UNWTO Strengthens Cooperation Around Tourism Investments

UNWTO Strengthens Cooperation Around Tourism Investments

UNWTO has further advanced its focus on investments in a more resilient and sustainable tourism by strengthening its cooperation with both the international community and with the private sector.

In this context, UNWTO has joined the World Investment for Development Alliance (WIDA). As part of the Alliance, UNWTO will work to enhance both the level and effectiveness of investment in the sector with the aim of supporting and accelerating the implementation of the Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals.

UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili says: “Investment is all too often the missing ingredient for turning our shared plans for a more sustainable, inclusive and resilient tourism sector into reality. UNWTO is proud to join the World Investment for Development Alliance and we look forward to working together to re-think and transform investments into tourism.”

UNWTO is proud to join the World Investment for Development Alliance and we look forward to working together to re-think and transform investments into tourism

WIDA Chair James Zhan adds: “WIDA fully recognizes that UNWTO has been playing a leading role in promoting investment in tourism for sustainable development and inclusive growth. It believes that UNWTO shares the same values as WIDA and can make a significant contribution to our common causes.”

Boosting post-pandemic investments

UNWTO data shows that, as a result of the pandemic, levels of investment into tourism dropped dramatically. The United Nations Specialized Agency will hold this year’s World Tourism Day (27 September) around the theme of ‘Green Investments’ and, according to Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili, enhanced cooperation with private sector stakeholders will be vital for both boosting investment levels and for directing funding to projects centred around sustainability.

“For this reason, I am happy UNWTO has confirmed our new agreement with the Annual Investment Meeting (AIM),” Mr Pololikashvili says. “We consider this collaboration as mutually beneficial, as we recognize the significant contributions that can be made by the private sector to our organization’s strategic objectives.”

In line with the two Organizations’ commitment to cooperate in the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding, UNWTO will spearhead the “Tourism Investment Segment”, an official side event of the upcoming Annual Investment Meeting, to be held on 8-10 May in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

AIM President Dawood Al Shezawi said: “It has been AIM’s mission to provide an interactive platform where investment opportunities can be formed, thereby not only strengthening economic relations among nations but also addressing issues that have profound effects on a global scale. We also want to provide a platform where the brightest minds, from all sectors, can converge to find solutions and scale up development ideas. We welcome this great chance to cooperate with the UNWTO and we are certain that this collaboration will be fruitful.”

About WIDA

The World Investment for Development Alliance (WIDA) is a global platform dedicated to promoting investment for sustainable development. Promote sustainable and inclusive investment through an open and structured network of multiple organizations drawn from the investment-for-development community. WIDA pursues this overarching objective by creating synergies and maximizing impact through joint advocacy, joint organization and joint actions among participating organizations.

About AIM

The Annual Investment Meeting (AIM) is an initiative of the AIM Foundation, an independent international organization fully committed to empower the world’s economy by boosting effective promotion strategies and facilitating opportunities for economic productivity and expansion. The Foundation also undertakes the operation and management of the AIM Global Investment Network and its 15 affiliated Business Groups, including the supervision of the Annual Investment Meeting Global and Regional Chapters.

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AM NEWS | VOL. 52 April 2023

AM NEWS | VOL. 52 April 2023

Dear Affiliate Members,

I am pleased to introduce you to a new edition of the Affiliate Members Newsletter. This monthly publication will inform you about the latest news, events, and initiatives related to your membership and our Affiliate Members network. Also included is the updated calendar of events for 2023, including the main UNWTO events and those carried out by our Affiliate Members, with the participation of the Affiliate Members Departments or the UNWTO.

Regarding the upcoming initiatives organized by the Affiliate Members Department, I would like to remind you about the second World Sports Tourism Congress, jointly organized by the UNWTO, the Ministry of Tourism and Sport of Croatia, and the Affiliate Member: Croatian National Tourist Board, and to be held on the 26-27 April, in Zadar, Republic of Croatia. Make sure to check the related post on the AMConnected Platform for more information and to register for this Congress.

Regarding the upcoming UNWTO statutory/high-level meetings, I am pleased to inform you that registration for the 118th Session of the UNWTO Executive Council, to be held on 16-18 May in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, is now open. I encourage you to stay tuned to the AMConnected Platform to know about the updates on this event.

I would also like to invite you to save the date for the 25th UNWTO General Assembly which has been confirmed for the 16-20 of October, in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. Please keep in mind that in this framework we will hold the 44th Plenary Session of the Affiliate Members. This is the most important statutory meeting for the UNWTO Affiliate Membership and will bring together once again Affiliate Members from all around the world to meet, discuss, share, and interact around a variety of topics. It will serve as a dynamic space to generate ideas, discuss the latest trends of the sector and work together towards fostering public-private collaboration and promoting good practices in the industry.

The Affiliate Members Department will continue to collaborate and support the Affiliate Members' initiatives to the best of its capabilities.

As usual, I am at your disposal and look forward to hearing any comments you might have.

Yours sincerely,
Ion Vilcu

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Global Sustainable Destinations Summit: Shaping the Future of Sustainable Tourism

Global Sustainable Destinations Summit: Shaping the Future of Sustainable Tourism

The Government of Mallorca, Consell de Mallorca, and the Mallorca Tourism Foundation and UNWTO have hosted the second edition of the Sustainable Destinations Summit, gathering leading experts, organizations and companies to share best practices and perspectives on environmental, social and economic sustainability in destinations.

The Summit emphasized tourism as a force for good, with momentum building towards a regenerative and nature-positive future. UNWTO and the Government of Mallorca welcomed more than 400 delegates at this year's event, which showcased the latest developments in sustainability for destinations. Discussions highlighted the interdependence of tourism on natural and cultural resources and the potential mutual benefits, while also providing unique first hand perspectives such as from Chief Frank Antoine from the Bonaparte First Nation, or the view from outer space, as told by Pedro Duque, the first ever Spanish astronaut.

The President of Mallorca Government Ms. Catalina Cladera affirmed that "sustainability is a shared will of Mallorcan society and the axis that marks all the policies of the Consell". Cladera pointed out that Mallorca and the rest of the islands in this community "are taking firm steps not only to continue being the reference destination in the Mediterranean, but also to lead the tourism of the future."

In her keynote address, UNWTO Executive Director Ms. Zoritsa Urosevic emphasized the vital "transition of the sector into a force for good that has a positive impact on the Sustainable Development Agenda and our shared global challenges". She added: "If managed well, tourism can be an agent for change, but such a transition towards a green, regenerative and nature-positive tourism sector is needed can be achieved in a collaborative manner."

Big ambitions and big data

During the two-day Summit, UNWTO provided updates on several of its key sustainability-related activities, including the Glasgow Declaration for Climate Action in Tourism which has so far seen more than 800 businesses, destinations and governments commit to achieving a Net-Zero tourism sector by 2050 at the latest. The Global Tourism Plastics Initiative and the Food Waste programme were similarly highlighted as effective instruments for accelerating this transition.

UNWTO also made tourism data and destination management a central part of the conversation at the Summit. The Measurement of Sustainable Tourism (MST) Framework and the International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories (INSTO), which counts among its Members the Mallorca Observatory, will play a crucial role in monitoring the sector's impact on all three sustainability pillars, enabling an evidence-based and informed decision-making.

Private sector importance

The Mallorca government, through its Tourism Foundation and the Sustainable Tourism Observatory, has established a public-private cooperative network across the island and works closely with UNWTO to advance shared goals.

Representing the private sector, Maria Frontera, President of FEHM, (Mallorca´s Hotel Federation) joined Carmen Riu Güell, owner of the RIU Hotels & Resorts chain, to discuss bridging generational perspectives in the pursuit of sustainable tourism development. The event also emphasized the importance of collaboration and circularity in transforming the sector. Additionally, Andreu Serra, Mallorca's Minister for Transition, Tourism and Sports, the president of FEHM, María Frontera, Mark Tanzer, Executive Director of ABTA, Miguel Sanz, Director General of Turespaña, and Thomas Ellerbeck, Member of the Group Executive Council and Chief Sustainability Officer of TUI Group discussed how destinations committed to sustainability can find a balance between marketing and storytelling.

Closing the Summit, Mrs. Rosa Ana Morillo Rodríguez, Secretary of State for Tourism in Spain, emphasized the crucial role of sustainability for the nation during her closing statement. She acknowledged that tourism is one of the key sectors driving Spain's economy and stressed the need for resilience and competitiveness within the sector

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Tourism Commits to Water Action Agenda at 2023 UN Water Conference

Tourism Commits to Water Action Agenda at 2023 UN Water Conference

UNWTO emphasized tourism’s commitment to contributing to the acceleration of SDG6 on Water and Sanitation.

At the United Nations 2023 Water Conference, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) provided substantial inputs, underscoring the role of tourism in safeguarding water resources and contributing to the acceleration of Sustainable Development Goal 6, to "Ensure access to water and sanitation for all", and to the wider 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Emphasising the sector-wide determination to do more, UNWTO joined tourism stakeholders in committing to the Water Action Agenda, a major outcome document of the UN 2023 Water Conference and collection of all water-related voluntary commitments.

In New York, UNWTO was joined by the Government of Austria to host a special high-level side event on "Tourism and Water: Challenges and Opportunities". Bringing together the partners of the recently-launched Alliance for a Nature Positive Approach to Tourism, UNWTO, the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) and the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance (SHA), the event outlined the tourism sector's significant water footprint and its reliance on clean and reliable oceans and water supplies. "Tourism and Water: Challenges and Opportunities" noted the sector's impact on water, including negative impacts from consumption and wastage as well as pollution, while underscoring the progress being made in advancing action plans to ensure sustainable water management at all levels of the tourism value chain.

Participants were provided with an overview of the initiatives being undertaken by UNWTO and partners under the umbrella of the One Planet Sustainable Tourism Programme, most notably the Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism, the Global Tourism Plastics Initiative and the Global Roadmap for Food Waste Reduction in Tourism, emphasizing the interconnectedness of the challenges of climate change, pollution and water scarcity and the requirement timely and regular monitoring efforts.

Towards harmonized sustainability data

A global effort is underway towards a Statistical Framework for Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism to fill the gap for harmonized data at international, national and subnational levels, with Austria chairing the UNWTO Expert Group leading this process. UNWTO Executive Director, Ms. Zoritsa Urosevic, said "Water permeates all of tourism activity. As the world meets ever-complex challenges, we must not lose sight that we still have common goals. We need harmonized data to ensure that tourism action on the ground really responds to our shared vision". Against this backdrop, the International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories (INSTO), was presented as leading the way in assessing the progress being made at the destination level as well as the challenges still to be overcome, including sourcing better data.

Mr. Norbert Totschnig, Federal Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management of Austria highlighted that "tourism can not only bring prosperity, but it can also be a driver to improve water quality and availability in regions. Efforts are required to manage water efficiently, to keep our rivers, lakes and the sea clean". Also during the side event, WTTC presented new data on global and national water consumption, while the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance presented its water stewardship initiatives, including the Hotel Water Measurement Initiative, and the updated Destination Water Risk Index.

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UNWTO Opens Calls for Best Tourism Villages 2023

UNWTO Opens Calls for Best Tourism Villages 2023

UNWTO has opened applications for the third edition of its Best Tourism Villages initiative.

Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO was launched in 2021 as part of the Organization's work to make tourism a driver of rural development and wellbeing. To date, over 70 villages from almost 40 countries have been recognized as Best Tourism Villages. A further 40 have been selected to participate in the Upgrade Programme where they benefit from expert mentorship and networking opportunities.

Tourism can make a real difference for rural communities, delivering jobs, supporting businesses and celebrating and protecting traditions

One initiative, three components

UNWTO's Members States can present up to eight villages through their National Tourism Administrations (NTAs). Applications will close on 23 June 2023 and the winners announced towards the end of the year. As with previous editions, the initiative has three components:

  • The 'Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO' recognizes outstanding examples of rural tourism destinations with cultural and natural assets, that preserve and promote rural and community-based values, products and lifestyle and have a clear committed to innovation and sustainability in all its aspects. Selection is based on an evaluation of their resources and initiatives in nine areas covering the three pillars of sustainable development, economic, social and environmental.
  • The 'Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO' Upgrade Programme benefits a number of villages among those that do not fully meet the criteria to obtain the recognition. These villages receive support from UNWTO and partners to address the gaps identified in the evaluation process.
  • The 'Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO' Network provides a space for exchanging experiences and good practices and opportunities. It includes representatives of the villages recognized as 'Best Tourism Village by UNWTO' as well as the villages participating in the Upgrade Programme and it will benefit from the contributions of experts, public and private sector partners engaged in the promotion of tourism for rural development. The Network also contributes to the work of UNWTO in identifying good practices, developing guidelines and policy recommendations as well as insights and knowledge.

The applications are evaluated by an independent International Advisory Board consisting of experts in different fields (cultural and natural resources preservation, sustainability, tourism product development, marketing, value chain, etc.) based on  nine areas, including sustainability, infrastructure, connectivity, and tourism value chain integration.

Recognition and mentorship for Villages

Announcing the launch, UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili says: "Tourism can make a real difference for rural communities, delivering jobs, supporting businesses and celebrating and protecting traditions. Through Best Tourism Villages, UNWTO is recognizing those rural destinations that committed to making tourism a pillar of opportunity and wellbeing."

Besides individual mentoring, the villages in the Upgrade Programme will also join the Best Tourism Villages Network, which today numbers over 100 members in five world regions. Since its inception the BTV Network had organized a series of training sessions and masterclasses, allowing hundreds of participants to benefit from expert guidance and feedback from sector leaders.



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Tourism for Rural Development Highlighted at UNWTO Best Tourism Villages Ceremony

Tourism for Rural Development Highlighted at UNWTO Best Tourism Villages Ceremony

Tourism importance for rural development was the message at the heart of the Best Tourism Villages Ceremony.

The initiative is one of the pillars of UNWTO Tourism for Rural Development Programme.  Every year, Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO recognizes destinations which stand out for their commitment to sustainability in all its aspects - economic, social and environmental - and the preservation and promotion of community-based values.

Alongside the ceremony itself, the First Annual Meeting of the Best Tourism Villages Network, a platform for sharing of knowledge and experiences, was held. During the meeting, the villages discussed their challenges and opportunities as well as their workplan for the coming year. 

For rural communities everywhere, tourism is a hugely powerful force for growth and opportunity

"It is a great honour that AlUla is among this year's award recipients. We look forward to continuing to raise awareness about the transformative role of tourism through our support for meaningful initiatives such as this," said H.H. Prince Badr bin Abdullah bin Mohammed bin Farhan Al- Saud, Minister of Culture of Saudi Arabia, Member of Board of Directors, and the Governor of the Royal Commission for AlUla.

UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili said: "For rural communities everywhere, tourism is a hugely powerful force for growth and opportunity. With Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO, we recognize and celebrate those destinations where this force is being truly embraced, whether it's creating jobs and supporting businesses or preserving local heritage. We look forward to keep growing with our Best Tourism Villages Network both in size and in influence."

"We are delighted to host the UNWTO Best Tourism Villages 2022 Ceremony in Saudi Arabia this year. We look forward to sharing the rich history and heritage of the Kingdom with event attendees and participants," said H.E. Ahmed Al Khateeb, Minister of Tourism, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

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UN TOURISM NEWS #56: ITB Berlin Edition

UN TOURISM NEWS #56: ITB Berlin Edition

UN Tourism News

ITB Berlin Edition

Tourism Always Comes Back
"Tourism Always Comes Back" – UNWTO Celebrates Official Opening of ITB Berlin

Tourism is on track to achieve full recovery this year and ready to deliver on its potential as a pillar of peace and sustainability, UNWTO has told sector leaders at ITB in Berlin.

UNWTO and Saudi Arabia Partner for education
UNWTO and Saudi Arabia Partner for education

UNWTO and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will work together to promote education and professional development in tourism.

UNWTO at ITB Berlin: Setting Priorities for Tourism
UNWTO at ITB Berlin: Setting Priorities for Tourism

UNWTO returned to ITB Berlin with a clear message: Tourism is back and committed to delivering positive change that goes beyond the sector itself.

UNWTO World Tourism Barometer:

Tourism is set to return to pre-pandemic levels in some regions in 2023.


Tourism's transformation

Industry Roundtable: Transition in Travel

UNWTO Roundtable Discussion Connecting Sports Tourism to Health

Towards a greener and bluer tourism

Expectations and Forecasts from the Customers' Perspective for the Travel Industry of Tomorrow

Launch of Study: Tourism Sector's Climate Action - A Review of Current Measurement

Investing in people

Signature UNWTO-Lucerne University on Bachelor in Science on International Sustainable Tourism

Presentation of Centre Stage Results - Shaping a Just and Equitable Industry Transformation

Photo Gallery UNWTO ITB 23
UNWTO in the media

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UNWTO’s Best Tourism Villages to be Celebrated in AlUla

UNWTO’s Best Tourism Villages to be Celebrated in AlUla

UNWTO will celebrate tourism as a major factor of sustainable rural development at a special Best Tourism Villages ceremony to be held in AlUla, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (12-13 March).

Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO (BTV) is the flagship initiative of the Organization's wider work to advance tourism as a pillar of rural development and opportunity. Since 2021, BTV has produced an annual list of destinations which stand out for their commitment to sustainability in all its aspects - economic, social and environmental - and the preservation and promotion of community-based values. The ceremony will bring together Ministers of Tourism alongside representatives of the most recent villages recognized by UNWTO, including AlUla Old Town District itself.

Tourism is a leading pillar of growth and opportunity for villages, supporting rural businesses, providing jobs for local communities, and celebrating traditions and heritage

"It is a great honour that AlUla is among this year's award recipients. We look forward to continuing to raise awareness about the transformative role of tourism through our support for meaningful initiatives such as this," said H.H. Prince Badr bin Abdullah bin Mohammed bin Farhan Al- Saud, Minister of Culture of Saudi Arabia, Member of Board of Directors, and the Governor of the Royal Commission for AlUla.

UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili said: "Tourism is a leading pillar of growth and opportunity for villages, supporting rural businesses, providing jobs for local communities, and celebrating traditions and heritage. Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO recognises those destinations that are showing what tourism can offer, both for tourists as well as for the communities themselves."

"We are delighted to host the UNWTO Best Tourism Villages 2022 Ceremony in Saudi Arabia this year. We look forward to sharing the rich history and heritage of the Kingdom with event attendees and participants," said H.E. Ahmed Al Khateeb, Minister of Tourism, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

About AlUla

AlUla Old Town District will be recognized at the prestigious ceremony. An ancient crossroads of civilisations and home to Saudi Arabia's first UNESCO World Heritage Site, AlUla is a leading example of the far-reaching benefits tourism can bring to rural communities as it is comprehensively regenerated into the world's largest living museum by the Royal Commission for AlUla (RCU).

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UNWTO at ITB Berlin: Setting Priorities for Tourism

UNWTO at ITB Berlin: Setting Priorities for Tourism

UNWTO returned to ITB Berlin with a clear message: Tourism is back and committed to delivering positive change that goes beyond the sector itself.

Tourism returns – why ITB matters

ITB Berlin is the world's biggest tourism and travel trade fair. This week's event was the first in-person ITB for four years and comes as the sector's recovery is well underway. According to UNWTO, international tourism could reach 80 to 95% of pre-pandemic numbers by the end of the year, with 70 million international arrivals recorded in January alone (more than double the number of January 2022).

The return of ITB was heralded by UNWTO as proof of strong confidence in travel as "the ultimate barometer of trust". UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili was invited to officially open the event, alongside Germany's Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili, Berlin Mayor Franziska Giffey, and public and private sector leaders.

Education and Investment: Key Priorities for Tourism

At the official ITB opening, UNWTO reinforced the importance of education, training and investments for tourism's ability to deliver on its potential.

In Berlin, UNWTO announced a new partnership that will see the Organization work with Saudi Arabia to promote education and professional development in tourism.

Alongside this, UNWTO also signed a new agreement with the Business School of Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts to partner towards the creation of a new Bachelor of Science degree in International Sustainable Tourism.

The key message of investing in people was also stressed as UNWTO took part in a special Industry Roundtable. The event built on UNWTO's status as the bridge between the public and private sectors. Recognizing the vital need for more and better-targeted investments to put transformative plans into action, UNWTO also confirmed that World Tourism Day 2023 will be celebrated around the theme of "Tourism and Green Investments".

Accelerating tourism climate action

Against the backdrop of ITB Berlin, UNWTO released a new report highlighting the progress that global tourism has made in measuring greenhouse gas emissions. "Climate Action in the Tourism Sector" was developed by UNWTO with support from the German Government and in collaboration with UN Climate Change (UNFCCC). The recommendations will help ensure more reliable measurements of GHG emissions towards fulfilling the commitments of the Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism.

Tourism for all

ITB 2023 coincided with International Women's Day. To mark the occasion, UNWTO was joined by UN Women to present a summary of the achievements of the "Centre Stage: Women's empowerment during the COVID-19 recovery" project. The initiative made clear the extent to which women working in tourism were particularly impacted by the pandemic. And while tourism remains a leading employer of women, UNWTO and UN Women jointly stress that the sector is still to deliver on its women's empowerment potential.

Finally, to further advance the diversification of the sector and the growth of areas that can deliver new benefits, a special UNWTO Roundtable Discussion on "Connecting Sports Tourism to Health" was held at ITB ahead of the 2nd World Sports Tourism Congress in Zadar, Croatia (26-27 April).

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UN Conference on Least Developed Countries

Tourism’s Potential Outlined at LDCV, UN Conference on Least Developed Countries

UNWTO centred tourism as a key pillar of sustainable development at the 5th United Nations Conference on Least Developed Countries.

The conference, held in Doha around the theme of “From Potential to Prosperity” came at the pivotal half-way point in the timeline to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and fully implement the 2030 agenda. With the sector accounting for 7% of total exports, and as much as 10% for non-oil exporting LDCs, tourism has proven its power to drive development. The crosscutting and labour-intensive nature of tourism also creates links to many other economic sectors and positions it as a valuable contributor to national development strategies and support to entrepreneurs, the backbone of the sector. Tourism has been one of the key factors enabling the graduation of LDCs which are also Small Island Developing States, including Cabo Verde, Samoa, Maldives and most recently Vanuatu.

The UN Conference brought together Heads of State, governments, civil society organizations, entrepreneurs, students, youth and policy makers. In Doha, UNWTO participated in the UN principals meeting, several high-level events and thematic roundtables with sector partners, to help finance, build engagement and bolster sustainable long-term support for the LDCs. Key issues raised included climate action, innovation, new financing mechanisms, education youth empowerment, digitalization, and capacity building.

Private sector partnerships

Within the Private Sector Forum Sustainable Tourism Session “Achieving universal access to clean and affordable energy through partnerships” co-organized by UNWTO, participants included – distinguished representatives from TUI Care Foundation, Ministry of Tourism of Saudi Arabia and Asian Development Bank. Discussions focused on the potential for innovative partnerships to support sustainable recovery, shape better policies and fiscal incentives for the private sector to rebound. UNWTO was proud to announce 'Tourism for Development Fund' for Least Developed Countries supporting projects in LDCs with at least €10 million until 2030 in collaboration with the TUI Care Foundation.

UNWTO also hosted a special side event on “Harnessing Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Tourism as Tools for Sustainable Development in LDCs” with the support of Qatar Tourism.  Here Startups from the UNWTO SDGs Global Startups Competition pitched their solutions helping to drive change in their countries alongside a panel discussion on how Innovation and Partnerships in Tourism can accelerate economic development. Participating startups included SEMA (Uganda), Community Homestay Network (Nepal), At hause Ltd. (Uganda).

Chief Operating Officer of Qatar Tourism, Berthold Trenkel, said: “By 2030, Qatar Tourism aims to increase the number of visitors to the destination threefold to over six million visitors a year, increase spending by three to four times and grow the travel and tourism sector contribution to GDP from 7 to 12%. Most importantly, we want to double employment in the tourism sector, all while continuing to position Qatar as a global leader in Service Excellence. To achieve this ambitious goal, Qatar Tourism aims to boost the entire tourism value chain, grow local and international visitor demand, attract sector investment, and drive a multiplier effect across the domestic economy."

LDC5 represents a once-in-a-decade chance for the world’s most vulnerable to realign to global priorities. UNWTO is fully committed to accelerating the implementation of the Doha Programme of Action, by focusing on innovation, digitalization and new financing models to support Least Developed countries’ economic growth and graduation.

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