
African tourism administrations undersign the Declaration of Kinshasa

African tourism administrations undersign the Declaration of Kinshasa

PR No.: PR 18032

Madrid, Spain 11 April 2018 - An intense week of exchange of experiences and capacity building linked to wildlife and biodiversity protection has taken place in Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of the Congo. A major result of the regional initiative that lies under the framework of the UNWTO/Chimelong Programme on Wildlife and Sustainable Tourism has been the Declaration of Kinshasa that addresses poaching and carbon footprint as major concerns of the sector.

The Regional Conference served to summarize the itinerary training workshops conducted throughout 2017 which encouraged local communities and tourism stakeholders to act as champions of biodiversity conservation and environmental protection.  As a result, more than 120 people were trained last year from Niger, Gabon, Benin, Guinea and Democratic Republic of the Congo to give them the skills to design and implement local champion initiatives in their respective countries, which they showcased during the conference.

During the opening ceremony, who welcomed more than 100 participants from the five countries in addition to Zimbabwe, the Minister of Tourism of the Democratic Republic of the Congo H.E. Franck Mwe di Malila Apenela underscored “the vital importance of the link between tourism development and biodiversity conservation”, and that “it is not a coincidence that the upcoming UNWTO Agenda for Africa encapsulates it as one of its key priorities”. Mr. Shanzhong Zhu, UNWTO Executive Director, hoped that “the results presented during the conference will provide opportunities to generate economic benefits while stimulating protection and appropriate management of biodiversity in harmony with the sustainable development of tourism”.

The opening ceremony was followed by a key note speech by Seamus Kearney, journalist and producer, who emphasized the potential to involve the media in sustainable tourism-based initiatives and the need to communicate with honesty, transparency and honesty.

The UNWTO delegation comprised of Mr. Shanzhong Zhu, Executive Director and Mr. Jaime Mayaki, Deputy Director of the Africa Programme, was also officially received by the Prime Minister of DRC, H.E. Bruno Tshibala, during which they highlighted the key nexus between economic diversification, tourism development and biodiversity conservation in DRC and welcomed the vision of the government of DRC to put tourism as a priority for job creation.

A panel debate involving the Ministers of Tourism of DRC Franck Mwe di Malilia Apenela and of Niger, Ahmet Botto, together with the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Tourism and Hospitalty Industry of Zimbabwe, Dr. Thokozile Chitepo and UNWTO Executive Director, Shanzhong Zhu stressed the relevance of institutional communications and coincided in the potential of engaging tourism authorities on wildlife conservation measures.

Involving local communities, develop educational programmes liaised to sustainable tourism and increasing awareness on biodiversity and wildlife were some of the themes underlined in the ministerial debate.

“The achievements of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development that we celebrated in 2017, the Lusaka Declaration on Sustainable Tourism and Community Engagement in Africa and the First African Charter on Sustainable and Responsible Tourism adopted by the COP22 constitute the best framework to advance the tourism sector towards more sustainable practices,” said the UNWTO Executive Director Shanzhong Zhu.

As the Declaration expresses, the undersigning countries commit to “reinforce the role of Sustainable Tourism as a lever for local development and support for the conservation and preservation of the environment” and “to become involved in strengthening the conservation of biodiversity, raise awareness and fight against various forms of over-exploitation of resources including poaching and reduce the carbon footprint of tourism-related activities”.

Strategic Communications at the core of the cause

Besides the Regional Conference, the delegates participated in a training workshop on communications and media relations led by Ms. Rut Sobrino Gomez, UNWTO media project manager for the UNWTO/Chimelong Programme. Under the topic of communicating the link between wildlife and sustainable tourism, public officers from these countries analyzed the potential of wildlife in the promotion of their destinations and revised the strategic communications methodologies and practices that can facilitate their work.

The workshop included an exhaustive revision of theoretical and practical approaches of strategic communications as well as of the different modalities of media relations. The creation of innovative products to attract the interest of journalists, building trust-based relations with the media communities and empowering outlets as advocates of wildlife protection and sustainable tourism were part of the training activity. Through working groups participants had the opportunity to build communications strategies for their touristic products, like the parks of Zongo and Malebo in DRC.

Both the workshop on Communications and Media Relations as well as the Regional Conference take place within the framework of the UNWTO/Chimelong Programme. This initiative, which is being implemented between 2017 and 2019, addresses the potential of sustainable tourism as key driver of wildlife protection and conservation in Africa and in Asia. The Programme integrates capacity building of tourism administrations, media engagement on these themes including a Journalism Prize and talent development through a fellowship program, among other actions.

More information

UNWTO/Chimelong Initiative on Wildlife Conservation and Sustainable Tourism in Africa & Asia and the Pacific

Regional Programme of Africa 



UNWTO Senior Media Officer Marcelo Risi

Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60 /

UNWTO Communications & Publications Programme

Tel: (+34) 91 567 8100 / Fax: +34 91 567 8218 /


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UNWTO and UN Environment join forces to empower media as environment and wildlife defenders

UNWTO and UN Environment join forces to empower media as environment and wildlife defenders

20 journalists representing international media outlets have participated in a workshop organized in Nairobi (Kenya) by UN Environment on biodiversity, environmental defenders, environmental right and sustainable tourism in cooperation with the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). The initiative is part of the Environmental Rights Initiative recently launched by UN Environment and is aligned with the UNWTO/Chimelong Initiative on Wildlife and Sustainable Tourism. Both programmes consider journalists as key partners in this global cause.

Informing the public in a transparent, accurate and impartial manner is part of most curricula at Schools of Journalism.  Additionally, the media is often referred to as a watchdog of policy making and as a representative of the general public that gives a voice to the non-heard. These were some of the themes addressed at the workshop which was designed to enable the media to report more comprehensively on environment and wildlife-related topics.

The meeting commenced with the intervention of Dr. Luthando Dziba, Co-Chair of the African assessment at IPBES, who underlined the great richness of Africa’s biodiversity and its importance to supporting a variety of essential ecosystems services, as well as its wealth of indigenous and local knowledge. However, Dr. Dziba informed the journalists that "approximately 500.000 square km of African land - corresponding to 3% of the territory - is already degraded by erosion and biodiversity loss.”

“Africa has alternatives,” he said. Measures have been taken to protect biodiversity by African Governments including the expansion of protected areas, restoration of ecosystems and control of invasive alien species. However, “there is an urgent need to improve the understanding of the value of Africa's biodiversity for human well-being and socio-economic development,” he said.

“The impact of the work of the media is more than remarkable in our current societies. They do not solely inform the general public. They also educate, increase awareness, provide a unique platform to communities that are not normally present in the public discourse and they point out problems and irregularities that can be ignored,” explained Rut Gomez Sobrino, facilitator of the media training and Media Development Officer at UNWTO.

“As a consequence, the potential of the inclusion of journalists as major partner of the cause of environmental and wildlife protection” - she said.

“Media has a tremendous responsibility to cover current issues of global interest but also an immense opportunity to report on the topic of environmental protection and wildlife in an innovative manner as this is a cross-cutting theme, with multiple angles and audiences,” she said.

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New UNWTO Agenda for Africa moves ahead in Berlin

New UNWTO Agenda for Africa moves ahead in Berlin

PR No.: PR 18023

Berlin, Germany, 9 March 2018 – An African ministerial working meeting conveyed by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) during this year’s Berlin International Tourism Fair ITB (8 March) agreed to move ahead with a new ten-point UNWTO Agenda for Africa. The final document will be adopted at the UNWTO Commission meeting for Africa, taking place in Nigeria in June this year.

Against the backdrop of international tourist arrivals expanding 8% in Africa in 2017, thus outgrowing the world average increase in arrivals, tourism is gaining weight as a development opportunity for the whole continent, with its vast diversity of nature, culture and wildlife its greatest vehicle for development.

UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili stressed that “tourism has huge potential to generate lasting development opportunities in Africa if we manage it in the right way, which is economic, social and environmental sustainability”.

The participants from 17 countries, including 14 ministers, supported a coordinated approach to seizing the continent’s potential for tourism, a sector that last year attracted more than 62 million international visitors. Issues on the UNWTO Agenda for Africa include, among others, connectivity, the image and brand of Africa, poverty alleviation, climate change, education and skills development, and financing. Delegates underscored the importance of educating other economic sectors on the broad impact of tourism for the benefit of societies and its people, and promoting tourism as a priority in national agendas.

The detailed, four-year UNWTO Agenda for Africa will be approved at the upcoming 61st Regional Commission for Africa – UNWTO’s annual gathering of all its member countries of the continent –in the Nigerian capital of Abuja (4-6 June).

The following countries were represented at the meeting at ITB: Angola, Cape Verde, Cameroon, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Gambia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Nigeria, Sudan, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.


Investour – Tourism Investment and Business Forum for Africa

The 61st UNWTO Regional Commission for Africa and 'Tourism Statistics: A Catalyst for Development' Seminar. Abuja, Nigeria, 4 - 6 June 2018


UNWTO Senior Media Officer Marcelo Risi

Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60 /

UNWTO Communications & Publications Programme

Tel: (+34) 91 567 8100 / Fax: +34 91 567 8218 /

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Le SITA est incontestablement le salon de référence de l’industrie touristique Africaine. Il donne une visibilité sur l’un des continents possédant la plus grande visibilité, la plus grande diversité culturelle et des pôles d’attractions touristiques. Il réunit à Abidjan chaque année des professionnels et experts du tourisme mondial qui opèrent en Afrique. La 8ème édition privilégiera comme à l’accoutumée des rencontres et des échanges commerciaux entre les professionnels Africains et internationaux. Le thème de cette année sera « les nouvelles technologies au service du tourisme »

Le SITA 2018 c’est :

  • 5 Jours d’expositions;
  • 70 000 visiteurs attendus;
  • 2500 rencontres entre professionnels prévus;
  • 60 animations et activités;
  • 250 journalistes nationaux et internationaux  accrédités;
  • 10 000 m² de stands d’exposition
  • 45 000 m² d’espace d’exposition

Le SITA 2018 c’est aussi la mise en place de formules inédites à l’intention des professionnels et visiteurs étrangers:

  • Formule au départ de Paris avec CORSAIR  à partir de 650 Euros incluant billet d’avion + transport + hébergement + pass salon 5 jours.
  • Formule au départ de Madrid, Berlin et Pékin avec TURKISH AIRLINES à partir de 650 Euros incluant billet d’avion + transport + hébergement + pass salon 5 jours.
  • Formule au départ des pays Africains avec Air Cote d’ivoire, Kenya Airways, Air Burkina à partir de 300 000 fcfa incluant billet d’avion + transport + hébergement + pass salon 5 jours.

Abidjan devient le hub du tourisme Africain avec plus d’une vingtaine de pays Africains attendus et des visiteurs professionnels Espagnols, Allemands, Français et Chinois.

Le SITA est organisé par COTE D’IVOIRE TOURISME, l’Office National du Tourisme de Côte d’Ivoire, sous l’égide du MINISTERE DU TOURISME DE COTE D’IVOIRE.

Information et réservation sur ; ;

info line / 225 20 25 16 02/03 – 225 09 17 71 91.

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Seychelles : une nouvelle brochure de conseils pratiques pour des expériences de randonnée plus sûres et mémorables

Seychelles : une nouvelle brochure de conseils pratiques pour des expériences de randonnée plus sûres et mémorables

Le Département du tourisme de la République des Seychelles a fait paraître une nouvelle brochure contenant des conseils pratiques pour les randonneurs, en particulier les touristes, désireux d’explorer les chemins et sentiers de randonnée des Seychelles.

La brochure a été préparée par le Service de la gestion des risques du Département du tourisme en collaboration avec d’autres partenaires, dont l’Autorité des parcs nationaux des Seychelles et la police seychelloise. On y trouve les consignes à respecter par les amateurs de nature, qu’ils soient seychellois ou touristes, pour emprunter les chemins et sentiers de randonnée des Seychelles, balisés ou pas. Il est indiqué, par exemple, de s’assurer d’avoir de bonnes conditions météo ou d’obtenir le maximum d’information sur les sentiers, notamment en faisant appel aux services d’un guide agréé, surtout en dehors des sentiers officiels.
La brochure contient également une liste de numéros à contacter en cas d’urgence.

Le Ministre chargé du tourisme, Maurice Loustau-Lalanne, a fait savoir que la brochure compléterait le ‘Seychelles Hiking Guide’ (Guide de la randonnée aux Seychelles), publié récemment par le Bureau de tourisme des Seychelles et détaillant 25 sentiers des îles de Mahé, Praslin, La Digue et Silhouette.

« Les touristes sont nombreux à vouloir découvrir nos chemins et sentiers et nous avons eu à déplorer, par le passé, des cas de touristes blessés ou perdus ; aussi avons-nous pris l’initiative de leur proposer cette brochure qui contient des conseils pratiques à suivre par précaution » a déclaré le Ministre M. Loustau-Lalanne.

La nouvelle brochure offre des conseils utiles pour que l’exploration des chemins et des sentiers des Seychelles soit une belle expérience. Elle est disponible sur le site internet du Département du tourisme.

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Renforcer les relations avec les Membres est au cœur du travail du programme régional pour l’Afrique. En témoigne la qualité des relations cultivées par le programme au fil des années avec chacun des États membres et des Membres affiliés de la région. En outre, nous encourageons les ministres, quand la possibilité se présente, à nous rendre visite au siège pour mieux connaître, dans le détail, les services proposés par l’Organisation. 

Nous veillons à optimiser chacune de ces visites en programmant des réunions techniques et des séances de travail avec le Secrétaire général de l’OMT, le Directeur exécutif et les directeurs du programme régional pour l’Afrique, du programme de la coopération technique et d’autres programmes, suivant l’intérêt exprimé par chaque pays. Nous tâchons aussi d’organiser, sur demande, des rencontres avec des organismes publics espagnols.

Le Secrétaire général de l’OMT, Zurab Pololikashvili, a reçu au siège de l’OMT en janvier 2018 les ministres du tourisme de Cabo Verde, des Comores, du Ghana, de la Guinée équatoriale, de Madagascar, du Niger, de l’Ouganda, de la République du Soudan et de la Zambie. Les réunions ont été centrées sur les principales priorités de l’OMT et de chaque État membre, mais aussi sur la marche à suivre du point de vue stratégique pour faire progresser le programme d’action pour le tourisme de chaque État membre et de la région. Ces réunions, qui illustrent encore une fois la coopération et l’engagement de l’Organisation envers chacun des pays, débouchent habituellement sur des accords particuliers et des mémorandums d’accord entre des Membres africains et l’OMT.

Le programme régional de l’OMT pour l’Afrique encourage tous les États membres à entretenir et à renforcer nos relations par de telles visites de travail.






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L’OMT a tenu deux séminaires de formation axés sur le tourisme et la vie sauvage : l’un à Dubréka (République de Guinée), du 14 au 16 novembre 2017, et l’autre à Kinshasa (République démocratique du Congo), du 21 au 23 novembre 2017. Ces séminaires font partie d’une série d’activités menées au titre de l’initiative OMT/Chimelong sur la conservation de la vie sauvage et le tourisme durable en Afrique et en Asie-Pacifique.

Le tourisme est devenu un pilier important des économies locales en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre, où le secteur connaît un essor rapide. Or, les défis associés à la préservation de la biodiversité peuvent peser, à longue échéance, sur les niveaux de satisfaction des visiteurs et, à terme, faire baisser les revenus tirés de l’activité touristique. 

Chacun de ces programmes a réuni une trentaine de participants ayant différents domaines de compétence dans le secteur du tourisme. La formation, d’une durée de trois jours, avait pour finalité de sensibiliser la population locale à l’importance de la conservation de la biodiversité et d’examiner comment permettre la prise en compte des considérations environnementales dans l’activité touristique. La formation visait aussi à encourager les communautés locales et les employés du tourisme à se faire les défenseurs de la conservation de la biodiversité et de la protection de l’environnement, pour que l’activité touristique procure des revenus durables à la population locale.

La conclusion réussie des deux séminaires OMT/Chimelong a été rendue possible grâce au soutien des ministères de ces pays, dirigés respectivement par S.E.M. Thierno Ousmane Diallo, Ministre d’État, Ministre de l’hôtellerie, du tourisme et de l’artisanat de la République de Guinée, et par S.E.M. Franck Mwe di Malila Apenela, Ministre du tourisme de la République démocratique du Congo.

Le programme de formation tenu à Kinshasa vient refermer la série de séminaires de renforcement des capacités aux fins du développement du tourisme et de la protection de la biodiversité en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre, qui a mobilisé un total de cinq pays. Leurs conclusions seront débattues lors de l’atelier régional programmé en avril 2018 en République démocratique du Congo. 

Les moyens engagés par les gouvernements du Bénin, Gabon, Guinée, Niger et République démocratique du Congo pour accueillir ces ateliers traduisent l’importance attachée à la contribution du secteur du tourisme de ces pays au développement socioéconomique et à la conservation de la biodiversité.

Pour en savoir plus sur l’initiative OMT/Chimelong : /chimelong

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Seychelles produces new leaflet providing useful tips for a safer and memorable hiking experience

Seychelles produces new leaflet providing useful tips for a safer and memorable hiking experience

The Seychelles Tourism Department has launched a new leaflet providing tips to hikers, especially tourists, keen to explore Seychelles’ walks and trails.

The leaflet has been produced by the Risk Management Section within the Tourism Department, in collaboration with other partners including the Seychelles National Parks Authority and Seychelles police. The leaflet provides useful tips that nature lovers – both Seychellois and tourists – should observe while hiking on both official and unofficial walks and trails in Seychelles.  This includes ensuring that there is good weather, seeking maximum information about the trails including seeking the services of a licensed guide -- especially for unofficial trails .The leaflet also has a list of essential numbers to be contacted in case of emergency.

The Minister for Tourism, Maurice Loustau-Lalanne, said the leaflet will complement the Seychelles Hiking Guide, recently launched by the Seychelles Tourism Board, providing details of 15 trails found on the islands of Mahé, Praslin, La Digue and Silhouette.

 “Many tourists like to visit our walks and trails and we have witnessed several incidents in the past where they can be injured or lost, so we have taken the initiative to produce the leaflet to give them tips that can be followed as a precaution,” said Minister Loustau-Lalanne.

 The new leaflet providing useful tips for a memorable experience while exploring Seychelles’ walks and trails is available on the Tourism Department’s website.

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Inauguration of the training center in the hospitality and tourism industry in Arta, Djibouti


On January 11, the President of the Republic of Djibouti, Ismail Omar Guelleh, inaugurated a sectoral training center for the hotel and tourism industry in Arta, located about 40 kilometers from the city of Djibouti. The center is a training school for young graduates, built on the infrastructure of the former summer resort of Arta. 

is composed among others of a Hotel with several categories of rooms and many classrooms with a completely renovated restaurant and a modern and equipped kitchen. It also has a fitness room, bodybuilding, a swimming pool, a large conference room with a reading room and video games room for children as well as a large playground.

The inauguration of the Arta training center is in line with the Government of Djibouti's policy to combat unemployment, especially of young people, through the commissioning of a series of training programmes, school and technical infrastructure development intended to provide effective vocational training.

The center aims to be a center of excellence in the training of young people in the professions of the hotel, catering and tourism industries.

The Sunny Hill Center is a development project with numerous economic spinoffs for the Republic of Djibouti. In addition to its basic vocation of Hotel & Restaurant application to learners, the center will allow many young people in Djibouti to take advantage of the opportunities that will be offered to them in the sector of Hospitality and Tourism.

Note finally that the center offers a magical setting and a magnificent view of the northern heights of the hinterland. Tourism activities such as hiking will be offered to visiting guests, among other leisure and recreational activities. In the area of Arta Plage, visitors will also have the opportunity to admire, each year between October and March, the required whales, these large harmless fish of the family Rhincodontidaemetering up to 14 meters in size.

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8th edition of the International tourism exhibition of Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire


Reference in the African tourism due to its strong emphasis on one of the continents offering the greatest cultural diversity along with numerous tourist attractions, the trade fair called SITA brings together each year tourism professionals and experts operating in Africa.

The 8th edition of SITA will be held from April 27th to May 1st 2018 and highlight “the use of new technologies in the tourist sector” and, as usual, prioritize commercial exchanges between African and international professionals.

SITA 2018:

  • 5 days of exhibition
  • 70 000 visitors expected
  • 2500 meetings between professionals
  • 60 events & activities
  • 250 national and international accredited journalists
  • 45 000 m² of exhibition area
  • 10 000 m²  of stands area

SITA 2018 is also unprecedented formulas especially concocted for professionals and foreign visitors:

  • Formula from Paris to Abidjan with CORSAIR airline starting at 650 Euros includes a ticket + transportation + accommodation + 5 days exhibition free pass.
  • Formula from Madrid, Berlin and Pekin with TURKISH AIRLINES starting at 650 Euros includes a ticket + transportation + accommodation + 5 days exhibition free pass
  • Formula from African countries with Air Cote d’Ivoire, Kenya Airways, Air Burkina from 300 000 FCFA includes a ticket + transportation + accommodation + 5 days of exhibition free pass.

Abidjan will become the hub of the African tourism with more than twenty African countries invited and several professionals coming from Spain, Germany, France and China.

SITA is organized by COTE D’IVOIRE TOURISM, national tourism board of Ivory Coast under the aegis of the TOURISM MINISTRY OF IVORY COAST.

For information and bookings;

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