UNWTO Regional Conference: Strengthening Brand Africa for the Swift Recovery of the Tourism Sector
Windhoek, Namibia 14-16 June 2021

Objectives of the Conference:
The programme of activities of the conference will include presentations, interactive discussion sessions as well as technical visits which will be organized by Namibia Tourism Board as the host of the event.
The main objectives of the conference are to:
- Leverage tourism as a cross-cutting sector with high impact on national and regional branding to enhance the image of African destinations as the building blocks of the overall image of Africa;
- Engage the public and the private sectors as well as local communities and the diaspora in promoting positive stories and experiences about Africa, developing synergies between countries to further strengthen the positioning of the continent
- Create and enhance destinations’ capacity and skills on brand development and management, marketing, including social media and storytelling, and effective communication
- Create compelling stories, enhance MSMEs capacity and competitiveness
- Understand the policy framework in place for SMEs to secure loans and facilitate access to capital and leverage business performance during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Bloom Consulting: Country Brand Ranking
- Digital Identity: Understanding the digital appeal and footprint of countries
- Shaping Brand Africa for the future
- Interbrand's experience and cases
- The importance of strategizing and branding for tourism SMEs in Africa: trends, opportunities and future prospects
The presentation delivered by Google in the framework of the Masterclass on Digital Marketing will be available upon request for participants who have registered and attended the event