INVESTOUR 2017 gathers over 20 African Ministers of Tourism in Madrid

INVESTOUR 2017 gathers over 20 African Ministers of Tourism in Madrid

PR No.: PR 17008

INVESTOUR, a unique platform that brings together tourism businesses from Africa, Europe and the rest of the world on an annual basis has convened more than 20 African Ministers of Tourism at FITUR, the Spanish Tourism Fair. The initiative, now in its 8th edition, has taken place on 19 January in a joint initiative of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), IFEMA/FITUR and Casa Africa. 

In the last eight years, INVESTOUR has become a unique platform for exchange of information and for business opportunities in the African continent. The event has counted in its 8th edition with the participation of more than 20 Ministers of Tourism of different African countries who debated the opportunities that the sector can bring to the continent.

INVESTOUR 2017 focused on two main topics: ‘Technology and design of new touristic products’ and ‘Capacity development for youth and women in tourism.’

“INVESTOUR has demonstrated not only the high relevance of such platforms to advance business, but also the immense potential of the tourism sector in the Africa as reflected in the very positive results that the region had in terms of international tourism in 2016” said UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai.

“For Casa Africa is a privilege to be one of the joint partners of INVESTOUR as this event has become a major reference for African tourism investors,” said the Director General of Casa Africa, Luis Padrón. “Our goal is to promote exchanges and to create a platform in which tourism professionals from both shores can meet, discuss, understand each other, and to look for ways to cooperate and to grow,” he said.  

Mr. Eduardo López-Puertas, Director General of IFEMA said: "INVESTOUR has not only become a reference for FITUR but a key milestone for investors and parties involved in the development of the tourism sector in Africa". 

As 2017 will be celebrated worldwide as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, sustainable practices have been particularly addressed by the initiatives presented at INVESTOUR.     

In 2016, Africa welcomed 58 million international tourists, up 8 % from 2015. According to UNWTO’s forecast, this figure will reach 134 million by 2030. The interest in tourism business in the continent has also risen. For instance, the number of Spanish companies based in sub-Saharan Africa has multiplied by seven in the last five years. As highlighted by the World Bank in 2015, the fast economic growth and the significant improvement of the business climate in Africa opens new perspectives for international companies.

Since the first edition in 2010, INVESTOUR has brought together over 1500 participants from 46 African countries and more than 900 projects have been presented.

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UNWTO Media Officer Rut Gomez Sobrino

Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60 /

UNWTO Communications & Publications Programme

Tel: (+34) 91 567 8100 / Fax: +34 91 567 8218 /


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UNWTO and Japan International Cooperation Agency partner to promote sustainable tourism

PR No.: PR 17004

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation aimed at providing a framework for joint action in the area of sustainable tourism. 

The agreement, undersigned by UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai, and JICA Executive Senior Vice President, Kazuhiko Koshikawa, opens important opportunities of collaboration as JICA is one of the largest global donors in terms of international cooperation for development in tourism.

As underlined in the document, the agreement aims to contribute to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through tourism. A particular focus is given to assisting developing countries to reduce poverty through tourism as well as to improve public policies and business practices in order to ensure sustainable and responsible production and consumption patterns along the tourism supply chain.

“To work together with a development agency that has 40 years of experience is a privilege and a unique opportunity for UNWTO, particularly now that we are launching the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development 2017,” said UNWTO Secretary General Taleb Rifai on the occasion of the signature of the agreement conducted at the Organizations’ Headquarters in Madrid.

Other areas of cooperation include research and knowledge-sharing in themes such as tourism and poverty reduction, tourism development in developing countries, tourism and climate change and tourism and security.

In addition, both Organizations will cooperate in technical assistance projects addressing policy and strategy development, institutional strengthening, quality standards, human resource development as well as capacity building.

Additional information:

Visit the portal of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development 2017

UNWTO Technical Cooperation

Tourism for Development Guidebook


UNWTO Media Officer Rut Gomez Sobrino

Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60 /

UNWTO Communications & Publications Programme

Tel: (+34) 91 567 8100 / Fax: +34 91 567 8218 /

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AFRICA NEWS | Issue 9. December 2016

AFRICA NEWS | Issue 9. December 2016

It is an honour to share with you the activities that we have been undertaking in the Africa region. Importantly, the contributions we have received from you, as always, enrich the overall content of the newsletter. We have been extremely encouraged by your responses and I sincerely thank all of you who have shared with us the activities that you have been undertaking over the past few months.

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Press Release

Ambassador of Ghana presents credentials to World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
PR No.:
14 Dec 16

The Ambassador of Ghana, Elisabeth Adjei, has presented her credentials to the Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Taleb Rifai, accrediting her as Permanent Representative of his country to UNWTO. UNWTO is the United Nations specialized agency for tourism and is based in Madrid, Spain.

During the meeting, Rifai expressed to Ambassador Adjei the Organization’s determination and commitment to continue strengthening its close relationship with Ghana.

The prospects for tourism in Ghana are positive as economic recovery continues and new air routes open from emerging source markets, as well as from traditional source markets. Ghana has shown sustained growth in international tourism in recent years with almost 1.2 million international tourist arrivals in 2015, generating nearly 1 billion US dollars in receipts.

Ghana has been a Member State of the UNWTO since 1975.


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UNWTO highlights the relevance of sports events in branding Africa

PR No.: 16103

With occasion of the 12th edition of the African Women Cup of Nations 2016 (November 19- December 3), the Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Taleb Rifai, has paid an official visit to Cameroon. Participating in the ‘Women, Sports and Tourism; Women Sports events and the promotion of African destinations’, UNWTO Secretary-General underlined the opportunities that women sports-related events bring to the tourism sector in the Africa and beyond.

One of the initiatives of the 2016 African Women Cup of Nations has been the celebration of the Conference ‘Women, Sports and Tourism: Women Sport events and the promotion of African destinations,’ where the contribution of tourism and sports to sustainable development, mutual understanding and cultural exchange was emphasized. The event, organized by the Government of Cameroon with the support of UNWTO, highlighted the importance of women sports in branding Africa and in promoting gender equality.

“The high repercussion of women in the development of their countries is clear and should be underlined. The presence of women in sports-related events is one of these contributions that can immensely help brand African destinations, which are often victims of misperceptions, a factor that hinders the development of tourism in the continent“, said the Secretary-General of UNWTO Taleb Rifai at the opening of the Conference ‘Women, Sports and Tourism: Women Sports events and the promotion of African destinations’.

During his official visit to Cameroon, UNWTO Secretary-General met Prime Minister and Head of Government Philemon Yang to whom he presented the Open Letter, a global campaign conducted by UNWTO and the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTTC), to support tourism development worldwide and call for the support of the highest political level to the sector. Cameroon is the 19th African country to receive the Open Letter.

“Tourism is the sector of the future and it will change the future of the country. We have great potential in the tourism sector and I understand the need to have political will to change the course of tourism development in the country,” said Prime Minister Philemon Yang.

UNWTO Secretary-General reiterated the support of the Organization to Cameroon and stressed that “Cameroon is not alone and we should let the world know that it is a safe destination to be visited”.

Taleb Rifai also met Ferdinand Ngoh Ngoh Minister, Secretary-General to the President’s office, Bello Bouba Maigari, State Minister and Minister of Tourism and Leisure, Narcisse Mouelle Kombi, Minister of Arts and Culture and Joseph Dion Ngute, Minister Delegate in Charge of Relations with the Commonwealth at the Ministry of External Affairs.. During the meeting with the Minister of Tourism, he addressed several areas of cooperation such as capacity building and training, statistics and data collection and visa facilitation.

On the occasion, UNWTO Secretary-General also visited the Ebogo ST-EP Project on developing Sustainable Community Tourism and Private Enterprise being implemented at the banks of the Nyong River with the support of UNWTO and the STEP (Sustainable Tourism Eliminating Poverty) Initiative and MEFOU Park where Gorillas and Chimpanzes are been rehabilitated.


UNWTO Media Officer Rut Gomez Sobrino

Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60 /

UNWTO Communications & Publications Programme

Tel: (+34) 91 567 8100 / Fax: +34 91 567 8218 /

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Official visit of Mr. Taleb Rifai, UNWTO secretary general, to Cameroon, 20- 22 November 2016 on the occasion of the National Conference on “ women, sports and tourism, women sport events and the promotion of African destinations”

Official visit of Mr. Taleb Rifai, UNWTO secretary general, to Cameroon, 20- 22 November 2016 on the occasion of the National Conference on “ women, sports and tourism, women sport events and the promotion of African destinations”

UNWTO highlights the relevance of sports events in branding Africa
PR No.: 
09 Dec 16

With occasion of the 12th edition of the African Women Cup of Nations 2016 (November 19- December 3), the Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Taleb Rifai, has paid an official visit to Cameroon. Participating in the ‘Women, Sports and Tourism; Women Sports events and the promotion of African destinations’, UNWTO Secretary-General underlined the opportunities that women sports-related events bring to the tourism sector in the Africa and beyond.

One of the initiatives of the 2016 African Women Cup of Nations has been the celebration of the Conference ‘Women, Sports and Tourism: Women Sport events and the promotion of African destinations,’ where the contribution of tourism and sports to sustainable development, mutual understanding and cultural exchange was emphasized. The event, organized by the Government of Cameroon with the support of UNWTO, highlighted the importance of women sports in branding Africa and in promoting gender equality.

“The high repercussion of women in the development of their countries is clear and should be underlined. The presence of women in sports-related events is one of these contributions that can immensely help brand African destinations, which are often victims of misperceptions, a factor that hinders the development of tourism in the continent“, said the Secretary-General of UNWTO Taleb Rifai at the opening of the Conference ‘Women, Sports and Tourism: Women Sports events and the promotion of African destinations’.

During his official visit to Cameroon, UNWTO Secretary-General met Prime Minister and Head of Government Philemon Yang to whom he presented the Open Letter, a global campaign conducted by UNWTO and the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTTC), to support tourism development worldwide and call for the support of the highest political level to the sector. Cameroon is the 19th African country to receive the Open Letter.

“Tourism is the sector of the future and it will change the future of the country. We have great potential in the tourism sector and I understand the need to have political will to change the course of tourism development in the country,” said Prime Minister Philemon Yang.

UNWTO Secretary-General reiterated the support of the Organization to Cameroon and stressed that “Cameroon is not alone and we should let the world know that it is a safe destination to be visited”.

Taleb Rifai also met Ferdinand Ngoh Ngoh Minister, Secretary-General to the President’s office, Bello Bouba Maigari, State Minister and Minister of Tourism and Leisure, Narcisse Mouelle Kombi, Minister of Arts and Culture and Joseph Dion Ngute, Minister Delegate in Charge of Relations with the Commonwealth at the Ministry of External Affairs.. During the meeting with the Minister of Tourism, he addressed several areas of cooperation such as capacity building and training, statistics and data collection and visa facilitation.

On the occasion, UNWTO Secretary-General also visited the Ebogo ST-EP Project on developing Sustainable Community Tourism and Private Enterprise being implemented at the banks of the Nyong River with the support of UNWTO and the STEP (Sustainable Tourism Eliminating Poverty) Initiative and MEFOU Park where Gorillas and Chimpanzes are been rehabilitated.


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Cases en obus ou cases Mousgoum, à l’Extrême-Nord du Cameroun(Ph)
© Samedi 19 Novembre 2016- Au Cameroun, le gouvernement veut profiter de la Coupe d’Afrique des Nations(CAN) de football féminin, dont la 10e édition se déroule du 19 novembre au 03 décembre en cours, à Yaoundé (Centre) et à Limbé (Sud-Ouest), pour promouvoir le tourisme dans le pays.

Pour ce faire, le ministère duTourisme Search Tourisme et des loisirs, a organisé ce lundi, une cérémonie très courue au cœur de la capitale.

Parrainé par le premier ministre et chef du gouvernement, l’évènement qui s’est tenu en présence de Taleb Rifaï, secrétaire général de l’Organisation mondiale du tourisme (OMT), est placé sous le thème, « Femme, sport et tourisme : événements sportifs féminins et promotion des destinations africaines ».

« Identifié au Cameroun, comme un secteur porteur de croissance et de création d’emplois, le tourisme, a été érigé par le président camerounais, en un levier important pour l’atteinte des Objectifs du Développement Durable (ODD) », fait savoir Bello Bouba Maïgari, le ministre duTourisme Search Tourisme et des Loisirs.

Toutefois, le secteur du tourisme fait face à un choc. Celui de la baisse continue du nombre des touristes dans le pays, depuis 2013. 

A titre d’illustration, en 2015, les chiffres du ministère duTourisme Search

 Tourisme et des Loisirs indiquent que la fréquentation des hôtels à l’Extrême-Nord, a baissé dans les départements les plus touchés par les exactions des islamistes, de 90 à 30%.

Cette baisse, apprend-on, est attribuée en grande partie, aux attaques de la secte islamiste au Cameroun. C’est pour tenter de renverser la tendance, que les autorités ont choisi le prétexte de la Can féminine, pour faire la promotion du tourisme dans un pays qui se prévaut d’une riche diversité culturelle.

Armand Ougock, Yaoundé


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Cameroun: Découvertes touristiques, le site d'Ebogo et le parc des grands singes visités par le Sg/OMT
Le site touristique d’Eobogo (Ph1 KOACI),  Chez les singes (Ph2 KOACI)
© Mardi 22 Novembre 2016- Le secrétaire général de l’Organisation mondiale du tourisme (OMT), a achevé ce mardi son séjour au Cameroun, par une visite sur le site touristique d’Ebogo et au parc des grands singes de la Méfou.

Click to enlarge
Cameroun: Découvertes touristiques, le site d'Ebogo et le parc des grands singes visités par le Sg/OMT
Première découverte effectuée ce mardi, par Taleb Rifaï, le site touristique d’Ebogo, initié par l’OMT et l’Etat du Cameroun. Il a été mis sur pied dans le cadre du programme Step (Sustainable Tourism for Eliminating Poverty), pour lutter contre la pauvreté au sein des communautés locales.

Le site d’Ebogo, est situé à 70 km au sud de la ville de Yaoundé, au cœur de la forêt équatoriale, et à 18 km de la ville deMbalmayo Search

 Mbalmayo sur l’axe Yaoundé-Ebolowa.

A cheval entre les villages Soasi, Akoumbeguesi et Ebogo, il dépend de l’arrondissement de Mengueme dans le département du Nyong et So’o (Centre).

Il contient le plus « gros arbre millénaire d’Afrique » de 12 mètres de diamètre, qui fait sa particularité et son charme.

Autres atouts du site d’Ebogo, qui reçoit plus de 2000 visiteurs pas an, les randonnées pédestres au sentier botanique, des séances de pêches traditionnelle, la vision des oiseaux sauvages, la capture des papillons, l’île aux perroquets et les magnifiques chutes des fleuves Nyong et So’o.

Second site touristique visité par le patron du tourisme mondial, le parc des grands singes de la Méfou. 

Ici, dans ce parc situé à moins de 30 minutes de Yaoundé, l’hôte du Cameroun, a visité les grands gorilles et des chimpanzés.

Taleb Rifaï, a été invité au Cameroun, par les autorités qui veulent profiter de la CAN, pour faire la promotion du tourisme dans le pays.

Armand Ougock, Yaoundé 


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L’édition 2017 d’INVESTOUR se concentre sur la technologie et le développement des produits touristiques

L’édition 2017 d’INVESTOUR se concentre sur la technologie et le développement des produits touristiques

La huitième édition du Forum d’affaires et d’investissement touristique pour l’Afrique (INVESTOUR), organisée chaque année par l’OMT, FITUR et Casa África, se tiendra le 19 janvier 2017 à Madrid (Espagne). Ce forum rassemble des acteurs du tourisme et des investisseurs potentiels qui s’intéressent à l’Afrique, pour discuter des opportunités qu’offre le continent en matière de développement du tourisme durable.

Le potentiel de l’Afrique dans le secteur du tourisme est indéniable. En 2015, le continent a accueilli 53 millions de touristes internationaux et ses recettes touristiques internationales se sont montées à 33 milliards d’USD. Les perspectives d’avenir demeurent positives : l’OMT prévoit 134 millions d’arrivées dans la région à l’horizon 2030. Le flux accru de touristes sur le continent amplifie la nécessité d’étendre les infrastructures, ce qui nécessite un renforcement des investissements. Dans ce contexte, INVESTOUR constitue une fois de plus une plateforme stratégique pour promouvoir les investissements et les opportunités commerciales en Afrique.


L’édition de cette année portera sur deux thèmes : « Technologie et conception de nouveaux produits touristiques » et « Renforcement des capacités et emploi pour les jeunes et les femmes dans le tourisme ».

Nous vous invitons à venir participer au Forum. Pour de plus amples renseignements, voir le site

Ces sujets présentent un très grand intérêt pour le développement du secteur touristique. Cette nouvelle édition sera l’occasion de découvrir les activités entreprises sur le continent et de mesurer leur impact sur le tourisme dans la région.

Comme lors des éditions précédentes, les rencontres interentreprises (B2B) mettront en relation des responsables de projets touristiques africains avec des partenaires internationaux potentiels prêts à investir en Afrique.

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UNWTO supports Sudan´s Tourism Development

PR No.: 16094

UNWTO Secretary General, Taleb Rifai, has expressed the commitment of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) to support Sudan’s tourism development during his recent official visit to Sudan. The visit coincided with a three-day regional executive training on crisis communication in tourism organized by UNWTO and the UNWTO.Themis Foundation (Khartoum, Sudan, 15-17 November, 2016).  

Meeting with the President of the Republic of Sudan, H.E. Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir, to present the ‘Open Letter on Travel and Tourism’, a campaign promoted jointly by UNWTO and the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) to raise awareness of the value of tourism to development, Mr. Rifai reiterated the potential of the tourism sector in creating new opportunities for the people of Sudan.

The President expressed Sudan’s appreciation for the support of UNWTO by presenting UNWTO Secretary-General with the Order of the Two Niles Grand Cross. 

The official visit also included meetings with the press to address the issues of perception in Africa and a visit to Port Sudan and to the recently nominated World Heritage site of the Sanganeb Island. There Mr Rifai emphasized the need to build and have the right infrastructure in place and be able to communicate effective and positive messages to the world about Sudan.

Perception issues and the generalization of the impact of crises in specific locations to the whole region are some of the main obstacles facing tourism development in Africa. To address this, UNWTO and the UNWTO.Themis Foundation have organized a three days training on crisis communication in Sudan. Crisis communication preparedness is key to build resilience in Africa as it allows destinations to minimize the impact of crisis situations on the tourism sector and thus on its socio-economic benefits.

The course, part of UNWTO/UNWTO.Themis Foundation ongoing training on crisis communication, brought together nearly 60 communications professionals from eleven African countries. During three days, participants increased their capacities on crisis communications preparedness and management and exchanged experiences in managing crises.

Note to Editors

The Open Letter on Travel and Tourism is part of the Global Leaders for Tourism Campaign launched in 2011 by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC). The Campaign aims at enhancing the contribution of the sector to sustainable and universal development by raising awareness among Heads of State and Government of the potential of the tourism sector. Since its launch in 2011, UNWTO and WTTC have presented the Open Letter to 83 Heads of State and Government.

Additional information:

UNWTO Executive Training on Crisis Communication

Pictures on Flickr

CNN: Exploring Sudan's Forgotten Pyramids


UNWTO Media Officer Rut Gomez Sobrino

Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60 

UNWTO Communications & Publications Programme

Tel: (+34) 91 567 8100 / Fax: +34 91 567 8218 

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