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Tourism Enjoys Continued Growth generating USD 5 billion per day

Tourism Enjoys Continued Growth generating USD 5 billion per day

PR No.: PR 19050

Madrid, Spain, 29 August 2019 - International tourist arrivals grew 5% in 2018, to reach the 1.4 billion mark, two years ahead of the World Tourism Organization’s long-term forecasts, according to the UNWTO International Tourism Highlights, 2019 Edition. At the same time, export earnings generated by tourism grew to USD 1.7 trillion, an increase of 4%, outpacing the world economy in 2018.

Total export earnings from international tourism grew by 4% in real terms in 2018. In addition to the USD 1.5 trillion in receipts that destinations earned, international tourism generated another USD 256 billion from international passenger transport taken by non-residents. This raised total tourism exports to USD 1.7 trillion, or USD 5 billion a day.

Released as the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) prepares to meet for its 23rd General Assembly in Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, this yearly report provides a consolidated analysis of international tourism. 2018 was the ninth consecutive year of sustained growth and tourism now represents 7% of global exports, growing at a faster rate than merchandise exports for the last seven years.

“This latest edition of our Highlights demonstrates the strength and potential of the tourism sector,” said UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili. “These results were driven by a favourable economic environment, a growing middle class in emerging economies, technological advances, new business models, increased air capacity, affordable travel costs and visa facilitation. UNWTO is committed to ensuring that this continued growth is managed in a responsible and sustainable way and tourism is rightly seen as a key driver of social and economic development, job creation and equality”, he added.

Other key findings from the UNWTO International Tourism Highlights 2019 report include:

• Asia and the Pacific and Africa led growth in arrivals with a 7% increase in 2018, while Asia and the Pacific and Europe enjoyed above-average growth in tourism earnings.

• Among the world’s top 10 destinations in arrivals and receipts, France continued to lead in international tourist arrivals, while the United States remained the largest tourism earner in 2018. Japan entered the top 10 earners ranking following seven years of double-digit growth in international tourism receipts.

• The top 10 tourism earners account for almost half of total tourism receipts, while the top 10 destinations in arrivals receive 40% of worldwide arrivals.

• China remained the world’s largest spender, with USD 277 billion spending on international tourism in 2018 or one-fifth of international tourism expenditure, followed by the United States.

• 4 out of 5 tourists visit a destination in their own region.

• 58% of all international tourists arrive to their destinations by air. The share of air travel has increased from 46% in 2000 to 58% in 2018.

• The share of leisure travel has grown from 50% in 2000 to 56% in 2018. Leisure travel is the main purpose of visit in all world regions except the Middle East, where visiting friends and relatives (VFR), or for health or religious purposes predominates.

• The share of world population requiring a traditional visa declined from 75% in 1980 to 53% in 2018.


- The International Tourism Highlights 2019 Edition provides an overview of international tourism results in 2018 and can be downloaded here.

- Factsheet

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Global tourism keeps growing during first half of 2019

Global tourism keeps growing during first half of 2019

New data from UNWTO shows international tourist arrivals grew by 4% during first 6 months of the year

The world’s tourism leaders are meeting in St Petersburg for the UNWTO General Assembly this week as the global tourism sector continues to grow in both size and influence.

On the eve of the 23rd Session of the General Assembly, the latest UNWTO World Tourism Barometer was officially released, showing rising arrival numbers across the world. According to this latest research, international tourist arrivals grew by 4% between January and June 2019 compared to the same period last year. Destinations worldwide received 671 million international tourist arrivals over these six months about 29 million more than in the same period of 2018. This represents a continuation of the 5% growth recorded last year, though more in line with historical trends.

Breaking the figures down by region, the new Barometer shows that growth was led by the Middle East (+8%) and Asia and the Pacific (+6%). International arrivals in Europe grew 4%, while Africa (+3%) and the Americas (+2%) enjoyed more moderate growth.

More specifically, Europe grew 4% in the first six months of 2019 after a remarkable 6% increase in 2018 and 9% in 2017. A positive first quarter was followed by an above-average second quarter with strong months of April (+8%) and June (+6%), reflecting a busy Easter and start of the summer season in the world’s most visited region. Intraregional demand fuelled much of this growth, though performance among major European source markets was uneven, amid weakening economies. Demand from overseas markets such as the USA, China, Japan and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries also contributed to these positive results.

Expanding on the figures, the Barometer notes that strong economies, more affordable air travel, increased air connectivity and better visa facilitation continue to drive demand for travel abroad. At the same time, however, short term outlook remains cautious according to the UNWTO Confidence Index. Indeed, weaker economic indicators, the prolonged uncertainty about Brexit, trade and technological tensions, rising geopolitical tensions, may take a toll on business and consumer confidence. 

Read the latest UNWTO World Tourism Barometer in full here:

UNWTO experts will be available for interview during the General Assembly. All press and media enquiries should be sent to:

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International arrivals grew 4% in the first quarter of 2019

International tourist arrivals (overnight visitors) grew 4% in January-March 2019 compared to the same period last year, below the 6% average growth of the past two years.

Growth was led by the Middle East (+8%) and Asia and the Pacific (+6%). Europe and Africa (both +4%) and the Americas (+3%) also recorded an increase in arrivals in this first quarter of 2019.

Confidence in global tourism performance has started to pick up again after slowing down at the end of 2018, according to the latest UNWTO Confidence Index survey. The Panel’s outlook for the current May-August period is more optimistic than in the past three periods and more than half of respondents are expecting a better performance in the coming four months.

Total exports from international tourism reach USD 1.7 trillion in 2018

Total export earnings from international tourism reached USD 1.7 trillion in 2018, or almost USD 5 billion a day on average.

International tourism (travel and passenger transport) accounts for 29% of the world’s services exports and 7% of overall exports of goods and services.

For the seventh year in a row, growth in tourism exports (+4%) was higher than growth in merchandise exports (+3%) in 2018.



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UNWTO World Tourism Barometer and Statistical Annex, January 2019

UNWTO World Tourism Barometer and Statistical Annex, January 2019

2018: International tourist arrivals worldwide reach 1.4 billion two years ahead of forecasts

  • International tourist arrivals (overnight visitors) worldwide increased 6% in 2018 to 1.4 billion, based on data reported by destinations around the world.
  • Given the remarkable growth of international arrivals in recent years, the 1.4 billion mark has been reached two years ahead of UNWTO’s long term forecast issued in 2010.
  • 2018 consolidates the very strong results of 2017 (+7%) and is the second strongest year since 2010.
  • Middle East (+10%) and Africa (+7%) led growth, while arrivals to Asia and the Pacific and Europe (both +6%) increased in line with the world average. The Americas saw growth of 3%.
  • Overall results were driven by a favourable economic environment and strong outbound demand from major source markets.
  • Among the world’s top ten spenders, the Russian Federation (+16%), France (+10%) and Australia (+9%) reported the strongest increase in outbound expenditure in the first nine to eleven months of 2018. The United States (+7%) and the Republic of Korea (+6%) also recorded solid spending figures, all of them fuelling inbound growth in their respective regions and beyond.
  • Based on current trends, economic prospects and the UNWTO Confidence Index, UNWTO forecasts a growth of 3% to 4% in international tourist arrivals worldwide in 2019, more in line with the historical growth trends.


UNWTO World Tourism Barometer and Statistical Annex, January 2019


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Continued healthy growth in international tourism in the first nine months of 2018

International tourist arrivals (overnight visitors) grew 5% in the first nine months of 2018 over the same period last year, reflecting a continued strong economic situation globally.

The 5% growth consolidated the results of 2017 (+7%), yet growth somewhat slowed down through the third quarter compared to the strong first months of 2018. The same trend is seen in terms of global economic growth softening.

All world regions enjoyed robust growth in the first nine months of this year, fuelled by strong demand from major source markets.

Asia and the Pacific led growth in January-September 2018, with arrivals increasing 7%. Europe and the Middle East also recorded sound results with 6% growth, while Africa saw a 5% increase. The Americas grew more modestly at 3% this nine-month period.

Preliminary data on international tourism receipts confirm the positive trend seen in international tourist arrivals, with particularly strong results in Asian and European destinations.

Among the top 20 world spenders on outbound tourism, France, the United Kingdom, Australia, the Russian Federation, Spain, and India all posted double-digit growth in expenditure.



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UNWTO World Tourism Barometer and Statistical Annex, October 2018

International tourism maintains strong momentum in the first half of 2018

International tourist arrivals grew 6% in the first six months of 2018 compared to the same period last year, reflecting a continuation of the strong results of 2017 (+7%).

All world regions enjoyed robust growth, fuelled by strong demand from major source markets and supported by an upswing in the global economy.

Europe and Asia and the Pacific led growth in January- June 2018, with arrivals increasing 7% in both regions. The Middle East and Africa also recorded sound results with 5% and 4% growth respectively, while the Americas saw a 3% increase this six-month period

Preliminary data on international tourism receipts confirm the positive trend seen in international tourist arrivals, with particularly strong results in Asian and European destinations.

On the demand side, France, the United Kingdom, the Russian Federation, India, the Republic of Korea and the United States led outbound spending from their respective regions.

Against a strong first semester, growth prospects for the remainder of 2018 remain positive overall, though comparatively more moderate, according to the latest UNWTO Confidence Index survey.



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UNWTO World Tourism Barometer and Statistical Annex, June 2018

UNWTO World Tourism Barometer and Statistical Annex, June 2018

International tourism remains strong in the first four months of 2018

International tourist arrivals grew 6% in January-April 2018 compared to the same period last year.

Results reflect a continuation of the strong trend seen in 2017 (+7%) and so far exceed UNWTO’s forecast of 4% to 5% for the year 2018.

Growth in the first four months of 2018 was led by Asia and the Pacific (+8%) and Europe (+7%), while Africa (+6%), the Middle East (+4%) and the Americas (+3%) also recorded sound results.

Confidence in global tourism remains strong according to the latest UNWTO Panel of Tourism Experts survey. The Panel’s outlook for the current May-August period is one the most optimistic in a decade, led by the particularly upbeat sentiment in Africa, the Middle East and Europe.

International tourism receipts grew 5% in 2017

International tourism receipts increased 5% in 2017 in real terms (local currencies at constant prices) to reach US$ 1,332 billion globally, some US$ 94 billion more than in 2016. Results are consistent with the solid trend in international tourist arrivals, which grew 7% in 2017.

The Middle East led growth in tourism receipts with a 13% increase in 2017, followed by Africa and Europe which both recorded 8% growth. Receipts grew 3% in Asia and the Pacific and 1% in the Americas. Europe recorded the highest growth in absolute terms, with an increase of US$ 50 billion to reach US$ 512 billion, or 38% of the world’s international tourism receipts.



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