En 2011, la OMT formuló un Compromiso del sector privado con el Código Ético Mundial para el Turismo, abierto a la firma de empresas privadas del mundo entero. Al firmar el compromiso, las empresas prometen acatar, promover y aplicar los valores del desarrollo responsable y sostenible del turismo que defiende el Código. Se comprometen también a informar al Comité Mundial de Ética del Turismosobre el modo en que aplican los principios del Código en su gobernanza corporativa.

El Compromiso se centra especialmente en los aspectos sociales, culturales y económicos, y presta atención particular a cuestiones tales como los derechos humanos, la inclusión social, la igualdad de género, la accesibilidad y la protección de los grupos vulnerables y las comunidades receptoras.


Asociación Paraguaya de Turismo Rural (APATUR)

Asociación Paraguaya de Turismo Rural (APATUR)
Date signed: 9 October 2014
Event: Official Inauguration of the International Tourism Fair in Paraguay (FITPAR) 2014
Signed by: Ms. Ana C. De Silvero, President
Photo of the signing: please click here

Asociación Paraguya de Agencias de Viajes y Empresas de Turismo (ASATUR)

Asociación Paraguya de Agencias de Viajes y Empresas de Turismo (ASATUR)
Date signed: 9 October 2014
Event: Official Inauguration of the International Tourism Fair in Paraguay (FITPAR) 2014
Signed by: Mr. Víctor Pavón, President
Photo of the signing: please click here
Website: www.asatur.org.py


Asociación Turística Ferroviaria Turisferr

Asociación Turística Ferroviaria Turisferr 
Date signed: 17 January 2018, Spain
Event: FITUR International Tourism Fair
Signed by: Juan Pedro Galiano, President
Photo of the signing: please click here
Website: Turisferr



Date signed: 17 February 2014
Event: International Seminar on Tourism Destinations Management in Cultural Heritage Sites
Signed by: Mr. Luis Emilio Rodriguez
Photo of the signing: please click here
Website: Asonahores



ASPERAPI (Asosiasi Perusahaan Pameran Indonesia) / Indonesia Exhibition Companies Association / IECA,
Date signed: 1 October 2013, Bali, Indonesia
Event: APEC High Level Policy Dialogue On Travel Facilitation
Signed by: Mr. Effi Setiabudin, Chairman
Photo of the signing: please see here
Website: http://www.ieca.or.id/

ASPINDO (Indonesia Impresariat Companies Associations)

ASPINDO (Indonesia Impresariat Companies Associations)
Date signed: 1 October 2013, Bali, Indonesia
Event: APEC High Level Policy Dialogue On Travel Facilitation
Signed by: Mr. Sudjadi Husen
Photo of the signing: please click here

Associação Casas Brancas  (Association White Houses)

Associação Casas Brancas  (Association White Houses) - SUSPENDED

Date signed: 2 December 2013, Estoril, Portugal

Event: 3rd UNWTO International Conference on Tourism and the Media

Signed by: Marta Cabralsigned, President

Photo of the signing: please click here

Website: Associação Casas Brancas  (Association White Houses)


Associação Portuguesa de Agências de Viagens

Associação Portuguesa de Agências de Viagens - SUSPENDED
Date signed: 2 December 2013, Estoril, Portugal
Event: 3rd UNWTO International Conference on Tourism and the Media
Signed by: President, Pedro Costa Ferreira
Photo of the signing: please click here
Website: Associação Portuguesa de Agências de Viagens

Association for the development of tourism industry of South Kazakhstan

Association for the development of tourism industry of South Kazakhstan
Date signed: 7 June 2016, Issyk Kul, Kyrgyzstan
Event: 3rd Meeting of the Turkic Council Ministers of Tourism
Signed by: Akhberdiyeva Gulmira, Director
Photo of the signing: Please click here
Website: Association for the development of tousim industry of South Kazakhstan

Association of Bulgarian Tour operators and Travel Agents

ABTTA - Association of Bulgarian Tour operators and Travel Agents
Date signed: 29 May 2014, Sofia, Bulgaria
Event: Official visit of the Secretary-General to Bulgaria
Signed by: Ms. Irina Naidenova
Photo of the signing: please click here
Website: www.abtta.com

Association of Croatian Travel Agencies (UHPA)

Association of Croatian Travel Agencies
Date signed: 6 November 2014
Event: 2nd Summit of Presidents of Travel Agencies Associations
Signed by: Mr. Boris Žgomba, President
Photo of the signing: please click here
Website: www.uhpa.hr

Association of Czech Travel Agents (ACKCR)

Association of Czech Travel Agents (ACKCR)
Date signed: 3 August 2015
Event: Official visit of the Secretary-General 
Signed by: Mr. Vladimír Dolejš, Vice-Chairman
Photo of the signing: please click here
Website: http://en.ackcr.cz/

Association of Finnish Travel Agents

Association of Finnish Travel Agents
Date signed: 6 November 2014
Event: 2nd Summit of Presidents of Travel Agencies Associations
Signed by: Ms. Heli Mäki-Fränti, Managing Director
Photo of the signing: please click here
Website: www.smal.fi

Association of Swedish Travel Agents and Tour Operators

Association of Swedish Travel Agents and Tour Operators
Date signed: 6 November 2014
Event: 2nd Summit of Presidents of Travel Agencies Associations
Signed by: Mr. Christer Nordlund, President
Photo of the signing: please click here
Website: www.srf-org.se

Association of Tour Operators and Travel Agents of the Czech Republic (ACCKA)

Association of Tour Operators and Travel Agents of the Czech Republic (ACCKA)
Date signed: 3 August 2015
Event: Official visit of the Secretary-General 
Signed by: Mr. Roman Škrabánek, President
Photo of the signing: please click here
Website: http://en.accka.cz/



Atlas Travel

Atlas Travel
Date signed: 7 June 2016, Issyk Kul, Kyrgyzstan
Event: 3rd Meeting of the Turkic Council Ministers of Tourism
Signed by: Parviz Gasimov, Executive Director
Photo of the signing: Please click here
Website: Atlas Travel

Atton Hoteles S.A.

Atton Hoteles S.A.
Date signed: 20 June 2014
Event: Official visit of the Secretary-General to Chile
Signed by: Mr. Juan Francisco Levine Lira, General Manager
Photo of the signing: please click here
Website: www.atton.com

Azerbaijan Tourism Association

Azerbaijan Tourism Association - SUSPENDED
Date signed: 3 April 2014
Event: 57th Meeting of UNWTO's Regional Commission for Europe
Signed by: Mr. Nahid Bagirov
Photo of the signing ceremony: Please click here
Website: Azerbaijan Tourism Association



Date signed: 14 December 2016, Spain
Event: Private Sector Commitment to the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism in Valencia
Signed by: Mr. Adolfo Utor, President
Photo of the signing:please click here
Website: Balearia



Date signed: 14 December 2016, Spain
Event: Private Sector Commitment to the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism in Valencia
Signed by: Mr. Adolfo Utor, President
Photo of the signing:please click here
Website: Balearia

Bali Niksoma Boutique Beach Resort

Bali Niksoma Boutique Beach Resort
Date signed: 1 October 2013, Bali, Indonesia
Event: APEC High Level Policy Dialogue On Travel Facilitation
Signed by: Mr. Nyoman Astama
Photo of the signing: please click here
Website: http://www.baliniksoma.com/


Bali Tropic Resort & Spa

Bali Tropic Resort & Spa - SUSPENDED
Date signed: 1 October 2013, Bali, Indonesia
Event: APEC High Level Policy Dialogue On Travel Facilitation
Signed by: Mr. Jro Gede Karang Pangkit Swarsana
Photo of the signing: please click here
Website: http://www.balitropic-resort.com/

Beijing Tourism Group

Beijing Tourism Group
Date signed: 14 November 2014
Event: China International Tourism Forum
Signed by: Mr. Ding Tongxin, Vice President
Photo of the signing: please click here
Website: www.btg.com.cn

Blue Azul S.A./Club Indigo

Blue Azul S.A./Club Indigo
Date signed: 20 May 2015
Event: 58th meeting of the UNWTO Regional Commission for the Americas
Signed by: Ms. Béatrice Nadal-Mevs, Vice President 
Photo of the signing: please click here

Blue River Resort

Blue River Resort
Date signed: 13 May 2013, San Jose, Costa Rica
Event: 55th Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for the Americas
Signed by: Ms. Silvia Carboni Aguiluz, Representative
Photo of the signing: please click here
Website: http://www.bluerivercr.com

BTW - Bundesverband der Deutschen Tourismuswirtschaft (Federal Association of the German Tourism Industry)

BTW - Bundesverband der Deutschen Tourismuswirtschaft (Federal Association of the German Tourism Industry) -SUSPENDED
Date signed: 8 October 2012, Berlin, Germany 
16th Tourism Summit of the Federal Association of the German Tourism Industry
Signed by: Mr. Mr. Klaus Laepple, President
Photo of the signing: 
Please click here
Website: http://www.btw.de

Budvanska rivijera

Budvanska rivijera
Date signed: 23 June 2015
Event: Official visit of the Secretary-General 
Signed by: Ms. Sanela Kahrović, Marketing Director
Website: http://www.hgbudvanskarivijera.com/index.php/en/

Bulgarian Association for Alternative Tourism

Bulgarian Association for Alternative Tourism
Date signed: 29 May 2014, Sofia, Bulgaria
Event: Official visit of the Secretary-General to Bulgaria
Signed by: Mr. Lubomir Popyordanov, Chair of the Managing Board
Photo of the signing: please click here
Website: www.baatbg.org

Bulgarian Association of Travel Agents

Bulgarian Association of Travel Agents
Date signed: 29 May 2014, Sofia, Bulgaria
Event: Official visit of the Secretary-General to Bulgaria
Signed by: Ms. Svetlana Atanassova
Photo of the signing: please click here
Website: www.batabg.org

Bulgarian Convention and Visitors Bureau

Bulgarian Convention and Visitors Bureau - SUSPENDED
Date signed: 29 May 2014, Sofia, Bulgaria
Event: Official visit of the Secretary-General to Bulgaria
Signed by: Mr. Iordan Kuvandjiev, Chair of the Board of Directors
Photo of the signing: please click here