Business Investing
The series of Tourism Doing Business reports is a tool reference for investors that provides valuable information on countries' investment climate as well as emerging investment opportunities. The publications promote redesigning an investment framework where education, innovation, and sustainability are the fundamental pillars.
Tourism Doing Business Investing in Namibia
Namibia has settled its position as a nation with steady economic growth and stability. In 2024, the country recorded GDP growth of 3.1%, which is projected to rise to 4.2% in 2025.
Investing in NamibiaTourism Doing Business Investing in Morocco
Tourism is a crucial component of Morocco's economy, demonstrating significant growth in recent years. As of 2024, the country welcomed 17.4 million international visitors, with a 35% increase in arrivals compared to 2019.
Investing in MoroccoTourism Doing Business Investing in Panama
La infraestructura de clase mundial de Panamá, incluyendo el Aeropuerto Internacional de Tocumen y el Canal de Panamá, lo posiciona como el principal hub de conectividad en las Américas, facilitando el acceso a destinos turísticos clave. Además, En 2023, Panamá atrajo a 2,51,8 millones de visitantes, generando ingresos por USD 5.432 millones, lo que representa un crecimiento del 20% respecto a 2019.
Investing in PanamaTourism Doing Business Investing in Brazil
Brasil, con su vasta extensión territorial y su población de aproximadamente 213 millones de habitantes, destaca como una de las economías más grandes y dinámicas del mundo. La robustez de su mercado interno y el acceso a mercados regionales e internacionales hacen del país un destino clave para la inversión extranjera.
Investing in BrazilTourism Doing Business Investing in Guatemala
Guatemala, con una economía diversificada y una rica oferta cultural y natural, destaca como un destino prometedor para la inversión extranjera en turismo. Con una población cercana a los 17,6 millones y un crecimiento económico del 3,5% en 2023, el país ofrece estabilidad y oportunidades para proyectos de impacto positivo.
Investing in GuatemalaTourism Doing Business Investing in El Salvador
Within the framework of the "Tourism Doing Business" series of reports, UN Tourism has collaborated with the government of El Salvador and the Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAF), to create a guide to promote investments in the country's tourism sector.
Investing in El SalvadorTourism Doing Business Investing in Colombia
Colombia has reached a historical peak in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), recording USD 17.4 billion in 2023, a 24.7% increase since 2019. This growth highlights the country's attractiveness for sustainable and diversified investments, particularly in key sectors such as tourism, infrastructure, and renewable energy.
Investing in ColombiaTourism Doing Business Investing in Georgia
Tourism Doing Business – Investing in Georgia is a comprehensive resource for tourism professionals and investors seeking in-depth knowledge about Georgia's tourism sector and the investment opportunities it presents.
Investing in GeorgiaTourism Doing Business Investing in Armenia
Tourism Doing Business – Investing in Armenia is an essential resource for investors and tourism professionals seeking in-depth knowledge about Armenia's tourism sector and the investment opportunities it presents.
Investing in ArmeniaTourism Doing Business Investing in Zambia
“Tourism Doing Business – Investing in Zambia” serves as an essential resource, providing valuable insights into Zambia's economic landscape, investment potential, value proposition, and competitiveness in the tourism sector.
Investing in ZambiaTourism Doing Business Investing in Peru
“It is an honor to present the guide “Tourism Doing Business - Investing in Peru”, a fundamental tool highlighting the numerous business opportunities offered by the tourism sector of this wonderful country. Peru combines its extraordinary cultural heritage and award-winning gastronomy with unique landscapes of singular biodiversity. This heritage and natural wealth position it as a destination with many attractions for sustainable and responsible tourism.”
Investing in PeruTourism Doing Business Investing in Jordan
“Tourism Doing Business – Investing in Jordan” is a valuable tool for investors and tourism experts who wish to gain deep knowledge about the sector’s performance and appealing investment opportunities.
Investing in JordanTourism Doing Business Investing in Albania
“Tourism Doing Business – Investing in Albania” offers a compelling exploration of Albania's vibrant business landscape, providing a comprehensive overview of its economic resilience and growth potential.
Investing in AlbaniaTourism Doing Business Investing in Uruguay
"Tourism Doing Business, Investing in Uruguay" is the second investment guide made in collaboration with CAF - development bank of Latin America and the Caribbean. It highlights the main economic, political and social strengths of Uruguay, including its solid institutional and economic framework, its entrepreneurial and innovative culture, diverse natural landscapes and an attractive cultural and gastronomic offer.
Investing in UruguayTourism Doing Business Investing in Ecuador
UN Tourism has signed a cooperation agreement with the CAF - Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean with the main objective of promoting investments in the Americas through technical cooperation and capacity building for the development of the Tourism Sector, as well as redesigning an investment framework where education, innovation, and sustainability are the fundamental pillars.
Investing in EcuadorTourism Doing Business Investing in Chile
The investment guideline "Tourism Doing Business, Investing in Chile" highlights the main attributes of Chile as a tourist destination and as an attractive place to invest in the sector. The country is characterized by its free market, diversified and resilient economy, its openness and understanding of global trends, as well as its support mechanisms for innovation and the adaptation of the business ecosystem to the new trends. In addition, it has an advanced and constantly developing infrastructure, a wealth of landscapes and natural diversity, a vibrant culture and an exciting gastronomy and wine offering.
Investing in ChileTourism Doing Business Investing in Mozambique
The investment guidelines "Tourism Doing Business, Investing in Mozambique” is a comprehensive report that highlights the main economic, political, and social strengths of the Republic of Mozambique, among which we can find its diverse landscapes, nature, and its attractive cultural and gastronomic richness. All together they make the country a unique place to invest in tourism in the south-eastern region of Africa.
Investing in MozambiqueTourism Doing Business Investing in Uzbekistan
This publication of the "Tourism Doing Business Investing in Uzbekistan" has been authored in close collaboration with the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its Tourism Committee. This report illuminates the vast, yet often untapped, tourism potential of Uzbekistan and offers a synthesis of intensive research, and on-the-ground insights.
Investing in UzbekistanTourism Doing Business Investing in Mauritius
As part of our growing collection of ‘Tourism Doing Business’ reports, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) presents this comprehensive analysis developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism and the Economic Development Board of Mauritius. This publication has been authored to offer a comprehensive insight into the promising investment landscape and the growing tourism sector of Mauritius.
Investing in MauritiusTourism Doing Business Investing in Paraguay
The potential for opportunities is high, especially for investments such as tourism infrastructure, and product diversification based on innovation and creative economy that will allow incorporating Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), rural populations and young people into the tourism value chain as a strategic sector to generate jobs and sustainability.
Investing in ParaguayTourism Doing Business Investing in Dominican Republic
This first Tourism Investment Guide developed for the Dominican Republic is the result of a coordinated effort by the World Tourism Organization (UN Tourism), the Ministry of Tourism (MITUR) and the Dominican Republic Export and Investment Centre (PRODOMINICANA).
Investing in Dominican RepublicTourism Doing Business Investing in the United Republic of Tanzania
With an increased focus on green investments, the United Republic of Tanzania has a great potential to seize on these opportunities and formulate a value proposition based on these comparative advantages
Investing in United Republic of Tanzania