
UNWTO.TedQual Certification - Singidunum University

UNWTO.TedQual Certification - Singidunum University

The UNWTO.TedQual Programme is pleased to announce that the following Tourism Education Programmes at Singidunum University have been awarded the UNWTO.TedQual Certification:

  • Bachelor in Tourism & Hospitality Management 
  • Master in Business Systems in Tourism & Hospitality

List of Institutions with UNWTO.TedQual certified tourism education and training programmes

UNWTO.TedQual Certification - Singidunum University

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Navarre, SPAIN

Navarre Tourism Observatory

Member since


Hosted by

Directorate General of Tourism and Trade
Government of Navarre

Monitoring area

Navarre, Spain

The Tourism Observatory of Navarre, the first tourism observatory in Spain to join INSTO, is hosted by the Directorate General of Tourism and Trade, which falls under the Minister of Economic Development of the Government of Navarre, overseen by the President of the Government of Navarre.



To produce with rigor and publish periodically relevant data and information on tourism development in Navarre from the economic, environmental, social, teritorial and governance perspectives for a sustainable management.


The Navarre Tourism Observatory was created as part of the Strategic Plan for tourism in Navarre 2018-2025, to improve the transfer of knowledge from market intelligence to the sector to dedicate intelligence and innovation in tourism. Through the creation of a group of experts, from the private sector, the academic sector and tourism administration, quantitative and qualitative interpretation of the most important phenomena for the Navarrese tourist system were collected to contribute to the improvement of the decision-making environment by the different agents involved.


Impacts of emmissions in an environmentally sensitive area
Spatial deconcentration
Reforestation and evolution of ecosystem
Tourism supply and demand


The culture of wine in Navarre is an element of outstanding tourist value. The existence of an important number of wineries and the production of wines of interest has led to the creation of a Navarre Wine Route, located in the Central Zone, which attempts to articulate this axis with a proposal for visits to wineries and related activities.

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UNWTO/UNESCO Conference: Cultural Tourism Sustains Communities and Living Heritage

UNWTO/UNESCO Conference: Cultural Tourism Sustains Communities and Living Heritage

PR No.: PR18095

Madrid, Spain, 5 December 2018 – The third cultural tourism conference (3-5 December) organized jointly between the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) concluded today in Istanbul, Turkey. Participants declared their support for cultural tourism as a driver for safeguarding living heritage, catalyzing creativity in cities, and spreading tourism’s socioeconomic benefits to all.

Organized with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey under the theme ‘for the Benefit of All’, the conference explored the potential of the tourism and culture partnership, along with new trends in technology and visitor management, to bring the widest range of benefits to visitors and host communities while safeguarding cultural values.

A key conclusion from the conference was the need for a clear and strong link between tourism, culture and local community stakeholders. Cultural tourism policies and strategies must consider the perspectives and interests of local communities, who can also assist governance bodies in balancing tourism development with heritage conservation and safeguarding. Channelling tourism revenues into cultural preservation and community development was identified as a key governance challenge.

President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca of Malta addressed the conference at its opening, reinforcing that: “In today’s world, tourism diplomacy is becoming more important to foster understanding, and culture is key to achieving this”.

UNESCO Deputy Director-General Xing Qu affirmed tourism's essential role, stating: “Tourism provides a tremendous opportunity to support local economic development, while breaking down barriers between people. Harnessing creativity and technological innovation, as well as safeguarding heritage is essential for promoting responsible and sustainable tourism to support and unify communities for years to come.”

“Culture is one of the drivers of tourism growth, so protecting cultural heritage and promoting tourism for sustainable development are part of the same equation. That 30-plus ministers from around the world are gathered here proves the place of culture in tourism,” said UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili opening the event.

These sentiments were echoed by Turkey’s culture and tourism minister Mehmet Ersoy. “The culture and tourism partnership provides a framework for public-private cooperation, education, investments and sustainability,” Minister Ersoy added.

In a debate moderated by the BBC’s Rajan Datar, the more than 30 ministers present concluded that tourism and culture are indivisible and must work together so that tourism does not suffocate cultural heritage and its benefits for visitors and locals. However, the main challenge is to spread cultural tourism’s attractiveness beyond established sites whilst managing large visitor numbers.

The first session of the conference focused on cultural tourism’s potential to help cities transform into more sustainable and creative environments and destinations. It ended in agreement that the creative and cultural sectors can strengthen and provide innovation in cultural tourism, forging links that turn tourism into a tool to safeguard tangible and intangible cultural heritage.

The second day of the event was given over to the twin influence of responsible tourism and technological advances in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. It was agreed that innovation should be strengthened for better management, promotion and preservation of heritage, as well as to make cultural tourism accessible to all.

During the event, five leading Turkish tourism companies signed the Private Sector Commitment to the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, boosting the efforts of Turkish industry leaders to ensure sustainable development of the sector.

The 3rd UNWTO/UNESCO World Conference on Tourism and Culture will produce a declaration, to be made available soon, outlining the cross-sector commitment of all participants to reinforcing the tourism and culture partnership as an enabler for achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda of the United Nations. The next edition of the conference is scheduled to take place in Kyoto, Japan in 2019.

Useful links:

Conference website

Conference programme

Pictures of the event

UNWTO Department for Ethics, Culture and Social Responsibility



UNWTO Communications Department

Tel: (+34) 91 567 8100 / Fax: +34 91 567 8218 /

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UNWTO.TedQual Certification - Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

The UNWTO.TedQual Programme is pleased to announce that the following Tourism Education Programmes at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya have been awarded the UNWTO.TedQual Certification:


  • Grado en Turismo
  • Máster en Estrategia y Gestión Sostenible de los Destinos Turísticos OMT-UOC

List of Institutions with UNWTO.TedQual certified tourism education and training programmes

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya


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Harness Cultural Routes and Experiences for Competitive Tourism, Concludes UNWTO Congress

Harness Cultural Routes and Experiences for Competitive Tourism, Concludes UNWTO Congress

PR No.: PR 18091

Madrid, Spain, 16 November 2018 – Following the first edition held two years ago, the 2nd International Congress on World Civilizations and Historic Routes (15-16 November) concluded today in Sofia, Bulgaria. In the framework of the European Year of Cultural Heritage and the EU-China Tourism Year, the event explored how tourism along historic routes can help to safeguard and promote tangible and intangible cultural heritage.

Organized by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the Ministry of Tourism of Bulgaria, the congress explored the role of national and regional public bodies in enhancing of historic routes, particularly across nations. It gathered Ministers from four continents, as well as public and private experts representing iconic cultural tourism routes including Route 66, the Way of Saint James (Camino de Santiago), the Phoenicians’ Route and the Silk Road.

“Historic routes can play a major role in revealing the unique history, culture and natural assets of territories along them, becoming a powerful promotional tool and a unique instrument to increase tourism competitiveness for many destinations”, said UNWTO Deputy Secretary-General Jaime Cabal opening the event.

Nikolina Angelkova, Minister of Tourism of Bulgaria, outlined her plans to advance cultural tourism in Bulgaria. “Cultural tourism can play a key role in turning Bulgaria into an all-year-round tourism destination. We are considering creating an ancient civilizations’ route incorporating UNESCO monuments, which would better acknowledge and promote the Balkan region as a tourism destination,” she said.

Discussions centred on identifying best practices in tourism development, management and promotion that can help to harness the tourism potential of historic routes, enhance the value of their cultural heritage, and preserve their authenticity. Successful examples were exchanged of well-developed and managed historic routes, with a focus on ways to maximize tourism’s socio-economic impacts for local communities and contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals.

In recent years cultural tourism has emerged as a major driver of demand, in line with travellers’ growing interest to immerse themselves in tourism ‘experiences’ such as local rituals and traditions. The congress produced a useful set of recommendations that can provide guidance to all tourism stakeholders interested in harnessing the potential that cultural heritage routes offer for enhancing the attractiveness and competiveness of destinations.

Video recordings of the 2nd International Congress on World Civilizations and Historic Routes will be uploaded early next week.


Useful links:

Congress website

Recordings of the Congress (coming soon)

Pictures of the event

UNWTO Regional Department for Europe



UNWTO Communications Department

Tel: (+34) 91 567 8100 / Fax: +34 91 567 8218 /

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