
Quo Vadis Tourism: Agenda 2030 and SDGs in times of Covid-19: the chance to true recovery

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Quo Vadis Tourism: Agenda 2030 and SDGs in times of Covid-19
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Agenda 2030 and SDGs in times of Covid-19
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UNWTO World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism Postponed Until 2021

6th Edition of UNWTO World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism Postponed Until 2021

In light of the impact of COVID-19, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the Basque Culinary Center (BCC) and the Government of Flanders have announced that the 6th UNWTO World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism, scheduled to take place 1-3 June in Bruges, Belgium, will now be held in June 2021 (date to be announced).

The Forum has been co-organized by UNWTO and the Basque Culinary Center since 2015 with the aim of bringing together experts from across tourism and gastronomy to identify good practices and promote gastronomy tourism as a contributor to sustainable development. The Basque Culinary Center in Donostia/San Sebastian, Spain hosts it every two years. The city of Bruges in Flanders, one of Europe’s gastronomic centers, will remain the host destination for 2021.

The Forum’s organizers invite all partners and participants to continue their engagement with this event and look forward to welcoming them to Bruges in 2021. The event will represent a unique opportunity to share experiences of facing up these challenging times and place the two sectors at the center of plans for recovery.

Meanwhile, UNWTO and BCC Start-up Competition on Gastronomy Tourism is still open to all innovative ideas until 30 May.

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Message from Madrid: Tourism and COVID-19

Message from Madrid: Tourism and COVID-19

Dear Friends,

We remain united in facing an unprecedented challenge. The COVID-19 virus does not discriminate.

It knows no borders and, as we have seen over recent days, nobody is immune.

We are all, therefore, grateful to all those who cannot stay safe at home right now:

To the healthcare workers on the frontline in the fight against the virus, and to everyone working to keep vital supply chains moving, thank you.

The situation is also constantly evolving: Predictions, statements of hope, as well as statements of fear quickly become irrelevant.

This is particularly true for tourism. Ours has been the sector hardest hit by this crisis. And we cannot yet say how bad the full impact will be.

But tourism will return. And we must make sure that, as the sector grows again, the benefits are felt throughout society, especially where they are needed the most.

Two weeks ago, we formed the Global Tourism Crisis Committee. This enjoys high-level support from across the sector. It also includes UN agencies among its members. I am pleased to say we are collaborating to minimise the impact this crisis has on lives and livelihoods.

We are also looking to the future, united and determined.

Today, we released our Recommendations for Recovery. We shared these among our Members, throughout the tourism sector, and the wider public.

I trust that these Recommendations will help guide tourism in the challenging weeks and months ahead. We call on governments to include them in their action plans. This way, tourism can help lead recovery, just as it has done many times before.

Thank you.

Zurab Pololikashvili

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65th Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for Europe (CEU)

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65th Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for Europe (CEU)
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Virtual Meeting - 25 June 2020 - 10:00 to 13:00 (Madrid time)
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UNWTO Affiliate Members Corner: Leading the Decade of Public Private Partnership for Sustainable Tourism

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UNWTO Affiliate Members Corner: Leading the Decade of Public Private Partnership for Sustainable Tourism
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Thursday, 5 March 10:30 – 13:00 CityCube Berlin – Conference Room M1, 3rd Floor – ITB Berlin
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ffiliate Members Corner: Leading the Decade of Public Private Partnership for Sustainable Tourism
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UNWTO Addresses European Parliament

UNWTO Places Tourism in the European Parliament

The Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) today addressed the European Parliament in the context of several high-level meetings aimed at placing tourism high on European Union’s agenda. Europe is the world’s most visited regions and home to international tourism leaders such as France, Spain or Italy, as well as leading outbound markets, like Germany.

To mark the start of the new mandate of the European Commission, Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili was in Brussels for a series of high-level meetings. In a notable first, the head of the United Nations specialized agency for tourism met with Elisa Ferreira, the new European Commissioner responsible for Cohesion and Reforms.

Jobs, climate and rural development on the agenda

The talks focused on making tourism a more central part of the European Union agenda, with a particular focus on the sector’s potential to contribute to the creation of more and better jobs and to achieving the ambitious climate goals set out in the new European Green Deal. At the same time, as UNWTO celebrates its Year of Tourism and Rural Development, the role the sector can play in regenerating and driving sustainable growth in rural communities across Europe was also highlighted.

As we face up to the biggest challenge of our lifetimes in the climate emergency, we must make sure tourism’s potential to contribute to the European Green Deal is fully realized

Addressing the Committee’s members, Mr. Pololikashvili said: “The new European Commission has rightly put sustainability and the implementation of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals at the heart of its strategy for the future. We now have an opportunity to place tourism front and centre in the debate over what kind of Europe we want to build now and for future generations. Above all, as we face up to the biggest challenge of our lifetimes in the climate emergency, we must make sure tourism’s potential to contribute to the European Green Deal is fully realized.”

UNWTO offers strong support to China and tourism

Secretary-General Pololikashvili also used the opportunity of addressing the Committee and Transport and Tourism to reaffirm UNWTO’s support for the people of China and the global tourism sector as it deals with the effects of the current outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19). He stressed tourism’s proven ability to help drive recovery from setbacks including health emergencies, and reaffirming UNWTO’s close collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) and Chinese authorities.

In Brussels, Mr. Pololikashvili was accompanied by three Secretary of States for Tourism, representing Spain, Portugal and, coinciding with their current Presidency of the European Union, from Croatia. Additionally, the UNWTO delegation also met with Minister of Tourism and Environment of Albania.

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Greece Welcomes UNWTO Support for Sustainable Tourism Growth

Greece Welcomes UNWTO Support for Sustainable Tourism Growth

The Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) paid a high-level visit to Greece to meet with the Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism and offer the United Nations’ specialized agency’s support as the country works to grow and diversify its tourism sector.

Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili was in Athens for high-level talks with political leaders, as well as high-level representatives from across the private sector. The discussions focused on the key issues of harnessing tourism as a driver of education and opportunities for all, encouraging entrepreneurship and promoting tourism investment.

Working with UNWTO gives Greece the chance to learn from the lessons of other countries, share positive experiences and build useful partnerships in the areas of education, innovation and sustainable development

Mr Pololiksahvili said: “Greece is one of the world’s true tourism leaders. They also chair the UNWTO Regional Commission for Europe, highlighting the country’s commitment to international cooperation and to sustainable and responsible tourism." Looking forward to returning to Greece in the very near future, he added: “I am delighted to be further strengthening our partnership and look forward to working more closely with Greece to make sure as many people as possible, including rural and coastal communities, are able to enjoy the many benefits tourism can bring.”

Greece Committed to Working with UNWTO

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis welcomed UNWTO’s visit and support of the national tourism sector and showed a sincere interest for prospects of the cooperation with the Greek tourism sector. At the same time, Minister of Tourism for Greece Harry Theocharis expressed his thanks to the UNWTO for the official visit and welcomed its readiness to work alongside Greece in promoting year-round tourism and digital transformation.

He added: “Working with UNWTO gives Greece the chance to learn from the lessons of other countries, share positive experiences and build useful partnerships in the areas of education, innovation and sustainable development.”

European context

UNWTO welcomed Greece’s commitment to sustainable tourism development, making the case for tourism as pillar of stability in uncertain times.

The visit of UNWTO to Greece comes as UNWTO assumes leadership of the global tourism sector’s response to the climate challenge. Later this week, Secretary-General Pololikashvili will address the European Parliament's Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN). The intervention in Brussels will be made against the backdrop of the first meeting of the Tourism Task Force, with its Members to discuss the place of tourism in the European Green Deal, including both the opportunities and challenges.

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