Transforming Tourism by Measuring its Sustainability

Transforming Tourism by Measuring its Sustainability

One hundred experts from around the world gathered at UNWTO Headquarters to develop the next standard for Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism (MST).

The global MST effort responds to the urgent need for guidance to produce more credible and comparable data on the role of tourism for people, planet and prosperity. The data framework will empower policy makers and the private sector to shape innovative policies and transform business models.

Governments, businesses and consumers require transparent and reliable metrics. These need to be produced in a harmonized way to benchmark performance, communicate progress, streamline policy, and ensure that action on the ground is aligned with broader policy ambitions. Launched in 2016 by UNWTO in partnership with leading countries, the International Labour Organization and the United Nations Statistics Division, Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism embodies tourism’s response to move Beyond GDP.

At its 3rd meeting the Expert Group - composed of Ministries, Statistical Institutes, subnational authorities, academia and private sector - adopted an ambitious roadmap to step up efforts towards the finalization of the Statistical Framework for Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism, and its endorsement as the new measurement standard for the sector. Record participation, with representatives from 28 countries (including 6 non UNWTO Member States), shows that MST is more crucial than ever.

MST Pilots

A Symposium on Country Experiences, held back-to-back with the Expert Group meeting, showcased pioneering work by countries and subnational destinations. On this occasion, UNWTO also launched the publication Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism: Lessons from pilots. MST pilots demonstrate that it is possible to measure in a comparable way the different of elements that comprise tourism’s sustainability - from environmental, to social to economic aspects - with a single integrated framework.

ESG Reporting

In collaboration with the Oxford University SDG Impact Lab, and under the umbrella of MST, UNWTO launched the development of a framework for Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting for tourism businesses.

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UNWTO Gastronomy Tourism Forum Highlights Talent Development and Waste Reduction

UNWTO Gastronomy Tourism Forum Highlights Talent Development and Waste Reduction

‘Gastronomy Tourism for People and Planet: Innovate, Empower and Preserve’ was the theme as national and international experts met in Nara for the 7th UNWTO Forum on Gastronomy Tourism.

Organized by UNWTO and the Basque Culinary Center (BCC), the Forum provides a platform to advance the contribution of gastronomy tourism to empower women and youth, and to support sustainability. This edition counted on the participation of more than 450 delegates from 30 countries alongside over 1,000 online participants from 125 countries over the two days of the event.

Opening the Forum, UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili said: “This year’s Forum represents a unique opportunity for experts to share their best practices and enhance the role of Gastronomy Tourism in talent, sustainability, innovation, and social inclusion, and highlight its importance for regional and rural development.”

Joxe Mari Aizega, General Manager of the Basque Culinary Center, added: “Gastronomy faces many challenges, but we also have many opportunities. It is a diverse and wide sector, a value chain that includes production, hospitality, tourism, and restaurants. It also integrates cultural, social, and economic dimensions. This forum addressed the complexity of the gastronomy tourism sector, and it also reflected its enormous potential.”

This year’s Forum represents a unique opportunity for experts to share their best practices and enhance the role of Gastronomy Tourism in talent, sustainability, innovation, and social inclusion, and highlight its importance for regional and rural development

The Governor of the Nara Prefecture Shogo Arai said: "I believe that what we discussed here is very important for sustainable development of global and regional societies. I am inspired by the exchanges of new ideas and insights that the Forum provided."

Tourism for youth and gender empowerment

To ensure that gastronomy tourism can serve as a leverage to promote women and youth empowerment, participants highlighted the need for providing better working conditions and engagement to attract and retain talent. Alongside this, the Forum also focused on the best ways of designing gastronomy tourism strategies and practices that ensure the sustainable use of resources, the promotion of local products and know-how, and on responsible consumption. 

Special emphasis was placed on the need to reduce food waste as a means to support a more sustainable global food system. On this occasion, UNWTO launched the public consultation for the Global Roadmap on Food Waste Reduction in Tourism, developed within the framework of the One Planet Sustainable Tourism Programme, to enable consistent action and enhance circularity.

Businesses commit to ethical tourism

Nara was also the host of the 3rd UNWTO Global Gastronomy Startup Competition organized by UNWTO and BCC. Here, six talented entrepreneurs shared solutions for the challenges posed by the Sustainable Development Goals. Byfood from Japan was selected as the winner of a competition that also saw Local Food (Bulgaria), 2492IOneArmenia (Armenia), Tenemos Filo (Colombia), Beyondnext (Republic of Korea) and Soplaya (Italy) shared their innovative proposals.

In this framework, nine companies from Japan signed the Private Sector Commitment to the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism in presence of the UNWTO Secretary-General, the Vice-Commissioner of the Japan Tourism Agency, the Chief of the UNWTO Regional Support Office for Asia and the Pacific and the Governor of Nara Prefectural Government. 

The 2023 Forum will take place in Donostia-San Sebastian, in the Basque Country, Spain.  The farewell dinner offered by Basquetour and the Department of Tourism, Trade, and Consumer Affairs of the Basque Government brought Basque gastronomy to Nara by the hands of the Basque chefs Diego Guerrero (board member of Basque Culinary Center and DSTAgE Concept restaurant), Álvaro Garrido (Mina restaurant), and Gorka Txapartegi (Alameda Restaurant).

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The World Travel & Tourism Council Announce Collaboration with UNWTO and Sustainable Hospitality Alliance at COP15

The World Travel & Tourism Council Announce Collaboration with UNWTO and Sustainable Hospitality Alliance at COP15

Travel & Tourism sector commits to vision to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030

During COP15 in Montreal today, the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) and the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance (the Alliance) announced a new collaboration which will bring together the public and private sectors in a shared vision to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030.

The vision sees the global Travel & Tourism sector supporting and inspiring governments, businesses, and society to implement the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework and help to transform our relationship with the natural world.

Signatories to the vision have committed to adopt a nature positive approach to tourism through integrating biodiversity safeguards by reducing carbon emissions, the impact of pollution, the unsustainable use of resources, and by protecting and restoring nature and its wildlife.

New governance and business models, enhanced capacity to monitor positive change and scaling up green jobs are all part of the solution as we move ahead together

This collaboration follows the release of WTTC’s ‘Nature Positive Travel & Tourism’ report, which was created jointly with ANIMONDIAL, and focuses on halting and reversing damage to nature so the living world can recover from its current depleted state. This involves minimising ongoing harm and taking positive action to restore nature to produce an overall benefit to biodiversity and help achieve Net Zero.

Almost 150 organisations have signed up to the vision so far including international hotel groups, tour operators, travel agents, destinations, and international wildlife charities.

Complementing the power of the private sector, UNWTO, as the voice of tourism at the global governance level, will work to bring governments and international organisations on board and announce the shared vision of tourism as a pillar of wildlife conservation and habitat protection.

Progress will also be guided by UNWTO’s trusted data and analysis, including groundbreaking Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism (MST) initiative and its growing International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories (INSTO).

The vison forecasts a future where governments implement policies that integrate biodiversity safeguards throughout their operations and the supply chain. The vision will also enable the sector to take action to avoid or minimise negative impacts on nature and play a proactive role in the protection and restoration of biodiversity.

Integral to this will be an enhanced recognition of the importance of clean oceans for sector, with around 40% of the global ‘Blue Economy’ related to tourism, according to UNWTO data.

Julia Simpson, WTTC President & CEO, said: “Travel and nature are intrinsically linked. Millions of people travel to explore nature and feel a connection they cannot get through computer screens. Whether it is hiking to see the mountain gorillas in Rwanda or snorkelling at the Red Sea, people want to see the world’s most amazing wildlife first hand. It restores the human soul.

“Wildlife tourism creates over $340BN USD each year and supports more than 21 million jobs around the world. Today’s collaboration between WTTC, UNWTO and the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, spearheading the sector’s vision to halt and reverse nature loss by 2030, shows our commitment to preserve the planet for future generations.”

Zoritsa Urosevic, Executive Director at UNWTO and Special Representative to the United Nations in Geneva said: “A people-centred agenda for biodiversity is the path towards a more sustainable tourism. As part of the broad Alliance of stakeholders for ‘Nature Positive Travel & Tourism’, UNWTO shows its commitment to the Global biodiversity Framework of COP15 – making tourism the Guardian of Nature.

“New governance and business models, enhanced capacity to monitor positive change and scaling up green jobs are all part of the solution as we move ahead together.”

Glenn Mandziuk, CEO at the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance said: “As an industry that relies on our natural world for everything from our buildings to attracting guests to outstanding locations across the globe, we recognise the immense importance of protecting our beautiful planet.

“Collaboration across sectors and across borders is essential to halt and reverse biodiversity loss. We are proud to partner with WTTC and UNWTO to help transition the industry’s relationship with nature and make Nature Positive Tourism a reality.”

The three bodies are calling on Travel & Tourism bodies to adopt the vision. Organisations can show their commitment here.

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Dear Affiliate Members,

I am pleased to share with you the December Edition of the Newsletter, which focuses on the latest developments achieved by the Affiliate Members Department and future events and initiatives carried out by the UNWTO, the Affiliate Members Department, and the Affiliate Members themselves.

Also included is the updated calendar of events for the second half of 2022, including UNWTO events and those carried out by or with the participation of our Affiliate Members.

On November 17, we held the 2nd meeting of the Committee on Matters Related to Affiliate Membership (CMAM). Moderated by the Chair of the CMAM, Félix de Paz (Spain), the meeting included the presentation of the "Latest developments and activities of the Affiliate Membership", followed by the endorsement of the Affiliate Members Programme of Work (PoW): 2023, which includes a strategy for quality-oriented & geographically balanced expansion of the UNWTO Affiliate Membership. Furthermore, the new candidatures for the Membership have been revised and submitted for the approval of the Executive Council.

Key topics for the Membership have been brought up to the attention of the 117th Executive Council (Marrakesh, Morocco on 23-25 November), by the Chair of the Board of Affiliate Members, Ms. Mar de Miguel, and the Chair of the CMAM: Spain, in their respective reports. On this occasion, the new candidatures for the Affiliate Membership have been approved. I would like to extend a warm welcome to all 18 new Affiliate Members!

We are looking forward to working closely with all of you and building together a better tourism sector that benefits all societies and communities around the world.

Regarding the events and initiatives organized by the Affiliate Members Department, I am proud to inform you that on December 1-2, in collaboration with Comunidad de Madrid, we hosted the 1st Experts Meeting on Cultural Tourism. The debate counted on the valuable expertise of 17 experts on cultural tourism from all over the world, who engaged in insightful debate to formulate solutions to the current challenges of cultural tourism.

The Affiliate Members Department will continue to collaborate and support the Affiliate Members' initiatives to the best of its capabilities.

As usual, I am at your disposal and look forward to hearing any comments you might have.

Yours sincerely,
Ion Vilcu

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World Committee on Tourism Ethics Meets to Plan for Fairer Future

Setting Tourism's Recovery on a More Ethical Path

The World Committee on Tourism Ethics (WCTE) has met to advance the fair and responsible recovery of the sector.

Meeting in Madrid and guided by the principles of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, the Committee explored the main topics of its working groups for the next four years (period of 2022-2025). The focus of the Committee will be on analysing the ethical aspects and impacts of the following tourism-related areas, namely, (1) Decent Work, Inclusive Growth & Community Empowerment, (2) Technology & Digital Platforms, (3) Climate Change & Environmental Sustainability, and (4) Social Sustainability & Intercultural Dialogues. These areas will include several issues to which the committee will pay specific attention. 

 At UNWTO’s headquarters in Madrid, WCTE Chair, Dr. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka welcomed members to the first in-person Committee session since the start of the pandemic. She said: “Right now, it is safe to say that while many precautions must still be applied, the world is moving towards a positive destination. It is our job in this Committee to keep an eye open on the ethical applications of a tourism inclusive recovery.” 

UNWTO Executive Director Zoritsa Urosevic, added: “This year we have recovered almost 60% of international tourist arrivals in comparison to pre-pandemic numbers. This shows that the tourism sector, while in deep crisis, has the capacity to bounce back. Most importantly, we must have the right ethical tools as many livelihoods depend on tourism.” 

The World Committee on Tourism Ethics - a subsidiary body of the UNWTO General Assembly - is an independent and impartial body responsible for interpreting, applying and evaluating the provisions of the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism. The current World Committee on Tourism Ethics is made up of: Chair: Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka; Full Members: Meyada Belal, José Ignacio Besga Zuazola, Luis Fernando Jiménez Guzman, Sue Longley, Lawal Mohammed Marafa, Hiroaki Matsuura, Daniela Otero, Gabriela Tigu and Alternate Members: Gunnur Diker, Shahid Hamid Fih and Marina Novelli.

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UNWTO Students’ League-Switzerland 2022

Winners of 2022 UNWTO Students’ League-Switzerland Announced

The first national edition of the UNWTO Students League concluded with a celebration of Swiss tourism talent with Team SHL from SHL Schweizerische Hotelfachschule Luzern, winning this edition

The competition for undergraduates, organized with the support of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), attracted students from leading educational institutions from across Switzerland. In the end, four teams made it to the final, representing the Swiss Hotel Management School, César Ritz Colleges, Schweizerische Hotelfachschule Luzern, and the Zurich University of Applied Sciences. The winning solutions included data analysis, social media campaigns, and initiatives to support rural development in Switzerland.

In making their decision, the expert jury looked at the feasibility of the ideas presented by the four teams. The ideas were also judged on how closely they aligned with the wider National Swiss Tourism Marketing Plan as well on their potential to contribute to the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Future of Tourism

According to the participants, the Students League offered a unique chance to gain practical experience within the tourism sector while also benefitting from networking and mentorship opportunities. Helena from Team César Ritz said: “UNWTO Students’ League was like living the future of tourism, where sustainability, advanced technology, and innovations are gathered.” From Team Zhaw, one student added: "This challenge has brought us a deeper understanding of tourism in Switzerland and gave us the opportunity to see our country and the local heritage in a new perspective."

For this first national edition, the jury panel was made up of national and international experts from UNWTO and SECO, as well as Salvatore Cavallaro, the coordinator of the European Union Tech Chamber and representatives from

GoodRebels, St.Gallen-Bodensee Tourismus, Mabrian Technologies and the winner of the 2021 UNWTO Students’ League

Youth empowerment for tourism’s future

The UNWTO Students League aims to empower and motivate tourism students by giving them real-time experience working in creating and implementing innovative and sustainable solutions for the challenges that the sector is facing. The UNWTO Students League benefits from the support of leading international partners, including the Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Foodward Foundation, St Gallen & Bodensee, Swiss Tourism, Aldeaias Historicas de Portgual, Mabrian Technologies.

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UNWTO Welcomes 18 new Affiliate Members

UNWTO Welcomes 18 new Affiliate Members

UNWTO has welcomed 18 new Affiliate Members into its global network.

The newly admitted UNWTO members reflect the diversity of the broad tourism sector, with private companies, Destination Management Organizations, universities, professional associations, Intergovernmental Organization and NGOs, all represented. The new additions also reflect UNWTO’s global mission, six from Europe; four from the Americas; four from Asia and the Pacific; two from Africa and two from the Middle East.

We are proud to see the Affiliate Members network growing while adding value to the Organization, and wish a warm welcome to the 18 new entities joining our community

In accordance with the current legal process of admission, the 18 candidatures were submitted for consideration and approval of the 117th Executive Council after being previously reviewed and endorsed by the Committee on Matters related to Affiliate Membership, during the meeting of the Committee that took place on 17 November. With this official approval of the Executive Council, the new members can enjoy all the rights and benefits corresponding to this UNWTO membership, in accordance with the statutes and rules of the Organization.

UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili said: “We are proud to see the Affiliate Members network growing while adding value to the Organization, and wish a warm welcome to the 18 new entities joining our community.”

The 18 new Affiliate Members are:

  • Asociación Española de Directores y Directivos de Hotel (Spain)
  • Busan Tourism Organization (Republic of Korea)
  • Cappadocia University / Kapadokya Üniversitesi (Türkiye)
  • Comité International Des Festivals Du Film Touristique - CIFFT (Austria)
  • Escuela Profesional De Turismo De La Universidad Nacional De San Antonio Abad Del Cusco (Peru)
  • Eturia CLM (Spain)
  • Hospitality & Tourism Association of Eswatini (Eswatini, the Kingdom of)
  • Innovaris SL (Spain)
  • Jeddah Central Development Company (Saudi Arabia)
  • Johannesburg Tourism Company (South Africa)
  • Manifest Destinations Group, INC. (United States of America)
  • National Inbound and Domestic Tourism Association of Moldova (Moldova)
  • ONWARD (United States of America)
  • Osaka University of Tourism (Japan)
  • Pacific Tourism Organization (Fiji)
  • Petra Development and Tourism Region Authority (Jordan)
  • PT. Pintu Bali Digital (Indonesia)
  • Smart Tourism & Hospitality Consulting  SA – SMART THC (Panama)
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Education and Investments are Cornerstones to Transform Tourism: UNWTO Executive Council Meets in Marrakesh

Education and Investments are Cornerstones to Transform Tourism: UNWTO Executive Council Meets in Marrakesh

Tourism leaders from every global region have met to advance plans to transform the sector against a backdrop of challenges old and new.

UNWTO convened its Executive Council in Marrakesh, Morocco, as the sector’s recovery continues to gather pace. According to UNWTO data released this week, international arrivals are on track to reach 65% of pre-pandemic levels by the end of the year. However, building on its year-long call for both public and private sector leaders to “rethink tourism”, UNWTO placed innovation, investments and education and youth empowerment at the centre of discussions, while also emphasizing heightened interest for transformation through Climate Action and the sector’s importance for rural development everywhere.

Welcoming 16 Ministers of Tourism and delegations from 36 countries, UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili underscored that “the window of opportunity to transform our sector will not stay open for long”. He emphasized that “now is the time to fast-track building a more inclusive, resilient and sustainable sector”, and reminded this leading UNWTO governing body that tourism’s success cannot longer be measured based on numbers alone, “but rather on the impact our sector has on lives, on livelihoods and the wellbeing of both people and planet”.

UN recognition as UNWTO delivers

Now is the time to fast-track building a more inclusive, resilient and sustainable sector

On the eve of the Marrakesh meeting, the United Nations General Assembly was presented with a draft resolution calling on all parts of the UN system to promote tourism in their work to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The resolution, which so far has the support of 104 countries, is the culmination of UNWTO’s enhanced presence at the highest political level. It is also a reflection of the unprecedented recognition of tourism’s importance to economic and social wellbeing and integrates the key strategic work streams of UNWTO. In particular, it draws attention to tourism’s power to help build inclusive societies and protect ecosystems.

Alongside sharing this landmark moment for the sector, in his report to Members on its achievements since the previous Council meeting, Secretary-General Pololikashvili illustrated how UNWTO is leading the transformation of the tourism. Central to this is a stepping up of education and training programmes, promoting investments in tourism for growth and sustainability, and through providing technical assistance for Member States in every region. Executive Council Members also heard how UNWTO has delivered in advocating for tourism at the very highest level.

His Excellency Fatim-Zahra Ammor, Minister of Tourism, Handicraft, and Social and Solidarity Economy of the Kingdom of Morocco warmly welcomed the UNWTO leadership and his fellow Ministers to Marrakesh. He added: “This important session of the UNWTO Executive Council provides us with the opportunity to reaffirm priority orientations to promote the prosperity and development of our sector. I am looking forward to a more resilient tourism in the African continent thanks to an inclusive continental approach that will increase the awareness of Africa’s assets thus improving the attractiveness of Africa as a destination."

SMEs, Digitalisation and rural development

Within the framework of the 117th Session of the Executive Council, UNWTO also held  a special Thematic Session focused on empowering small businesses to be agents of transformation, inspired by the G20 Guidelines for Tourism SMEs and Communities as agent for transformation. The Session brought together Ministers of Tourism alongside leading figures from the private sector to address the biggest challenges standing in the way of smaller enterprises fulfilling their potential to drive change. These include access to investment and financing, a lack of market intelligence and an inability to adapt to meet changing consumer trends.

Also underlining discussions in Marrakesh was a shared recognition of the importance of tourism for rural development and opportunity. In his report to the Executive Council, Secretary-General Pololikashvili provided an update on the new Programme for Tourism and Rural Development, hosted by the Regional Office for the Middle East in Riyadh, including of its flagship initiative, Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO.

Council makes decisions to guide sector forward

The Executive Council is the top governing body of UNWTO and meets twice a year. Made up of 34 Members following the Russian Federation’s suspension from the Organization, it works with the Secretary-General to implement both its own decisions and the recommendations of the Assembly. The 118th Session of the Executive Council will be held in the Dominican Republic and the next hosts sent a message to all fellow Members looking forward to welcoming them in 2023.

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First INSTO Insights Webinar: Measurement of Local Satisfaction at the Destination Level

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Tourism Recovery Accelerates to Reach 65% of Pre-Pandemic Levels

Tourism Recovery Accelerates to Reach 65% of Pre-Pandemic Levels

International tourism is on track to reach 65% of pre-pandemic levels by the end of 2022 as the sector continues to bounce back from the pandemic.

An estimated 700 million tourists travelled internationally between January and September, more than double (+133%) the number recorded for the same period in 2021. This equates to 63% of 2019 levels and puts the sector on course to reach 65% of its pre-pandemic levels this year, in line with UNWTO scenarios. Results were boosted by strong pent-up demand, improved confidence levels and the lifting of restrictions in an increasing number of destinations.

Highlighting the speed at which the sector has recovered from the worst crisis in its history, the latest World Tourism Barometer from UNWTO reveals that monthly arrivals were 64% below 2019 levels in January 2022 and had reached -27% by September. An estimated 340 million international arrivals were recorded in the third quarter of 2022 alone, almost 50% of the nine-month total.

Europe continues to lead global recovery

Europe continues to lead the rebound of international tourism. The region welcomed 477 million international arrivals in January-September 2022 (68% of the world total), hitting 81% of pre-pandemic levels. This was more than double that of 2021 (+126%) with results boosted by strong intra-regional demand and travel from the United States. Europe saw particularly robust performance in Q3, when arrivals reached almost 90% of 2019 levels.

At the same time, the Middle East saw international arrivals more than triple (+225%) year on year in January-September 2022, climbing to 77% of pre-pandemic levels.. Africa (+166%) and the Americas (+106%) also recorded strong growth compared to 2021, reaching 63% and 66% of 2019 levels, respectively. In Asia and the Pacific (+230%) arrivals more than tripled in the first nine months of 2022, reflecting the opening of many destinations, including Japan at the end of September. However, arrivals in Asia and the Pacific remained 83% below 2019 levels. China, a key source market for the region, remains closed.

Arrivals and receipts at – or above – pre-pandemic levels

Several subregions reached 80% to 90% of their pre-pandemic arrivals in January-September 2022. Western Europe (88%) and Southern Mediterranean Europe (86%) saw the fastest recovery towards 2019 levels. The Caribbean, Central America (both 82%) and Northern Europe (81%) also recorded strong results. Destinations reporting arrivals above pre-pandemic levels in the nine months through September include Albania, Ethiopia, Honduras, Andorra, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Colombia, El Salvador and Iceland.

In the month of September arrivals surpassed pre-pandemic levels in the Middle East (+3% over 2019) and the Caribbean (+1%) and came close in Central America (-7%), Northern Europe (-9%) and Southern and Mediterranean Europe (-10%).

Meanwhile, some destinations recorded notable increases in international tourism receipts in the first seven to nine months of 2022, including Serbia, Romania, Türkiye, Latvia, Portugal, Pakistan, Mexico, Morocco and France. The recovery can also be seen in outbound tourism spending from major source markets, with strong results from France where expenditure reached -8% through September, compared to 2019. Other markets reporting strong spending in the first six to nine months of 2022 were Germany, Belgium, Italy, the United States, Qatar, India and Saudi Arabia.  

Strong demand for air travel and hotel accommodation

The robust recovery of tourism is also reflected in various industry indicators such as air capacity and hotel metrics, as recorded in the UNWTO Tourism Recovery Tracker. Air seat capacity on international routes (measured in available seat-kilometres or ASKs) in January-August reached 62% of 2019 levels, with Europe (78%) and the Americas (76%) posting the strongest results. Worldwide domestic capacity rose to 86% of 2019 levels, with the Middle East (99%) virtually achieving pre-pandemic levels (IATA).

Meanwhile, according to STR, global hotel occupancy rates reached 66% in September 2022, from 43% in January. Europe led the way with occupancy levels at 77% in September 2022, following rates of 74% in July and August. The Americas (66%), the Middle East (63%) and Africa (61%) all saw occupancy rates above 60% in September. By subregion, Southern Mediterranean Europe (79%), Western Europe (75%) and Oceania (70%) showed the highest occupancy rates in September 2022.

Cautious optimism for the months ahead

The challenging economic environment, including persistently high inflation and soaring energy prices, aggravated by the Russian offensive in Ukraine, could weigh on the pace of recovery in Q4 and into 2023. The latest survey among the UNWTO Panel of Tourism Experts shows a downgrade in confidence levels for the last four months of 2022, reflecting more cautious optimism. Despite growing challenges pointing to a softening of the recovery pace, export revenues from tourism could reach USD 1.2 to 1.3 trillion in 2022, a 60-70% increase over 2021, or 70-80% of the USD 1.8 trillion recorded in 2019.

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