
Carpathian Convention signs Tourism Protocol based on CBD Guidelines, Ramsar Convention involved in similar effort

Carpathian Convention signs Tourism Protocol based on CBD Guidelines, Ramsar Convention involved in similar effort


Montreal, 28 June 2011 – On 27 May 2011, the seven Parties to the Framework Convention on the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Carpathians (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine) signed a protocol on sustainable tourism in Bratislava, Slovakia, that uses as its basis the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Guidelines on Biodiversity and Tourism Development. More...

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The First International Tourist Forum in Arkhangelsk ITFA was held in the framework of the celebrations dedicated to the 300-years anniversary of the famous Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov in order to stimulate tourism development in the Barents Region and extend interregional and international relations in tourism sector (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation 25-26 May 2011).

The Forum was organized by the Government of the Arkhangelsk region, supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Tourism and the World Tourism Organization and gathered about 400 participants from the Northern Russian regions. Foreign experts from neighbouring northern countries shared their experience and presented successful cases of the development of sustainable tourism in Arctic Region that can serve as a model for the development of tourism in the Northern Russia.

An International Conference on „Tourism Development in the Northern Regions” focused on current trends in tourism development in the North in general and Northern Russia in particular highlighting the development of arctic tourism and increasing demand of such on the global market.

“Pomor Land has enormous tourism resources as a key destination for researchers in the Arctic and the Northern Sea Route, as well as for travellers” said Valery Korovkin Head of International Cooperation of the Federal Agency for Tourism. He described the International Tourist Forum as a major event for promoting tourism in the northern regions, and drew attention to an increasing interest in the Arctic.

The Deputy Regional Director for Europe, Ms. Cordula Wohlmuther, congratulated the Northern Provinces for their intention to further develop arctic tourism. Most of them already have strategies in place in order to start exploiting environmental and cultural tourism assets in the Barents Region. However, the huge potential is also followed by the challenges to be faced, such as climate change and sustainability issues. Ms. Wohlmuther stressed that despite the high competition among the Arctic countries regional alliances are very important since synergies between countries can create far more attractive tourism products than those countries might be able to achieve working in isolation.


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UNWTO Algarve Forum sets a consensus for tourism strategies

UNWTO Algarve Forum sets a consensus for tourism strategies

PR No.: PR11050

While tourism has enormous potential to contribute to development, it can only do so with adequate governance systems which empower people and communities – this was one of the main messages emerging from the UNWTO Algarve Forum (1-3 June, Vilamoura, Portugal). The Forum – intended to bridge theory and practice in tourism as an instrument for development and good governance – convened over 300 representatives from the private and public sector who were joined by prestigious academics to conclude several months of on-line discussion and establish a consensus on tourism strategies for the next decade and beyond.


“The world faces mounting changes and challenges which call for innovative strategies and policies. Governments, business and civil society need to devote attention to knowledge management in tourism, to better understand and act upon the forces shaping today’s world, especially on the critical issues of development, climate change and governance. We need to bring these players together in governance solutions; it’s possible and achievable,” said UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai, opening the Forum.

On governance, the Forum stressed the significance of participation and efficiency. Institutions and stakeholders, whether in the public or private sector as well as those in civil society, need to take advantage of innovation, providing for the full use of networks and information-communication technologies. Cooperation and knowledge-based decisions are the basis of good governance.

The conclusions also highlighted the need to develop new indicators to measure the real effects of tourism on development and its impacts on climate change. These indicators should also provide for a better balance between the challenges of climate change and the use of tourism as an instrument for development.

The UNWTO Algarve Forum was organized by the UNWTO Knowledge Network with the able support of one of its most active members, the University of the Algarve. Participants agreed to establish a platform to carry forward the work initiated during the last few months within the UNWTO Knowledge Network and the Forum and build a community of knowledge on tourism; providing a framework of support for policy-making on development, governance and climate change goals. The results are to be translated into a set of guidelines and policy programmes known as the UNWTO Algarve Consensus.

UNWTO awards the 2011 Ulysses Prize and Awards

The 2011 UNWTO Ulysses Prize and Awards Ceremony took place during the Forum, rewarding initiatives and projects of excellence undertaken by public tourism institutions, tourism enterprises and non-profit institutions that have made a significant contribution to the advancement of tourism through innovation.

The awardees showcase some of the best examples of tourism projects from around the world that are improving the positive social impact of the sector.

The UNWTO Ulysses Prize was awarded to Professor Kaye Chon, Dean and Chair Professor of the School of Hotel and Tourism Management at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, for his outstanding contribution to tourism knowledge.

UNWTO Secretary-General awarded Honoris Causa doctorate by the University of Algarve

UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai, has been awarded a Honoris Causa doctorate by the University of Algarve (1 June 2011). In his acceptance speech, Mr. Rifai stressed that the doctorate was recognition of the role of UNWTO and that of tourism in creating a better world. “By honouring me, you are recognizing the central role tourism has come to play in the lives of millions around the world,” he said. ”This gives me further responsibility to continue working to position our sector as an important tool for global prosperity and wellbeing. To promote its economic and social value; the millions of jobs it provides; the development opportunities it creates; and the links it builds among people around the world”.


Note for Editors

The 2011 UNWTO Ulysses Awards winners are as follows:

For Innovation in Governance:
• China Tourist Satisfaction Index - China Tourism Academy (China)
• Development of the ‘Ruta Moche’ as a Tourism Destination – Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Peru)
• Environmental Certificate "Friend of the Environment Establishment” - Madeira Regional Secretariat for Tourism and Transport (Portugal)

For Innovation in Enterprises:

• The Artemisa project: transforming organic waste into biofuel for more sustainable tourism – Ingelia (Spain)
• Mayakoba Tourism Resort Mexico: sustainable and responsible tourism development - OHL Desarrollos (Mexico)
• TravelSat Competitive Index: global survey benchmarking international tourists’ satisfaction and trip quality – TCI Research (Tourism Competitive Intelligence) (Belgium)

For Innovation in Non-Governmental Organizations:

• Connecting People with the Environment, W James Whyte Island Reserve: tourists volunteering to protect biodiversity - Conservation Volunteers (Australia)
• Development of Accessible Tourism in Slovenia (PREMIKI): accessible tourism for those with special needs - SENT Slovenian Association for Mental Health (Slovenia)
• La route accessible (The Accessible Road): an informative travel tool designed to promote accessible tourism in Quebec, Canada - KÉROUL (Canada)

Special Jury Awards to:

• Cultural Villages Development Project - Alghat Cooperative Association (Saudi Arabia)
• – Ministry of Tourism and Sport (Uruguay)
• European Cemeteries Route - Association of Significant Cemeteries in Europe (Italy)

Relevant links:

UNWTO Algarve Forum / Photos

UNWTO Ulysses Prize and Awards / Photos

UNWTO Knowledge Network


Prinicipla Media Officer: Marcelo Risi

Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60

Executive Secretary - UNWTO Knowledge Network: Eduardo Fayos-Solá

Tel: (+34) 91 567 82 09

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Central and Eastern European countries join forces for sustainable tourism development in the Carpathian Mountains

Central and Eastern European countries join forces for sustainable tourism development in the Carpathian Mountains

PR No.: PR 11046

The seven Central and Eastern European countries sharing the Carpathian mountain range have agreed to jointly manage the sustainable development of tourism; a sector of fundamental importance to the region. Meeting at the 3rd Conference of the Parties to the Carpathian Convention, the countries adopted the Protocol on Sustainable Tourism, drafted by UNWTO and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), which lays the foundations for a coordinated approach to tourism (Bratislava, Slovakia, 25-27 May).

The Carpathians – shared by the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine –   are one of Europe’s largest mountain ranges and a refuge for Europe’s largest populations of brown bears, wolves, lynx and eagles. As such, this natural haven constitutes a major tourism attraction and an important source of employment and income for local populations.

UNWTO has long been working together with UNEP to include tourism in the Carpathian Convention, as one of the most significant economic activities for the Carpathian countries. The Protocol on Sustainable Tourism, adopted during the 3rd meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Carpathian Convention, paves the way for more coordinated action between the seven countries to maximize the positive benefits of sustainable tourism for ecosystems and the well-being of people living in the Carpathians.  

Regional tourism cooperation offers important opportunities for regions to position themselves on the international marketplace, while also benefiting individual destinations. Through its Consulting Unit for Tourism and Biodiversity, UNWTO will continue to provide assistance to the Carpathian States and the Interim Secretariat of the Convention, hosted by UNEP-Vienna, for the further development of sustainable tourism in the regions.  

Relevant links: 

UNWTO Consulting Unit on Tourism and Biodiversity

UNWTO Supports Regional Approach to Tourism Development in Europe



Principal Media Officer: Marcelo Risi

Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60

UNWTO Communications Programme

Tel: +34 91-567-8100

Fax: +34 91-567-8218


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President Schmitt of Hungary: supporting tourism through UNWTO/ WTTC campaign

President Schmitt of Hungary: supporting tourism through UNWTO/ WTTC campaign

PR No.: PR11043

The President of Hungary, Pál Schmitt, is among the first European heads of state to join the ongoing World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) Global Leaders for Tourism Campaign.


President Schmitt was presented an Open Letter stressing the importance of Travel and Tourism to global growth and development by UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai, following the European Stakeholders Conference organized in the framework of the Hungarian Presidency of the European Union (Budapest, Hungary, 13 May).

The President, having himself worked for 17 years in the tourism sector, said he was well aware of the importance of tourism to the economy and to employment. "I think that the co-operation of international and national tourism organizations and the synergy that derives from this common work of tourism stakeholders is one of the prerequisites of successful tourism development in Europe," said President Schmitt receiving the Open Letter.

President Schmitt, a former Olympic gold medalist, also highlighted the close relationship between sports and tourism, which he identified as two driving forces of future growth for the new decade.

“Hungary joining this campaign is a very important step in our efforts to mainstream tourism in the global political and economic agenda. This is even more relevant as Hungary currently holds the Presidency of the European Union,” said Mr. Rifai. “Europe is the most visited region worldwide, yet tourism has not always received recognition at the highest level as a key driver of the region’s economy. Our presence here today and the commitment of President Schmitt to the Global Leaders for Tourism Campaign is an important step forward in this regard,” he added.

Speaking from its annual Summit meeting in Las Vegas, David Scowsill, President and Chief Executive of the World Travel & Tourism Council said: "President Schmitt shows great understanding of the enormous economic and social benefits which come from fostering the development of Travel & Tourism, and its ability to create new jobs. I hope other European leaders will be quick to follow his example".

With 9 million international tourist arrivals in 2010, Hungary is becoming one of the most important destinations in Europe and one of the few to have seen tourist numbers increase during the crisis year of 2009 – international tourist arrivals grew by 3% in 2009 and 5% in 2010. Tourism revenues reached US$ 5.4 billion (3.8 billion euros) in 2010.

As part of the Global Leaders for Tourism Campaign, UNWTO and WTTC are jointly presenting heads of state and government around the world an Open Letter which calls on them to acknowledge tourism’s key role in delivering on sustained and balanced growth and to prioritize the sector high in national policies in order to maximize its potential. The Open Letter outlines Travel and Tourism’s value as one of the world’s largest generators of sustainable enterprises and decent jobs, a powerful driver of socio-economic growth and development and a key player in the transformation to the Green Economy.

Relevant links:

Open Letter to Heads of State and Government

Further Information on the Joint Campaign

Media contacts:

UNWTO Principal Media Officer: Marcelo Risi
Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60

WTTC Communications Executive: Anja Eckervogt
Tel: (+44) 20 7481 6484



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UNWTO announces 2011 Ulysses Prize and Awards winners

UNWTO announces 2011 Ulysses Prize and Awards winners

PR No.: PR 11040

A travel tool designed to promote accessible tourism in Quebec, Canada and a discovery trail of the ancient Moche civilization of Northern Peru are among the winners of this year’s UNWTO Ulysses Awards. The awards ceremony will be held during the Gala Dinner of the ‘UNWTO Algarve Forum on Tourism and Science: Bridging theory and practice’ (1-3 June 2011) in Vilamoura, Portugal.

The UNWTO Ulysses Awards reward initiatives and projects undertaken by public tourism institutions, tourism enterprises and non-profit institutions that have made a significant contribution to the advancement of tourism through innovation, in line with the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.

The prestigious UNWTO Ulysses Prize will be awarded to Professor Kaye Chon, Dean and Chair Professor of the School of Hotel and Tourism Management at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, for his outstanding contribution to tourism knowledge.

The 2011 UNWTO Ulysses Awards winners are as follows:

For Innovation in Governance:

  • ChinaTourist Satisfaction Index - China Tourism Academy (China)
  • Development of the ‘Ruta Moche’ as a Tourism Destination – Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Peru)
  • Environmental Certificate "Friend of the Environment Establishment” - Madeira Regional Secretariat for Tourism and Transport (Portugal)

For Innovation in Enterprises:

  • The Artemisa project: transforming organic waste into biofuel for more sustainable tourism – Ingelia (Spain)
  • Mayakoba Tourism Resort Mexico: sustainable and responsible tourism development - OHL Desarrollos (Mexico)
  • TravelSat Competitive Index: global survey benchmarking international tourists’ satisfaction and trip quality – TCI Research (Tourism Competitive Intelligence) (Belgium)

For Innovation in Non-Governmental Organizations:

  • Connecting People with the Environment, W James Whyte Island Reserve: tourists volunteering to protect biodiversity - Conservation Volunteers (Australia)
  • Development of Accessible Tourism in Slovenia (PREMIKI): accessible tourism for those with special needs - SENT Slovenian Association for Mental Health (Slovenia)
  • La route accessible (The Accessible Road): an informative travel tool designed to promote accessible tourism in Quebec, Canada  - KÉROUL (Canada)

Special Jury Awards to:

  • Cultural Villages Development Project - Alghat Cooperative Association (Saudi Arabia)
  • – Ministry of Tourism and Sport (Uruguay)
  • European Cemeteries Route- Association of Significant Cemeteries in Europe (Italy)

The Ulysses Awards Ceremony will be one of several important events set to take place during the UNWTO Algarve Forum. The Forum represents a milestone in the theoretical and practical dimensions of tourism as it aims to debate the main issues and strategic challenges faced by tourism in the modern world. In doing so, it contributes to building a Global Consensus on Tourism Policy and Governance which will set a reference for any institution involved in the tourism sector.

The event, organized by the UNWTO Knowledge Network, is structured in three parallel sessions: (A) Development and Competitiveness, (B) Climate Change and Sustainability, and (C) Governance and Tourism Policy. The UNWTO Algarve Forum will also address strategic positioning as well as product and process innovation, among other topics.

The UNWTO Knowledge Network Scientific Committee will present three executive papers for discussion at the plenary sessions in Vilamoura and participants will be asked to vote on these important issues. The outcome of this participative process will set the framework for the UNWTO Algarve Consensus.

For more information and to register for the UNWTO Algarve Forum on Tourism and Science:

UNWTO Algarve Forum

Organizing Committee of the UNWTO Algarve Forum:


Principal Media Officer: Marcelo Risi

Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60

UNWTO Communications Programme

Tel: +34 91-567-8100 / Fax: +34 91-567-8218

Eduardo Fayos-Solà Executive Secretary - UNWTO Knowledge Network

Tel.  +34 915678209

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UNWTO expresses its condolences for the passing of Anatoliy Yarochkin, Head of the Russian Federal Agency for Tourism

PR No.: ED/54/2011

Dear Mr. Radkov,

We were deeply saddened by the passing away of Mr. Anatoliy Yarochkin, Head of the Federal Agency for Tourism of the Russian Federation. With his leave Russian tourism has suffered a grievous loss. We know Mr. Yarochkin as a wonderful hard-working person who dedicated all his life to tourism industry development in Russia. He knew tourism firsthand, having paved not an easy way from an ordinary guide to the Head of the National Tourism Administration of the Russian Federation. It would be impossible not to acknowledge his personal contribution to the fact that tourism has become nowadays one of the most important and priority areas of socio-economic development in Russia.

We will always remember Mr. Yarochkin as a leader who made a valuable contribution to tourism development in the Russian Federation and to strengthening fruitful relations between Russia and the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).

I am kindly asking you to express my deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Mr. Yarochkin and to all the staff of the Federal Agency for Tourism. I would also like to assure you once again that the Federal Agency for Tourism can fully count on extensive support and assistance of the World Tourism Organization in your endeavour of tourism development in Russia.

With my kind regards,


Taleb Rifai

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