Transforming Tourism for Climate Action Roadmap to a “high ambition scenario”
Thursday, 5 March 2020 14:00 – 16:30hrs | Room KTR 03.07.01, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Stresemannstrasse 128 -130 10117 Berlin, Germany
After the cancellation of ITB Berlin, this event has been postponed. An alternative date will be confirmed in due course.

According to UNWTO/ITF latest research, in 2016 transport-related emissions from tourism contributed to 5% of all man-made emissions and are to increase to 5.3 % by 2030 against a current ambition scenario. The projected increase represents 25% growth, from 1,597 million tonnes of transport-related CO2 attributable to tourism in 2016 to 1,998 million tonnes in 2030. In view of these findings, it is urgent for the tourism sector to define a “high ambition scenario” that would allow the sector to transform and advance towards significantly decoupling growth from emissions, in order to ensure its contribution to the Paris Agreement and SDG13 on Climate Action.
Transforming tourism for climate action requires embracing a low carbon pathway with awareness and optimization as key elements. Awareness – through measurement and disclosure of the emissions related to tourism activities and the setting of evidence-based targets. Optimization – through instruments and strategies to scale up mitigation and adaptation in the tourism sector with all stakeholders having to play a role. The Experts Meeting will focus on identifying the roles the various stakeholders and next steps.
The objective of this Experts Meeting would be threefold:
- Identify mechanisms behind successfully applied climate policy actions in the tourism sector by destinations and national authorities
- Advance setting the objectives and specific actions needed to define a “high ambition scenario” for the tourism sector
- Contribute to the development of actionable policy recommendations to transform tourism for climate action