UNWTO ‘Jobs Factory’, Powered by Hosco, Launched to Kickstart Tourism Jobs Recovery

UNWTO ‘Jobs Factory’, Powered by Hosco, Launched to Kickstart Tourism Jobs Recovery

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has launched the Jobs Factory, powered by Hosco, the global hospitality network. This innovative platform is designed to connect talent with employers across the sector, being the perfect solution for hospitality recruitment.

The Jobs Factory harnesses Hosco’s power of machine learning, algorithms, and deep learning to match candidates with suitable positions, both locally and internationally. Job-seekers are able to create a profile, search for positions that match their experience and skills, and set up job alerts to be informed of the latest opportunities. The platform also helps tourism businesses and organizations to find and recruit the best talent.

All of UNWTO’s 159 Member States will be invited to use the Jobs Factory as their national tourism recruitment platform as will its more than 500 Affiliate Members, ranging from businesses to universities and think tanks. Additionally, through the Jobs of the Future Observatory, Member States can also monitor current and future skills development to analyse trends. This will allow them to forecast and identify gaps and mismatches and make data-driven decisions.

The Jobs Factory will be a great help to the millions of people who depend on tourism. It connects employers with the very best talent our sector has to offer

UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili says: “The pandemic has hit global tourism hard. Up to 120 million jobs are at risk. However, tourism has a long history of adapting and embracing innovation. The Jobs Factory will be a great help to the millions of people who depend on tourism. It connects employers with the very best talent our sector has to offer. And it will help our Member States make important decisions based on the latest, trusted data.”

Olivier Bracard, Hosco’s CEO, added: “Hospitality is all about people, and since March 2020, its workforce has been terribly affected, thus the industry as a whole. Hosco’s purpose of making hospitality an exciting journey for talent has never been so challenging yet so crucial, and we’re thrilled to be joining forces with UNWTO to expand the impact of our technology and expertise to its Member States. We’re confident that UNWTO’s Jobs Factory, powered by Hosco, will become a critical asset for governments, employers, and hospitality professionals as we embrace recovery.”

For more information please visit the UNWTO Jobs Factory.

About Hosco

Hosco is a professional network specially designed for the hospitality industry. It was born in 2011 with one clear vision: to empower the industry by uniting all of its professionals, educational centres, and employers in one global network to connect, find or provide job opportunities, access tailored content, and career advice. The platform currently connects 1.5+ million hospitality students and professionals and 400+ schools with 7,500+ world-class companies worldwide.


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UN Tourism News #26 | 10 JUN 2021

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31 October - 2 November 2021: New Dates Announced for World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism

31 October - 2 November 2021: New Dates Announced for World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Basque Culinary Center (BCC), VISITFLANDERS and the city of Bruges have announced new dates for the 6th UNWTO World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism.

Held under the theme ‘Gastronomy Tourism: Promoting Rural Tourism and Regional Development’, the Forum will take place 31 October - 2 November 2021 in Bruges, Belgium.

The event will focus on the contribution of gastronomy tourism to social and economic integration. It will also highlight its untapped potential for job creation, regional cohesion and sustainable growth. Building on UNWTO’s work on advancing innovation across the tourism sector, the Forum also represents a unique opportunity for experts from across the growing field of gastronomy tourism to share new ideas and best practices and place the two sectors at the center of plans for recovery.

Gastronomy continues to prove its ability to help destinations diversify and to stimulate economic development in destinations all around the world

In order to welcome and connect participants from around the world, the Forum will be held in a hybrid format. This way, delegates meeting in the Concertgebouw of Bruges will be joined virtually by participants from every global region via a special online platform.

UNWTO Secretary-General, Zurab Pololikashvili says: “There is no better time than now to re-shape the future for food and tourism. Gastronomy continues to prove its ability to help destinations diversify and to stimulate economic development in destinations all around the world. This is especially true for rural communities where it can help preserve the identity and authenticity of local traditions.”

Joxe Mari Aizega, Director of the Basque Culinary Center, remarked that “We are currently in a particularly challenging and unique time, and rural communities, innovation and creativity will be key to transition successfully towards a new scenario. That is the reason why it is necessary to increase the contribution of the entire value chain of gastronomy for the future, generating a suitable institutional framework through specific policies. This kind of forums are essential to encourage projects that generate and develop sustainable gastronomic initiatives that transform and have a positive impact on the sector”.

Flemish Minister of Tourism, Zuhal Demir says: “We are very much looking forward to welcome participants, both live and online, to explore culinary Bruges during the Forum in November. This is a great opportunity for destinations to exchange experiences facing challenging times and putting gastronomy and tourism at the centre of recovery plans. Flanders, as one of Europe’s gastronomic hubs, is ready to lead the way for a sustainable future of gastronomy tourism.”

The Forum has been co-organized by UNWTO and the BCC since 2015 with the aim of promoting the exchange of experiences between experts in tourism and gastronomy, identify good practices and promote gastronomy tourism as a driver of sustainable development.

About BCC

Basque Culinary Center represents a unique ecosystem where training, innovation, research and entrepreneurship coexist with the aim of developing and propelling gastronomy, which is understood as reasoned knowledge about what and how we eat.

Its mission is rooted in values such as passion, innovation, excellence and social commitment. Located in San Sebastian since September 2011, Basque Culinary Center is a pioneer institution conformed by the Faculty of Gastronomic Sciences, and the Centre for Research and Innovation in the field of gastronomy. 

In 2021 Basque Culinary Center celebrates its 10th anniversary. Since its origin, the institution has developed its 360º vision of Gastronomy through different initiatives and projects. This year, we celebrate our achievements and the challenges to come, always rooted in our values: passion, orientation towards excellence, innovation and social commitment.

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AM NEWS | FITUR 2021 Highlights

AM NEWS | FITUR 2021 Highlights

Dear Affiliate Members,

I am pleased to share with you this special edition of our AM News bulletin, highlighting the main activities organized by our department at FITUR.

This edition of the fair was very unique, given the current circumstances and the challenges that our sector is facing. However, the tourism sector demonstrated more than once its resilience and capacity to recover from adverse situations, and FITUR sent an unequivocal message that we are ready to do it again by restarting our normal activities such as the organization of these big in-person events.

Our main goal is to strengthen our relationships with our Affiliate Members and we work to offer you opportunities for networking and platforms to increase the visibility of your activities, to respond to your expectations and needs.

Furthermore, as you know our department organized several events and provided spaces to the Affiliate Members to showcase their projects and initiatives, such as the Expert Meeting on Accessible Tourism and the AM Corner. I am very proud of the outcomes, the level of participation and the support we received from many of you, despite the challenging context.

We have met at FITUR 2021 in a very difficult context for our sector, but we are looking to the future with hope and optimism. It is important and timely to highlight that tourism is a very cross-cutting sector and that it has repeatedly demonstrated its amazing capacity for rapid recovery after difficult times, as has been seen in the last crisis in 2008 -2009.

I am convinced that this edition of FITUR represents the turning point for our sector, as it showed to all of us that we have the capabilities to restart our normal activities. I would like to reiterate that from the Affiliate Members Department we will continue working to support you in your efforts towards the recovery and you can always count on us.

From the UNWTO and especially from Affiliate Members Department, I would like to express you all our congratulations for the great work you are carrying out and for the commitment to modernizing and adapting tourism sector to the new challenges.

We will continue to focus on all the other projects that we included in the Programme of Work 2021 and in the organization of all the events that we are planning for this year.

As always, I am at your disposal and look forward to hearing any comments you might have.

Yours sincerely,
Ion Vilcu

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Mallorca Joins UNWTO’s Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories

Mallorca Joins UNWTO’s Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has welcomed Mallorca’s Sustainable Tourism Observatory into its International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories (INSTO).

Mallorca, one of Europe’s top destinations for more than 70 years, welcoming millions of visitors every year, becomes the latest member of UNWTO’s global INSTO network. The Mallorca Sustainable Tourism Observatory (STO) is a key new element of the island’s strategy to preserve the destination and assess how the sector affects the natural environment, economy, and residents.

The Observatory will systematically monitor the environmental, social and economic impact of tourism and so facilitate evidence-based decision making. Key objectives for the island’s tourism sector include promoting a circular economy within hospitality, reducing the overall carbon footprint, and promoting local gastronomy to enhance Mallorca’s reputation and increases its appeal.

As a mature destination, the Observatory’s work will generate more and better evidence of the economic, environmental and social impacts that tourism has on the destination

Commenting, UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili said: “We warmly welcome the Mallorca Sustainable Tourism Observatory into our global network of observatories. As a mature destination, the Observatory’s work will generate more and better evidence of the economic, environmental and social impacts that tourism has on the destination. This will further facilitate the decision-making process and ensure that tourism can continue to be a tool for sustainable development.”

Catalina Cladera Crespí, President of the Consell de Mallorca said “The Mallorca Sustainable Tourism Observatory will play a fundamental role in monitoring and dealing with issues like job creation and sustainable production and consumption, public health and safety and security, human rights, quality education and inequalities. Being part of UNWTO’s global network of observatories will help Mallorca become a more dynamic, attractive and sustainable destination.”

The Mallorca Sustainable Tourism Observatory is managed by the Fundación Mallorca Turismo, part of Mallorca´s Island Council and is supported by the local and national Spanish public and private sector. This is the third Observatory in Spain, following on from the inclusion of the Navarre and Canary Islands Tourism Observatory into INSTO, and brings the worldwide total to 31.


The UNWTO International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories (INSTO) was created in 2004 with the main objectives of supporting the continuous improvement of sustainability and resilience in the tourism sector through systematic, timely and regular monitoring of tourism performance and to connect dedicated destinations, helping them to exchange and improve knowledge and understanding about destination-wide resource use and the responsible management of tourism.

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Tourism Stakeholders Invited to Share Progress on Climate Action

Tourism Stakeholders Invited to Share Progress on Climate Action

UNWTO is inviting public and private stakeholders from around the world to take part in a Global Survey of Climate Action in Tourism and help identify frontrunning initiatives and opportunities to accelerate climate action in tourism.

Launched on World Environment Day, the survey aims to support the ongoing efforts of the sector to reduce its environmental impacts and carbon emissions, as well as to strengthen its capacity to adapt to a changing climate.

In May, the Tourism Ministers of the G20 nations stressed the need to rethink tourism and shape a more resilient, sustainable and inclusive sector. They also committed to take action and to promote such a green transformation.  The UNWTO  Recommendations for the Transition to a Green Travel and Tourism Economy, welcomed by the G20 Tourism Ministers, highlighted the need to transform tourism operations for climate action. Otherwise, emissions from global tourism could rise by at least 25% by 2030, as estimated in the latest research carried out by UNWTO and ITF.

The green transformation of the sector is needed, not just for the planet, but also for tourism itself, boosting competitiveness and increasing resilience

UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili says: “The pandemic and its impact on tourism, jobs and revenues, offers an unprecedented reminder of the need to rebalance our relationship with people, planet and prosperity. The green transformation of the sector is needed, not just for the planet, but also for tourism itself, boosting competitiveness and increasing resilience.”

The Global Survey is part of the preparations for the UN Climate Change Conference COP26 and the results will be presented in November 2021 in Glasgow. It has been developed within the framework of the One Planet Sustainable Tourism Programme.

The survey is open until 15 July 2021 and destinations, businesses and tourism associations are all invited to take part. Please find more information on the survey here

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UNWTO and Greece to Collaborate on Maritime Tourism Research Centre

UNWTO and Greece to Collaborate on Maritime Tourism Research Centre

UNWTO is to collaborate with the Greek Ministry of Tourism in establishing a first research station dedicated to measuring the sustainable development of coastal and maritime tourism across the Mediterranean.

The new monitoring centre will be based at the University of the Aegean in Greece. From here, experts will capture and collate measurement data and analysis relating to the environmental, economic, and social impact of tourism.

UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili said: “Coastal and Maritime tourism is one of the most important economic drivers within the Mediterranean basin. This new research centre can provide key data to guide the restart and future development of the sector, ensuring it fulfils its potential to provide opportunity for coastal communities and to protect and celebrate natural and cultural heritage.”

Coastal and Maritime tourism is one of the most important economic drivers within the Mediterranean basin

The United Nations specialized agency and the Ministry of Tourism confirmed their collaboration on the initiative during the UNWTO High-Level Conference on Coastal and Maritime Tourism, held in Athens and co-hosted by Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) and Celebrity Cruises.

The Tourism Minister of Greece Harry Theoharis said: “I express my immense gratitude for UNWTO’s support in this endeavour. The Research Center will soon become a reference point for the study and protection of our coasts and seas.”

Pierfrancesco Vago, Global Chairman of CLIA and Executive Chairman of MSC Cruises added: “CLIA is pleased to support the UNWTO research and monitoring centre on sustainability and coastal maritime tourism in the Mediterranean. As part of the cruise industry’s commitment to responsible travel, we are pursuing carbon neutral cruising in Europe by 2050, and we work closely with cruise destinations and coastal communities to support economic growth in a sustainable manner.

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