South Tyrol, ITALY

Sustainable Tourism Observatory of South Tyrol (STOST)

Member since


Hosted by

EURAC Research Center for Advanced Studies

Monitoring area

South Tyrol, Italy

INSTO Observatory map

The Sustainable Tourism Observatory of South Tyrol (STOST) is the first observatory in Italy that will monitor and evaluate tourism development in the province of Bolzano-Bozen (South Tyrol) in northern Italy. It is based on a partnership of the province, the tourism research and planning centre Eurac Research and Innovation Development Marketing, South Tyrol’s regional development agency and destination management organization.



7,400 km2

of monitoring area

520,000 million



7 million

per year



*hotels and other establishment






Germany, Italy, Austria

Primary source markets

July, August, September

peak quarter


The Observatory is aiming at continuously monitoring, evaluating and communicating on South Tyrol’s (i.e. the Autonomous Province of Bolzano/Bozen) tourism developments and the impacts they have. With the generated data in areas such as mobility, climate change, regional products and quality control, employment and many other topics, the Observatory will support awareness-raising activities and decision-making processes of different stakeholders groups, serving the local community as think-tank that fosters communication, collaboration,and evidence-based destination management.


 Tourism represents a very strong pillar of South Tyrol’s overall economy. In early 2017, South Tyrol issues a new tourism strategy for 2030 that contains a number of trends and measures relevant for sustainable tourism development. While launching the strategy, it became obvious that the establishment of a monitoring system for sustainable tourism in South Tyrol would help to foster the implementation of the strategy while motivating the destination’s stakeholders to proceed on the ongoing path towards improved sustainability in tourism. In addition, the Italian Strategic Plan for Tourism (PST) and the activities of the Working Group on Sustainable Tourism of the Alpine Convention were other strategical frameworks that were drivers to establish the Observatory.


INSTO Key Issue Areas, plus Innovation
Sustainable Consumption and Production
Ski Tourism and other Nature Sports
Biodiversity and Nature Protection
Cultural Heritage and Traditions
Land Use and Spatial Planning
Visitor Management and Satisfaction
Adaptation to Climate Change


Following INSTO’s core values of inclusiveness and participation, Eurac Research and IDM implemented in total 26 qualitative stakeholder interviews with local and external experts, residents and tourists and organized a local stakeholder information exchange in summer 2018 in order to gather an overview of the needs, desires and priorities of local stakeholders that served as basis for developing the strategic direction, including key monitoring issue areas and objectives) for the Observatory. By combining secondary and primary data and processing it with specific tools of analysis, a total of 14 groups of keywords could be identified, indicating locally desired areas for investigation. Out of this exercise and the review of different existing indicator systems, a total of 19 issue areas were identified as priority monitoring areas for South Tyrol, with a list of related indicators for each area which will be discussed, selected and prioritized with stakeholders in the destination.

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UNWTO.TedQual Certification - La Rochelle Business School

UNWTO.TedQual Certification - La Rochelle Business School

The UNWTO.TedQual Programme is pleased to announce that the following Tourism Education programmes at La Rochelle Business School have been awarded the UNWTO.TedQual Certification:

  • Bachelor in Tourism and Hospitality
  • MSc in Tourism Management
  • MBA in Tourism and Services Management

List of Institutions with UNWTO.TedQual certified tourism education and training programmes available

La Rochelle Business School


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Sign up now: 1st Hackathon for Smart Destinations (23-24 June 2018)

Sign up now: 1st Hackathon for Smart Destinations (23-24 June 2018)

PR No.: PR 18047

Madrid, Spain, 13 June 2018.- On 23 and 24 June, the Spanish city of Oviedo will host the 1st Hackathon for Smart Destinations. This initiative of the World Tourism Organization, the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism and the Government of the Principality of Asturias, with the collaboration of Minube, will take place within the framework of the 2nd UNWTO World Conference on Smart Destinations.

The aim of the Hackathon will be to design smart technology-based solutions that can contribute to making tourism more sustainable.

The idea is rooted in the conviction that technological solutions are crucial instruments in order to ensure and strengthen the sustainability and competitiveness of destinations. It is a powerful way of creating solutions for better managing tourism’s success. The objectives are to decouple growth from natural resource consumption, ensure quality as well as the satisfaction of both visitors and local communities, and to show that—if well managed— tourism can be an agent of change.

The Hackathon is open to developers, designers and tourism professionals who are invited to present innovative and sustainable solutions for tourism and compete for more than 10,000 euros in prizes, to be awarded to the best applications, among other prizes.

Information on how to sign up for the Hackathon

Information on the 2nd UNWTO World Conference of Smart Destinations



UNWTO Communications & Publications Programme

Tel.: (+34) 91 567 8100 / Fax: +34 91 567 8218 /


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Innovation and digitalization top of European tourism agenda

Innovation and digitalization top of European tourism agenda

PR No.: PR 18046

Madrid, Spain, 13 June 2018 – The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) stressed the importance of tourism and technology providing opportunities for innovation and creating the jobs of the future, in its 63rd European Commission meeting held in Prague, Czech Republic (11-13 June 2018).

As UNWTO and its European Member States gathered to set the agenda for the region, Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili described the Organisations´s intention to make innovation part of the solution to the challenge of marrying continued growth with a more sustainable and responsible tourism sector.

In a strategic discussion on innovation and the digital transformation, Mr. Pololikashvili made clear his vision to create an ecosystem of government policies, funds and strategic projects that nurture disruptive ideas and entrepreneurship, for which he enlisted the help of Member States and private sector members in the region.

“Together we can set a vision that considers tourism as a policy priority, a knowledge creator and innovator, and a sector of maximum value for all”, said Mr. Pololikashvili.

This year’s World Tourism Day, on September 27, will focus on tourism and the digital transformation. Celebrations will take place in Budapest, Hungary and worldwide.

Also at the meeting, UNWTO outlined plans for improving skills, education and specialized tourism training under the newly-launched UNWTO.Academy, and reaffirmed its engagement with Europe to face safety and sustainability challenges related to managing large tourist numbers.

Useful links:

Agenda of the 63rd Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for Europe

Photos of the event



UNWTO Communications & Publications Programme

Tel: (+34) 91 567 8100 / Fax: +34 91 567 8218 /

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UNWTO signs up for joint projects with World Bank

UNWTO signs up for joint projects with World Bank

PR No.: PR 18045

Madrid, Spain, 11 June 2018 – The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has signed up to the Financial Management Framework Agreement between the United Nations (UN) System and the World Bank Group, which facilitates engaging in joint projects.

A letter of adherence to the Agreement, which recognizes specific UN entities, will allow UNWTO and the World Bank to work closer together to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in developing countries.

This Agreement came into use after World Bank President Jim Yong Kim and UN Secretary-General António Guterres signed a Strategic Partnership Framework on 18 May 2018, in which a key cooperation area is supporting the funding and implementation of projects to help countries reach the SDGs.

“This is the recognition of UNWTO as an important potential World Bank partner and will provide more visibility to the Organization, increasing the possibilities to participate in joint projects”, said Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili.

UNWTO Member States can request to borrow funds from the World Bank in order to partner with UNWTO on tourism development projects.


Useful links:

Press release on UN-WB Strategic Partnership Framework



UNWTO Communications & Publications Programme

Tel: (+34) 91 567 8100 / Fax: +34 91 567 8218 /

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Action on sustainability in tourism needs extra push, says new UNWTO report

 Action on sustainability in tourism needs extra push, says new UNWTO report

PR No.: PR 18042

Madrid, Spain, 6 June 2018 - In line with its vision of advancing sustainability through tourism, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) released its flagship publication ‘Tourism for Development’ in Brussels on 6 June during the European Development Days (EDD), and called for greater awareness of sustainability in tourism policies and business practices as well as in tourist behaviour.

‘Tourism for Development’ provides concrete recommendations on how to use tourism as an effective means for achieving sustainable development. It shows that tourism has a global reach and has positive effects on many other sectors. Not only does the sector spearhead growth, it also improves the quality of people’s lives, supports environmental protection, champions diverse cultural heritage and strengthens peace in the world.

Moreover, if well planned and managed, tourism can effectively and directly contribute to the shift towards more sustainable lifestyles and consumption and production patterns. But to get there the tourism sector must, as an agent of positive change, make evidence-based decisions that ensure a consistent contribution to sustainable development.

This two-volume report showcases 23 case studies from around the world of tourism contributing to sustainable development in all its dimensions. “This report offers tangible, wide-ranging evidence of the fact that tourism can make a meaningful and substantial contribution to achieving sustainable development and the 2030 Agenda”, said UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili.

The report portrays tourism as a driver of sustainable development and can lay the groundwork for stakeholders to build on tourism’s opportunities by changing policies, business practices and consumer behaviour.

According to the report, this requires measuring tourism’s impact accurately and regularly, and putting the results at the service of the right policies, business practices and consumer behaviour.

‘Tourism for Development’ calls for governments to establish and enforce inclusive and integrated policy frameworks for sustainable tourism development. Businesses, on the other hand, need to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability in core business models and value chains, while individuals and civil society should also adopt sustainable practices and behaviour.

UNWTO presented ‘Tourism for Development’ at EDD, Europe’s leading forum on development organized by the European Commission. More than 180 people contributed to the publication in a global consultation with governments, organizations and civil society. UNWTO gives special thanks to the George Washington University for its contribution.


Useful links:

Tourism for Development Report Volume I

Tourism for Development Report Volume II

UNWTO Management Vision and Priorities

European Development Days website



UNWTO Communications & Publications Programme

Tel: (+34) 91 567 8100 / Fax: +34 91 567 8218 /

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UNWTO General Assembly simulation ran by students of a UNWTO.TedQual certified programme

UNWTO.TedQual certified programme

A Simulacrum of UNWTO General Assembly was developed by students of the School of Tourism of La Rochelle Business School, France, to discuss on the degree of implementation of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism (GCET) at Worldwide Level.

On 4th of April 2018, under the central topic of the implementation of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, students from the Bachelor in Tourism and Hospitality/Pre-Master Programme of the School of Tourism of La Rochelle Business School, France, developed a simulacrum of a UNWTO General Assembly in order to present the work developed at country level and by their Regional Organizations for encouraging the implementation of the Global Code of Ethics.

This activity, under the umbrella of the course: Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, had allowed students to get deeper knowledge, through a real-time exercise, on the most developed topics of the GCET at governmental level, while identifying the areas where each country can inspire others at regional level.

The Member States of UNWTO approved the first International Convention on Tourism in September 2017, therefore making the GCET more and more important to the public and private sector. It is also a mandatory requirement for all Higher Tourism Education Programmes and Tourism Training programmes who have been awarded or wish to apply for the UNWTO.TedQual Certification.

Congratulations to all the students participating for this great initiative!

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Investment key for tourism development: UNWTO Secretary General meets First Vice President of the EBRD

Investment key for tourism development: UNWTO Secretary General meets First Vice President of the EBRD

PR No.: PR 18037

Mr. Zurab Pololikashvili at the Talk Session at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

The Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Zurab Pololikashvili, met on Friday in London with Jürgen Rigterink First Vice President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

Discussions centred around the growth of the tourism sector and its capacity to generate welfare and jobs, the need for infrastructure development and the support to business along the tourism value chain. Mr  Pololikashvili stressed the relevance of establishing dedicated tourism lines in global and regional financial institutions considering that tourism is today the third global export in the world and a main job creator.

Recently the Bank approved two important Frameworks - the Cultural Heritage Framework and the Inclusive Tourism Framework for the Eastern Mediterranean – with a significant potential to support tourism development.

“We very much appreciate the EBRD´s role in investing in tourism for sustainable development. We believe that the Bank’s countries of operation are very important and will contribute to make tourism a driving force for economic growth and social inclusion and we look forward to strengthen our collaboration” said Mr Pololikashvili.

“UNWTO has become an important partner to the EBRD since the signing of the MOU in 2015. We would like to extend our gratitude for their cooperation and look forward to continuing this special partnership to further support economic growth and social inclusion within our countries of operation” said Mr Rigterink.

UNWTO and the EBRD have been long working together since they signed a MoU in 2015. In recent years the partnership has been reinforced in view of tourism’s growing economic role. UNWTO has provided technical input into the Bank’s projects and among the joint activities is a forthcoming conference on ‘Investing in Tourism for a Better Future: Why it matters and The Way Forward’ to be held in Athens, Greece, on October 2018. The Conference is organized by the Ministry of Tourism of Greece, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the European Investment Bank.

The Conference will explore tourism’s impact in the economy, discuss challenges of seasonality, best practices in financing models and regulatory frameworks, as well as discussing joint policies and strategies for creating a framework for sustainable tourism development, investment and promotion in the region. Key issues will include investment, skills development, sustainability, transnational cooperation and innovation and digital transformation, as well as supply-chain management.



UNWTO Senior Media Officer Marcelo Risi

Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60 /

UNWTO Communications & Publications Programme

Tel: (+34) 91 567 8100 / Fax: +34 91 567 8218 /

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European Union Tourism Trends

European Union Tourism Trends

European Union Tourism Trends

The European Union Tourism Trends report provides a comprehensive overview of tourism in the European Union and constitutes a tool for policy makers and other tourism stakeholders for developing market strategies and enhancing the knowledge base of the EU Virtual Tourism Observatory. The report is the result of a cooperation agreement between UNWTO and the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs of the European Commission (DG GROW) and is part of the ‘Enhancing the Understanding of European Tourism’ initiative. The project aims to improve the socio-economic knowledge of the tourism sector, enhance the understanding of European tourism and contribute to economic growth, job creation and the overall competiveness of tourism in Europe.


ISBN: 978-92-844-1947-0

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