AM NEWS | VOL. 54 June2023

AM NEWS | VOL. 54 June2023

Dear Affiliate Members,

I am pleased to introduce you to a new edition of the Affiliate Members Newsletter. This monthly publication will inform you about the latest news, events, and initiatives related to your membership and our Affiliate Members network. Also included is the updated calendar of events for 2023, featuring the main UNWTO events and those carried out by our Affiliate Members, with the participation of the Affiliate Members Department or the UNWTO.

Regarding the upcoming UNWTO statutory/high-level meetings, please be aware that the meetings of the UNWTO Regional Commission are scheduled between June and July:

  • 68th Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for Europe and “Education and Skills in Medical and Wellbeing Tourism” Conference
  • 49th Regional Commission for the Middle East and "Medical and Wellness Tourism" Conference
  • The 35th Joint Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for East Asia and the Pacific & the UNWTO Commission for South Asia, the 55th UNWTO Commission for East Asia & the Pacific, the 59th UNWTO Commission for South Asia and the Conference on the International Code for the Protection of Tourists. In this framework, we will hold the UNWTO Affiliate Members Roundtable: Public-Private Cooperation at the Core of Tourism Sustainable Development, on June 15.
  • 68th Regional Commission for Americas and Seminar on "Sustainable Investments: a Strategy Towards Competitiveness"
  • 66th Regional Commission for Africa: Rethinking Tourism For Africa: Promoting Investment And Partnerships; Addressing Global Challenges

Check out the AMConnected Platform to know more about the abovementioned events.

I would also like to invite you to save the date for the 25th UNWTO General Assembly, 16-20 October, in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, and the 44th Plenary Session of the Affiliate Members, which will take place in the same context on 16 October. The latter is the most important statutory meeting for the UNWTO Affiliate Membership and will bring together once again Affiliate Members from all around the world to meet, discuss, share, and interact around a variety of topics and set the roadmap for the Affiliate Membership's priorities for the next years.

The Affiliate Members Department will continue to collaborate and support the Affiliate Members' initiatives to the best of its capabilities. As usual, I am at your disposal and look forward to hearing any comments you might have.

Yours sincerely,
Ion Vilcu

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UNWTO and Oxford SDG Impact Lab Partner Around Better Tourism Governance

UNWTO and Oxford SDG Impact Lab Partner Around Better Tourism Governance

UNWTO joins forces with Oxford SDG Impact Lab, with the generous support of easyJet holidays, to develop the first environmental, social and governance - ESG - Framework for Tourism Businesses.

Public, private and academic sectors unite

In line with Sustainable Development Goal 17 on partnerships for development, the ESG Framework for Tourism Businesses project brings together leading businesses and top scholars with the multilateral system to co-design a measurement tool that is meaningful and feasible for improved monitoring how tourism businesses impact, and depend on, people, planet and prosperity. UNWTO and Oxford University will carry out a comprehensive mapping of current work, interview pioneering businesses in the accommodation and reservation services industries, and further research and development.

Based on this work, UNWTO plans to issue a first beta version of the ESG Tourism Framework for accommodation and reservation services, with a view to extending it into additional tourism industries over 2024 and launch the finalized, agreed version for global uptake.

UNWTO Executive Director, Zoritsa Urosevic, said "By drawing on the power of international consensus - based on the forthcoming UN Statistical Framework for Measuring Sustainable Tourism (MST) - the ESG Framework for Tourism Businesses will provide a comparable and relevant set of indicators for tourism industries. It will empower private and public sectors with more robust data to shape innovative policies, transform business models and promote better tourism governance".

"The ESG Framework brings together the University of Oxford's world class academic research with the international consensus-building ability and expertise of the UNWTO.  Ensuring that this strategic approach is matched with real-world testing and consultation with industry experts, such as easyJet holidays, this project is uniquely placed to bring about meaningful impact in the sustainable tourism sector," said Professor Alexander Betts, University of Oxford's Local and Global Engagement Officer

Matt Callaghan, easyJet holidays' Director of Customer & Operations, said: "We have big ambitions when it comes to making sustainable holidays mainstream and we're committed to playing our part in supporting better tourism governance. So, as the SDG Impact Lab's founding partner we're delighted to be supporting the Lab's work with the UNWTO, to develop a first of its kind environmental, social and governance framework for sustainable tourism.

Actionable data for real impact

In tourism, as in other sectors, the challenge often lies not in a lack of data, but rather in the absence of common and harmonized approaches to organizing data, especially given the complexity of numerous existing initiatives. This hinders the ability to benchmark performance across businesses and to communicate progress of the sector with policy makers. It can even undermine stakeholder confidence.

By applying internationally recognized statistical approaches, this project aims to establish a fundamental level of consensus and alignment in business disclosures, enabling more consistent reporting that is comparable:

  • Between businesses within the tourism sector,
  • Between tourism businesses and those in other economic sectors, and
  • Between business level-data and public-level (national and subnational) data.

Moreover, the ESG Framework will demonstrate the potential of supplementing business–level data with national and global tourism statistics, for more holistic and cost-effective ESG disclosures that make the most of available information.

Developed under the umbrella of the UNWTO Statistical Framework for Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism (SF-MST), applicable to countries and destinations worldwide to guide the production of reliable and comparable data of tourism's economic, social and environmental aspects, the ESG Framework for Tourism businesses will bring the benefits of consensus and harmonization also to the private sector.  

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UNWTO and MSC Foundation look to Net-Zero Future on World Ocean Day

UNWTO and MSC Foundation look to Net-Zero Future on World Ocean Day

To mark the official naming of the MSC Euribia ship, MSC's most energy-efficient to date, international leaders from the worlds of science, policymaking and business explored new paths to responsible consumption and production in tourism as a key strategy for transitioning to a regenerative, carbon-neutral, and circular blue economy.

UN and Private Sector: Together for Ocean Action

The expert panel discussion, organised by the MSC Foundation and the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) to explore the subject of "Tourism Ocean Action for a Net Zero Future", featured contributions from leaders from across the public and private sectors.

  • Opening the event were UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili, Ambassador Peter Thomson, the UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy for the Ocean, and UNWTO Executive Director Zoritsa Urosevic
  • Representing the private sector were tourism and travel professionals from the USA and Europe, including Pierfrancesco Vago, Chair of the MSC Foundation Executive Committee and Executive Chairman of the Cruise Division of MSC Group, and world-renowned explorer Mr. Mike Horn.
  • Also contributing were keynote speaker Amy Meek, Co-founder of Kids Against Plastic, Carl Gustaf Lundin, Senior Adviser at Mission Blue and an MSC Foundation Advisory Board Member, and Frédéric Degret, Chief Executive Officer of NOAH Regen and UNWTO Secretary-General's Special Advisor on Ocean and Climate Action.

Mapping the Route to Sustainability

With coastal and maritime tourism accounting for at least 50% of global tourism, according to the Ocean Panel, and 40% of all related export value, the high-level discussions focused on the critical interplay of tourism and oceanic sustainability.

  • Strategies outlined for achieving this centred on investing in the protection and regeneration of blue carbon ecosystems and nature-based solutions that maximise their ability to draw down carbon, while simultaneously advancing the decarbonisation of tourism operations and enhancing the resilience of local communities.
  • Policymakers and business leaders shared insightful policies, strategies and solutions to accelerate tourism ocean action. These included the Global Tourism Plastics Initiative, the Global Roadmap for Food Waste Reduction in Tourism, and the Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism, all building momentum towards a Blue COP 28.

A Shared Vision for Tourism Ocean Action

UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili said: "Finding the right balance between tourism operations and the health of our planet has never been more important. Coastal and cruise tourism have a critical role to play in the global economy.

At the same time, coastal and cruise tourism have a key role to play in the protection of our oceans. This is why the UNWTO is working with partners like MSC to advance Climate Action."

Pierfrancesco Vago, Chair of the MSC Foundation Executive Committee and Executive Chairman of the Cruise Division of MSC Group said:  "Our partnership with UNWTO, exemplified in the 'Tourism Ocean Action for a Net Zero Future' panel, is crucial in our shared vision for responsible tourism. MSC Euribia, most energy efficient ship yet, symbolises this commitment. We are confident that we will exceed the International Maritime Organization's 40% carbon intensity reduction goal before the 2030 deadline, and are actively working towards achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050."

MSC Foundation Executive Director Daniela Picco added "The path to sustainability can only be a journey travelled together in dialogue and concerted action. So I would like to thank UNWTO for their valued partnership in making this event possible."

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UNWTO and MSC Foundation to Deliver Sustainable Tourism Education at Sea

UNWTO and MSC Foundation to Deliver Sustainable Tourism Education at Sea

UNWTO is working with the MSC Foundation to deliver a series of sustainability-related education courses on board the MSC Euribia cruise ship.


The initiative builds on the success of the first Global Youth Tourism Summit, held in Sorrento, Italy, in 2022, and will see the creation of the MSC Foundation Youth Lab, a specially-equipped venue on the advanced new eco-ship. One of the core programmes to be offered in the Youth Lab will be "GYTS for MSC: A Sustainable Future for Our Next Generations", designed in close partnership with UNWTO.

The programme will deliver 12 daily two-hour activity sessions on key subjects ranging from ocean health, recycling and climate change to sustainable tourism and social media, all focused on the "sustainability challenge". The activities have been designed to leave the youths free to learn, create and express themselves according to their interests and ideas for the future.

"We are proud to build on the tremendous success of the Global Youth Tourism Summit in Sorrento by extending our partnership with UNWTO to promote youth empowerment and sustainability education," commented MSC Foundation Executive Director Daniela Picco. "The new MSC Foundation Lab on MSC Euribia will offer an innovative venue for children and teenagers to engage in sustainability-focused activities. Our new custom-designed programme 'GYTS for MSC: A Sustainable Future for Our Next Generations' has been specially conceived to empower young people to learn, create, and express themselves while addressing key sustainability issues such as marine conservation, climate change and responsible tourism. By making our young guests the centre of these activities, we aim to raise awareness of the challenges facing humanity and equip our next generations with the tools they need to create a better world."

Alessandra Priante, Director of the Regional Department for Europe at UNWTO added: "After the immense success of our first Global Youth Tourism Summit, which brought together children from every corner of the world, we are very excited that GYTS will not only go across borders but also across the seas and oceans. We are grateful to the MSC Foundation for their continued support in highlighting the central role that youth can play in building a sustainable tourism of the future. We are proud to support MSC as they continue to educate and empower children and youth to become more conscious, committed and engaged."

The MSC Group is committed to taking comprehensive action through the MSC Foundation to raise awareness of the big challenges facing humanity and to provide its young MSC Cruises guests with tools that inform and motivate through an understanding of its programmes and initiatives across four focus areas: the Environment (including marine conservation), Education, Community Support and Emergency Relief. This includes inviting young cruise guests to become Junior Ambassadors of the Foundation and running dedicated activities that equip them to voice the right of our younger generations to live in a better world.

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UNWTO and San Marino to Host European Conference on Accessible Tourism

UNWTO and San Marino to Host European Conference on Accessible Tourism

The Republic of San Marino will host the second edition of the UNWTO European Conference on Accessible Tourism in November. Further advancing UNWTO’s commitment to making tourism open to all, the Conference will showcase innovation, public-private partnerships and inclusive policymaking.

Accessible Tourism: A Priority for the Sector

UNWTO is committed to guiding the global tourism sector towards greater accessibility and inclusivity.

  • According to the World Health Organization (WHO) 1.3 billion people worldwide experience significant disability, making participation in tourism challenging.
  • Around one quarter of the EU population, 87 million people, already has some form of disability (EUROSTAT).
  • Article 30 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities advocates for ensuring that persons with disabilities have access to cultural, sporting, recreational and tourism facilities, activities and services.

UNWTO: Building a More Accessible Tourism

In June 2021, the first comprehensive international standard on accessible tourism, ISO 21902 Accessible Tourism for All, was published by ISO. UNWTO and partners led the development of this new global guidance tool. 

  • The UNE-ISO 21902 standard establishes requirements and recommendations for accessible tourism
  • It addresses service providers and tourism operators as well as public administrations and tourism destinations.

Towards the 2nd European Conference on Accessible Tourism

During the 68th meeting of the UNWTO Commission for Europe held in the Bulgarian capital, Sofia, the Minister of Tourism of the Republic of San Marino, Federico Pedini Amati, formally announced the 2nd European Conference on Accessible Tourism: Tourism for All will take place in San Marino on 16-17 November 2023.

  • UNWTO and San Marino will provide a platform for governments, destinations, the private sector and civil society to discuss the best ways to prioritize accessibility in any tourism policy or strategy.
  • The Conference will make clear the many benefits of more accessible tourism, from creating jobs and boosting economies to allowing more people to travel and strengthening international solidarity and cooperation.
  • The Conference will further discuss how the application of Universal Design principles and cutting-edge solutions to making natural and cultural environments more accessible, is a game-changer.
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Sixth INSTO Insights Webinar: Measurement in the Area of Solid Waste Management at the Destination Level

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Sixth INSTO Insights Webinar: Measurement in the Area of Solid Waste Management at the Destination Level
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INSTO Insights Webinar
UNWTO and Les Roches Global Accelerate Tourism Innovation and Entrepreneurship

UNWTO and Les Roches Global Accelerate Tourism Innovation and Entrepreneurship

UNWTO has partnered with Les Roches Global Hospitality Management School to support tourism startups in embracing innovation and accelerating their shift to greater sustainability.

Throughout May, the 15 winners of the UNWTO Awake Tourism Challenge were given the opportunity to take part in the Acceleration program offered by Spark, Les Roches Hospitality School, at Crans-Montana, the Swiss Campus of the school. The acceleration program focuses on key issues for tourism entrepreneurs and startups, including marketing and finance strategy, market research, fundraising, legal concerns and transparency. The participants also took part in a Technology Challenge, designed to put into practice what they learned at Crans-Montana.

The final, which marked the culmination of the acceleration program, provided an opportunity for the startups to pitch their business ideas. The event was attended by around 100 participants including investors and stakeholders in private equity, international investment funds, consulting firms, Spark's technology partners, as well as several representatives of the Swiss authorities, indicating the high level of interest and support for the innovative solutions being developed by the startups.

The winning startups included Coastruction (Netherlands), Noytrall (Portugal), SmArt Tourism and Hospitality Consulting (Panama), Quantum Temple (USA), Socialbnb (Germany), Baahdy and Birdy (Norway), Instituto de Accesibilidad (Spain), Kamatjona (Namibia), Weavair (Singapore), R3Charge (Germany), Impact Innovations Institute (Safe YOU) (Armenia), NomadHer (South Korea), Murmuration (France), Evelity by Okeenea Digital (France), and Accessible Qatar (Qatar).

Identifying solutions to the biggest challenges

The UNWTO Awake Tourism Challenge is organized by the UNWTO, in collaboration with its partners, to encourage startups and entrepreneurs to develop solutions that address key challenges for the sector. The Challenge features six distinct verticals, enabling applicants to submit their solutions to the pillar that best aligned with their innovations. These verticals included Green and Blue Economies, Local Community Involvement, Tourism Education, Ecological and Sustainable Capital Creation, Women Empowerment, and Tourism Tech for Good.

The winning startups of the UNWTO Awake Tourism Competition have also joined the Innovation network, which now comprises 300 leading startups from all the startup competitions organized by the UNWTO's Innovation department since its establishment in 2018.

Looking ahead, the next edition of the global startup competition is scheduled to launch in the fourth quarter of 2023, revolving around the themes of the SDG Competition. This upcoming event will further encourage entrepreneurs to address the Sustainable Development Goals and make a positive impact on the tourism sector.

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UNWTO Identifies Priorities for Boosting Rural Tourism Potential

UNWTO Identifies Priorities for Boosting Rural Tourism Potential

UNWTO has launched a new report to determine the status of rural tourism in its Member States and identify the main challenges and opportunities of tourism as a driver for rural development from a policy perspective.

"Tourism and Rural Development: A Policy Perspective - Results of the UNWTO Survey on Tourism for Rural Development to Member States" represents the first baseline document of UNWTO on tourism and rural development with the participation of Member States worldwide.   

Key Findings: Rural Tourism for Opportunity

  • More than half of all Member States (59%) stated that rural tourism is a priority
  • Almost all Member States (96%) foresee a better future for rural tourism in the upcoming years
  • The creation of new jobs, improvement of livelihoods and fighting depopulation were the most frequently-cited opportunities offered by tourism for rural areas
  • Member States also identified the conservation and promotion of cultural heritage and environmental protection as among the biggest potential benefits of rural tourism  

Main Challenges in Rural Areas  

The UNWTO research also identified three main challenges associated with realizing the potential of tourism for rural development:

  • The "infrastructure gap" in rural areas. Deficiencies in roads, ports, airports and other infrastructure that allow access to rural areas remain a challenge for the surveyed countries.  
  • Rural depopulation. Seasonality and farming product competitiveness add to this challenge, increasing the instability of rural businesses, which prevents the retention of population and human resources.
  • The lack of education and training, as well as skills development, in addition to the capacity to attract and retain workforce talent.  

Other challenges include limitations in accessing financial systems, restrictions in the development of innovative tourism products in rural areas, managing the impacts of degradation of natural resources, and limitations in handling data, digitalization, and knowledge management. 

UNWTO: Advancing Tourism for the SDGs

In terms of how tourism can help in supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), UNWTO Member States emphasized the potential of rural tourism for advancing SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) SDG 1 (No Poverty), SDG 11 (Sustainable cities and communities) and SDG 5 (Gender Equality).

The report was launched during the 118th Session of the UNWTO Executive Council in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.  It forms part of the work of UNWTO's Tourism for Rural Development Programme, established to develop initiatives and programmes to grow the sector in size and relevance as well as to monitor it in destinations worldwide.

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World Committee on Tourism Ethics Advances Responsible and Inclusive tourism

World Committee on Tourism Ethics Advances Responsible and Inclusive tourism

The World Committee on Tourism Ethics (WCTE) has met again to advance its work around inclusive and decent work in tourism, environmental sustainability, intercultural dialogue, and digital transformation.

Building a more ethical sector

  • The World Committee on Tourism Ethics - a subsidiary body of the UNWTO General Assembly - is an independent and impartial body responsible for interpreting, applying and evaluating the provisions of the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism.
  • The current World Committee on Tourism Ethics is made up of: Chair: Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka; Full Members: Meyada Belal, José Ignacio Besga Zuazola, Luis Fernando Jiménez Guzman, Sue Longley, Lawal Mohammed Marafa, Hiroaki Matsuura, Daniela Otero, Gabriela Tigu and Alternate Members: Gunnur Diker, Shahid Hamid Fih and Marina Novelli.

Opening the meeting, WCTE Chair, Dr. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka said: ¨Yesterday we celebrated World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development. What a better way to celebrate it than by highlighting the big role of ethical tourism in the promotion of cultural identity and expression?"

UNWTO Executive Director Zoritsa Urosevic added: "This month, the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 global health emergency over. The tourism sector is set to consolidate its recovery reaching 80 to 95% of its pre-pandemic international tourist arrival figures. This reflects that, while the world faces a global crisis, everything is temporary, and challenges, can be turned into opportunities."

From an ethical perspective, the Committee called attention to the social impact on tourism employment and migrant workers, worldwide and especially on the Black Sea region, resulting from the current security unrest.

Looking ahead

With a view to ensure continuity of the work of the Committee, the membership of the Committee will be renewed by half every two years. The 25th UNWTO General Assembly to be held in October 2023 in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, will be called upon to appoint 4 WCTE full members. UNWTO Member States, Associate Members and Affiliate Members can send in the nomination of their candidates by 9 June 2023.

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New Narratives in Tourism

New Narratives in Tourism: UNWTO Leads Rethink of Tourism Communications

“Put people front and centre!” was the core message as UNWTO brought together global branding experts, journalists and content creators to rethink narratives around tourism communications.

Against the backdrop of the 118th session of its Executive Council in Punta Cana, UNWTO hosted a special Thematic Session. Alongside assessing the evolution of tourism communications, the Session saw leading experts explore current and future opportunities for more effectively portraying tourism as an essential driver of development, both in traditional media and on content platforms.

UNWTO is working to build a new narrative around tourism as a force for development and transformation

"New Narratives in Tourism"

With tourism high on the political agenda like never before, UNWTO is leading the shift in tourism communications, with a greater focus on the sector's unique power as a driver of development and opportunity. Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili said: "We have made huge progress over the past few years in making tourism's relevance more visible and more appreciated, by governments and by tourists themselves. But we need to make it even clearer. For this reason, UNWTO is working to build a new narrative around tourism as a force for development and transformation."

The Thematic Session offered a platform to connect content creators with editors and new media platforms, with UNWTO as the bridge between the two.

Branding and Media Experts Lead the Change

  • Representing the global leader Interbrand, Pedro Zarzalejos, Associate Director, Strategy and Borja Borrero, Executive Director Iberia, EMEA & Latam charted the evolution of branding and analysed how this has impacted the tourism sector.
  • Michael Collins, Founder and Managing of Travel Media gave expert insights into the changing relationship between Destination Management Organizations (DMOs) and editors, journalists and content creators.

Instagram and Meta: Keeping Content Relevant

UNWTO first partnered with Instagram in 2021, firstly to help lead recovery from the impacts of the pandemic and then to empower destinations to embrace digital storytelling. In Punta Cana:

  • From Instagram, Ernest Voyard, Director of Public Policy, noted how creators are increasingly moving beyond aspirational travel-related content and instead focusing on issues around sustainability and full immersion in destinations.
  • From Meta, Sharon Yang, Director of External Affairs, noted how the platform has seen a shift towards creators providing informative tourism and travel-related content, again moving away from more aspirational images and films.

Tourism on the Agenda: The Case of Dominican Republic

Leading journalists and editors from the Dominican Republic assessed how to place tourism on the editorial agenda at every level.

  • Leading the discussion were Director of Diario Libre, Inés Aizpún, Director of El Día José Monegro, and the Ambassador of the permanent mission of Dominican Republic to UNWTO Aníbal de Castro
  • The panel highlighted the importance of diversifying the main messaging, with a focus on everything from film and TV tourism to gastronomy tourism

Content Creators: Raising Awareness

To round out the session, UNWTO welcomed leading content creators to give their expert insights into changing trends in tourism-related content: Instagram Creators Chloé Léger and Marion Payr, provided their experiences from the Dominican Republic from the point-of-view of tourism and travel-creators. They noted:

  • A growing interest in content linking tourism with issues including women's empowerment, community development and wildlife conservation.
  • An opportunity for creators to influence the travel choices and behaviours of tourists, in particular in influencing younger consumers to travel more responsibly and ethically
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