
Congress on Ethics and Tourism opens with calls to place ethics at the core of tourism development

Congress on Ethics and Tourism opens with calls to place ethics at the core of tourism development

PR No.: PR11073

Ten years since the adoption of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism by the United Nations General Assembly, the first International Congress on Ethics and Tourism has opened with calls to intensify efforts to place ethics at the core of tourism development (Madrid, Spain, 15-16, September).

“In today’s global economic climate, it is more important than ever for all sectors to follow ethical principles,” said Secretary-General of Tourism and Domestic Trade of Spain, Joan Mesquida opening the Congress. “Today is an opportunity to assess the implementation of the ethical framework for the tourism sector, the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism”.

"We have made every effort to ensure that those countries in which tourism development is just beginning, and with which we sign cooperation agreements, govern according to these principles and demand the same of the multinationals that invest in their countries,” he said.

In his keynote address, the UN High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations, Jorge Sampaio, spoke of the need to move towards a new global, sustainable society underpinned by strong ethical foundations. “Sustainability requires a common vision of basic values in our increasingly interdependent world,” he said. “Because it involves the movement of millions of people, tourism can play a pivotal role in creating a shared sense of responsibility”.

UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai, pointed to the extraordinary growth of the tourism sector over the past decades and the opportunities for jobs, economic development and social empowerment this has brought to millions of people; but alerted that tourism growth also brings challenges that can’t be ignored. “A tourism sector without an ethical conscience can harm our planet. We need to place ethics, responsibility and sustainability at the core of all our actions and ensure the adoption of and adherence to the principles of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism,” he said.

On the occasion of the Congress, UNWTO and the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen relations and formalize UNWTO’s support for the UNAOC mandate to “improve understanding and cooperative relations among nations and peoples across cultures and religions”.

Mr. Rifai highlighted the theme of this year’s World Tourism Day, Tourism – Linking Cultures, as a clear example of the potential of tourism to contribute to the aims of the UNAOC. “With nearly one billion tourists crossing international borders, tourism is one of the best way for people to experience, interact with and learn from new cultures. This cultural exchange spurs dialogue among nations and peoples, fostering mutual understanding, respect and ultimately, peace,” he noted.

“With the aim of advancing the principles of the Global Code of Ethics, the main objective of the Italian Chairmanship of the UNWTO Executive Council has been to promote the development of a practical guide and an international legal instrument for the protection of travellers/consumers, especially in cases of emergency. To this end, an ad hoc working group is assessing the rules in force in the 154 UNWTO Member States and Italy expects the first results to be available at the next UNWTO General Assembly,” said Michela Brambilla, Minister of Tourism of Italy, host country of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics.

Organized by UNWTO and the Spanish General Secretariat of Tourism and Domestic Trade, the Congress has brought together over 450 tourism officials, business leaders, international organizations and experts in the field of ethics and tourism to debate how to guarantee a truly responsible and sustainable tourism sector. The two-day meeting will address questions of gender equality, tourism’s role in poverty reduction, sustainable tourism practices in both the public and private sector, and codes of ethical conduct.

Note to editors:

A frame of reference for responsible and sustainable tourism, the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism is a comprehensive set of principles designed to guide key-players in tourism development. Addressed to governments, the tourism sector, communities and tourists alike, it aims to help maximize the sector’s benefits while minimizing its potentially negative impact on the environment, cultural heritage and societies across the globe. Adopted in 1999 by the UNWTO General Assembly, the Code of Ethics was officially recognized by the United Nations in 2001.

The First International Congress on Ethics and Tourism is being organized by UNWTO and the Spanish General Secretariat of Tourism and Domestic Trade, with the support and participation of: the European Commission, SEGITTUR (Spanish Cooperation for the Management of Innovation and Technology in Tourism), the Madrid Tourist Board, the Reina Sofia Museum, Iberia, Qatar Airways, Mélia Hotels International and the Banesto Foundation. EFE news agency and BBC World News are media partners.

Relevant links:

First International Congress on Ethics and Tourism

The Global Code of Ethics for Tourism


UNWTO Principal Media Officer: Marcelo Risi
Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60

First International Congress on Ethics and Tourism

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High-profile speakers confirmed for Congress on Ethics and Tourism

PR No.: PR11070

The United Nations High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations, Jorge Sampaio, the Vice President of the European Commission, Antonio Tajani, and the Ministers of Tourism of Ecuador, Italy, South Africa and Tanzania are among the speakers of the First International Congress on Ethics and Tourism (Madrid, Spain, 15-16 September). The Congress will be officially closed by Their Royal Highnesses Prince Felipe and Princess Letizia of Asturias.

The Congress, which will address some of the most pressing ethical issues currently facing the tourism sector, aims to evaluate the way forward for a more ethical and responsible tourism sector and secure renewed commitment to the principles of the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism.  

Former President of Portugal and UN High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations, Jorge Sampaio, will deliver the keynote address at the Congress, paving the way for two days of debates on the relationship between ethics and tourism, focusing on issues such as sustainability, gender equality, tourism’s contribution to poverty alleviation and corporate social responsibility.

Confirmed participants include the Ministers of Tourism of Ecuador, Italy, South Africa and Tanzania; leading tourism companies, including the Vice President of Meliá Hotels International, Sebastián Escarrer; representatives from UN Women, the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) and the UN Global Compact; and organizations at the forefront of ethical tourism, including the Executive Director of ECPAT International, a global network for the elimination of child prostitution, child pornography and the trafficking of children for sexual purposes.  

Organized by UNWTO and the Spanish General Secretariat of Tourism and Domestic Trade, the Congress will count on the presence of UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai, the Minister of Industry, Tourism and Commerce of Spain, Miguel Sebastián and Secretary-General of Tourism and Domestic Trade of Spain, Joan Mesquida.

EFE news agency and BBC World News are media partners of the Congress and BBC presenter, David Eades, will host the event.   

Note to editors:

A frame of reference for responsible and sustainable tourism, the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism is a comprehensive set of principles designed to guide key-players in tourism development. Addressed to governments, the tourism sector, communities and tourists alike, it aims to help maximize the sector’s benefits while minimizing its potentially negative impact on the environment, cultural heritage and societies across the globe. Adopted in 1999 by the UNWTO General Assembly, the Code of Ethics was officially recognized by the United Nations in 2001.

The First International Congress on Ethics and Tourism is being organized by UNWTO and the Spanish General Secretariat of Tourism and Domestic Trade, with the support and participation of: the European Commission, SEGITTUR (Spanish Cooperation for the Management of Innovation and Technology in Tourism), the Madrid Tourist Board, the Reina Sofia Museum, Iberia, Qatar Airways, Mélia Hotels International and the Banesto Foundation.

Relevant links:

First International Congress on Ethics and Tourism

The Global Code of Ethics for Tourism



UNWTO Principal Media Officer: Marcelo Risi

Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60


First International Congress on Ethics and Tourism


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Leading media and tourism experts lined up for ‘Tourism in the Headlines’

Leading media and tourism experts lined up for ‘Tourism in the Headlines’

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CNN International will act as the media partner for the event and their own Germany correspondent, Frederik Pleitgen, will deliver the keynote presentation ‘Tourism: Front Page News’, sharing with participants his unique insight as a well-respected and experienced reporter.

Other confirmed speakers include Michael Schuman of TIME Magazine, Sana Butler of Newsweek International, John Bell of the Guardian and Susana Reyero of Edelman. 

The event provides an outstanding global networking opportunity, with confirmed participants from over 30 countries worldwide with backgrounds ranging from National Tourism Authorities to social media specialists. The meeting also features the collaboration of the World Federation of Travel Journalists and Writers (FIJET).

All information about the conference, including discounted accommodation options, is now available here and registration through the website is open.

Relevant links:

‘Tourism in the Headlines’ conference information

Conference registration

‘Tourism in the Headlines’ press release



Principal Media Officer: Marcelo Risi

Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60

UNWTO Communications Programme

Tel: +34 91-567-8100

Fax: +34 91-567-8218



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For more information, please visit or contact

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For more information, please visit or contact

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For more information, please contact

For information on the Global Tourism Forum Andorra 2011:

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The report will be officially launched at ITB by the UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai, and the UN Women Deputy Director, Joanne Sandler.

For more information please visit /archive/global/event/launch-unwtounwomen-global-report-women-tourism-2010 or contact

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Relevant links:

Joint Statement of the UN Inter-Agency Network on Youth Development

About the UN Inter-Agency Network on Youth Development

Joint Statement by Heads of UN Entities for the Launch of the International Year of Youth

Youth Travel Matters – Understanding the Global Phenomenon of Youth Travel

Youth Outbound Travel of the Germans, the British & the French


Principal Media Officer: Marcelo Risi

Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60

UNWTO Communications Programme

Tel: +34 91-567-8100

Fax: +34 91-567-8218

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UNWTO extends its condolences to Norway

PR No.: PR 11065

Following the terrible events in Norway, the UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai, made the following statement:

“UNWTO was profoundly shocked by last Friday’s appalling attacks in Norway which claimed many innocent lives.

On behalf of UNWTO and the international tourism community, I wish to convey our sincere condolences to all those that have lost loved ones and to the Government and people of Norway in this difficult time”. 


Principal Media Officer: Marcelo Risi

Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60

UNWTO Communications Programme

Tel: +34 91-567-8100

Fax: +34 91-567-8218

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