It was joined as finalists by Czech startup Schulering, which has created a professional platform that connects hospitality through learning. The American startup Everhost, which works to make visitors feel like locals when they arrive at a destination. Also the Emirati Sparkle Haze and its commitment to big data and the use of Artificial Intelligence applied to user experience and guest security and the Tunisian startup Ostel Flow that offers new generation solutions based on the cloud.

In the Sustainability Impact category, the work of the Canadian company WeavAIR, which is dedicated to business intelligence solutions and remote auditing based on satellite networks and IOT, stood out and the finalists were Senange Eco, a sustainability consultancy dedicated to helping companies on their way to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals; the Dutch company Hotels for Trees, which is committed to planting a tree every time a guest decides to skip the daily cleaning of the room; the Spanish company Effiwaste, which works to eliminate organic waste from the HORECA channel by measuring via SAAS; and Purple Elephant ventures is a venture firm based in Nairobi, Kenya. They design smart travel technology start-ups from scratch with a focus on innovation in sustainable tourism.

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UNWTO Secretary-General, Zurab Pololikashvili, meets with the Minister Jordi Hereu

UNWTO Secretary-General, Zurab Pololikashvili, meets with the Minister Jordi Hereu

The recovery of the global tourism sector in 2023 and the good prospects for 2024 were the focus of the meeting held today between the Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization, Zurab Pololikashvili, and the Minister of Industry and Tourism of the Kingdom of Spain, Jordi Hereu.

During the meeting, the priorities of the sector for this year were also analyzed, identifying challenges shared by both entities, including, among others; innovation, education, as well as social and environmental sustainability. In short, tourism for development focused on people, the planet and prosperity.

At the meeting, the Spanish Minister also informed Secretary-General Pololikashvili of the progress of the construction of the future UNWTO headquarters, at the Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones in Madrid. The new building, which will replace the headquarters that have homed UNWTO for 50 years, will have an exhibition hall and three floors that will house the offices and other services.

This meeting comes just days before FITUR, a major meeting point, especially for the Spanish and Latin American tourism sector. This year's FITUR brings together representatives from 160 countries.

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UNWTO and Infecar Launch Startup Competition for Technologies and Solutions in Hotels and New Business Models

UNWTO and Infecar Launch Startup Competition for Technologies and Solutions in Hotels and New Business Models

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) is joining with Infecar (Feria de Gran Canaria) to identify entrepreneurs playing a key role in reshaping the hotel and new business model landscapes.

The UNWTO Startup Competition for Tourism Technologies and Solutions in Hotels and New Business Models is open to any startup or entrepreneur worldwide. The competition will award 10 finalists with the best solutions in the categories of Innovations in Digital Hospitality and Business Models, and Sustainability Impact.

Innovation and technology in the hospitality industry redefine the very essence of the guest experience, transforming hotels into hubs of seamless, personalized services. With his competition, we are sourcing startups on a global level that are pioneering solutions that elevate the standards of guest satisfaction, operational efficiency, and sustainability for hotels and new business models. Ms. Natalia Bayona, Executive Director, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).

Hosting the UNWTO Startup Competition for the second consecutive year at Infecar, with a dedicated focus on technologies and solutions in tourism for hotels, underscores our steadfast dedication to fostering sustainability and innovation within this pivotal industry. Ms. Natalia Santana, Director General of Infecar, Feria de Gran Canaria.

The finalists will pitch their ideas at the Tourism Tech Adventures Canarias on 20 February 2024 in Las Palmas de Gran Canaría, followed by mentorships from international partners. The winning startups will receive tailored support, become a member of the UNWTO Innovation Network with access to venture capital and the private sector, will receive scholarship opportunities from the Tourism Online Academy, and potential implementation of their projects.

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About the UNWTO Startup Competitions:
UNWTO, through its Department of Innovation, Education, and Investments, has developed 14 global entrepreneurship competitions ("UNWTO Tourism Startup Competitions"), and 11 specific challenges that have generated an Innovation Network of over 7000 Members. The UNWTO startup competitions ignite a revolution in the tourism sector, steering it toward higher levels of intelligence, sustainability, and innovation. The competition seeks to identify and support pioneering startups that can contribute to the transformation of the industry.

About Infecar:
Infecar, Feria de Gran Canaria, stands as a prominent exhibition and conference center situated in Gran Canaria, Spain. Committed to advancing economic growth, it actively fosters innovation and collaboration across diverse industries through events and initiatives.

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 Centro de Portugal, PORTUGAL

Centro de Portugal Sustainable Tourism Observatory

Member since


Hosted by

Regional Authority Turismo Centro de Portugal

Monitoring area

Centro de Portugal Region

INSTO Location map

The Centro de Portugal Sustainable Tourism Observatory (OTSCP) is an autonomous service of the regional entity Turismo do Centro de Portugal, in collaboration with the Universities and Polytechnics of the Centro de Portugal region. The Observatory is supported by a Regional Working Group made up of two autonomous councils:

– Scientific Council – Representative organ of the researchers in the areas of knowledge and sustainable development of tourism, attached to the higher education institutions and research units of the Centro de Portugal Region.

– Business Advisory Council – Representative body of the main business and sectoral organisations that integrate the Centro de Portugal Region’s tourist offer.




to promote knowledge of tourism activity from a double perspective (transversal / intersectoral and longitudinal / evolutionary), in an independent and responsible way, ensuring the technical and scientific suitability of the data obtained, to contribute to the increase in competitiveness and sustainability of tourism in the Centro de Portugal.


The Observatory provides the Centro de Portugal Regional Tourism Authority with a valuable management tool, which enables to identify and know, in real time, the evolution of tourism activity throughout the region, as well as the effective performance of the various sub sectors of tourism, in each of the one hundred municipalities that make up the Centro de Portugal region.


Local satisfaction with tourism (SMAT Indicators):
– Percentage of residents who are satisfied with tourism at the destination (per month/season) (code: 040)
– Percentage of residents who are satisfied with the impact of tourism on the identity of the destination (code: 046)

Destination economic benefit (INE Indicators):
– Total income (lodgment)
– RevPAR

Tourism Seasonality (INE Indicators):
– Seasonality Index (Centro region and all municipalities)


Considering the population dynamics, the region has a low population density, and it is characterized by the depopulation of the inland areas in contrast to the coastal areas, which are more populated and urbanized (municipalities of Coimbra, Leiria and Aveiro have the largest number of inhabitants).



Webisite of OTSCP

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 Atlantic Sustainable Tourism Observatory

Atlantic Sustainable Tourism Observatory

Member since


Hosted by

Atlantic Technological University

Monitoring area

Irish Atlantic Sea Coastine

INSTO location

The Sustainable Tourism Observatory (STO) is a collaboration between the three campuses within the Atlantic Technological University. It aims to build on new and existing partnerships with key stakeholders in local authorities, state agencies, tourism industry, enterprises and communities across the observatory and internationally to address local challenges and collaborate with national and international researchers on global solutions.




The impact of tourism on climate change urgently requires the data that will inform sustainable change built on established, evidence based sustainable tourism indicators. Tourism destinations require the tools and skills to monitor their transition towards sustainable living and facilitate destination comparison, for evidence-based planning and management. The observatory will offer decision-makers at all scales with critical real time data to facilitate evidence informed planning and decision-making.


The observatory has been measuring and monitoring sustainable tourism since 2017 through the application of 43 sustainable tourism indicators. These are collected utilising visitor surveys, enterprise survey and resident surveys. The observatory works with destination tourism committees, committees and stakeholders. The indicators provide a baseline to facilitate evidence informed planning to transition towards a sustainable tourism destination.


Local Satisfaction with tourism
Destination Economic benefits
Water Management
Sewage Treatment
Tourism Seasonality
Energy Management
Solid waste management
Climate Action


The observatory initially collected indicator data through the means of paper-based surveys. It has now transitioned with the visitor survey, enterprise survey and resident survey through methods of smart technology. The observatory has designed online research tools to facilitate a more efficient way of data collection. For example, posters and stickers were designed and positioned at honeypot attractions to facilitate visitor surveys, each having a specific QR code. These QR codes were scanned by visitors and allowed for more efficient data collecting. The visitor surveys are supplemented by in-person surveys to ensure correct sample sizes, correct distributions of data and inclusivity for all cohorts.

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UNWTO Launches San Marino Action Agenda for Accessible Tourism for All

UNWTO Launches San Marino Action Agenda for Accessible Tourism for All

With 1.3 billion people globally estimated to have a significant disability, UNWTO has again joined with key partners to further make tourism more accessible to all.

The UNWTO Conference on Accessible Tourism was held for a second time in San Marino  (16-17 November 2023). The Government of San Marino, represented by its Ministry of Tourism,  partnered with the Ministry of Tourism of Italy, on this occasion. The 2023 event was also held in collaboration with AccessibleEU, a flagship initiative of the European Commission. Out of it came the San Marino Agenda, a clean action plan for disability inclusion in every part of the tourism sector.

Advancing accessibility for destinations, companies and people

Since San Marino first hosted the conference in 2014, many destinations and companies have made great strides to improve accessibility, bringing tourism closer towards Tourism for All.

At this year's two-day event, over 200 delegates discussed policy advances such as the international standard ISO 21902, which caters both to host communities and visitors, and covers the entire tourism value chain. The event featured a Ministerial Roundtable, bringing together San Marino, Italy, Republic of Korea, Uzbekistan, Czechia and Israel, to discuss governments' role in advancing accessibility through policies, strategies and standards.

Innovation in accessible tourism was one of thekey themes, with speakers presenting new solutions in access to transportation, leisure, MICE and tourism services. These includedSEATRAC helpingwheelchair users to bathe inGreece, city-wide Braille touchpoints and the firstcertified blind tour guides in Cape Town,and the fully accessible waterfront in Rimini.

The conference has strengthened international networks and showcased San Marino as an inclusive destination, a point of reference for accessible tourism and the only UNWTO Member State to have hosted two International Conferences on Accessible Tourism.

Untapped opportunities

However, accessibility is still not seen as a game changer by all destinations despite a market of 1.3 billion people with significant disability in 2023, and 1 in 6 persons expected to reach the age of 65 by 2050. In Europe alone, "baby boomers" already account for over one third of the EU population and 70% of the EU citizens with disability have financial means to travel.

Experts in the field discussed how best to cater to this growing market and offer tourism experiences in the spirit of the Universal Design, so they can be enjoyed by all people, with or without disabilities. Debates also centred on the importance of social inclusivity and accessibility for sustainable tourism and the huge economic benefits the sector can reap by putting better access measures in place.

San Marino Action Agenda 2030

The Action Agenda is seen as a game changer for disability inclusion and tourism's contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals, with a commitment from it's those attending the conference to achieving concrete results.

It includes measures to advance training, develop measurement systems and increase industry awareness of the advantages of a diverse workplace.

Stakeholders will align their marketing and commercial strategies and use digital solutions to help accessible experiences reach all customers and mainstream accessibility in their product development and decision-making processes.

As part of the conference's legacy, a Compendium of Best Practices showcased in San Marino will be published by UNWTO in 2024, in collaboration with AccessibleEU and ENAT.

Further research on accessibility in culture and nature-based tourism, digital solutions and other good practices will also be completed over the coming years.

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Opportunity for All: Samarkand Academy Adds to Growing UNWTO Education Network

Opportunity for All: Samarkand Academy Adds to Growing UNWTO Education Network

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has further enhanced its status as the global leader in advancing education and skills development for the tourism sector. As one of the top priorities of the Organization’s leadership, and fully endorsed by all Member States, education serves as the foundation for building more resilience and accelerating the shift to greater sustainability.

Against the backdrop of the 25th General Assembly (Samarkand, Uzbekistan, 16-20 October 2023), Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili visited the new Tourism Academy Samarkand in Collaboration with UNWTO. The Academy will train students new to the sector as well as those already working in tourism, giving them the skills they need to grow their careers. The Secretary-General praised the commitment of President President Shavkat Mirziyoyev and Minister Aziz Abdukhakimov to investing in education and professional training and for recognizing the role both can play outside of the tourism sector itself.

The Samarkand Academy is just the latest in a growing network of education initiatives spearheaded by UNWTO. Just one month before the General Assembly, against the backdrop of this year’s World Tourism Day (27 September), the Secretary-General visited the newly-opened Riyadh School for Hospitality and Tourism in Collaboration with UNWTO. The school has already welcomed its first students and aims to welcome many thousands more, both from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia itself as well as from across the wider region and the world. 

Alongside its Academies, UNWTO is transforming tourism education at every level. The Education Toolkit, launched out of the UNWTO Regional Office for the Middle East, is designed to support Member States everywhere introduce tourism as a high school subject. This stands alongside the growing UNWTO Tourism Online Academy, the UNWTO Students League and now the Bachelor’s Degree in Sustainable Tourism Management offered by UNWTO in partnership with the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and the Arts of Switzerland, in supporting people at every stage of their educational journey in tourism.

Education as a priority for the sector will next be highlighted at the Minister Summit hosted by UNWTO at the World Travel Market (London, 6 November).

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Europe’s Tourism Leaders Plan Closer Cooperation Across Region

Europe’s Tourism Leaders Plan Closer Cooperation Across Region

Europe’s tourism leaders have met to advance plans for stronger collaboration both within and outside of the region, including through the landmark Agenda for Europe.

The UNWTO Commission for Europe met within the framework of the 25th session of the Organization's General Assembly, in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. For its second gathering of the year, the meeting brought together high-level representatives from nearly 40 European countries to discuss the challenges impacting the tourism industry in the European region and the way ahead.

Samarkand, with its rich history and cultural significance, serves as an inspiring backdrop for our discussions on the future of European tourism

Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary-General of the UNWTO, thanked the Government of Uzbekistan for its warm hospitality to all the members and participants of the Organization's highest statutory meeting:  "Samarkand, with its rich history and cultural significance, serves as an inspiring backdrop for our discussions on the future of European tourism. Together, we can shape a more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient tourism sector."

Agenda for European Tourism

The members of the Commission for Europe discussed and adopted the "Agenda for Europe – Tourism Leading the Change," an initiative proposed by Greece, during the Commission's 66th meeting, when it was the Commission's Chair, with the aim of boosting tourism activities in Europe, increasing cooperation levels, and strengthening collaboration with the other UNWTO regions.

The proposed "Agenda for Europe" was elaborated by a dedicated Working Group, comprised by representatives of Armenia, Cyprus, Greece, Lithuania, Spain, Switzerland, and Ukraine (current Chair of the Commission for Europe). The Working Group consulted in this regard with the other European members and the Secretariat. The Secretary-General will report to the Executive Council and the General Assembly on this proposed Agenda.

Uzbekistan to Host Silk Road Tourism Hub

The Establishment of UNWTO Thematic Office for Tourism on the Silk Road in Samarkand, Uzbekistan was also one of the key topics of discussion during this 69th meeting of the Commission. The government of Uzbekistan had put forward a proposal to establish the first UNWTO Thematic Office specifically dedicated to the advancement of Tourism on Silk Road, in recognition of the significance role of the Silk Road in promoting global tourism. It underlined that this ambitious initiative was another expression of the commitment of Uzbekistan to a sustainable and resilient tourism development.

Advancing Youth and Gender Empowerment

The Secretary-General took the opportunity to unveil to the members of Commission for Europe, the release of the Youth4Tourism: A Handbook to Champion Youth Participation in Tourism at the National Level, an initiative, part of the Global Youth Tourism Platform, aimed at increasing youth participation in the tourism sector at the national level. The Handbook provides guidelines for organizing physical and virtual events, along with useful activity examples.

As one of UNWTO's key priorities, the Secretary-General invited national tourism authorities to implement these guidelines and offer to children and youth, new opportunities to gain knowledge and develop sustainable skills. Through the Handbook the younger generation will be able to explore different aspects of responsible and sustainable tourism and formulate their own vision for the future of tourism, aligning with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. During the Commission meeting, Slovenia and Uzbekistan announced their willingness to host the future editions of the Global Youth Tourism Summit, in 2024 and 2026.

Also in Samarkand, UNWTO signed a Cooperation Agreement with the Ministry of Culture and Moldova State University for the implementation of the Skills Training and the Gender and Tourism Training under the framework of the "Empowering Young Women: Sustainable Livelihoods through Tourism" project in the Republic of Moldova.

Uzbekistan Reaffirms Support for Tourism

Deputy Chair of the Government Commission on Tourism Development and Minister of Ecology, Environmental Protection, and Climate Change of Uzbekistan, Aziz Abdukhakimov, underlined the Uzbekistan Government's firm commitment to advancing sustainable and environmentally friendly tourism. He said: "Today, international tourism demonstrates its efficiency and resilience to new challenges and realizations. For our countries, the tourism industry is a strategic industry, contributing to the growth of prosperity, creating new jobs and strengthening social and humanitarian ties in society."

As an integral part of the historic Silk Road, Uzbekistan is making comprehensive efforts to promote this tourist destination and aims to ensure its long-term development by establishing the first UNWTO Thematic Office for Tourism on the Silk Road in Samarkand.

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