UN Tourism Calls for Cross-Cultural Dialogue and Climate Actions in Tourism

UN Tourism Calls for Cross-Cultural Dialogue and Climate Actions in Tourism

UN Tourism has joined leading international organizations and government leaders at the World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue, held in Baku around the theme of "Dialogue for Peace and Global Security: Cooperation and Interconnectivity."

The sixth edition of the Forum forms part of the "Baku Process", launched by President Ilham Aliyev in 2008, brought together more than 700 participants from 107 countries, including 60 Ministers of Culture. Serving as the sector’s voice, UN Tourism held a special session on the sector’s role in fostering connections in post-conflict societies, with reference to Bosnia & Herzegovina, Colombia, and Rwanda.  

Opening the main high-level forum, UN Tourism Executive Director Zoritsa Urosevic said: “At UN Tourism, we have a duty to foster people’s desires to discover the world, making the unknown more inviting and building new connections between strangers, and also to give back to tourism the power to build bridges, because Tourism Opens Minds.” 

Participating in the 3rd High-Level Meeting of International Organizations on Sustainable Pathways for a Greener Future, Ms. Urosevic highlighted UN Tourism’s commitment towards transforming the sector. She concluded: “As we look ahead to COP29 in Baku and future collaborations, I encourage all stakeholders to join us in the transformation of the tourism sector for a greener future. Our value chain cuts across various sectors, offering numerous opportunities to catalyze change for a more sustainable future.” 

Top forum for international cooperation 

The primary objective of the World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue is to explore the critical intersections between dialogue facilitation, cooperative frameworks, leadership efficacy, and the complex dynamics of interconnectedness, all in the service of advancing global peace and security imperatives. Over three days, a series of plenary sessions and panel discussions brought together a diverse range of stakeholders, including government officials, representatives from international organizations, eminent cultural figures, journalists, civil society actors, and intellectuals from across the globe, to deliberate upon pressing global challenges. Joining UN Tourism partnership in Baku were representatives of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), UNESCO, and the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO). 

Tourism and the Baku Process  

Building upon the legacy of previous iterations of the forum held in 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, and 2019, which collectively comprised more than 250 events and attracted nearly 10,000 participants from 180 countries and 30 international organizations, the 6th edition of the World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue aimed to further solidify the "Baku Process" as a preeminent international platform for fostering intercultural collaboration and dialogue. 

The significance of the "Baku Process" has been duly acknowledged by major international bodies, with the United Nations Secretary-General's Annual Report of 2017 to the United Nations General Assembly on intercultural and interreligious dialogue recognizing it as a pioneering initiative in advocating for dialogue among cultures. Subsequently, the United Nations General Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution acknowledging the "Baku Process" as a pivotal global mechanism for promoting intercultural dialogue. Furthermore, at its 215th session, the Executive Board of UNESCO passed a resolution voicing robust support for the "Baku Process" and urging all member states and major international organizations to actively engage with it. 

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UN Tourism and ICCA Partner Around Sustainable Development of Meetings Industry

UN Tourism and ICCA Partner Around Sustainable Development of Meetings Industry

UN Tourism and the International Congress & Convention Association (ICCA) have joined forces to promote sustainable development within the meeting industry.

The recent visit of an ICCA delegation to UN Tourism headquarters culminated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), symbolizing the deepening collaboration between the two entities. This partnership aims to enhance the business tourism industry's activity and impact, aligning with broader global sustainability goals. The MOU outlines various areas of cooperation, including raising awareness of business tourism's value, supporting mutual events, promoting education, fostering collaboration, amplifying visibility for entrepreneurs, showcasing best practices, and advocating for the industry's economic significance. 

UN Tourism Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili says: "The partnership between UN Tourism and ICCA recognizes the growing economic importance of business events for our sector. ICCA has been a valued Affiliate Member of UN Tourism since 2004, and our collaboration has yielded several joint publications and initiatives focused on advancing the Meetings Industry. With this new partnership, we look forward to shaping a more sustainable and resilient future for the business tourism sector."  

ICCA CEO Senthil Gopinath says: “This collaboration with the UN Tourism has been a long-held strategy of ICCA. This is great news not just for our members but for the whole international associations meetings and events industry. We know how intrinsically linked the world of business events and tourism are, but this formal partnership gives us privileged access to each other’s communities. The partnership agreement also signifies a closer alignment of our industry-leading programmes.” 

About ICCA 

ICCA is a global community and knowledge hub for the international association – and governmental – meetings industry. Founded in 1963, ICCA specialises in the international association meetings sector, offering data, education, communication channels, as well as business development and networking opportunities. Today, ICCA continues to advocate for the world of international meetings. The ICCA Association Community offers associations across the world education, connections, tools, and resources to help them organise more effective and successful meetings.  

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AM NEWS | VOL. 64 May 2024

AM NEWS | VOL. 64 May 2024

Dear Affiliate Members,

I am pleased to introduce you to a new edition of the Affiliate Members Newsletter. This monthly publication will inform you about the latest news, events, and initiatives related to your membership and our Affiliate Members network. Also included is the updated calendar of events for 2024, featuring the main UN Tourism events.

The recently held UN Tourism Statutory meetings saw an outstanding level of engagement by our Affiliate Members. As we gear up for the upcoming UN Tourism Statutory Meetings, including the Regional Commission for the Middle East & Conference on “Investing in Tourism: Opportunities and Challenges in Sustainable Financing”, the 121st UN Tourism Executive Council, the Regional Commission for Asia and the Pacific & Forum on Gastronomy Tourism for Asia and the Pacific, and the Regional Commission for Africa, we are optimistic about achieving similarly impressive results.

We believe that the participation of our Affiliate Members in the UN Tourism Statutory Meetings is crucial to the development of an inclusive, accessible, and sustainable tourism industry. By sharing their unique perspective, the tourism private sector can play a significant role in shaping the future of the industry.

Lastly, I am pleased to share with you the very positive response that the new tools and functionalities of the AMConnected+ platform have received among Affiliate Members. This user-friendly interface, inspired by the most widely used social networks, the ability to navigate based on your interests through Regional and Thematic Channels, the mobile version, and other available features, reflect our commitment to providing value to the UN Tourism Affiliate Membership.

We are also pleased to report that the new tools and functionalities of the AMConnected+ platform have been received positively by Affiliate Members. The userfriendly interface, inspired by the most widely used social networks, allows for easy navigation based on interests through Regional and Thematic Channels. The mobile version and other available features reflect our commitment to providing value to the UN Tourism Affiliate Membership.

The Affiliate Members Department is committed to collaborating and supporting the initiatives of our Affiliate Members to the best of our abilities. We are always available to hear your comments and feedback.

Yours sincerely,
Ion Vilcu

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The Fulani Kitchen Foundation Culinary Heritage Village in Ghana

The Fulani Kitchen Foundation Culinary Heritage Village in Ghana

Chef Binta, UN Tourism Ambassador for Responsible Tourism and Executive Chef at Dine on a Mat, a Nomadic Restaurant, established the Fulani Kitchen Foundation in 2020 with the objectives to improve food security for rural communities, increase productivity through efficient post-harvest processing, and raise the income levels of women.



Her vision for gastronomy is an invitation for guests to step outside of their comfort zone and explore flavor and sustenance through the palettes of Fulani women, with a focus on celebrating the undervalued and underused ingredients of Africa. The Fulani Kitchen Foundation Culinary Heritage Village´s primary goal is to preserve, promote, and celebrate traditional culinary practices, recipes, and food cultures of West Africa. The initiative aims to educate visitors about the culinary history, ingredients, cooking techniques, and cultural significance of local foods and to inspire people about the rich diversity of food cultures in Africa. Through immersive experiences and educational opportunities, the Culinary Heritage Village aims to inspire and help foster a deeper appreciation and understanding for West African cuisine among visitors.  

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Djibouti, a veritable natural aquarium

Djibouti, a veritable natural aquarium

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"Djibouti aquarium"


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CAN of hospitality: Tourism in all its splendor!

CAN of hospitality: Tourism in all its splendor!

While Côte d’Ivoire hosted the Africa Cup of Nations from January 13th to February 11th, 2024, UNWTO entered a new era by becoming "UN Tourism".


"can of hospitality"


 Reaffirming its status as a UN institution and its leadership in promoting tourism for development, with people and the planet at its core. Yes, the "CAN of hospitality" was an incubator of these values, between hospitality and sharing. Demonstrating a human-centered tourism with its flow of emotions, smiles, tears... Furthermore, for more than 2 billion television viewers and as many Internet users, as for some 2 million visitors to "Sublime Côte d'Ivoire", this sporting event of tourist appeal was a demonstration that, thanks to its transversal nature, our sector is a powerful driver for economic growth and social peace. All of which perfectly echoes the theme of World Tourism Day (WTD) 2024: "Tourism and Peace"! 

Siandou Fofana ,
Minister of Tourism and Leisure of Ivory Coast 
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The Angolan Government approves a Plan to Promote Tourism




Following the measure that exempts tourist visas for 98 countries around the world, the Angolan Government recently approved a Plan to Promote Tourism – PLANATUR, which estimates a public investment of more than thirty-five million dollars for the requalification of the main tourist sites classified as priorities, professional training and promoting Angola as tourism destination. 

This Plan also foresees the creation of a credit line to boost the private sector. The global value of this financing is three hundred million dollars. 

PLANATUR’s main goal is to create infrastructure and public services in the priority tourist sites, ensure the training of staff and create conditions to ensure large-scale direct investment. 

This political measure fits into the Angolan Executive's strategy of transforming tourism as one of the pillars for the diversification of the national economy. 

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Mentorship for the African Villages in the Best Tourism Villages' Upgrade Programme

Mentorship for the African Villages in the Best Tourism Villages' Upgrade Programme


"mentorship for Africa"


As part of the Upgrade Programme of the Best Tourism Villages by UN Tourism Initiative, the African villages that presented gaps in some Areas of Evaluation underwent a customised mentoring process led by international experts in different areas.  

This year Il Ngwesi in Kenya and Grande Baie in Mauritius are part of the mentorship programme. In January, an expert designated by UN Tourism, visited both villages and engaged in on-site sessions for mentoring purposes.  

The mentorship process not only provided valuable guidance but also facilitated the collection of on-the-ground feedback from village stakeholders and national authorities. This feedback played a crucial role in evaluating the effectiveness of the mentorship and identifying potential avenues for improvement.  

Following the mentorship, a Recommendations Report with robust and goal-specific actions and activities will be shared with the village. Villages can use it as a baseline document to adjust their strategies and implement the necessary actions for improvement, so they can access the fast-track process to become a Best Tourism Village by UN Tourism. 

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UN Tourism Celebrates Chef Binta's Role in Advancing Gastronomy Tourism in Africa

Recognizing her dedication to preserving African culinary heritage while promoting sustainability and community empowerment, UN Tourism has appointed renowned chef Fatmata Binta as Ambassador for Responsible Tourism during the 8th UNWTO World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism.


"gastronomy tourism Africa"


This appointment not only acknowledges Chef Binta's commitment, but also underscores the pivotal role of gastronomy tourism in Africa's socio-economic development. 

Chef Binta's recent collaboration with the World Bank and FAO on the "Taste for Change" initiative underscores her commitment to showcasing African culinary heritage, including indigenous grains like fonio, while emphasizing her dedication to sustainable agriculture and food security in Africa. Chef Binta's advocacy for sustainable practices extends beyond the kitchen as she empowers Fulani women through her foundation, addressing rural socio-economic challenges. 

As a UN Tourism Ambassador, her work embodies the mission of UN Tourism to promote responsible and inclusive tourism practices, fostering cultural preservation, economic growth, and advocating for brand Africa globally. 

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