
Mekong River-based Tourism Product Development

Mekong River-based Tourism Product Development

The Mekong River is a trans-boundary river in Southeast Asia that runs through six countries. Measuring 4,350 km in length, it is the world’s 12th longest river and the 7th longest in Asia. River-based tourism along the Mekong is an emerging activity with significant potential for growth and impact on people’s livelihoods. This Mekong River-based Tourism Product Development deliberately aligns with ASEAN member countries’ shared objectives to develop river cruising. It is hoped that this report will support further product development and assist the public and private sectors in planning and expanding the breadth river-based tourism activities along the Mekong River. The report is divided into four sections. The introduction outlines the approach to the study and defines river-based tourism. This is followed by the situational analysis, which explores the current product, market and policy dynamics of the Mekong River region and highlights opportunities and challenges for the development of river-based tourism. Section three of the report provides a strategic framework and action plan for improving the quality, quantity and breadth of river-based tourism along the Mekong River. In section four of the report, river-based tourism development zones are mapped with complementary itineraries. And finally, the appendices provide a detailed implementation plan, summary of existing cruise products, and an indicative monitoring framework.


ISBN: 978-92-844-1801-5

Sustainable Cruise Tourism Development Strategies – Tackling the Challenges in Itinerary Design in South-East Asia

Sustainable Cruise Tourism Development Strategies – Tackling the Challenges in Itinerary Design in South-East Asia

Cruise tourism is characterized by bringing large numbers of people to concentrated areas of destinations for brief periods, thus multiplying and concentrating the impacts. Cruise development may lead to loss of precious biodiversity and destruction of cultural heritage if infrastructure and itinerary development outpace monitoring and evaluation of environmental and cultural resources and fragility. The impact, challenges and implications of cruise tourism development are representative of our planet’s overall challenges in approaching economic development. This report presents a call to action at a critical juncture in South-East Asian development and seeks to spread awareness of sustainable development in cruise tourism, catalyze collaboration across the region and stimulate the strategic implementation of best practices and innovations.


ISBN: 978-92-844-1729-2

UNWTO/GTERC Annual Report on Asia Tourism Trends

UNWTO/GTERC Annual Report on Asia Tourism Trends

Accounting for nearly one third of the world’s economy and over half the globe’s population, Asia and the Pacific has been at the forefront of tourism development in recent years. Strong GDP growth rates, coupled with a growing middle-class and rising disposable incomes, have led to a rapid increase in tourism in the region, especially out of China, which in 2012 became the world’s top spender in international tourism. In order to better understand the trends shaping Asia’s increasing role in international tourism, UNWTO has joined the Global Tourism Economy Research Centre (GTERC), to develop a special report on Asia Tourism Trends to be presented on the occasion of the 2014 Global Tourism Economy Forum (GTEF). The report confirms the dynamism of Asia’s intraregional market as well as the relevance of China, both as an outbound market and an inbound destination. It further looks into key issues influencing the competitiveness and sustainability of tourism development in Asia and the Pacific, including Asia Tourism Trends and Outlook, The New Maritime Silk Road and the Key Tourism Agendas in Asia and the Pacific. In addition, special attention is made to the revival of Maritime Silk Road tourism, the theme of the GTEF 2014.


ISBN: 978-92-844-1630-1

UNWTO/GTERC Annual Report on Asia Tourism Trends, 2015 Edition

UNWTO/GTERC Annual Report on Asia Tourism Trends, 2015 Edition

This second edition of the UNWTO/GTERC Annual Report on Asia Tourism Trends includes an analysis of the recent tourism trends of Asia, with emphasis on economy and demographics, international tourist arrivals and receipts, as well as outbound tourism and expenditure. It also includes an analysis of the links between Asian and Latin American markets, with a particular focus on the countries of the Pacific Alliance as new frontiers for further development and promotion of tourism. The report also elaborates on city tourism, including selected case studies and a section on Macao’s tourism product diversification. The report is the outcome of a joint collaborative research project between UNWTO and the Global Tourism Economy Research Centre (GTERC).


ISBN: 978-92-844-1731-5

UNWTO/GTERC Annual Report on Asia Tourism Trends – 2016 Edition

UNWTO/GTERC Annual Report on Asia Tourism Trends – 2016 Edition

The “UNWTO/GTERC Asia Tourism Trends 2016 Edition”, the third annual report in the series, highlights the rapidly growing tourism sector of Asia and the Pacific. Tourism is a reflection of the socio-economic conditions of the region whose GDP has been growing much faster than the world’s average. This has led to the emergence of a robust middle-class who possess the disposable income to travel. Allied to the ICT revolution, a new group of travelers, the “consumer class” and the technology savvy “millennials” with their own characteristics has emerged. These form the essence of the second chapter of the study. Tourism calls for the reciprocal investment in infrastructure and human capital development to sustain this growth that  is elaborated in the third section. The final chapter gives a summary of the agenda of activities of the Regional Programme for Asia and the Pacific for the year. 


ISBN: 978-92-844-1828-2

10th UNWTO/PATA Forum on Tourism Trends and Outlook commences in Guilin, China

PR No.: PR 16077

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) and the People’s Government of Guilin of China celebrate between 20-22 October the 10th UNWTO/PATA Forum on Tourism Trends and Outlook. The theme of this special 10th anniversary edition is ‘Tourism 10:10 - Looking back to look forward’.

With the collaboration of the Polytechnic University of Hong-Kong, a UNWTO Affiliate Member, the Forum has become over the last 10 years a reference platform on global and regional tourism trends. Parallel to the 10th Edition of the Forum, the 5th Annual Conference of UNWTO Sustainable Tourism Observatories in China will take place also in Guilin on the 21 October.

 “Tourism is a strong contributor to poverty alleviation as recognized by the Sustainable Development Goals and to be here in Guilin is the perfect occasion to remind that the Government of the People’s Republic of China has prioritized this sector as a tool to lift 17% of the country’s impoverished population out of poverty by 2020,” said UNWTO Secretary-General Taleb Rifai.

Tourism trends, changes in travel behavior and booking patterns and sustainable-related practices applied to the sector were some of the themes addressed throughout the Forum. The inclusive angle of tourism, a topic widely advocated by UNWTO, was also part of the discussions that addressed the participation of women in rural community tourism.

In 2015, Asia and the Pacific received 279 million tourists (+6% over 2014) and will reach 535 million by 2030. International Tourism generates 419 billion USD in exports in Asia and the Pacific. As UNWTO elaborates in ‘Tourism Towards 2030, A Global Overview,’ international tourist arrivals will reach 1.8 billion by 2030. By that time, Asia and the Pacific will gain most of the new arrivals. China is also a leading tourism destination – 4th in the world after France, USA and Spain with 57 million tourists in 2015. In the same year, the number of Chinese outbound visitors increased by 10% to 128 million. The expenditures generated by Chinese outbound travellers on international tourism increased by 25% in 2015 to US$ 292 billion.

The North-East Asian subregion was among the fastest growing in terms of international tourist arrivals in the first six months of 2016 with a growth rate of 9%, well above the global 4% increase registered in the world.

Additional information:

Programme of the Conference

The International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development


UNWTO Media Officer: Rut Gómez Sobrino

Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60

UNWTO Communications & Publications Programme

Tel: (+34) 91 567 8100 / Fax: +34 91 567 8218 /

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4th World Tourism Conference focuses on the ‘tourists first’ – improving the visitors experience

PR No.: PR 16076

Malaysia, the second most visited destination in South East Asia, has hosted the 4th edition of the World Tourism Conference (WTC) jointly organized between the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) and the Ministry of Tourism and Culture Malaysia (MOTAC).

Under the theme ‘Tourism Delights: Delivering the Unexpected’, the Conference focused on strategies to enhance the visitors experience under the principle of “tourists first”. The round tables on ‘Tourism a Sunrise Industry?’ and ‘Tourism Experiences: Breaking New Grounds’ debated tourism trends beyond 2030 as well as how to reinvent the sector with a customer-oriented focus.

“We have witnessed two revolutions: on technology and on travel. The confluence of these has resulted in a new traveller who is technology-savvy, connected and informed who increasingly desires authentic, unique and valuable travel experiences and who is also more responsible and conscientious. Our sector needs to harness the emerging desire for ‘positive-impact’ tourism to contribute to a better world,” said UNWTO Secretary-General Taleb Rifai at the Opening of the Conference.

“A key element to advance tourism is creativity and innovation (…) in that regard, Malaysia has enhanced its tourism products by packaging “local community’s daily life” into a touristic offer - the "homestay experience" - providing travelers the opportunity to immerse in the traditional village lifestyle and to interact with local hosts, as well as other initiatives such as Villagestay, Visit MyFelda and Visit MyLonghouse,” explained the Minister of Tourism of Malaysia, YB Dato' Seri Mohamed Nazri bin Abdul Aziz.

Additional sessions were dedicated to the endless opportunities that tourism brings to communities, where the relevance of sustainable practices, rural and youth tourism were underlined.

Malaysia has recently presented the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) which has prioritized tourism as a catalyst for economic prosperity. Ecotourism, family-friendly destination, business tourism, and events, entertainment and sports have been emphasized within this strategy. With this Programme, Malaysia hopes to reach 36 million tourist arrivals by the year 2020. In 2015, Malaysia received 27.5 million international tourist arrivals.

Useful links:

Programme of the conference



UNWTO Media Officer Rut Gomez Sobrino
Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60 /

UNWTO Communications & Publications Programme

Tel: (+34) 91 567 8100 / Fax: +34 91 567 8218 /

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Mongolia hosts the UNWTO Silk Road Conference on Nomadic Tourism and Sustainable Cities

PR No.: PR 16074

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), together with the Ministry of Environment and Tourism of Mongolia and the World Cities Scientific Development Alliance (WCSDA), organized the International Silk Road Conference on Nomadic Tourism and Sustainable Cities in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia on 13-15 October 2016.

The conference gathered Ministers and high-level officials from nine UNWTO Silk Road Member States, official representatives from Silk Road regions, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and UNWTO Affiliate Members to address the potential of nomadic and sustainable city tourism. The event, officially opened by the Chairman of the State Great Hural of Mongolia, Mr. Enkhbold Miyegombo, attracted over 350 delegates from 21 countries.

The Silk Road has become one of the most visited international travel routes. Despite such growth, an increase in visitation also brings challenges, such as the protection of the environment and the maintenance of necessary heritage standards. Bearing in mind the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) and the upcoming International Year for Sustainable Development for Tourism 2017, participants discussed  these challenges and the large potential  of developing  nomadic tourism trails and products.

“The sustainable growth of nomadic tourism requires a balance between tourism promotion, heritage management and respect for local communities. It requires the collective engagement and cooperation of Silk Road destinations, the private sector and the civil society. With these ingredients in place, we can produce responsible nomadic tourism products to diversify Silk Road tourism and achieve the adequate tourism development for the countries involved.” said UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai in opening the conference.

“Today we welcome, with our uttermost respect and pride, all delegates to the International Silk Road Conference on Nomadic Tourism and Sustainable Cities. We believe that the great and historic Silk Road will be revived as an exciting route full of travelers and adventurers, hereby becoming a symbol for mutual understanding and peace among nations in the new millennium.” said the Minister of Environment and Tourism of Mongolia, Ms. Oyunkhorol Dulamsuren during the opening ceremony.

The Silk Road countries agreed that, while the Silk Road presents extensive opportunities, long-term success will depend upon increased collaboration in the three key areas identified in the Silk Road Action Plan: marketing and promotion, capacity building and destination management, and travel facilitation. UNWTO would like to thank Turkish Airlines for supporting this event.

Useful links:

Silk Road Programme

Programme of the conference



Silk Road Action plan


UNWTO Media Officer Rut Gomez Sobrino
Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60 /

UNWTO Communications & Publications Programme

Tel: (+34) 91 567 8100 / Fax: +34 91 567 8218 /

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JATA Tourism Expo Japan 2016, Japan Gastronomy Tourism Symposium

The JATA Tourism EXPO Japan 2016, held from 22-25 September 2016 in Tokyo, under the theme: “Be part of the world. Travel”, attracted over 200,000 guests from public and private sectors, and has become Asia’s largest and one of the world’s most substantial travel and tourism trade events.  Over 1,000 exhibitions showcased products and destinations from 140 countries and the 47 Japanese prefectures and regions.


Opening  Ceremony and Global Tourism Forum and WTTC Networking Reception

The opening remarks were made by Mr. Hiromi Tagawa, JATA Chairman, who noted that Tourism EXPO Japan has grown to become one of the most comprehensive travel trade events in the world, promoting inbound, outbound and domestic travel. UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai opened by highlighting this year’s World Tourism Day’ theme: “Tourism for All” and emphasized the right of each person to access tourism activities and services equally. He also noted the role of all tourism entities and stakeholders in achieving universal accessibility. World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) President & CEO, Mr. David Scowsill followed Mr. Rifai’s remarks by discussing the latest tourism economic trends and reinstated the need for collaboration for sustainable growth. The keynote speeches were followed by a panel discussion moderated by Mr. Yoshiaki Hompo, specially-appointed Professor of Tokyo Metropolitan University and Tokyo Institute of Technology and Chief of the UNWTO Regional Support Office for Asia and the Pacific,  Mr. Vijay Poonoosamy, Vice President of Ethihad, and Mr. Christian Mantei, General Manager of Atout France.  The Opening Ceremony was followed by a Networking Reception hosted by WTTC and attended by over 250 industry leaders including JTB Corp. and All Nippon Airways.


Japan Night

The iconic Japan Night celebration was inaugurated by Mr. Yamaguchi, Chairman, JTTA, Mr. Akihiro Tamura, Commissioner, Japan Tourism Agency (JTA), and Mr. Yoshihide Suga, Chief Cabinet Secretary.  A total of 15,200 guests enjoy this popular event which included a barrel-breaking ceremony of traditional Japanese sake; music and live performances by kabuki actors, shamisen musicians, paper lantern performance and much more.


Gastronomy Symposium

Japan’s traditional cuisine is without a doubt one of the most recognizable in the world and travelers all around the world often based their travel decisions upon the culinary options of a particular destination. Understanding the opportunities in developing gastronomy tourism as a way to sustain and invigorate regional communities, JATA Tourism EXPO Japan hosted the Development and Promotion of Gastronomy Tourism Symposium where UNWTO Director of Affiliate Members, Ms. Yolanda Perdomo served as keynote speaker. The session was moderated by Mr. Masato Ogawa, Executive Vice President & COO, ANA Strategic Research Co., Ltd., and panelists included Mr.  Seiichiro Kubo, President, Gurunavi, Inc., Mr. Akira Shinoda, Mayor, City of Niigata, Mr. Qta Asada, 16th Generation Owner, Asadaya Ltd., and Mr. Naoki Iimori, President & CEO, Fukuchiyo Shuzo Co., Ltd, all of whom shared best practices and discussed ways to market and develop gastronomy tourism.  The coordination has been arranged by Shin Nakamura, Executive Director of Japan Travel and Tourism Association, a UNWTO Affiliate Member in Japan.


Side event “JEEF Sustainable Tourism Development for Local Communities Seminar” on Sep. 23, 2016

Japan Environmental Education Forum (JEEF) organized a seminar on “Sustainable Tourism Development for Local Communities” in cooperation with JATA Tourism EXPO Japan Organizing Committee and supported by UNWTO, Royal Society for Protection of Nature (RSPN), the Kingdom of Bhutan and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).  After opening remarks by Mr. Junichi Kumada, Senior Officer of Regional Programme for Asia and the Pacific, UNWTO, the seminar was facilitated by Mr. Taku SAMESHIMA, Special Interest Tour Division, H.I.S. CO.,LTD. Panelists included Mr. Kenseii ODA, Global Environment Department of JICA (Sustainable Tourism in the National Park, Vietnam ), Mr. Taku YAMADA, Chura-boshi Company (Eco Bike Tour in HIDA-TAKAYAMA Mountain region, Japan), Mr. Koji TAGI, Japan Environmental Education Forum –JEEF (Sustainable Tourism in Haa region, Bhutan), Mr. Fumio KATO, Chiba Minamiboso Inc. (Japanese Business model of Roadside Station in Chiba, Japan). The seminar highlighted the importance of: 1) tourism development that is led and managed by the community and that fits the destination´s needs, 2) providing a sense of responsibility and ownership for destination management, 3) creating decent jobs within the community, and 4) establishing public-private partnerships.Mr. Koji TAGI and Ms. Akane MATSUO, JEEF coordinated this meeting.


The Asian Leader’s Seminar

In preparation for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, the second Asian Tourism Leaders’ Forum focused on MICE and sports to highlight the interconnectivity of these industries and their role as tools for sustainable tourism growth. Presentations were given by Mr. Yoshiaki Hompo, Chief of UNWTO Regional Support Office for Asia and the Pacific, Mr. Hiromi Tawaga, Chairman of Japan Tourism EXPO Japan, and Dr. Mario Hardy, Chief Executive Officer of Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) identified “Sustainable Tourism Development ~ Asia leads the world” as the forum’s theme for the next three years, and also commonly agreed and signed the “Asian Tourism Leaders’ Forum Tokyo Declaration 2016”.

In preparation for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, the second Asian Tourism Leaders’ Forum focused on MICE and Sports to highlight these industries’ interconnectivity and their role as tools for sustainable tourism growth. The Forum highlighted the fact that now is the time for governments and the sector to collaborate in order to create long-term, strategic plans with a particular emphasis in the MICE and Sports industries. Furthermore, MICE and Sports have an enormous impact on the tourism value chain in the host destinations and thus it is also crucial for stakeholders to approach the growth of these industries from the locals’ and customers’ perspectives to assure sustainable development.
Understanding the need for sustainable tourism development and in collaboration of key tourism entities, Mr. Yoshiaki Hompo, Chief, UNWTO Regional Support Office for Asia, Mr. Hiromi Tawaga, Chairman, Japan Tourism EXPO Japan, and Dr. Mario Hardy, Chief Executive Officer of Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA), Forum participants identified “Sustainable Tourism Development ~ Asia leads the world” as the theme for the next three years, and also commonly agreed and signed the “Asian Tourism Leaders’ Forum Tokyo Declaration 2016.”

Related Links:
Photo Album of JATA Tourism Expo Japan 2016 for Flickers

JATA Tourism Expo 2016 Official Web Site Link



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