
General Assembly - Twenty-fourth session

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Twenty-fourth session of the UNWTO General Assembly
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Twenty-fourth session of the UNWTO General Assembly, 30 November - 3 December 2021, Madrid - Spain
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Madrid - Spain
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Enabling Frameworks for Tourism Investments During COVID-19

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Enabling Frameworks for Tourism Investments During COVID-19
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The webinar will be delivered in a hybrid format life and via Zoom, on the 17th May at 11:00 – 13:30 Madrid Time.
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Enabling Frameworks for Tourism Investments During COVID-19
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Startup Masterclass

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Startup Masterclass
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Monday, 17 May 2021| From 10:00 am Madrid time | English
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Startup Masterclass
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UNWTO and Facebook Partner to Support Members States to Leverage Digital Marketing to Restart Tourism

UNWTO and Facebook Partner to Support Members States to Leverage Digital Marketing to Restart Tourism

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and Facebook have partnered to help global destinations make use of the power of digital marketing as they look to welcome tourists back safely.

Over the past year, the United Nations specialized agency for tourism has been supporting its Member States on a series of initiatives relating to market intelligence and marketing. Now, as tourism begins to restart in some parts of the world, a series of special sessions were held jointly with Facebook to deliver a range of key insights into how the effective use of digital marketing can help destinations gain a competitive advantage in the challenging months ahead.

Three sessions, one each in English, Spanish and French, welcomed participants from 30 countries. The sessions focused on Facebook and Instagram Communication Insights and Best Practices, with participants also given an overview of digital tools and tips for communicating with their target audiences, including through Messenger and WhatsApp. Alongside this, the sessions highlighted the importance of metrics and other key tools in measuring the success of digital marketing campaigns, and role of advertising and creativity in reaching new audiences.

Sandra Carvao, UNWTO Chief, Market Intelligence and Competitiveness, says: “We are very happy to have Facebook on board with us to bring the fundamentals and best cases of digital marketing to our Members. Our partnership will help destinations be better prepared for a new market framework and allow them to use data and digital marketing to reach new audiences and restart their tourism sectors.  

Nicolai Gerard, Facebook EMEA Government Politics & NonProfit Marketing Solution Director says: “We are very pleased to work with UNWTO to help global destinations take advantage of all the benefits that digital solutions and tools can offered. In the times we are living, it is key for the travel industry to implement digital marketing strategies to accelerate the road to recovery.  With this partnership, we believe that travel destinations will gain the necessary tools and skills that will allow them to use all the services available through our family of apps”.

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AM News Vol. 29 Abril 2021

AM News Vol. 29 Abril 2021

Dear Affiliate Members,

I am pleased to share with you the April 2021 edition of our AM News bulletin.

As you will read in this issue, the development of the Legal Reform of the Affiliate Membership is moving forward at a good pace. In March, we held our third meeting with the members of the Working Group for the Reform of the Legal Framework to debate and exchange proposals on the draft text for the new article 6 concerning the creation and functioning of the future Committee on Matters related to Affiliate Membership. The creation of this Committee aims at improving the integration of UNWTO Affiliate Members with the UNWTO as a whole and, more specifically, with the Member States. I am confident that this new Committee will provide our Membership with a much-needed new governing body, which is currently lacking, to ensure an institutional channel for an effective and fruitful interaction with the Member States.

Another aspect we would like to highlight in this issue is the work developed by two of our UNWTO Working Groups: the UNWTO Working Group on Accessible Tourism and the UNWTO Working Group on Science Tourism. Both are making good progress towards a fruitful exchange of information, expertise and best practices. As a result, in the coming months we will see two interesting outcomes. One is the organisation of the very 1st International Conference on Astrotourism, which will be held in September in Portugal. The other one is the release of a joint report on on Good Practices on Accessible Tourism in Rural and Nature Areas, which will be finalized soon. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all active members of the Working Groups for their enormous commitment and dedication.

Finally, as you can see in the agenda of events, we are already preparing an interesting programme of dedicated activities for our Affiliate Members at FITUR 2021, the International Tourism Fair in Madrid (Spain), to be held from 19 to 23 May. You will soon receive more details on the exclusive package that will be offered to our Affiliate Members. Among some activities, we will organize the ‘’AM Corner’’ at FITUR, an exclusive space for UNWTO Affiliate Members to present their initiatives on tourism recovery to other members and participants. This activity, organized for the second consecutive year, reflects our strong commitment to boosting the visibility of your work at International events like this one.

I would like to encourage you to visit the AMConnected platform regularly to read the latest updates and information on these and other activities, and to keep sharing with us your news.

As always, I am at your disposal and look forward to hearing any comment you might have.

Yours sincerely,
Ion Vilcu

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UNWTO, ONCE Foundation and ENAT - Delivering Accessible Tourism for All

UNWTO, ONCE Foundation and ENAT - Delivering Accessible Tourism for All

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) will continue to build on its successful partnership with the Spanish ONCE Foundation and the European Network for Accessible Tourism (ENAT). The three parties have agreed to extend their partnership agreement for a further four years to ensure that their work to improve accessibility, in every part of the tourism value chain, continues during and beyond the pandemic.

The joint work will continue to focus on the promotion of good practices during the current crisis, the application of standards, the measurement of accessible tourism, as well as labour inclusion and institutional disability inclusive policies. The three partners are currently collecting success stories of destinations and companies which have adopted new sanitary protocols to facilitate access to travel and tourism for all, including both residents and visitors. In line with the key UNWTO Recommendations released early on during the pandemic, the Accessibility Champions initiative is still open for submissions illustrating how the guidelines to restart tourism without imposing new obstacles are being successfully implemented. The most outstanding cases will be promoted by the partners through an e-publication and webinars.

The three partners are also committed to raising awareness of the forthcoming ISO Standard on Tourism for All. All three have worked with the International Standardization Organization (ISO) on the new requirements and recommendations. The ISO standard will represent a milestone, being the first global standard aimed at implementing and improving accessibility throughout the tourism value chain.

The awareness-raising work will sensitize institutions, governments and service providers  o the importance of accessibility for all and inclusion. It will make clear that this is not only a question of human rights and equal opportunities, but also a major competitive advantage for destinations and the private sector.

UNWTO, the ONCE Foundation and ENAT jointly state: “Accessibility for all is about service quality, innovation and comfort for all tourists, new sources of revenue and new clients with disabilities, seniors and families with young children, among many other individuals, with specific access requirements. By adopting Universal Design principles in the development of environments and services, the tourism sector can fulfil its moral responsibility and, in many countries, legal obligations to cater to those with specific requirements, making tourism for all a reality.”

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UN Tourism News #23

UN Tourism News #23

Now more than ever, tourism needs strong political support and joined-up action. Harmonized travel and health rules are essential to restore confidence and restart tourism

UN Tourism News

UN Tourism News #23 | 12 April 2021
Harmonized travel and health rules are essential to restore confidence and #RestartTourism

Advancing Harmonized Travel Protocols and Financing Tourism’s Survival

Advancing Harmonized Travel Protocols and Financing Tourism’s Survival

UNWTO has again convened its Global Tourism Crisis Committee to lead the sector in harmonizing travel and health protocols and securing vital financing for businesses struggling to survive an historic crisis.

Tightened Travel Restrictions Underline Current Challenges for Tourism

Tightened Travel Restrictions Underline Current Challenges for Tourism

One in three destinations worldwide are now completely closed to international tourism. The emergence of new variants of the COVID-19 virus has prompted many governments to reverse efforts to ease restrictions on travel, with total closures to tourists most prevalent in Asia and the Pacific and Europe.

Tourist Arrivals Down 87% in January 2021

Tourist Arrivals Down 87% in January 2021 as UNWTO calls for Stronger Coordination to Restart Tourism

New data shows an 87% fall in international tourist arrivals in January as compared to 2020. UNWTO continues to call for stronger coordination on travel protocols between countries to ensure the safe restart of tourism and avoid another year of massive losses for the sector.

Statistics to Guide Restart of Tourism in the Caribbean

UN Agencies Partner for Guide to Help Women in Tourism Recover from Crisis

UNWTO marked International Women’s Day 2021 with the release of our Inclusive Recovery Guide for women in tourism, compiled in collaboration with UN Women. The pandemic risks rolling back progress made towards achieving gender equality and efforts to empower women and girls.

Statistics to Guide Restart of Tourism in the Caribbean

UNWTO Welcomes EU Support and Urges Europe to Lead the Way in Tourism’s Restart

UNWTO has again stressed the importance of collaboration as it welcomed European Commission Vice-President Margaritis Schinas to Madrid for a high-level meeting focused on the joined-up response to the ongoing crisis, and on advancing plans for tourism’s vital restart.

Governments Join Sector Leaders in Backing Principles for International Code to Protect Tourists

Governments Join Sector Leaders in Backing Principles for International Code to Protect Tourists

More than 100 countries, international organizations and leading business groups have agreed to adopt harmonized standards for assisting tourists caught up in emergency situations. The Committee for the Development of an International Code for the Protection of Tourists has agreed on the text of the first two Chapters of the Code, containing seven key principles for a landmark legal code aimed at restoring confidence in international travel in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Vaccinate SIDS to Restart Tourism Kickstart Recovery, UNWTO Urges

Vaccinate SIDS to Restart Tourism Kickstart Recovery, UNWTO Urges

UNWTO calls for the international community to show solidarity with Small Island Developing States by ensuring they have access to COVID-19 vaccinations.

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Tomorrow Today - What's new in UNWTO's Innovation, Education and Investments Department?


  • The UNWTO Rural Tourism Global Startup Competition was launched on 6 April seeking to source new startups that advance tourism’s contribution to rural development, support recovery and achieve the SDG’s. Deadline for applications: July 2021.
  • On an onboarding session for the winners of UNWTO SDG Startup Competition, UNWTO partner AWS Startups welcomed the winners with up to $25,000 in AWS credits.



UNWTO media highlights:

BBC Radio UNWTO Secretary-General on BBC Radio 4 - World at One, from 27:21’’

World Economic Forum How global tourism can become more sustainable, inclusive and resilient

hospitality Exclusive interview with UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili

CNN 32% of global destinations are closed to international tourism as governments tighten restrictions: UN report

The Guardian COVID-19: UN agencies partner for guide to help women in tourism

Independent The countries that are closed to tourism

The Wall Street Journal Charting Global Economy: U.S. Income Growth Primes Spending Pump

Telegraph In numbers: How 2020 saw tourism sacrificed at the altar of Covid

Most Popular On Social Media:

UNWTO It's not only about tourism.
It is also about:
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It's about the +100 million people who lost their jobs. #RestartTourism

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A breathtaking, generous and wild land.
Boosting the image of Africa as a diverse destination is among the main priorities of the UNWTO Agenda for #Africa.

UNWTO For the +100 million jobs at stake, governments need to implement clear and global protocols, beyond digital certificates.
Governments have a responsibility to cooperate for the safe #RestartTourism. ACT NOW.

UNWTO The #RestartTourism in Small Island Developing States can't be postponed.
Tourism is a lifeline for these leading destinations
Their access to vaccinations must be guaranteed so tourism can keep creating jobs and driving sustainable growth for all.

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Advancing Harmonized Travel Protocols and Financing Tourism’s Survival

Advancing Harmonized Travel Protocols and Financing Tourism’s Survival

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has again convened its Global Tourism Crisis Committee to lead the sector in harmonizing travel and health protocols and securing vital financing for businesses struggling to survive an historic crisis.

The ninth meeting of the Crisis Committee advanced solutions to the biggest challenges standing in the way of international travel returning.

Committee members, drawn from political leadership, international organizations, including UNWTO’s sister UN agencies, finance and the private sector, discussed the Crisis Committee’s Recommendations, which focus on four core areas: the resumption of safe, cross-border travel; promoting safe travel at all points of the tourist journey; providing liquidity to tourism businesses and protecting jobs, and restoring confidence in travel.

The virtual meeting was co-hosted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Opening the proceedings, the Minister for Tourism, His Excellency Ahmed bin Aqil Alkhateeb, said: "Saudi Arabia has been collaborating with partners across the public and private sectors both regionally and globally to accelerate the resumption of international travel. The facilitation of safe and seamless travel is the only way to restore confidence among travelers and tourism businesses, which will ultimately be the drivers of the sector’s recovery."

Harmonized protocols and building confidence

The Committee backed the proposed EU Digital Green Pass as an example of joined-up protocols for other regions to follow. Addressing the meeting, EU Vice President Margaritis Schinas said that “we can make summer 2021 the beginning of the post-pandemic era, one that is safer, more sustainable, more resilient and more prosperous”. He stressed that “the tourism sector can – and should - be at the forefront of this effort, leading the recovery of the European and the global economy”.

Mr. Schinas also outlined the work being done to raise consumer confidence in tourism, already devastated by issues surrounding cancelling and refunding travel services and noted: “UNWTO’s efforts to develop an International Code for the Protection of Tourists are most welcome”. The landmark legal code is one of several key UNWTO initiatives aimed at restoring confidence in international travel.

Also at the Committee, UNWTO and IATA (the International Air Transport Association) announced the forthcoming launch of a new Destination Tracker. This tool will be available on the websites of both organizations and provide comprehensive and up-to-date information on the restrictions and requirements of airlines and destinations, allowing tourists to make informed choices.  

Recommendations for Recovery

The Recommendations of the UNWTO Global Tourism Crisis Committee highlight the importance of basing policies on current international health and aviation regulations, including but not limited to provisions from the World Health Organization (WHO) and those the International Civil Aviation Authority (ICAO), most notably its ‘Take Off’ guidance and the work of its Civil Aviation Recovery Taskforce (CART). The Recommendations also call for the creation of Public Health Corridors, the implementation of digital health solutions and the development of a common “traffic-light” system as a recognizable risk management framework. In presenting the Recommendations,  the Minister of Tourism of Greece and Chair of the UNWTO Crisis Committee’s Technical Group, Harry Theoharis, said that ”this year we have more tools in our arsenal, including vaccinations, to address all concerns of travellers and people employed in the tourism sector."

Financing tourism’s survival

Through the Global Tourism Crisis Committee, UNWTO also advanced on its work addressing one of the other key challenges facing global tourism, namely the sudden halt of tourism cash flow and the need to support businesses and protect jobs. Along with ICAO and the WHO, UNWTO is one of the only UN agencies working with the OECD on its International Mobility Initiative. UNWTO is also working closely with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).  

OECD and EBRD again contributed to the latest meeting of the Crisis Committee, advancing coordinated efforts to both support tourism businesses through the current crisis and also to build future resilience and achieve greater sustainability, including through promoting green investments in the sector. Also updating the Committee were the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC), with their representatives focusing in particular on the potential role of innovation, green investments in tourism and on supporting businesses, now and during the recovery phase.

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The Path to Recovery: Leverage UNWTO Insights & Facebook Solutions to Build your New Digital Marketing Strategy

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UNWTO & Facebook Immersion Session
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Webinar, Wednesday, 14 April 2021, 15.00 – 17.45 (CEST)
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The Path to Recovery: Leverage UNWTO Insights & Facebook Solutions to Build your New Digital Marketing Strategy
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UNWTO & Facebook Immersion Session