
Prominent Speakers at World Tourism Conference 2016

The upcoming World Tourism Conference (WTC) 2016 in George Town, Penang, will feature an impressive line-up of local and international speakers, representing the who’s who of the tourism industry.
As in previous years, the fourth edition of WTC will bring notable speakers to present cases that have achieved excellence within the tourism industry so that they can serve as examples and lessons for the rest of the country. The speakers will address various issues based on their respective areas of expertise, in line with the theme “Tourism Delights: Delivering the Unexpected”.
A total of 14 speakers will be presenting a paper each during the three-day conference, which is divided into four sessions. Among the well-known luminaries who will be gracing the prestigious event this year and sharing their valuable insights are:
1) Gerald Lawless
Chairman, World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC)
Session 1: Tourism a Sunrise Industry? Now and Beyond
Topic: Tourism Future Trends Beyond 2030
2) Tan Sri Dr. Francis Yeoh
CEO, YTL Corporation
Session 2: Tourism Experiences: Breaking New Grounds
Topic: Luxury Hospitality from YTL’s Experiences
3) Tan Sri Dr. Tony Fernandes – TBC
CEO, AirAsia Group
Session 2: Tourism Experiences: Breaking New Grounds
Topic: AirAsia Experiences: Customers First
4) Nina Freysen-Pretorius
President, International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA)
Session 2: Tourism Experiences: Breaking New Grounds
Topic: Global MICE Destinations: Strategize and Reinventing the Industry
5) Dato’ Sri Idris Jala
Session 3: Tourism: Prospering Communities, Endless Opportunities
Topic: Optimising Economic Transformation in the Tourism Industry
6) David Chapman
Director General, World Youth Student and Educational (WYSE) Travel Confederation
Session 3: Tourism: Prospering Communities, Endless Opportunities
Topic: Youth Tourism and Volunteer Tourism: New Source of Growth
7) Jonathan Hyong-Joon Kim
Chief Creative Officer, Signal Pictures
Session 4: Tourists First: Maximising the Power of Marketing
Topic: Destination Branding: Learning from the Hallyu Effect
Other speakers include:
- Tan Sri Dr. Ong Hong Peng
Secretary General of the Ministry of Tourism and Culture, Malaysia
Topic: Tourism Future Trends Beyond 2030: Megatrend-lens: Targeting and Matching Tourism Demand
- John Kester
Director of Tourism Market Trends Programme, UNWTO
Topic: Tourism Future Trends Beyond 2030
- Prof. Dr. Amran Hamzah from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Topic: Sustainable Tourism & Conservation Initiatives Lower Kinabatangan Sabah Malaysia
- Peter Semone
Chairman of PATA Foundation
Topic: Rural Tourism: Delighting Tourists, Prospering Communities
- Jackson Pek
Vice President and General Counsel, Asia Pacific, Amadeus Asia Limited
Topic: Innovative Marketing: Big Data Approach
- Helena Egan
Global Director Industry Relations, TripAdvisor
Topic: TripAdvisor: Discovering Tourism Delights
- Dr. Dzahar Mansor
National Technology Officer, Microsoft Malaysia
Topic: The 4th Industrial Revolution – Opportunities and Challenges
WTC 2016’s theme “Tourism Delights: Delivering The Unexpected” is certainly appropriate as tourists are becoming increasingly demanding and sophisticated in their requirements, hence the challenge for successful tourism business is to fulfil customers’ expectations, and surprise them on the upside by delivering the unexpected.
It is for the industry players to be able to understand the current tourism trend, anticipate future directions, and respond appropriately by walking the extra mile to fulfil tourist expectations by providing excellent products and services. The business that succeeds in the future will always be the one focused on the maxim of “Tourists First.” The innovations and areas of excellence could be in the areas of tourism policy, innovative products, marketing, service quality or corporate strategy.
The World Tourism Conference 2016 is organised by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the Ministry of Tourism and Culture Malaysia (MOTAC) in George Town, Penang, from 17 to 19 October.
The conference will bring together world leaders in tourism, high-level policy-makers, specialists and experts from the public and private sectors, academicians and representatives from the media to exchange ideas and experiences, update their knowledge, and expand the existing network for future tourism growth and development.

Press contact:
Media Relations Unit:
Mohd Libra Lee Haniff, Corporate Communication Division
Tel: +603-8891 8752
Editorial Unit:
Anis Rozalina Ramli (Ms), Senior Editor, Corporate Communication Division
Tel: +603-8891 8759


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Teo slams bombing, says Davao remains a ‘safe place’

The Department of Tourism assures the tourists of Davao that the city remains a safe place for visitors and residents alike. This was the statement of the DOT Secretary Wanda Tulfo-Teo when concerns were raised in the wake of the bombing that took place last night in the city.

“The quick and professional response and action of our police, armed forces and security group shows that Davao is well-prepared for contingencies, including isolated attack like this bombing incident,” said Sec. Teo.

The Secretary expressed sympathies for those who suffered loss and injury in the tragic explosion and echoed the nation’s expression of outrage for the senseless act. However, she is confident that President Rodrigo Duterte and the nation’s security forces are more than capable of bringing the perpetrators to justice, managing the aftermath and in preventing any more attacks in any part of the country.

“The President is making inroads in his campaign against lawlessness and terrorism and we are united with him in his pursuit of peace in Mindanao and throughout the country”, Sec. Teo added. “We need to show that such acts have no place in our society and should not deter us from doing our normal activities”.

The tourism industry supports the call of Mayor Sara Duterte for unity and vigilance and urges everyone to cooperate in regular security precautions.

Media Release
Ms Ina Zara-Loyola
Department of Tourism of Philippines
0917 511 9990


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UNWTO Conference on Tourism: a Catalyst for Development, Peace and Reconciliation

UNWTO Conference on Tourism: a Catalyst for Development, Peace and Reconciliation

The joint conference of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority (SLTDA) that was incidentally celebrating its Golden Jubilee this year, on “Tourism: a Catalyst for Development Peace and Reconciliation”  held in Passikudah, 11 – 14 July, Sri Lanka, attracted a capacity turnout of over 150 participants comprising 70 international delegates from 26 countries. Passikudah was chosen as the venue of the conference as it was a seaside resort that had experienced the ravages of war and conflict and was now being gradually integrated into mainstream tourism along with Trincomalee and Jaffna in the North as part of the peace and reconciliation process of the national unity government of Sri Lanka, elected to office in 2015.

The conference was confined to 4 major sessions that included the following themes:

1)       The contribution of tourism development to peace and reconciliation: the close link between tourism, peace and reconciliation as inter-dependent components in their overall political, economic and socio-cultural dimensions.

2)       Local community involvement and “peace sensitive tourism”: the role of local communities in not only provision of goods and services (accommodation sector, tour guides, and catering establishments) but also in decision making to facilitate peace and reconciliation.

3)       Public private partnerships and peace tourism: the importance of public private partnerships especially SMEs, in conflict areas that lack the infrastructure and the means to develop tourism.

4)       Marketing and rebranding of post-conflict destinations: the promotion and branding of destinations in the aftermath of conflict through the international media and particularly the social media.


The welcome remarks to the Conference were made by Mr. Janaka Sugathadasa, Secretary, Ministry of Tourism Development and Christian Religious Affairs, Sri Lanka. The keynote speech was delivered by HRH Dana Firas, Chair, Petra National Trust, Jordan, on the role of local community interaction in sustainable tourism development. Hon. Mr. John Amaratunga, Minister of Tourism Development, Christian Religious Affairs and Lands, Sri Lanka, outlined the progress of tourism in Sri Lanka and its significance to the peace and reconciliation process in assimilating the North and the East to the economic and social development of the country while Mr. Taleb Rifai, Secretary-General, UNWTO, welcomed the spirit of unity and dignity that was visible throughout Sri Lanka and emphasized the role of tolerance and understanding as an integral part of tourism development. Mr. Nazeer Ahamed, Chief Minister, Eastern Provincial Council, Sri Lanka, gave a broad outline of the development programme of the region and the future of tourism in this context.


The conference also witnessed the signing ceremony of the private sector commitment to the Global Code of Ethics for tourism where 5 Sri Lankan companies were duly recognized for their efforts in promoting responsible and sustainable tourism development.

Mr. Paddy Withane, Chairman of Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority and Mr. Xu Jing, Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific, UNWTO delivered the closing remarks. 

A technical tour to Trincomalee, Jaffna and its environs, on the 13th and 14th July, enabled the delegates to get a first-hand view of the two main cities that were now accessible to tourists after more than two decades of being on the fringe of tourism.

A press meeting on the 15th July in Colombo gave the opportunity to the local media to hear from the Honourable Minister, the Secretary-General and HRH Princess Dana Firas on the outcome of the Conference on “Tourism: a Catalyst for Development, Peace and Reconciliation”. 

Programme Documents

Presentation Documents

Opening Speech by Secretary General of UNWTO

Keynote Address by HRH Princess Dana Firas

1. P.S.M. Charles

2. Jens Thraenhart

3. Hiran Cooray

4. Anita Mendirrata

5. Liu Yi

6. Vinya Ariyaratne

7. Hiroshi Sawabe

8. Peter Wong

9. Sarah Mathews

10. Malik Fernando

11. Sonali Chatterjee

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Tourism, a catalyst for peace and development

PR No.: 16055

Tourism can play a key role in building peace and supporting reconciliation processes, concluded the UNWTO Conference on ‘Tourism, a catalyst for development, peace and reconciliation’ held in Passikudah, Sri Lanka between 11 and 14 July.  

Community engagement and empowerment, capacity building and training, and public/private sector partnerships are key factors in advancing a culture of peace through tourism in post-conflict societies. Participants recalled the importance of placing tourism at the heart of the peace and reconciliation agenda, to ensure the sector can deliver on its capacity to generate development and social inclusion.    

“Tourism is a vehicle for trust and goodwill. Cultural understanding can change attitudes and build peace. Tourism’s role in peace building is also  enacted through its contribution to poverty alleviation, cultural preservation and environmental conservation,” said President of Sri Lanka Maithripala Sirisena in a message to the Conference.

“For most of the last thirty years, this place has been a warzone. Today, Passikudah is an example of how people affected by conflict have picked up the pieces and rebuilt their lives. We would not be meeting here if it were not for peace,” said the Minister of Tourism Development and Christian Religious Affairs and Lands of Sri Lanka, John Amaratunga. “We will work to provide an example to the world on how to rise from the ashes of conflict to become a leading tourism destination,” he added.

“We face a deficit of tolerance. Tourism brings people together; it opens our minds and hearts”, said UNWTO Secretary-General Taleb Rifai, opening the Conference. “Yet to gain peace we need to give people opportunities for a better future; we need to create jobs and bring them hope,” he added.

“The Petra National Trust conducted a number of informal surveys that suggest that when tourism is poorly managed, societal tensions persist, local communities’ connection to their heritage weakens, responsible practices around tourism sites suffer, and local culture and values erode,” said HRH Princess Dana Firas, Chair of the Petra National Trust, Jordan, in her keynote address.

The Conference focused on four main topics: the contribution of tourism development to peace, local community involvement and ‘peace sensitive tourism’, public/private partnerships, and marketing in post-conflict destinations.

“This was an historical event in an area once torn apart by war. We trust that tourism development in Sri Lanka will bring more opportunities to the people and particularly the youth of the country,” said Paddy Withana, Chairman of Sri Lanka Tourism, closing the event by recalling that the conference welcomed perspectives on how that can be done in full respect of communities and traditions from across the country.

On the occasion, five Sri Lankan companies – Aitken Spence Hotel Holdings PLC, Lanka Hotels & Travels PVT Ltd, Laugfs Leisure Limited, Siddhalepa Ayurveda Health Resort and Theme Resorts & Spas Pvt Ltd. - signed the Private Sector Commitment to the UNWTO Code of Ethics for Tourism, pledging to upload and promote the values of the Code. The signing ceremony was witnessed by UNWTO Secretary-General Taleb Rifai, the Sri Lankan Minister of Tourism Development and Christian Religious Affairs and Lands of Sri Lanka, John Amaratunga, and Hiran Cooray, Member of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics.

Additional information:

The conference website

Tourism and Peace book

Photo album of the conference


UNWTO Media Officer Rut Gomez Sobrino
Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60

UNWTO Communications & Publications Programme
Tel: (+34) 91 567 8100 / Fax: +34 91 567 8218  

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On behalf of the international tourism community, UNWTO conveys its heartfelt sympathy to the families and friends of the victims.

"It was with great sorrow that we learned about this tragic news. We express our sincerest condolences to the families and friends of the victims at this difficult moment” said UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai. "This is not an attack on Bangladesh but is once again an attack on our way of life, an attack on freedom", he added.

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