AFRICA NEWS | Issue. 14

AFRICA NEWS | Issue. 14

Dear readers,

Our sincerest appreciation to all who joined another celebration of INVESTOUR held in January during FITUR, Spain’s largest tourism and trade fair. The 10th anniversary marked a milestone for this business and investment forum which has become the touchstone for exploring sustainable investment opportunities in the African region.

The Forum provided the backdrop to launch the first ‘Tourism Tech Adventure: Promoting African Tourism Innovation’, in collaboration with the development agency of the African Union (NEPAD). This project awarded five young African entrepreneurs an opportunity to experience a three-day training programme in Madrid and pitch their ideas at INVESTOUR. It is precisely these types of opportunities that we would like to continue generating for young African startups as part of our mandate of promoting sustainable tourism throughout the continent. Over 60% of the region’s population is below the age of 25, making it the youngest continent in the world. It is for this reason that we must concentrate our efforts and calls for action to invest in the youth, which is to invest in the future. ‘Education, skills and jobs’, this year’s overarching theme to which to connect all UNWTO actions, could not be more pertinent.

The UNWTO Secretary-General, Zurab Pololikashvili, within the first year of his mandate has strongly emphasized the Agenda for Africa by focusing on core development priorities of its tourism sector. In this context, several activities during 2018 responded to the demands of member states and the need to advance the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). During the last quarter of 2018, the topic of Fostering Resilience (safety and security), was discussed in a regional workshop on Tourism and Security, jointly organized with the West African Monetary and Economic Union (WAEMU – UEMOA) and the government of Senegal. In Algeria, issues related to statistical data were explored through the second Statistics Capacity Building workshop.

During the first quarter of this year, our focus will be on addressing air connectivity and visa facilitation at the first UNWTO/ICAO Ministerial Conference on Tourism and Air transport in Africa, in collaboration with the government of Cabo Verde. Additionally, after the recent appointment of the Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture of Ghana to chair the Leadership Taskforce of the Women Empowerment Programme, the preparation of the first ‘Regional Congress on Women Empowerment in the Tourism Sector – Focus on Africa’ is well under way (Accra, Ghana).

We invite you to continue sharing with us your initiatives and activities through the tourism for SDGs platform, a dedicated space for UNWTO members and various stakeholders along the tourism value chain:

As we work together towards achieving our common objectives I would like to conclude with this African proverb; “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

I trust you will enjoy this edition and wish you all a happy read!

Elcia Grandcourt
Regional Department for Africa

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Capacity-building in Macao, People’s Republic of China

Capacity-building in Macao, People’s Republic of China

The Global Center for Tourism Education established by the Institute for Tourism Studies (IFT) based in Macao, People’s Republic of China and UNWTO signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in 2015 to enhance the quality of human capital and increase the competitiveness of tourism destinations in the Asia/Pacific Region and Portuguese-speaking countries aiming to achieve sustainable tourism development in the long run.

In this regard, the Institute for Tourism Studies offered the 6th training session entitled: “Capacity Building on Destination Marketing and Tourism Product Development” late last year for lusophone countries i.e. Angola, Cabo Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Sao Tomé and Principe and Timor Leste, and Cambodia. The training course took place within the facilities of IFT over eight days during the last quarter of 2018.

The eight-day training course aimed at equipping officials and professionals of the selected countries with capacity, knowledge and skills on current trends in Tourism Marketing, and especially on Tourism Product Development. Besides following the intensive theoretical course, participants were asked to take part in a technical field visit so as to apply the methodology and knowledge they had gained during the classes throughout the week.

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A Conference on Tourism and Air Transport in Afric

A Conference on Tourism and Air Transport in Afric

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), have joined forces with the Government of Cabo Verde to host the First UNWTO/ICAO Ministerial Conference on Tourism and Air Transport in Africa (27 - 29 March 2019, Santa Maria, Sal Island, Cabo Verde).

Tourism and aviation are interdependent, as the respective mandates of UNWTO and ICAO reflect at the global level. Whilst UNWTO promotes responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism as a driver of economic growth and sustainable development, ICAO sets standards and policies for aviation safety, security, efficiency, environmental protection and economic development of air transport.

The core objective of the Ministerial Conference will align with the United Nations’ Transforming our World: 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, aimed at: a) identifying challenges and opportunities that foster the development of connectivity and seamless travel in the African continent; b) enhancing common understanding and responses to the business imperatives through strengthening dialogue between the two sectors; and c) raising political willingness to mainstream the priorities of the two sectors in the national, regional and global agendas.

This joint UNTWO/ICAO Ministerial event grouping both key decision-makers and stakeholders represents an important milestone for the two sectors. The knowledge and expertise that will be shared will significantly contribute to the delivery of pragmatic, forward-looking solutions and credible means. This will enable African States to maximize and balance the benefits from the future development of tourism and air transport in the continent and obtain a fair share out of the future growth of global tourism.

Africa undoubtedly has a huge tourism and air transport growth potential that remains untapped. In 2018, a record of 1.4 billion tourists crossed international borders, approximately 55% of whom arrived to their destinations by air. Africa´s tourism sector grew at an estimated 8% and reached a record 67 million international arrivals. In recognition of tourism’s high dependency on air transport and in light of the critical importance of both tourism and air transport to economic growth and sustainable development, the Conference will focus on Tourism and Air Transport in Africa. 

It is worth noting that African skies have significantly changed with the emergence of new air carriers for the last decades. Positive developments have also been noted in several African hubs since the adoption of the Yamoussoukro Decision concerning the liberalization of access to air transport markets in Africa (endorsed in 2000). However, there is still plenty of room for improvement and a lot of commitment is necessary for the full benefits of the Yamoussoukro Decision to materialize.

The recent launch of the Single Africa Air Transport Market (SAATM) by the African Heads of States in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 29 January 2018 has brought 26 African States to formally adhere to its solemn principles. Open skies over the African continent may soon be a reality, building the necessary regulatory framework to increase international intra-African travel, all of which highlight the encouraging effects that regional liberalization has on the sustainable development of air transport. 


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A Taskforce for Women in Tourism

A Taskforce for Women in Tourism

In the framework of the UNWTO Women in Tourism Empowerment Programme – Focus on Africa (WITEP), the first meeting of the Leadership Taskforce was held on 25 January 2019 during FITUR at the UNWTO Headquarters. This is a forum for the debate of proposals and activities geared towards promoting women empowerment and leadership in tourism in the Africa region.

The meeting kicked off with the unanimous appointment of H.E. Catherine Afeku, Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture of Ghana, as the chair of the Taskforce group. She will hold this position for a period of two years. Successive chairs will be appointed on a rotation basis between the member states of the taskforce group.

H.E. Catherine Afeku, upon addressing the participants at the meeting emphasized that “Women in the tourism sector are invisible but they contribute a lot; we need to give them that visibility”. It was agreed that the lack of skills in the women’s workforce is due to an absence of suitable programmes that could calculate the value of women in tourism.

Africa is a region that is seeing more and more appointment of women in key positions especially in the tourism sector.  The following African Women Tourism Ministers attended this first meeting: H.E. Ângela Bragança, Minister of Hospitality and Tourism of Angola, H.E. Nina Walet Intallou, Minister of Handicrafts and Tourism of Mali and H.E. Memunatu B. Pratt, Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs of Sierra Leone. Representatives of the following member states were also present at the meeting; Mrs. Mouna Ghliss, Director General of Studies and International Cooperation, Ministry of Tourism and Handicrafts of Tunisia, Ms. Maylene Broderick, Chief Director of Enterprise Development and Transformation from the Ministry of Tourism South Africa, Mrs. Marie Solange Tiesse, Director of Tourism from the Embassy of Côte d’Ivoire in Spain, and Dr. Dimakatso Malwela, Women of Value SA (WOVSA) from the private sector of South Africa.

During the meeting, the taskforce discussed the results of the UNWTO Member State Questionnaire that was distributed among the members. This questionnaire helped to gather information from several member states about the situation of women in tourism in their respective countries. Furthermore, the taskforce established that the WITEP programme should focus long-term on the general theme of women in tourism, but short-term to focus on more specific topics developed through pilot projects. The members agreed that given the level of experience that South Africa has on this issue, the first pilot project of the WITEP programme will be launched in South Africa. 


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Round Table Sessions at INVESTOUR

Round Table Sessions at INVESTOUR

This year´s round table sessions focused on two key topics; Safe and seamless travel in Africa: fostering resilience and risk management in the tourism sector and Embracing Digital Transformation, Innovation and Promoting Niche Tourism products.  Both sessions included a mix of participants from the public and private sector. 

On the issue of safety and security, the UNWTO Secretary-General reiterated the support of UNWTO and of the global tourism family to Kenya who recently suffered an attack on its people and its tourism sector. He highlighted tourism’s resilience and Kenya as an example of successfully facing up to challenges. For the second round table, he recalled that tourism development goes hand in hand with development. In addition, this year UNWTO will also have a strong focus on how digitalization can revitalize our sector and contribute to its growth.

For the first time at INVESTOUR, a space was given to young entrepreneurs with innovative ideas to pitch their start-up initiatives. This opportunity came to be through the support of The New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD), benefitting young entrepreneurs from Ethiopia, Senegal, South Africa, Uganda, and Zimbabwe. Their experience, in addition to participating at INVESTOUR, included a one-day workshop at UNWTO on scaling up tips for their startups and visits to the Google Centre and Airbus Bizlab in Madrid. Olivia Codou N´diaye of LIVES from Senegal and David Gonahasa of Roundbob from Uganda were awarded a scholarship for a training provided by the Africa Center at IE Business School in Madrid.

During the Business to Business sessions, more than 30 projects were presented by 12 African countries, holding more than 55 meetings with international investors coming from 4 different countries.

The success of the 10th edition of INVESTOUR was ensured through the support of valuable sponsors NEPAD agency, Quantum Solutions Emerging Markets, INFECAR and Cote d’Ivoire Tourisme, and partners, VoyagesAfriq, eBiz Africa Review, Vhoolink and the Moroccan National Tourist Office in Madrid.

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Tenth anniversary celebration of INVESTOUR

Tenth anniversary celebration of INVESTOUR

On 24 January 2019, UNWTO, Casa África and IFEMA celebrated the 10th anniversary of their flagship event, the Tourism Investment and Business forum for Africa (INVESTOUR) during the 39th edition of the Tourism and Trade Fair of Madrid (FITUR). On this special occasion, more than 18 African Tourism ministers gathered to celebrate the achievements of the tourism sector in the region in terms of growth and development. The event welcomed over 350 participants from more than 59 countries, including 43 African countries, and participants from Brazil, China, France, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom and USA, among other countries.

This year´s 10th Anniversary opening ceremony of INVESTOUR was attended by H.E. Mrs. Reyes Maroto, Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism of Spain who joined Mr. López-Puertas, Director General of IFEMA, Mr. Padrón López, Director General of Casa África, Mr. Valenzuela Marzo, Secretary of State of Foreign Affairs Spain and Mr. Pololikashvili, UNWTO Secretary-General.

On this occasion, the organisers of INVESTOUR presented a recognition award to Rwandan entrepreneur Greg Bakunzi, for his commitment to sustainable tourism growth in Africa. Mr. Bakunzi has been participating in INVESTOUR since its inception in 2009. He commented that through his participation at the B2B sessions he has been able to take his company, Amahoro Tours and Red Rocks Rwanda, from a national level to an international level. “The   Award I just got from UNWTO/Investour showed me that being passionate and committed about something that you really like will always happen. It’s in this way that I would like to call upon my fellow stakeholders from the African Continent with the support from UNWTO, to make the African continent a sustainable tourism continent. There is so much we can do that can change the livelihood of our community through sustainable tourism,” he added upon being presented the award.

During the opening ceremony, participants also witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of understanding between UNWTO and Tunisia; the agreement for the hosting of the 62nd UNWTO Commission for Africa with Mali; and the signing of the agreement for the hosting of the First UNWTO/ICAO Ministerial Conference on Tourism and Air transport in Africa with Cabo Verde. 


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Design and implementation of tourism

Design and implementation of tourism

During the last three to four years, the work of the Gambia Tourism Board (GT Board), the Gambia Bureau of Statistics (GBOS), the Tourism Statistics Committee and other institutions including the private sector, have contributed to considerably improve the system of tourism statistics of The Gambia, as witnessed by various statistical publications by the GT Board and others.

These improvements were a result of an exhaustive analysis of the national tourism statistical system and recommendations proposed for its further strengthening, made by UNWTO in 2015. In continuation of the implementation of these, and in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), The Gambia requested further UNWTO technical assistance to design and implement a Visitor Survey and Tourism Establishment Survey as the next step towards obtaining the necessary data to compile a Tourism Satellite Account (TSA).

During December 2018, UNWTO undertook a two-week mission in The Gambia to assist the government in setting up a visitor survey and a tourism establishment survey which are to be implemented in the forthcoming high season, in addition to delivering a two-day Train-the-Trainer programme on the methodology of implementing tourism establishment surveys.


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National Tourism Strategy Project in Republic of Guinea in collaboration with UNWTO and UNDP Guinea

National Tourism Strategy Project in Republic of Guinea

The National Economic and Social Development Plan (NESDP, 2016-2020) of Republic of Guinea has identified the tourism sector as one of the main pillars of the country's socio-economic development.

In collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), UNWTO is providing technical assistance to Guinea in the formulation of a National Tourism Development Strategy with particular emphasis on ecotourism development. The Strategy would provide recommendations for the further development and professionalization of the sector in terms of strategic planning, management, product development, marketing and promotion, combined with a legal and administrative framework which will support the overall economic, social and environmental sustainability of the sector. 

Project activities were launched in November 2018 with an initial mission to review the current status of the tourism sector, and identify strengths, opportunities and constraints to be addressed through the Strategy.

The draft Strategy is scheduled to be presented to stakeholders through consultative national and regional workshops in February 2019.

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