UNWTO virtual training workshops

RDAF Webinars and Capacity-Building activities

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, UNWTO, in collaboration with Members States, Affiliate Members, international organizations and other tourism partners, has been consolidating intelligence on the local, national, international measures and policies undertaken for mitigating and combating the effects of the COVID-19 crisis on the tourism sector and accelerating recovery.

Against this backdrop and following the success and general appreciation of the UNWTO virtual training workshops on Crisis Management in the Tourism Sector which were conducted earlier this year, the Regional Department for Africa was pleased to invite its Member States to the second edition of the UNWTO Training Workshop. This time the theme was the Creation of a Crisis Unit in the Tourism Sector. During the training session, CRISOTECH experts focused on preparing both public and private sectors to integrate the elements necessary to set up a crisis unit as part of their activities. Once again, participants were then given the opportunity to take part in a unique crisis simulation exercise.
Apart from offering capacity-building activities to Member States, the UNWTO Regional Department for Africa participated and contributed to numerous online events including the following:

  • Webinar on Investment Driving Africa’s Travel & Tourism Value Chain (in collaboration with Invest Africa, African Tourism Investment Summit, wtm), 7 October 2020 Please find the recording of the session here
  • Africa Tourism Leadership Forum 2020 (in collaboration with Africa Tourism Partners), 19-21 October 2020
  • Panel Discussion on “How stimulating demand for African products in USA, UK, European and African markets”, 19 October 2020
  • Africa Travel and Tourism CEOs Forum on “Brand Africa – Joining our voices to build a strong image and market confidence for Africa”, 20 October 2020
  • African Airlines Association (AFRAA) 52nd AGA, 10 November 2020
  • “Entrepreneurship Week” (in collaboration with AVACOMORNAMI), 16- 21 November 2020
  • Discussion panel on "Entrepreneurship as a driver of Tourism", 18 November 2020
  • Workshop on the Creation of a Crisis Unit in the Tourism Sector (for French speaking countries - with Crisotech), 19 November 2020
  • Workshop on the Creation of a Crisis Unit in the Tourism Sector (for English speaking countries - with Crisotech), 10 December 2020
  •  Leveraging innovative technologies and digital solutions for the tourism sector in Africa,  7 December 2020
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Advocating the Brand Africa: Final of the UNWTO Inspiration Africa – Branding Challenge

Advocating the Brand Africa: Final of the UNWTO Inspiration Africa – Branding Challenge

Advocating Brand Africa is one of the ten priorities of the UNWTO Agenda for Africa – Tourism for Inclusive Growth, needed now more than to help restore market confidence and build a strong destination image so as to restart tourism in the continent. A strong brand image will help kick start and accelerate the process of recovering from the unprecedented impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In this regard, in June UNWTO launched the Inspiration Africa – Branding Challenge to identify the most creative, innovative and disruptive communications campaigns promoting powerful and inspiring stories about the continent. These stories all provide a positive narrative for the region and reposition Africa as a competitive, attractive and safe tourism destination in the minds of future travellers.

More than 200 proposals from top international specialists in the fields of marketing, communication and advertising were submitted. The challenge  culminated in a virtual final on 16 October 2020. Here, the top ten finalists were presented and a winner was announced.

The Awards Ceremony also provided the occasion to host a high-level roundtable with renowned tourism experts who exchanged and debated on the topic: “Restoring market confidence and building a strong destination image: steps and strategies to brand Africa in the Covid-19 era”.

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UNWTO in Tunisia: Investments and Education Focus of High-Level Visit

UNWTO in Tunisia: Investments and Education Focus of High-Level Visit

The Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has met with H.E. Kais Saied, President of Tunisia, and his Head of government Hichem Mechichi of Tunisia during a high-level visit to the North African country. This second visit to an African Member State in the space of three weeks reaffirms UNWTO’s commitment to restarting tourism across the continent and focus on working closely with governments to promote sustainable growth and innovation.

Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili thanked President Saied and his government for their strong support for tourism at this challenging time. A key focus of the high-level meeting was exploring ways in which UNWTO can support Tunisia as it channels tourism’s power to drive sustainable development. Alongside this, the Secretary-General and the Tunisian authorities discussed UNWTO’s partnership with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), with a current project providing technical support to drive the recovery of Tunisia’s tourism sector in the wake of the pandemic.

Together for future collaboration

Secretary-General Pololikashvili said: “Tunisia is an example of a country effectively investing in tourism and harnessing the unique power of the sector to promote development and create opportunities for many. I thank President Saied for his warm hospitality and for his government’s support of tourism throughout and beyond the pandemic.”

I thank President Saied for his warm hospitality and for his government’s support of tourism throughout and beyond the pandemic

In addition to the meeting with the President and Head of government the UNWTO delegation also held talks with the Tunisian Minister of Tourism Habib Ammar to discuss plans for current and future collaboration. Reflecting the key priorities of UNWTO’s leadership, the talks focused on ways to boost sustainable tourism and to create jobs through innovation, education and investments, as well as tourism for rural development.

Investing in Africa’s future

Also reflecting UNWTO’s core priorities, most notably a commitment to developing talent and promoting education, the Secretary-General spoke at the opening of the Tunisia Hospitality Symposium. The Symposium was held at the Carthage High Commercial Studies Institute (or IHEC Carthage), the first and most prestigious business school in Tunisia.

The service sector, which includes tourism, is one of the two main economic sectors for Tunisia. According to UNWTO data, African destinations experienced a 99% decline in international tourist arrivals during the second quarter of 2020 when compared with 2019. Working closely alongside Member States from across the continent, UNWTO has realigned its 2030 Agenda for Africa to reflect the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and help drive sustainable recovery.

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UNWTO in Namibia

UNWTO in Namibia - First Visit to African Member State Since Start of the Pandemic

The Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has paid a first visit to an African Member State since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The three-day official visit to Namibia reaffirms UNWTO’s commitment to the continent and featured a series of high-level talks aimed at strengthening existing partnerships and looking to a sustainable, resilient future.

As the United Nations specialized agency for tourism, UNWTO has been actively guiding the sector’s recovery and restart from this unprecedented crisis. To reflect the new challenges, it has worked directly with its African Member States, including Namibia, to adapt the 2030 Agenda for Africa: Tourism for Inclusive Growth, the landmark roadmap for the responsible growth of tourism across the continent. This official visit offered a first chance to follow up on virtual meetings and advance the preparations for the restart of a sector upon which millions of African livelihoods depend.

UNWTO is committed to working closely with our African Member States to realize the potential of tourism to help societies recover from the effects of the pandemic and enjoy long-term sustainable growth

Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili met with His Excellency Dr. Hage G. Geingob, President of the Republic of Namibia for talks on realizing the potential of tourism to drive sustainable development, including for youth, women and rural communities. In addition, the Secretary-General commended the head of state for his leadership, particularly with regards to the international tourism revival initiative which includes the key health and safety protocols drawn up by UNWTO. Alongside this, a meeting with Vice President H.E. Nangolo Mbumba allowed the UNWTO leadership further opportunity to express support for African Member States as they use tourism to recover and grow. Additionally, the UNWTO delegation met with Honourable Pohamba Shifeta, MP, Minister of Environment, Forestry and Tourism to identify ways of growing the country’s tourism sector, including a greater focus on gastronomy tourism, rural and community-based tourism.

 ‘UNWTO Committed to Africa’

“UNWTO is committed to working closely with our African Member States to realize the potential of tourism to help societies recover from the effects of the pandemic and enjoy long-term sustainable growth,” Secretary-General Pololikashvili said. “The UNWTO Agenda for Africa maps our collective way forward, and I pleased to see first-hand the commitment shown by the Government of Namibia to support tourism at this vital time and embrace the sector as a driver of positive change for all.”

Highlighting UNWTO’s determination to lead by example, show travel is safe and be active on the ground when conditions are right, the delegation visited several of Namibia’s leading tourist sites. These included the Namib Sand Sea, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that is ready to welcome tourists again, and also historical Swakopmund and the up-and-coming Walvis Bay tourist destination. Secretary-General Pololikashvili met with Honourable Neville Andre, Governor of the Erongo Region of Namibia, to offer UNWTO’s strongest support for local tourism, including businesses.

Additionally, the Namibia Tourism Expo provided an opportunity for UNWTO to engage with public and private sector leaders from across the region and sent a clear message to the world that Namibia, “The Land of the Brave” is open and ready to welcome tourists again.

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ATREVIA to work with UNWTO to boost tourism in Africa

ATREVIA to work with UNWTO to boost tourism in Africa

Atrvia UNWTO
  • The consultancy was the winner of the Inspiration Africa Branding Challenge
  • The Ubuntu: Africa Invites You To Live campaign developed by ATREVIA has been chosen from the more than 200 proposals received in this international call by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
  • The proposal’s creativity, spirit of cooperation and differentiating emphasis on digital innovation in its strategy to position Africa's tourism attractions convinced the jury composed of representatives from UNWTO and CNN

The Ubuntu: Africa Invites You To Live campaign, developed by ATREVIA, a global Communication and Strategic Positioning company, won the Inspiration Africa Branding Challenge  organized  by  the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in collaboration with CNN International.  Its proposal was selected from more than 200 entries received.

The international call invited agencies, creative firms and entrepreneurs to present an innovative and original brand strategy with the aim of positioning the diversity of Africa and its destinations in the minds of travellers in the post-COVID era. The challenge was to highlight the continent’s strengths, thus fostering a positive image and enhancing the efforts of individual countries and organizations to boost the sustainable growth of the region with tourism as a driver of development.

“It is certainly very rewarding to have been chosen to take on a project as special as this. We are excited to be, in some way, ambassadors of such a spectacular region as Africa, with its infinite possibilities that often escape general knowledge. It's time to rediscover destinations and maximize the use of innovation and digital technology for a mission as important as revitalizing tourism. This approach has guided the work of a fantastic team that has shown, once again,  that by integrating talent and multi-disciplinary knowledge, it is possible to overcome  the  challenges of communication,” said Núria Vilanova,  president  and founder of the consultancy. “At ATREVIA we feel proud and privileged to have the opportunity to contribute to the knowledge and development of such an important sector for the African continent.”

“We need solutions that restore confidence in travel to ensure that the many benefits of tourism are widely enjoyed. Africa’s potential for tourism is undeniable, as is the potential of tourism to drive inclusive development across the continent. If the restart of tourism is managed in a responsible and coordinated manner, harnessing the power of innovation, entrepreneurship and communication, this sector will be able to transform the lives of millions of people and help protect and preserve Africa’s rich cultural and natural heritage and diversity,” said UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili.

Ubuntu: Africa Invites You To Live was createdthrough the development of a territorial brand methodology that aims to distil all the attributes of a continent as extensive and plural as Africa within a unified concept that is adaptable to different tourism products and different audiences. A 360-degree campaign will be centred on the notion of “Ubuntu”, a traditional term describing people’s loyalty and their relationships, and will include the creation of Africa's first emotion map: a digital innovation that helps measure the emotions and feelings generated by travellers visiting the continent. Through social listening and Big Data, comments on experiences are collected and positive feelings discovered in each country are extracted.


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ATREVIA, because today Communication faces new challenges.

For more information:
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UNWTO and ITC collaborate to strengthen coastal tourism in Liberia

UNWTO and ITC collaborate to strengthen coastal tourism in Liberia

One of the main attractions of Liberia is its coastal tourism product. In recent years, several initiatives have been undertaken to develop and diversify Liberia’s tourism product, based on the country’s natural and cultural heritage. In particular, surf tourism has been identified as a niche market that has a high growth potential in the country, with the destination of Robertsport as a site with excellent geographical features for surf tourism development in West Africa.

The International Trade Centre (ITC) and UNWTO are collaborating in a project on developing the tourism sector in Liberia with a focus on surf tourism in the Robertsport destination. The project is funded with a contribution from the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF), and implemented by ITC as lead agency and UNWTO as associate partner, providing technical assistance for the project components on sustainable tourism governance and marketing and promotion.

One of the project components focuses on the marketing and promotion of surf and coastal tourism, including the development of a promotional video, a website, facebook page, and other (e-)marketing activities. In October 2020, the project will undertake a rapid assessment of the constraints and opportunities to market tourism in Liberia with a view to providing guidance on the planning and development of promotional activities for tourism in Liberia.

Project stakeholders understand that the development and promotion of tourism in Liberia can only be successfully achieved if there are proper governance and management mechanisms in place for the sustainable development of tourism in coastal areas of Liberia. UNWTO has developed a methodology to assess the level of sustainable tourism governance and management in coastal destinations and to make recommendations on how to strengthen governance and management mechanisms. Based on this methodology, in the past years UNWTO fielded advisory and capacity building missions to nine coastal destinations in Africa, and published a report, titled “Sustainable Tourism Governance and Management in Coastal Areas of Africa”, documenting the main findings and recommendations from the field missions. The methodology developed and the lessons learned from the missions will be used to help evaluate and direct sustainable tourism development in Liberia.  The report will also include advice to tourism stakeholders to strengthen governance and management mechanisms for a sustainable development of tourism in the Robertsport destination.

Preparations for the project in Liberia started before the COVID-19 pandemic hit the global tourism sector. To take into account the recent developments, the project activities will also provide guidance to tourism stakeholders in Liberia on mitigating the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the tourism sector and accelerating tourism recovery.

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UNWTO and Google Host First Tourism Acceleration Program in Sub-Saharan Africa

UNWTO and Google Host First Tourism Acceleration Program in Sub-Saharan Africa

Advancing digitalization will be key to adapting to the new tourism environment.

The Covid-19 crisis has disproportionately affected tourism, a sector that accounts for millions of jobs around the globe. While no one can say with certainty when tourism will recover, people are starting to dream again of getaways whether closer to home or to remote destinations. As more and more people go online to search where and when they can travel, accelerating the digitalization of the tourism sector will be key to adapting to the new tourism reality.

That is why the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and Google have partnered for an online Acceleration Program for UNWTO Member States' tourism ministers, top travel associations and tourism boards to further develop innovation and digital transformation skills.

Today, ahead of World Tourism Day, we hosted our first UNWTO & Google Tourism Acceleration Program focused on insights from South Africa, Kenya and Nigeria. Tourism is the backbone of many economies around the world. As data from UNWTO shows, tourism represents 9% of global trade for Africa and 1 in 10 jobs directly and indirectly. Moreover, the sector drives inclusive growth, as women make 54% of the workforce.

"UNWTO is committed to helping Africa grow back stronger," said Natalia Bayona, UNWTO Director of Innovation, Digital Transformation and Investments. "With the right policies, training and management in place, innovation and technology have the potential to foster new and better jobs and business opportunities for tourism in Africa while improving the overall wellbeing and prosperity of the region".

Market intelligence and insights are more important than ever to understand consumers and drive recovery. In line with the ongoing UNWTO training programme on data and intelligence for Africa, this partnership with Google allows UNWTO to strengthen Africa’s data and digital skills” said Sandra Carvao, UNWTO Chief of Market Intelligence and Competitiveness

Africa is home to 30% of the world’s population, adding every year hundreds of millions of new online users. Google is a highly trusted partner in Africa to find relevant and reliable information, and Search is one of the places they go when researching and booking travel.

"We’re here to help the tourism sector rise up from this unprecedented crisis and emerge stronger. Our travel data insights and tools can help tourism authorities identify and understand the barriers and drivers to visit travel destinations for better tourism planning." said Doron Avni, Google’s Director of Government Affairs and Public Policy for Emerging Market.

The session included the presentation of latest UNWTO impacts assessment and as well as the new UNWTO Tourism Recovery Tracker, the most comprehensive insights dashboard on tourism indicators. 

Below are some of the Sub-Saharan Africa travel data insights shared with participants in today's session:

South Africa

Google Search data shows some encouraging signs of increased interest in tourism in the region:

Growing search interest in tourism in South Africa +29% MoM

Travel by Province

Travel by ProvinceKeywords



The top three questions users asked Google globally related to travel conducted in July comprised “When can we travel again,” “when will international travel resume,” and “when will it be safe to travel again.” while top questions in August were related to where and when we can travel “right now”. In fact, 45% of the top 100 questions related to travel focused on the impact of COVID-19, the need to travel as soon as possible and travel safety.

Top Questions Kenyan users ask Google about travel?

Travel Demand by Counties

Fastest growing Domestic destinations vs. Demand in kenya

Source: Google internal search trends data 2018 - August 2020


Since Nigeria announced the intention to reopen its borders to international travel on August 29th, search interest for travel has grown.   

Increased interest in destination activities during and post covid-19 lockdown, and flight has now taking off

Source: Google trends data 2018 - August 2020

Source: Google internal search trends data 2018 - August 2020Keywords

This slowdown presents a unique opportunity to rethink tourism, innovate and further develop the digital transformation of the sector so it can build the foundations for future sustainable growth.


Katherine Vargas, Communications Department, Google,
Belén Ramírez, Communications Department, UNWTO,

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AFRICA NEWS | Volume 17. September 2020

AFRICA NEWS | Volume 17. September 2020

Dear readers,

Right now, governments around the world are concentrating their efforts on re-opening their borders and restarting tourism, all against the backdrop of the COVID-19 health crisis. In Africa, the easing of lockdown measures alongside the gradual lifting of travel restrictions means that the socio-economic benefits of tourism and travel are slowly returning.

As covid-19 continues to reshape the tourism ecosystem, African destinations need to address the health and safety challenges posed by the pandemic to remain competitive. I would therefore like to commend Member States for their genuine efforts in this regard. Governments have reacted swiftly and taken a range of effective measures, through their fiscal and monetary policies as well as through supporting jobs and skills, boosting market intelligence and utilizing public and private partnerships to address the heath crisis and support the sector with funds and grants. They have also been supporting the ingenuity of locally-based and innovative solutions.

Nonetheless, the spread and complexity of the virus poses challenges that will require several factors to be taken into consideration. UNWTO and the Global Tourism Crisis Committee have worked jointly on a set of key recommendations and our Global Guidelines to Restart Tourism will support both the public and private sectors in the difficult months ahead.

It has been encouraging to see that many countries across Africa have already taken concrete steps in line with these guidelines and have adapted them to their own unique circumstances in a consistent and harmonized manner. It is also encouraging to see that many have established enhanced protocols as well as introducing monitoring systems at the local level.

Furthermore, in our efforts to support tourism recovery in Africa and to respond to the immediate needs of our Member States, we have conducted several webinars, master classes, workshops and closed meetings on several themes relating to the UNWTO 2030 Agenda for Africa. A recent online survey allowed us to identify the priority areas of the Agenda that Members wanted us to re-align in order to better respond to the challenge of COVID-19. Themes such as crisis communications, Brand Africa, resilience and security in tourism and capacity building are the key areas that will help consumers regain confidence in the sector when they resume travel.

Since the 63rd Regional Commission for Africa that was scheduled to be held in the Republic of Seychelles could not be hosted as planned, we had to conduct our Commission meeting virtually for the very first time

The outcomes of the well-attended meeting emphasized the need to reorient the activities of the Agenda for Africa with a focus on developing domestic, intra-and inter-regional tourism to boost the sector. Other areas to consider include product diversification, investing in innovation and the digitalization of the sector, and also strengthening cooperation and collaboration among member states on safe and seamless travel and data sharing.

In addition to the Global Guidelines, the UNWTO COVID-19 Tourism Recovery Technical Assistance Package will help Members and tourism stakeholders reorient their marketing strategies and make their tourism sectors more efficient and profitable. This package is structured around three main pillars, namely economic recovery, marketing and promotion, and institutional strengthening and building resilience. Currently more than 60% of our work in the region is related to technical projects and I would like to encourage member states to take fully advantage of this.

In addition, new initiatives have been launched such as one focusing on African Gastronomy that can be a tool for economic growth and job creation and the UNWTO Inspiration Africa Branding Challenge. For the latter, I would like to use this opportunity to encourage start-ups from the region to submit their proposals and at the same time congratulate Jirani’s Food, a Kenyan online food start-up and one of the winners of the UNWTO Gastronomy Tourism challenge in the category of social impact.

Finally, though today we are faced with a health pandemic that has important economic as well as social impacts, we have seen a number of positive things emerging through these challenging times. I urge all stakeholders to continue to embrace this enormous challenge positively and to keep pushing towards a swift recovery for our sector.

Elcia Grandcourt
Regional Department for Africa

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