Two ST-EP Projects Successfully Completed in Timor-Leste
Two projects within the framework of the ST-EP initiative were implemented in Timor-Leste over the course of the past five years, and have now been successfully completed. The projects could be implemented thanks to generous contributions from the ST-EP Foundation, the Korea Tourism Organisation and the Government of Macau, China S.A.R.
The first project aimed at enhancing local employment in the tourism sector through curriculum development and training of local people. Two training institutes in the country, the Youth Vision Training Centre (YVTC) and East Timor Development Agency (ETDA), were selected to deliver training for tourism employees. The project assisted the two selected institutes to develop and carry out a train-the-trainers programme, and to prepare training curricula and supplied the institutes with suitable training materials. The training institutes delivered courses for employees of tourism enterprises, in order to build their skills to grow into a better paid position, and for unemployed young people to enhance their opportunities to obtain employment in the tourism sector.
Training participants were selected in close collaboration with the private sector to enhance the opportunities that a large percentage of the trainees can use the acquired skills to make a career in the tourism sector, as well as to grow into more senior positions in the tourism sector. Training programme on hotel management was provided by ETDA and a hospitality training programme was provided by YVTC. Vocational training on hospitality services were developed and delivered in 13 municipalities through a mobile training unit established by Youth Vision. The training seminars were attended by owners and employees of restaurants, home-stays and local lodges. A tour-guide training course was organized by ETDA in their training centre in Dili. A total of 217 participants having benefitted from the various training programmes carried out, which is well above the targeted 195 participants identified at project inception.
The second ST-EP project in Timor-Leste focused on the marketing of community-based ecotourism (CBET). The project worked closely with the local stakeholders to build their capacity to market the community-based ecotourism offer of the country, and delivered a 28-days training seminar on marketing of community-based tourism to Ministry Officials and other key stakeholders dealing with community-based tourism development. The project also formulated a marketing strategy for CBET and produced a brochure on CBET in Timor-Leste. It also collaborated with a web designer from the Ministry to develop a tourism website on CBET in English for the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture. Community-based ecotourism itineraries were developed and familiarization trips carried out, and a national workshop on CBET marketing conducted.
Synergies have been created between the two projects, by enabling employees of community-based tourism enterprises to participate in tour guiding and hospitality courses offered through the vocational training project.