UNWTO Forum Event at FITUR 2020

Tourism’s Role in Rural Development Across Africa Highlighted at UNWTO Forum Event at FITUR 2020

The role of tourism and investment in African development took centre stage at the FITUR trade fair in Madrid this week as sector leaders joined the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) for the 11th edition of INVESTOUR (Tourism Investment and Business Forum for Africa) which saw the participation of over 20 African Ministers and Heads of delegations.

Supported by Casa Africa (Representing the Spanish Government), the International Tourism Fair of Madrid (FITUR) as UNWTO’s official partners and in collaboration with Côte D’Ivoire, this latest meeting of Investour focused on the continent’s potential on creative industries as well as on the potential benefits of diversifying the tourism sector, in particular as a means of driving rural development. Against the backdrop of FITUR, the round table discussion explored the untapped potential of gastronomy tourism and the growing African fashion industry, particularly with regards to attracting international tourists. In addition, a session was also dedicated to the presentation of 10 projects aiming at the development of tourism in various countries in Africa, such as South Africa, Zambia, Comoros, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Côte d’Ivoire.

The creative industries, including a thriving fashion industry, culture and gastronomy are all increasingly relevant ‘pull factors’

The forum came on the back of the UNWTO General Assembly unanimously approving its Agenda for Africa 2030, a roadmap and strategic framework for tourism for sustainable development and inclusive growth. At the same time, the 11th edition of INVESTOUR was held during UNWTO’s Year of Tourism and Rural Development, with this theme the main focus of discussions between tourism leaders from both the public and private sectors.

Opening INVESTOUR 2020, UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili said: “The creative industries, including a thriving fashion industry, culture and gastronomy are all increasingly relevant ‘pull factors’. They are encouraging visitors to see another side to Africa. Investment in these sectors will pay dividends, not just for investors themselves but, equally or more important, also for African society as a whole.

Also during FITUR, UNWTO released its latest data on international tourist numbers and trends. The data shows that international arrivals to African destinations reached 71 million in 2019 and grew by 4% when compared with the previous year. This trend is expected to continue over the years ahead, and UNWTO has stated its commitment to supporting its African destinations grow their tourism sectors responsibly and sustainably. Next month, Côte d´Ivoire will host the 1st UNWTO Global Tourism Investment Forum in Africa, a landmark event for the continent and its tourism sector.

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Wildlife Watching Tourism

UNWTO Briefing Paper “Towards Measuring the Economic Value of Wildlife Watching Tourism in Africa”

Wildlife watching tourism is a type of tourism undertaken in order to watch or encounter wildlife. It relates exclusively to non-consumptive forms of wildlife-based activities, such as observing, photographing and sometimes touching or feeding of animals, in contrast to other forms of wildlife tourism which include consumptive forms like hunting and fishing  

Tourism is a principal export for many African countries and a significant source of foreign exchange. Wildlife watching tourism is one of the main tourism products for Africa and as such a key contributor to the continent’s socio-economic development. While this observation might seem obvious, there is limited data on the overall figures of wildlife watching tourism. On the other hand, wildlife in Africa is facing one of its greatest crises in decades, with illegal killings of protected animals reaching unprecedented levels.

Against this backdrop, UNWTO developed the Briefing Paper "Towards Measuring the Economic Value of Wildlife Watching Tourism in Africa". This Paper acts as a first step towards a more sistematic measurement of the economic value of the wildlife watching tourism market segment in Africa and in defining the role of the tourism sector in the fight against poaching.

"Towards Measuring the Economic Value of Wildlife Watching Tourism in Africa" builds on a survey of 48 African tourism and conservation authorities from 31 countries, as well as 145 international and African-based tour operators. The survey has been complemented with available statistics, case study reviews and in-depth interviews with governments and international organizations.

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African Tourism Leaders Meet in Saint Petersburg to Plot Future Growth of Continent’s Tourism Sector

African Tourism Leaders Meet in Saint Petersburg to Plot Future Growth of Continent’s Tourism Sector

PR No.: PR 19052

Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, 10 September 2019 - Leaders from across Africa have met in Saint Petersburg ahead of the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) to discuss the key issues facing the continent as it looks to grow its tourism sector and harness it as a key driver of economic development and social transformation.


Held in the historic Tauride Palace, the 62nd meeting of the UNWTO’s Regional Commission for Africa (CAF) came on the back of the latest Barometer from the United Nations specialized agency for sustainable and responsible tourism. This most recent data shows that international tourist arrivals to African destinations grew by 3% during the first six months of the year when compared with 2018. In particular, North African destinations continue to bounce back from recent difficulties, enjoying a 10% increase in arrivals for the six months.

The key focus of the CAF meeting was the UNWTO’s 2030 Agenda for Africa. This blueprint for the future of African tourism was launched after the UNWTO’s African Member States requested help in drawing up plans for growing and managing tourism and in making the sector a central driver of economic growth and sustainable development.

Addressing the meeting, UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili said: “Africa has everything to position itself as a global tourism leader. 60% of Africans are under the age of 25. And African cities are real hubs of innovation, with entrepreneurs and innovators finding new ways to manage how we travel. With a concerted approach we can expect international tourist arrivals to Africa to reach 135 million by 2030. Together, we can ensure that this is good news for everyone. More tourists mean more jobs, more schools and greater protection for cultural and natural heritage.”

The African delegates will remain in St Petersburg for the 23rd session of the UNWTO’s General Assembly, the most important high-level event for the global tourism sector. Held every two years, this General Assembly will focus on tourism’s role in the global Sustainable Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals, with a particular emphasis on the sector’s role in education, job creation and tackling climate change.


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Official visit of UNWTO Secretary-General to Zambia

Official visit of UNWTO Secretary-General to Zambia

PR No.: PR 19048

Madrid, Spain, 31 July 2019 - The UNWTO Secretary-General, Mr. Zurab Pololikashvili undertook an official visit to Zambia as a guest of the Government, July 22-24.

During the official visit, Mr. Pololikashvili met with President H.E Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu to express UNWTO’s support for the Zambian government’s policy direction. In particular, he welcomed the strategic framework for the promotion and development of Zambian tourism on the global stage, with education (training , capacity building), and innovation as the core priority areas.

The discussions also focused on the issues of visa facilitation, the promotion of investment, managing human-animal conflicts and on issues relating to climate change as they affect Africa and the wider world.

On the occasion of the official visit, Mr.Pololikashvili presented President Chagwa Lungu with a silver plate, honoring the strides that Zambia has made in the tourism sector.

The UNWTO Secretary-General also met with the newly appointed Minister of Tourism and Arts, the Hon. Mr. Ronald K. Chitotela, and reiterated his commitment to continue building on the relationship that his predecessor had established with the organization. Mr. Pololikashvili recognized the work of the former Minister of Tourism and Arts, Hon. Charles R. Banda, who also welcomed him to Zambia along with the incoming Minister.

The visit was also an opportunity for tour operators to meet with the Secretary General and discuss the challenges and opportunities facing tourism professionals in Zambia. The UNWTO delegation had the opportunity to experience a safari at the South Luangwa National Park which is considered one of Africa’s remaining ecologically un-spoilt wilderness areas.

In 2017, to mark the International year of Sustainable Tourism for Development South Luangwa became the first National Park in the world to be declared an "International Park for Sustainable Tourism Development". On this occasion, Mr.Pololikashvili visited two community schools (Mfuwe Day Secondary School and Uyoba Community School). Both of these schools are supported by local tourism operators, giving the local youth access to education, clean water and food.

Finally, over lunch with H.E Chief Kakumbi of the Mfuwe district, the key points emphasized by the Hon. Minister Chitotela were discussed further. These discussions largely focused on working with UNWTO to give a greater sense of ownership to the local people so that they can feel part of the sustainable tourism development, and to help support and defend the sector.

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U N I T E D   N A T I O N S                   N A T I O N S   U N I E S




18 July 2019

On this day, we pay tribute to an extraordinary global advocate for dignity and equality, and one of the most iconic and inspirational leaders of our time.  Nelson Mandela exemplified courage, compassion and commitment to freedom, peace and social justice.  He lived by these principles and was prepared to sacrifice his liberty and even his life for them. 

Nelson Mandela’s calls for social cohesion and an end to racism are particularly relevant today, with hate speech casting a growing shadow around the world.  As we work collectively for peace, stability, sustainable development and human rights for all, we would be well served to recall the example set by Nelson Mandela.  

Our best tribute is found in actions.  Nelson Mandela’s message to the world is clear.  Every one of us can step up and act for enduring change.  We all have the duty to do so.  On this day of reflection on Nelson Mandela’s life and work, let us embrace his legacy and aspire to emulate his example.





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Regional Congress on Women Empowerment in the Tourism Sector – Focus on Africa. 25- 27 November, 2019. Accra (Ghana)

Significant progress has been made throughout the years in advancing gender equality. However, women and girls are still likely to be marginalized in many economic sectors and face precarious employment. Sustainable Development Goal 5 (SDG 5) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development therefore aims to ‘achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls’.

Tourism is one of the key economic sectors with the potential to contribute to greater gender equality and the empowerment of women. This is especially important because tourism is one of the world’s fastest growing sectors which accounts, directly and indirectly, for 10 % of the world’s jobs and GDP.

To better capitalize on this momentum and focus on the topic of the empowerment of women and girls in Africa, a regional Congress will be held in Accra, Ghana from the  25 to 27 November 2019. Within the framework of the congress, UNWTO will use the opportunity to present the second edition of its Global Report on Women in Tourism which includes an update of the initial report done in 2010 and this version will feature a focus on the Africa region. 

The Leadership Taskforce, a forum for debating proposals and activities geared towards promoting female empowerment and leadership in the region, will be engaging its members to discuss the progress of the Women in Tourism Empowerment Programme (WiTEP). Furthermore, the UNWTO Secretariat is working on a second edition of the Global Report on Women in Tourism with the support of the German Development Agency (GIZ), UN Women and UNWTO. This edition will be presented during the conference.



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Niger Festival in Segou- Mali

The Agency of Tourism Promotion of Mali – “Mali Tourisme” and the Directory of the Niger Festival celebrated the 15th and 2nd edition respectively of the Niger Festival in Ségou (Festival sur le Niger à Segou) and the Ségou Art Fair (Ségou d’Art) from February 02-09, 2019 in Ségou. The Niger Festival is a cultural, touristic and artistic event which is held every year to celebrate music and contemporary African art. 

Rich in history and open to the world, Ségou, land of culture and capital of the Bambara kingdom, has become a hub of contemporary African art. Here, the festival allows artists, art lovers and professionals from Africa and beyond connect. This edition saw the participation of 112 young emerging talents and 40 experts from all over the world. The festival not only gave them exposure, but also offered a chance to reflect on the development of visual arts in Africa, and to create the optimal conditions for their development. During Ségou Art 2019, more than 40 exhibitions took place throughout the city of Ségou and attracted more than 15,000 people from Mali and the wider world.



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