
Inaugurated the UNWTO Regional Executive Training Course in the Republic of the Sudan on Crisis Communications in Tourism

Inaugurated the UNWTO Regional Executive Training Course  in the Republic of the Sudan on Crisis Communications in Tourism


The UNWTO Regional Executive Training Course in the Republic of Sudan on Crisis Communications  in Tourism, organized by the World Tourism Organization, its UNWTO.Themis Foundation and the Government of the Republic of Sudan and its Ministry of Tourism, Antiquities and Wildlife was inaugurated on 14th November by H.E. Mr. Adil Hamid Dagalo, State Minister from the Ministry of Tourism, Antiquities and Wildlife, Dr. Taleb Rifai, UNWTO Secretary General, H.E. Mr. Mohammed Mustafa AbuZaid, Minister of Tourism, Antiquities and Wildlife of Sudan, H.E. Mr. Babiker Hassan Saleh, Vice President of the Republic of Sudan and the facilitators of the course, Rut Gomez Sobrino and Tom Buncle.


This Executive Training aims to equip participants with the confidence and skills to take a leadership role in preparing and managing crisis communications. By the end of the training, participants should have a sound understanding of how to develop and implement a crisis communication plan, how to handle crisis communications, and how to set up a recovery plan. They should also have developed the confidence to apply these skills, to help train and build capacity in ones, and to adopt leadership role in crisis communications management.


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Tourism committed to fight climate change – COP 22

PR No.: PR 16092

The role of tourism in implementing the Paris Agreement was on the table on the occasion of the 22nd Session of the UNFCCC Conference of Parties (COP22). The International Symposium of the Sustainable Tourism Programme of the United Nations 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production (10YFP), held during COP 22, discussed how to advance Sustainable Tourism in a Changing Climate.

The Symposium aimed at increasing awareness on tourism and climate change-related issues and encourage the sector to engage in actions that reinforce national commitments to the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.

“The tourism sector is both a vector and a victim of climate change and we are fully committed to contribute to reach the objectives set by the Paris Agreement. This event was essential to advance this agenda, especially the discussion on measurement and reporting requirements as a basis for identifying and prioritizing climate action in tourism”, said UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai.  

"Sustainable tourism creates opportunities and assembles partners to help transform the industry towards low emissions and more efficient and less polluting operations. We must make tourism and every other industry contributor to our climate change action and a sustainable future", said Patricia Espinosa, UNFCCC Executive Secretary, in her video address to the event.

The event focused in particular in the need for partnerships with the private sector and the role of sustainable transportation to accelerate climate action in tourism.

“Climate change can only be addressed if actors from all parts of society - governments, businesses, NGOs and consumers - make a global and broad shift towards sustainable consumption and production patterns. Accounting for 10% of GDP, 7% of the world's exports and one in 11 jobs, tourism is one of the main economic sectors in the world, and as such has to be at the core of this essential transition,” said Charles Arden-Clarke, Head of the 10YFP Secretariat.

The International Symposium was part of the 3-day COP22 Tourism Side Events organized by the 10YFP Sustainable Tourism Programme and hosted by the Ministry of Tourism of Morocco. The Programme is a partnership led by UNWTO with the Governments of France, Morocco and the Republic of Korea as co-leads, with support of the 10YFP Secretariat at UN Environment, aimed at accelerating the shift towards more sustainable consumption and production. It was followed by a networking event involving financial institutions on sustainable tourism as well as by the Annual Conference on Saturday 12 November, where members of the network exchanged experiences and discussed priorities and next steps in the 10YFP Sustainable Tourism Programme.

Note to editors:

About the United Nations 10 Year Framework of Programmes for Sustainable Consumption and Production (10YFP)

Adopted at Rio+20, the 10YFP is a global framework for action to accelerate the shift towards Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) patterns in both developed and developing countries. The 10YFP generates collective impact through multi-stakeholder programmes and partnerships, which develop, replicate and scale up SCP policies and initiatives especially at regional and national levels. SCP is an integral part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, affirmed with the inclusion of a standalone goal (Goal 12) among the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Additional information:

Website of the Event

Video Message of Patricia Espinosa UNFCCC Executive Secretary

10YFP Sustainable Tourism Programme


Photos of the event


UNWTO Media Officer Rut Gomez Sobrino

Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60 /

UNWTO Communications & Publications Programme

Tel: (+34) 91 567 8100 / Fax: +34 91 567 8218 /

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African Tourism Ministers adopt African Charter on Sustainable and Responsible Tourism

PR No.: PR 16091

African Ministers of Tourism and heads of delegation along with UNWTO officials assembled in Marrakech in the framework of the 22nd Session of the UNFCCC Conference of Parties (COP22) to adopt the first African Charter on Sustainable and Responsible Tourism and sign the Declaration on ‘Tourism and Climate Issues in Africa’. Both documents pave the way for the implementation of sustainability and responsibility principles in the tourism sector in Africa. The meeting was held in Marrakech on 10 November 2016. 

The African continent has now a common reference framework to promote sustainability and responsibility in the tourism sector. The African Charter on Sustainable and Responsible Tourism, signed during the Ministerial Forum on Tourism and Climate in Africa, on the sidelines of the COP22, aims at becoming an instrumental tool for the continent to engage in sustainable tourism best practices by reconciling social and economic growth, the preservation of the environment and the respect for the cultural diversity of each country.

During the opening, H.E.M. Aziz Akhannouch, Minister of Tourism of Morocco, said “the charter which is signed today is a commitment for the future in order to promote sustainable tourism for the benefit of Africa while showing respect to biodiversity and the heritage of each African country”. 

UNWTO was represented by its Márcio Favilla, Executive Director for Operational Programmes and Institutional Relations, who highlighted that the signature of this significant document “is the result of the vision that African countries have for the future of their tourism sector: one that respects the environment, local communities, promotes gender equality, creates jobs for the youth and is a key driver for sustainable and economic growth.” In addition he recalled that “the Charter constitutes also an open working platform for countries which provides global orientations to preserve, respect and benefit African destinations and African people".

The flowing countries undersign the document: the Kingdom of Morocco, the Republic of Congo, Angola, Benin, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Guinea-Bissau, Cabo-Verde, Burundi, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, The Gambia, Gabon, Kenya, Mali, Mauritania, Central African Republic, Nigeria, Niger, Senegal, Seychelles, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Tunisia and Chad.

Additional information:

Website of the Event

Website of the 10YFP Sustainable Tourism Programme

African Sustainable and Responsible Tourism Charter


UNWTO Media Officer Rut Gomez Sobrino
Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60 /

UNWTO Communications & Publications Programme

Tel: (+34) 91 567 8100 / Fax: +34 91 567 8218 /

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UNWTO Regional Executive Training Course on Crisis Communication in Tourism

UNWTO and UNWTO.Themis Foundation will conduct a 5-day Regional Executive Training Course in Khartoum, Sudan on ‘Crisis Communication in Tourism’, from 14-18 November 2016, in collaboration with the Government of Sudan and its Ministry of Tourism, Antiquities and Wildlife.

The Executive training course will provide the participants with knowledge, skills, tools and a forum to discuss and reflect on the key issues of crisis communication including preparedness, crisis communication and recovery. 

The course will follow a theoretical-practical approach, combining modules on modern crisis communications, how to develop a crisis communications plan, crisis communication in social media as well as media relation including high pressure interviews and press conferences.

The course is open for tourism officials working in communications and marketing in Sudan and UNWTO Members in the region. 

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Scholarships opportunities

Since 2014, the UNWTO Knowledge Network, in collaboration with UNWTO Affiliate Member the Faculty of International Tourism and Management from the City University of Macau, has offered scholarships to outstanding young students and professionals from UNWTO Affiliate Members and institutions with UNWTO TedQual-certified programmes in Africa. As of last year, nine students from Zambia and Morocco, five in their first year and four in their second year, studied in Macao, China expanding their knowledge and expertise.

For more information on the programme, please visit the City University of Macau website at: and direct any questions regarding the application process to

For the period 2016-2017, four students will benefit from the scholarship for the Masters Program of International Hospitality and Tourism Management (three scholarships equivalent to US$ 11,500) and the Doctoral Programme in International Tourism Management, (one scholarship equivalent to US$ 26,900). Both programmes are UNWTO TedQual-certified.

This ongoing initiative is part of the UNWTO Knowledge Network Talent Development Platform, which aims to nurture young talent through internships, knowledge transfer and research, as well as promoting student mobility worldwide. 

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Scholarships opportunities

Since 2014, the UNWTO Knowledge Network, in collaboration with UNWTO Affiliate Member the Faculty of International Tourism and Management from the City University of Macau, has offered scholarships to outstanding young students and professionals from UNWTO Affiliate Members and institutions with UNWTO TedQual-certified programmes in Africa. As of last year, nine students from Zambia and Morocco, five in their first year and four in their second year, studied in Macao, China expanding their knowledge and expertise.

For more information on the programme, please visit the City University of Macau website at: and direct any questions regarding the application process to

For the period 2016-2017, four students will benefit from the scholarship for the Masters Program of International Hospitality and Tourism Management (three scholarships equivalent to US$ 11,500) and the Doctoral Programme in International Tourism Management, (one scholarship equivalent to US$ 26,900). Both programmes are UNWTO TedQual-certified.

This ongoing initiative is part of the UNWTO Knowledge Network Talent Development Platform, which aims to nurture young talent through internships, knowledge transfer and research, as well as promoting student mobility worldwide. 

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INVESTOUR 2017 looks in to technology and product development

INVESTOUR 2017 looks in to technology and product development

The eighth edition of the Investment and Business Forum for Africa (INVESTOUR), jointly organized annually by the UNWTO, FITUR and Casa África, will take place on 19 January 2017 in Madrid, Spain. This forum brings together tourism stakeholders and potential investors interested in Africa, to discuss the opportunities and the potential that the continent offers in terms of sustainable tourism development.

Africa’s potential in the tourism sector is undeniable. In 2015, the continent welcomed 53 million international tourists and earned a total of US$ 33 billion in international tourism receipts. The future outlook remains positive; UNWTO forecasts 134 million arrivals to the region by 2030. As the flow of tourists increases in the continent, there is greater need for expanding the infrastructure, which calls for more investments. In this context, INVESTOUR constitutes once again a strategic platform promoting investment and commercial opportunities in Africa.


This year’s edition will focus on technology and the design of new tourism products and on skills development, youth and women’s employment in tourism.

We encourage you to join us. For more information:

These topics are extremely relevant to the development of the tourism sector. This platform will give us the opportunity to learn what is being done on the continent and how is it impacting tourism in the region.     

As in previous editions, the business-to-business (B2B) meetings will provide the opportunity to bring together African tourism project leaders and potential international partners willing to invest in Africa.

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INVESTOUR 2017 looks in to technology and product development

INVESTOUR 2017 looks in to technology and product development

The eighth edition of the Investment and Business Forum for Africa (INVESTOUR), jointly organized annually by the UNWTO, FITUR and Casa África, will take place on 19 January 2017 in Madrid, Spain. This forum brings together tourism stakeholders and potential investors interested in Africa, to discuss the opportunities and the potential that the continent offers in terms of sustainable tourism development.

Africa’s potential in the tourism sector is undeniable. In 2015, the continent welcomed 53 million international tourists and earned a total of US$ 33 billion in international tourism receipts. The future outlook remains positive; UNWTO forecasts 134 million arrivals to the region by 2030. As the flow of tourists increases in the continent, there is greater need for expanding the infrastructure, which calls for more investments. In this context, INVESTOUR constitutes once again a strategic platform promoting investment and commercial opportunities in Africa.


This year’s edition will focus on technology and the design of new tourism products and on skills development, youth and women’s employment in tourism.

We encourage you to join us. For more information:

These topics are extremely relevant to the development of the tourism sector. This platform will give us the opportunity to learn what is being done on the continent and how is it impacting tourism in the region.     

As in previous editions, the business-to-business (B2B) meetings will provide the opportunity to bring together African tourism project leaders and potential international partners willing to invest in Africa.

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The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Ethiopia jointly organized a Regional Workshop on ‘Keys to Success in Quality Product Development in Tourism Destinations’, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (15-17 September 2016). The  workshop was attended by around 200 participants, including delegates from 17 Member States, UNWTO Affiliate Members, local tourism stakeholders and media representatives.

In her opening remarks, Mrs. Elcia Grandcourt, Director of UNWTO's Regional Programme for Africa, shared with the participants the encouraging growth figures in international tourism to the region during the first half of the year.

Addressing participants H.E. Engineer Aisha Mohammed Mussa, Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, acknowledged the good relationship between UNWTO and the Government of Ethiopia. Commenting on the importance of tourism as one of the prime sources of income and employment,  the Minister said “I think countries are by now well aware of this fact and are doing all their best to tap the immense potentials emanating from this sector”. 

In order to gain tangible economic benefits from the tourism sector and to reduce the capacity gaps that exist across the continent, the Minister encouraged more technical workshops to be organized within the region.

In welcoming the participants, ECA's  Deputy Executive Secretary Ms. Giovanie Biha reiterated the timeliness of the workshop to support African Member States as they shift their attention from the traditional productive sectors to other sectors that could speed up their much-needed structural transformation and the tourism sector is emerging as one of these sectors.

She reaffirmed ECA’s continued support to enhancing tourism development in Africa, and in particular the tourism action plan for Africa through strong partnerships with sister organizations UNWTO and the African Union, the regional economic communities and Member States.

Prior to the closing of the workshop Ms. Esencan Terzibasoglu, Director of the UNWTO Destination Management and Quality Programme, shared the conclusions of the two days’ work. The Workshop:

Ø  Provided a global insight into the positioning of African destinations along with the new dynamics and trends in the overall market place;

Ø  Highlighted the need to develop and deliver quality, ethical and attractive tourism products and services to enhance competitiveness;

Ø  Explored the ways innovation can stimulate new products and niche markets;

Ø  Gave an overview of various challenges and constraints and discussed strategic approaches to cope with sustainability issues while maximizing benefits for local destinations;

Ø  Illustrated good cases on possible areas of co-operation and partnership at different levels of governance and among stakeholders; and

Ø  Stressed that effective policy and governance instruments are key drivers for destination performance as the government/public sector has a crucial role in product development.

Lalibela - One of Ethiopia's holiest cities.



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The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Ethiopia jointly organized a Regional Workshop on ‘Keys to Success in Quality Product Development in Tourism Destinations’, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (15-17 September 2016). The  workshop was attended by around 200 participants, including delegates from 17 Member States, UNWTO Affiliate Members, local tourism stakeholders and media representatives.

In her opening remarks, Mrs. Elcia Grandcourt, Director of UNWTO's Regional Programme for Africa, shared with the participants the encouraging growth figures in international tourism to the region during the first half of the year.

Addressing participants H.E. Engineer Aisha Mohammed Mussa, Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, acknowledged the good relationship between UNWTO and the Government of Ethiopia. Commenting on the importance of tourism as one of the prime sources of income and employment,  the Minister said “I think countries are by now well aware of this fact and are doing all their best to tap the immense potentials emanating from this sector”. 

In order to gain tangible economic benefits from the tourism sector and to reduce the capacity gaps that exist across the continent, the Minister encouraged more technical workshops to be organized within the region.

In welcoming the participants, ECA's  Deputy Executive Secretary Ms. Giovanie Biha reiterated the timeliness of the workshop to support African Member States as they shift their attention from the traditional productive sectors to other sectors that could speed up their much-needed structural transformation and the tourism sector is emerging as one of these sectors.

She reaffirmed ECA’s continued support to enhancing tourism development in Africa, and in particular the tourism action plan for Africa through strong partnerships with sister organizations UNWTO and the African Union, the regional economic communities and Member States.

Prior to the closing of the workshop Ms. Esencan Terzibasoglu, Director of the UNWTO Destination Management and Quality Programme, shared the conclusions of the two days’ work. The Workshop:

Ø  Provided a global insight into the positioning of African destinations along with the new dynamics and trends in the overall market place;

Ø  Highlighted the need to develop and deliver quality, ethical and attractive tourism products and services to enhance competitiveness;

Ø  Explored the ways innovation can stimulate new products and niche markets;

Ø  Gave an overview of various challenges and constraints and discussed strategic approaches to cope with sustainability issues while maximizing benefits for local destinations;

Ø  Illustrated good cases on possible areas of co-operation and partnership at different levels of governance and among stakeholders; and

Ø  Stressed that effective policy and governance instruments are key drivers for destination performance as the government/public sector has a crucial role in product development.


Lalibela - One of Ethiopia's holiest cities.



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