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El impacto del COVID-19 en el turismo: Tratando de dar sentido a tantos o tan pocos datos

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El impacto del COVID-19 en el turismo
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UNWTO Webinar: The impact of COVID-19 on Tourism Trying to make sense of so much or so little data

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The impact of COVID-19 on Tourism Trying to make sense of so much or so little data
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La OMT pone en marcha un programa de asistencia técnica para la recuperación del turismo

UNWTO Releases a COVID-19 Technical Assistance Package for Tourism Recovery

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has released a Tourism Recovery Technical Assistance Package to offer guidance to Member States in response to COVID-19. The package is structured around three main pillars: economic recovery, marketing and promotion and institutional strengthening and resilience building.

With tourism among the hardest-hit of all sectors, UNWTO has identified three possible scenarios for the months ahead. Depending on when restrictions on travel are lifted, international tourist arrivals could decline by 60-80% in 2020.

This could translate into a decline in export revenues from tourism of between US$910 billion to US$1.2 trillion and place 100-120 million jobs directly at risk. The social ripple effect is also feared to be at least equally challenging for many societies the world over.

We must support the tourism sector now with real actions while we prepare for it to come back and be stronger and more sustainable

Against this backdrop, the COVID-19 Tourism Recovery Technical Assistance Package is designed to support governments, the private sector and donor agencies face this unprecedented socio-economic emergency.

UNWTO Secretary-General, Zurab Pololikashvili says: “We must support the tourism sector now with real actions while we prepare for it to come back and be stronger and more sustainable. Recovery plans and programmes for tourism will translate into jobs and economic growth, not just within tourism itself but across the whole of societies. This package of support will help governments and business implement our Recommendations for Recovery”

Call for action: economic, promotional and institutional measures

Alongside the set of recommendations already released by UNWTO to call for action to mitigate the socio-economic impact of COVID and endorsed by the UNWTO Global Tourism Crisis Committee, the package identified three potential areas of intervention to accelerate the recovery of tourism: economic, promotional and institutional.

The COVID-19 Tourism Recovery Technical Assistance Package makes the case for policies and measures to be introduced to stimulate the economic recovery of the tourism sector. These should be introduced alongside the development of impact needs assessments and country-specific plans for tourism recovery, among other measures.

In terms of marketing and promotion, UNWTO stands ready to provide technical assistance to identify markets that can help accelerate recovery, addressing product diversification, and (re)formulating marketing strategies and promotional activities.

The third pillar, institutional strengthening and resilience building, is particularly aimed at enhancing public-private partnership and promoting collaborative efforts for tourism recovery, and, enhancing skills in crisis management and recovery.

Tourism for Sustainable Development

The technical support offered by UNWTO is designed to help Members work towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Several of these Goals directly relate to tourism, most notably the SDGs 8, 12 and 17, on ‘Decent Work and Economic Growth’, ‘Responsible Consumption and Production’, and ‘Partnerships for the Goals’.

UNWTO is also working as part of the wider UN response to COVID-19, emphasizing the role tourism can play in shielding developing countries and the most vulnerable members of society from the worst impacts of the current crisis.

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Iker Casillas

Iker Casillas Named UNWTO Ambassador for Responsible Tourism

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) today designated Spanish football legend and World Cup winner Iker Casillas as Special Ambassador for Responsible Tourism. In a virtual ceremony, the goalkeeper pledged to promote the universal benefits of tourism.

During the ceremony, which was held by videoconference, the Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization, Zurab Pololikashvili, presented Casillas with a special plaque and thanked him for supporting tourism at a critical time when the sector has taken a hard hit and millions of jobs could be lost.

Pololikashvili said: “Sport and tourism foster the best of humanity. They promote the shared values of solidarity, teamwork and excellence. These are qualities that the global community needs now more than ever, as we face the greatest challenge of a generation. As a player, Iker Casillas is a winner and a leader, and I am delighted that he has decided to support us with his personality and new ideas to promote tourism.” 

As a player, Iker Casillas is a winner and a leader, and I am delighted that he has decided to support us with his personality and new ideas to promote tourism.

For his part, Casillas expressed his appreciation for the designation and acknowledged that “inside and outside football we have a responsibility to people and to enterprises, so I am happy to be part of an organization as important as the World Tourism Organization.”

The player took the opportunity to echo the World Tourism Organization’s key message in the face of COVID-19, highlighting that “together, we can achieve it, it’s better to stay home today so that we can travel tomorrow.”

Casillas thus joins other prominent football figures such as Lionel Messi, Andrés Iniesta, Michel Salgado, Fernando Hierro, Didier Drogba and Vicente del Bosque, who have been designated as Ambassadors of the Organization for the promotion of responsible tourism. 

The goalkeeper, one of the game’s most outstanding players thanks to his role in Real Madrid and the Spanish national team, pledged to give greater visibility to the values of this sector on the world stage.

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World Tourism Remains At a Standstill as 100% of Countries Impose Restrictions on Travel

World Tourism Remains At a Standstill as 100% of Countries Impose Restrictions on Travel

COVID-19 has placed the whole world on lockdown, with new research from the World Tourism Organization showing that 100% of global destinations continue to have restrictions on travel in place, and 72% have completely closed their borders to international tourism.

From the start of the crisis, the United Nations specialized agency for tourism has been tracking responses to the pandemic. This latest research shows that while discussions on possible first measures for lifting restrictions are underway, 100% of destinations worldwide still have COVID-19 related travel restrictions for international tourists in place.

Out of all 217 destinations worldwide, 156 (72%) have placed a complete stop on international tourism according to the data collected as of 27 April 2020. In 25% of destinations, restrictions have been in place for at least three months, while in 40% of destinations, restrictions were introduced at least two months ago. Most importantly, the research also found that no destination has so far lifted or eased travel restrictions.

Opening the world up to tourism again will save jobs, protect livelihoods and enable our sector to resume its vital role in driving sustainable development

UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili said: “Tourism has been the hardest hit of all the major sectors as countries lockdown and people stay at home. UNWTO calls on governments to work together to coordinate the easing and lifting of restrictions in a timely and responsible manner, when it is deemed safe to do so. Tourism is a lifeline to millions, especially in the developing world. Opening the world up to tourism again will save jobs, protect livelihoods and enable our sector to resume its vital role in driving sustainable development.”

Restrictions Common Across All Global Regions

The UNWTO research tracks measures taken since the end of January, when the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).

Breaking the research down by region, UNWTO has found that 83% of destinations in Europe have introduced complete closure of borders for international tourism. In the Americas, this proportion stands at 80%, in Asia and the Pacific it is 70%, in the Middle East it is 62% and in Africa it is 57%. 

Towards a Responsible Re-Opening

UNWTO has been working closely with international organizations, national governments and the private sector, to support the responsible and timely recovery of tourism. Within the past two weeks, UNWTO Secretary-General has addressed Ministers of the G20 and of the EU Commission, making the case for tourism to be made a priority as countries look to recover from the crisis.

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