
66th meeting of the UNWTO Commission for Europe (CEU)

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66th meeting of the UNWTO Commission for Europe
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The 66th Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for Europe will be held, under the kind auspices of the Government of Greece, in Athens from 2 to 4 June 2021.
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Mallorca, SPAIN

Mallorca Sustainable Tourism Observatory

Member since


Hosted by

Fundación Mallorca Turismo

Monitoring area

Mallorca, Spain

Fundación Mallorca Turismo is Mallorca’s DMO and part of the Mallorca Island Council, body in charge of tourism in Mallorca. The Sustainable Tourism Observatory will be a department within the Foundation, and its top-level stakeholders will be members of this Foundation’s board and will also participate in the Observatory’s governance. Second level stakeholders will be all other organisations and institutions that have supported the launch of the Observatory and that have also signed cooperation agreements with the Foundation in matters concerning the data-sharing model and how the archives and deliverables developed by the Observatory will be accessed (including the Open Data platform that the Observatory will create giving citizens and organisation free access when duly accredited). Finally, the Observatory will have two other external levels of cooperation. The first will include all local organisations, associations or individuals wanting to provide data, findings and/or knowledge and sustainable tourism bestpractices from the island of Mallorca. And the last circle will involve all those from outside of Mallorca, from anywhere in Spain, or even the rest of the world wishing to collaborate with the Mallorca Sustainable Tourism Observatory.



The mission of Mallorca Sustainable Tourism Observatory is to generate information to guide the decisions of the public and private sectors, providing intelligence throughout the tourism value chain in order to increase its competitiveness and productivity, while improving and ensuring its sustainability. The aim is to generate strategic knowledge by applying innovative research techniques to the changing environment and tourist demand that contribute to achieve the sustainability of the tourist destination of Mallorca.


The Mallorca Sustainable Tourism Observatory proposes to implement Mallorca’s Travel and Tourism and Sustainability System by using Big Data, Machine Learning and Business Intelligence to identify, capture, integrate, process and analyse the different data sources provided by the stakeholders and other organisations that work with the Observatory to generate and produce interactive dashboards and reports that will be used as resources to support Mallorca’s tourism industry’s stakeholders in their decision-making.


(in addition to UNWTO mandatory indicators)

Production and sustainable consumption
Biodiversity and the safeguarding of nature
Cultural heritage and traditions
Use and regional planning, tourism development supervision
Visitor satisfaction and behaviour
Safety and security and health
Sports tourism


Mallorca is the world’s number one destination for cycle tourism. Good weather everyday, every week, every month, and every year. Postcard landscapes bordering the sea, crossing through charming villages, meadows, the imposing Serra de Tramuntana mountain range and service. Anything one can imagine for cyclists. Mallorca also hosts different cycling competitions primarily during the low-season.

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Ambassadors to Spain Join Call for Collaborative Restart of Tourism

Ambassadors to Spain Join Call for Collaborative Restart of Tourism

Ambassadors to Spain from the region of Europe gathered today for a high-level meeting with the Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). The virtual meeting with Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili focused on the timely and responsible restart of tourism across the continent.

Ambassadors act as a bridge between the Secretariat of the United Nations specialized agency in Madrid and their home countries. Mr Pololikashvili – who himself served as Ambassador of Georgia to Spain before taking up the leadership of UNWTO – highlighted the important role that diplomats must play in coordinating efforts to lift restrictions on travel and to restore confidence in international tourism.

Strong diplomatic relations will help ensure safe and seamless travel for tourists, ensuring our sector and the many benefits it offers will return as soon as possible

High on the agenda was tourism’s potential for helping rural communities recover from the social and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, echoing the year-long focus of UNWTO on tourism for rural development, which was also the theme of World Tourism Day 2020. The Ambassadors were also informed of UNWTO’s leading role in guiding tourism’s restart, including through the planned creation of an International Code for the Protection of Tourists.

The meeting counted on the participation of representatives from 36 of UNWTO’s European Member States. In addition, three other European countries who are not UNWTO members joined the meeting, reflecting the cross-cutting relevance of tourism for overall economic recovery.

“Strong diplomatic relations will enable safe and seamless travel for tourists, ensuring our sector and the many benefits it offers will return as soon as possible”, said Mr Pololikashvili when stressing the importance of maintaining close relations with Member States.

A total 34 Heads of Diplomatic Missions took part in the virtual high-level meeting, with interventions from Austria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, and Uzbekistan.

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Canary Islands, SPAIN

Tourism Observatory of the Canary Islands

Member since


Hosted by

Ministry of Tourism, Industry and
Commerce of the Canary Islands

Monitoring area

Canary Islands, Spain

The management of the Tourism Observatory of the Canary Islands resides in the Vice Ministry of Tourism of the Canary Islands. There is an advisory board on which its four pillars are represented: Vice Ministry of Tourism of the Canary Islands, Promotur (Canary Islands Tourism Marketing), Institute of Statistics, and two public universities, the University of La Laguna and the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.



The Tourism Observatory of the Canary Islands is an instrument to support the monitoring and analysis of tourism, to improve the quality of decision-making processes in the tourism sector of the Canary Island Archipelago on its way to sustainable development.


The Tourism Observatory of the Canary Islands is guided by the Tourism Council of the Canary Islands, an existing body where the regional and island tourism administrations, the main municipalities along with representatives of private firms and organizations, design the main tourism guidelines for tourism policy. The observatory is structured in several work areas to promote its efficacy: strategy, economy and business, social affairs and environmental issues. This structure is flexible and dynamic to adapt to changes in the needs of the sector.


Local satisfaction with tourism and local well-being
Labor skills, entrepreneurship and employment
Destination innovation, economic impacts and benefits
Tourism seasonality
Tourism products, culture, leisure and tourist satisfaction
Digitalization, knowledge and smart tourism
Energy management
Water and wastewater management
Solid waste management
Climate change impacts and mitigation
Governance and the territorial scale of analysis and policies
Air transport connectivity and intermediation
Overtourism, vacation homes and mass tourism
Maturity of the destination and renovation
Natural capital supporting tourism, protected areas and fragile ecosystems
Universal accessibility and inclusivity


Almost half the territory of the Canary Islands (46.74%) corresponds to natural protected areas. The biodiversity of the islands is very rich sharing with the Portuguese island of Madeira the greatest concentration of endemism in Europe. The Canary Islands have more the 4,000 endemic species, which means approximately one endemism per two km2 of surface area. In total, there are more than 17,000 terrestrial and marine species, which place the archipelago among the 15 richest biodiversity regions on the planet. For this reason, the Canary Islands are internationally recognized as a hotspot of world biodiversity (Biodiversity Data Bank of the Canary Islands).

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UNWTO and Expedia Group to Share Data and Insights to Guide Tourism Recovery

UNWTO and Expedia Group to Share Data and Insights to Guide Tourism Recovery

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) will work alongside the Expedia Group to strengthen ties between the public and private sectors and drive tourism’s recovery from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The two parties signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that will see them collaborate on a range of topics, with the common goal of driving recovery and making the sector more resilient and sustainable.

UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili met with representatives of the Expedia Group in Brussels, on the back of successful talks with leaders of the European Institutions. Highlighting UNWTO’s commitment to strengthening ties with the private sector, this enhanced partnership will see the United Nations Specialized Agency work more closely with the Expedia Group. Joint actions will focus on market intelligence and innovation. UNWTO and Expedia will also work together to promote entrepreneurship and professional education, and in the field of consumer protection.

From the very start of this crisis, UNWTO has been a strong advocate of close cooperation between the public and private sectors

Secretary-General Pololikashvili said: “From the very start of this crisis, UNWTO has been a strong advocate of close cooperation between the public and private sectors. This enhanced partnership will help improve our knowledge of global tourism trends, allowing us to respond to new challenges and guide tourism’s recovery. It will also help us place innovation and sustainability at the heart of this recovery, ensuring tourism emerges stronger than before.”

The partnership with between UNWTO and Expedia Group will see both parties share data on tourism trends and developments, both at the global and the local scale. This will help inform decision-making, producing data-based policies aimed a tourism’s sustainable recovery and future development.

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Giorgio Armani and Gino Sorbillo Named New Special Ambassadors for  Tourism as UNWTO Leads Restart of Tourism in Italy

Giorgio Armani and Gino Sorbillo Named New Special Ambassadors for Tourism as UNWTO Leads Restart of Tourism in Italy

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has appointed two new Special Ambassadors as it leads the restart of the sector across Europe. On the occasion of a visit of the Secretary-General to Italy, the first official delegation to travel since the closure of borders in response to COVID-19, UNWTO has named renowned fashion designer Giorgio Armani and celebrated chef Gino Sorbillo its latest Special Ambassadors for Tourism.

In their new roles, both Special Ambassadors will draw on their status and influence promote the work of the United Nations specialized agency for responsible and sustainable tourism. As leaders in gastronomy and fashion, they represent two of Italy’s biggest economic sectors and two of the industries that contribute to making the country a global tourism leader. Since launching his own company in 1975, Giorgio Armani has become synonymous with Italian style. As a chef, Gino Sorbillo celebrates traditional Nepalese pizza and has opened award-winning restaurants around the world. 

UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili said: “Italy is one of the world’s most famous tourist destinations. Each year, millions of people visit to enjoy its culture, its fashion and its gastronomy. In return, tourism supports livelihoods and local and regional economies and helps preserve this Italian culture. As UNWTO Special Ambassador for Tourism, Giorgio Armani can help amplify UNWTO’s key messages of the power of tourism to create opportunities and drive growth. As UNWTO Special Ambassador for Gastronomy Tourism, Gino Sorbillo will showcase the unique ability of gastronomy to preserve and promote heritage and give tourists a unique taste of the destinations they visit.”

Upon receiving the plaque, Mr Armani said: ‘I am genuinely pleased to have been honoured in this way by an organisation that believes that people should be encouraged to see the beauty of the globe in a respectful and responsible manner. It has been a sense of responsibility for our community that has helped my country through this terrible pandemic, and this too is what has driven me to play my small part in helping those engaged in the fight against the virus, and the fight against the economic challenges it has posed. A belief in community – the global community – and an appreciation of the humanity we all share are what will help us build a better future for ourselves and the generations to come, through being mindful of the important things in life, like the preciousness of the environment and our duty to protect it. It is therefore an honour to take up the role of Special Ambassador for Tourism.’

The appointments also strengthen UNWTO’s strong relationship with Italy, the first Member State to receive a visit from the organization’s leadership since destinations around the world introduced restrictions on travel in response to the pandemic. The UNWTO delegation led by the Secretary-General will visit Rome, Italy, Milan and Venice and work with both the national and city authorities to support tourism’s restart and ensure this goes hand-in-hand with wider economic and social recovery.

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UNWTO and Italy Look Ahead as Official Visit Marks Restart of European Tourism

UNWTO and Italy Look Ahead as Official Visit Marks Restart of European Tourism

The leadership of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) is on its first official visit to a Member State since restrictions on travel were introduced in response to COVID-19. The four-day trip to Italy (1-5 July) comes as the United Nations specialized agency for tourism guides the sector’s restart and destinations across the Schengen Zone open their borders to tourists once again.

Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, UNWTO has led tourism’s response through a series of high-level virtual meetings, uniting the sector, advocating for political and economic support and working with Member States to mitigate the impact of the pandemic and lay the foundations for recovery. Now, as borders in some parts of the world are carefully re-opening back to tourism, UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili is meeting face-to-face with political and tourism leaders to change gears. The official visit to Italy marks the start of this shift, comprising a series of high-level meetings in Rome, Milan and Venice.

Italy “world tourism leader”

Secretary-General Pololikashvili said: “Italy is a world tourism leader, a strong ally of UNWTO and committed to making tourism a pillar of sustainable economic development. We must build on the determination and solidarity that characterized our joint response to the crisis to grow back stronger and better with sustainability and innovation among our most important guiding principles.”

We must build on the determination and solidarity that characterized our joint response to the crisis to grow back stronger and better with sustainability and innovation among our most important guiding principles

In Rome, Mr Pololikashvili held meetings at the highest levels of government. To further strengthen the bilateral collaboration on the road ahead to reactivate tourism and its economic and social benefits, was the connecting thread of the meetings held with Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, Ministers of Culture, Cultural Heritage and Tourism, Dario Franceschini and of Foreign Affairs Luigi Di Maio, and the city’s Mayor Virginia Elena Raggi. The UNWTO delegation also met with Cardinal Parolin of the Vatican City, building on last year’s audience with Pope Francis.  

In Milan, the Secretary-General met with Mayor Guiseppe Sala –  advancing the 2nd UNWTO Sports Tourism Start-Up Competition as the city prepares for the 2026 Winter Olympics - and with the President Attilio Fontana of the Lombardy region.

In addition to learning of Italy’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the official visit also offered the opportunity to look to the future and further UNWTO’s priorities of making tourism more sustainable, resilient and innovative. On the opening day of the trip, Rome Fiumicino Airport was presented with a special plaque as UNWTO recognized its commitment to sustainability. Furthermore, all three cities were formally invited to become part of the UNWTO League of Cities for Sustainable Tourism Initiative.

New Special Ambassadors for Responsible Tourism Appointed

The official visit also presented the opportunity for UNWTO to highlight the role gastronomy and fashion, two of Italy’s most celebrated industries, can play in growing tourism and making the sector more diverse and relevant. In recognition of their work, acclaimed chef Gino Sorbillo and fashion designer Giorgio Armani were appointed UNWTO Special Ambassadors for Responsible Tourism. In their new roles, they will use their status and influence to promote UNWTO’s work in guiding tourism in these challenging times and highlight the sector’s important role as an economic driver, leading employer and promoter of unique cultural heritage.

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UNWTO Joins President Sánchez to Plan Restart of Spain’s Tourism Sector

UNWTO Joins President Sánchez to Plan Restart of Spain’s Tourism Sector

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has welcomed Spain’s readiness to lead the way in restarting tourism. The head of the United Nations specialized agency attended a meeting with Spanish President Pedro Sánchez in Madrid today to learn about his government’s work to ease restrictions on travel introduced as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili was invited to speak during the presentation of the restart plan as Spain looks to harness the power of the tourism sector to drive wider economic recovery.

As well as being one of the world’s leading tourism destinations, Spain is also the host country of UNWTO and one of its firmest allies in the mission to make the sector a cornerstone of national and international sustainable development. COVID-19 hit Spain hard, bringing tourism to a near-standstill. Now, under President Sánchez’s leadership, the government is working to restart tourism, providing a lifeline for the millions of people across Spain who depend on the sector for their livelihoods. The government has announced will soon open its borders to tourists from within the European Union. At the same time, the Spanish government has announced a support package worth 4.2 billion Euros for tourism, a sector that supports millions of jobs across the country.  

Secretary-General Pololikashvili said: “By restarting tourism, and doing so in a responsible manner that protects the most vulnerable while safeguarding jobs and economic growth, Spain can send a strong signal to the rest of the world. The country has long been a global tourism leader, and I thank President Sánchez for again stepping up and setting an example for other countries to follow.”

UNWTO and Spain closely aligned

By restarting tourism, and doing so in a responsible manner that protects the most vulnerable while safeguarding jobs and economic growth, Spain can send a strong signal to the rest of the world

Throughout the crisis, UNWTO has been working closely with President Sánchez and his government, as well as with leaders from the city and region of Madrid, to help mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on tourism, safeguard jobs and lay the foundations for recovery. Spain was a key member of the Global Tourism Crisis Committee, made up of government representatives, UN agencies and private sector leaders, and in this capacity helped craft UNWTO’s Recommendations for Recovery.

Secretary-General Pololikashvili has held meetings with Tourism Minister Reyes Maroto, as well as with Spain’s Exterior Minister Arancha González, the Secretary of State for Global Spain Manuel Muñiz, and the Minister of Transport José Luis Ábalos. He has also met with Presidenta Ayuso of Comunidad de Madrid, and with the city’s Mayor José Luis Martínez-Almeida.

This cooperation builds on the already-strong relationship between UNWTO and Spain. Earlier this year, King Felipe VI of Spain expressed his support for UNWTO’s work and its ambitions for tourism as a driver of sustainable growth, while President Sánchez has signalled his intention to provide the Organization with a new headquarters that reflects tourism’s growing importance in the global agenda.

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The future of consumer rights protection in tourism post Covid-19: The road to international standards
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The road to international standards
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