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AM NEWS | Special FITUR 2021

AM NEWS | Special FITUR 2021

Dear Affiliate Members,

I am pleased to share with you our AM News bulletin Vol.30, which features special content dedicated to FITUR 2021 – the International Tourism Fair of Madrid – to be held from the 19th to the 23rd of May.

At the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), we are actively promoting and supporting the progressive resumption of face-to-face events, in due compliance with the protocols and measures established by the national authorities. From this perspective, we see FITUR 2021 as an important milestone in the roadmap for the progressive and sustainable restart of the sector.

I truly believe that, within the new and hopeful context marked by the advance in the vaccination against COVID-19, FITUR 2021 will be the first great international mobility event in Europe this year.

It is my pleasure to extend a cordial invite to participate in FITUR 2021 to our Affiliate Members. This 2021 edition will focus on the recovery of tourism, and it will offer a wide variety of spaces and activities aimed at showing the future trends in the sector.

The UNWTO Affiliate Members Department (AMD) and the host of the IFEMA/FITUR Fair, an UNWTO Affiliate Member, have jointly prepared a special package for all Affiliate Members participating at the Fair, which includes a series of advantages and benefits, as well as activities specially dedicated to our Membership. You can read all about it in this issue of the bulletin.

We will continue the work to complete and reinforce this package of benefits designed for our affiliates and to keep you updated on the activities at the Fair, with the conviction that this will facilitate a significant presence of our Affiliate Members at FITUR 2021.

In this respect, I would like to encourage you to visit our AMConnected platform regularly to find the latest updates and information on these and other activities of the Affiliate Members Department. Also, please keep engaging and sharing your news and initiatives with us on the platform.

As always, I am at your disposal and look forward to hearing any comments you might have.

Yours sincerely,
Ion Vilcu

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AM News Vol. 29 Abril 2021

AM News Vol. 29 Abril 2021

Dear Affiliate Members,

I am pleased to share with you the April 2021 edition of our AM News bulletin.

As you will read in this issue, the development of the Legal Reform of the Affiliate Membership is moving forward at a good pace. In March, we held our third meeting with the members of the Working Group for the Reform of the Legal Framework to debate and exchange proposals on the draft text for the new article 6 concerning the creation and functioning of the future Committee on Matters related to Affiliate Membership. The creation of this Committee aims at improving the integration of UNWTO Affiliate Members with the UNWTO as a whole and, more specifically, with the Member States. I am confident that this new Committee will provide our Membership with a much-needed new governing body, which is currently lacking, to ensure an institutional channel for an effective and fruitful interaction with the Member States.

Another aspect we would like to highlight in this issue is the work developed by two of our UNWTO Working Groups: the UNWTO Working Group on Accessible Tourism and the UNWTO Working Group on Science Tourism. Both are making good progress towards a fruitful exchange of information, expertise and best practices. As a result, in the coming months we will see two interesting outcomes. One is the organisation of the very 1st International Conference on Astrotourism, which will be held in September in Portugal. The other one is the release of a joint report on on Good Practices on Accessible Tourism in Rural and Nature Areas, which will be finalized soon. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all active members of the Working Groups for their enormous commitment and dedication.

Finally, as you can see in the agenda of events, we are already preparing an interesting programme of dedicated activities for our Affiliate Members at FITUR 2021, the International Tourism Fair in Madrid (Spain), to be held from 19 to 23 May. You will soon receive more details on the exclusive package that will be offered to our Affiliate Members. Among some activities, we will organize the ‘’AM Corner’’ at FITUR, an exclusive space for UNWTO Affiliate Members to present their initiatives on tourism recovery to other members and participants. This activity, organized for the second consecutive year, reflects our strong commitment to boosting the visibility of your work at International events like this one.

I would like to encourage you to visit the AMConnected platform regularly to read the latest updates and information on these and other activities, and to keep sharing with us your news.

As always, I am at your disposal and look forward to hearing any comment you might have.

Yours sincerely,
Ion Vilcu

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UNWTO Recognizes SHA Wellness Spa for Commitment to Health Tourism

UNWTO Recognizes SHA Wellness Spa for Commitment to Health Tourism

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has recognized the Bataller family, founders of the of the SHA Wellness Clinic in Alicante, Spain, for their strong and ongoing commitment to health and medical tourism.

Demand for health and wellbeing-centred experiences is expected to be strong, once tourism is able to resume after the pandemic. The SHA Wellness Clinic has been at the forefront of growing health tourism as a unique and valued part of the sector.

To reflect this, UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili has presented the Bataller family with a special recognition, congratulating them and SHA Wellness Clinic for their significant contribution to health and wellbeing tourism and for their firm commitment to the values of UNWTO.

In 2019, UNWTO hosted a High-Level Forum on Medical and Health Tourism in the context of the 23rd General Assembly in Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, highlighting its commitment to guiding the responsible growth of this part of the sector.

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Allianz Partners Becomes One of the First Insurance Companies to Join UNWTO Affiliate Members Network

Allianz Partners Becomes One of the First Insurance Companies to Join UNWTO Affiliate Members Network

The World Tourism Organization has welcomed Allianz Partners into its global network of Affiliate Members. With a presence in 75 countries, the company will help advance UNWTO’s mission to promote safe, responsible and accessible tourism, with a special focus on travel and mobility protection solutions.

The UNWTO Affiliate Members network brings together key representatives from the private sector, as well as from destination management organizations, NGOs and the civil sector, and academia. Allianz Partners, which joins through its Spanish business unit, becomes one of the few insurance companies in the network. It will join more than 500 fellow Affiliate Members in promoting the exchange of knowledge among key stakeholders with the objective of contributing to the promotion of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Mr. Ion Vilcu, Director of the UNWTO Affiliate Members Department explains: “UNWTO brings together leaders from various sectors to encourage knowledge sharing and strengthen the cooperation between public and private sectors for the promotion of Tourism. We are delighted to welcome Allianz Partners to our working groups and know that they will continue to contribute to the travel industry through their focus on the protection of tourists and responsible travel solutions”.

Ms. Ida Luka-Lognoné, CEO International Health and Travel at Allianz Partners comments: “We are really proud that our expertise is recognized by this UN institution and to contribute to the work of UNWTO, especially at this critical time for global tourism. At Allianz Partners, we are deeply involved in the transformation and recovery of the travel industry, in close coordination with our business partners. As a world leader in travel insurance, our primary goal is to continue to protect travelers’ safety while enhancing customer confidence with our quality services. Sustainability is an essential issue for the future of travel, and together with other Affiliate Members of the UNWTO, we will increase our efforts towards the common goals of the organization”.  

Under UNWTO’s framework to foster synergies among Affiliate Members and Member States and to promote the exchange of knowledge among key stakeholders with the objective of contributing to the promotion of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, Allianz Partners and its business units around the world will be able to participate actively in dialogue with other members thanks to its knowledge and innovation-led approach, so as to contribute to sustainable global tourism and with the main objective of re-establishing the travel industry in a post-COVID context.

About Allianz Partners

Allianz Partners is a world leader in B2B2C insurance and assistance, offering global solutions that span international health and life, travel insurance, automotive and assistance. Customer driven, our innovative experts are redefining insurance services by delivering future-ready, high-tech high-touch products and solutions that go beyond traditional insurance. Our products are embedded seamlessly into our partners’ businesses or sold directly to customers and are available through four commercial brands: Allianz Assistance, Allianz Automotive, Allianz Travel and Allianz Care. Present in 75 countries, our 21,100 employees speak 70 languages, handle over 71 million cases each year, and are motivated to go the extra mile to offer peace of mind to our customers around the world. 
For more information, please visit:


The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) is the United Nations agency responsible for the promotion of responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism. As the leading international organization in the field of tourism, UNWTO promotes tourism as a driver of economic growth, inclusive development and environmental sustainability and offers leadership and support to the sector in advancing knowledge and tourism policies worldwide. An intergovernmental organization, UNWTO has 159 Member States, 6 Associate Members, 2 Observers and over 500 Affiliate Members.

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AM News Vol. 28 March 2021

AM News Vol. 28 March 2021

Dear Affiliate Members,

I am pleased to share with you this issue of the AM Newsletter featuring some of the strategies that our Affiliate Members will implement in 2021.

As you will read, we share the common vision to achieve a tourism that is more responsible, fairer and respectful for the environment and populations, with strategies for sustainable development being at the core of the recovery efforts. Also, digitalization as a tool for sustainability, along with furthering global partnerships and reinforcing collaboration are all highlighted by our membership as important elements to implement in 2021.

The aforementioned strategic lines are all aligned with UNWTO’s priorities to make tourism smarter through fostering innovation and leading the digital transformation of the sector; to promote investment and entrepreneurship; as well as harnessing tourism’s unique potential to protect social, cultural, and environmental sustainability. Over the last months, my team has listened to your valuable inputs and proposals and has incorporated the ones aligned with UNWTO’s objectives and priorities into our Programme of Work for 2021.

I am pleased to announce that the updated version of Programme of Work for 2021 of the Affiliate Members Department has been validated by the Board of Affiliate Members. This was one of the main points for discussion at our Plenary Session -held in Madrid in November 2020, when a first draft containing the inputs received from our Affiliate Members was presented. Since then, my team has been in permanent contact with our membership, encouraging them to continue sending us their proposals and expressing our availability to continue enriching this work program.

The updated Programme of Work for 2021 contains the objective and priority lines of action that will guide the activities of the Affiliate Members Department in 2021, which you can see summarized in this issue. Most importantly, it incorporates an enriching variety of projects and activities proposed by our Affiliate Members and that will be supported by my Department. These activities cover a wide range of important areas including sustainability and accessibility projects, COVID-19 response initiatives, and priority topics such as tourism and audiovisual, sports tourism and rural tourism.

I am confident that we can stay positive and focused on the future and on working together to make our strategies for the recovery of tourism a success.

As always, I am at your disposal and look forward to hearing any comments you may have. I also encourage you to actively use our AMConnected platform by sharing your information and staying up-to-date with the latest information of the UNWTO.

Yours sincerely,
Ion Vilcu

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Dear Affiliate Members,

The year 2021 has started with a very important meeting for the Organization: the 113th UNTWO Executive Council, which was held on 18-19 January 2021 in Madrid (Spain). I would like to share my satisfaction for the great visibility of the activities of the Affiliate Members in this relevant event.

The Affiliate Members and the Board of Affiliate Members had an excellent representation through the Communication of the Board, Ms Ana Larrañaga, who presented the main activities carried out by the affiliates since the previous Executive Council, held in September 2020. Among them were the celebration, under excellent conditions in a very difficult context, of our 42nd Plenary Session, and the preparation of our Programme of Work 2021, with excellent proposals from the Affiliate Members in support of the Organization’s priorities. Another important initiative, which was highlighted, was the initiation of the process of the Reform of the Legal Framework for Affiliate Membership, and the creation of a Working Group to achieve this important mandate.

During 2021, the implementation of the Legal Reform will be of high priority for the Affiliate Members Department, and for the UNWTO. This much-needed reform will result in a more modern and efficient functioning of the AM network, and, consequently, in an improved partnership between the Organization and the private sector. Therefore, the contributions of the Affiliate Members in this matter are vital. Hence, the Chair of the Board, with the support of my Department, will organize a series of consultations throughout the year aimed at gathering your very valuable input.

As the new year starts, it is time to work on the activities and plans taking place in 2021, which I am sure we will successfully implement. I want to emphasize that the Affiliate Members currently have a well-deserved opportunity to actively participate in all UNWTO priority initiatives to restart tourism, such as the development of an International Code for the Protection of Tourists.

The participation of the Affiliate Members in the above-mentioned projects, and other key initiatives, will be permanently sustained by a very broad and in-depth consultation with the members of the Board and the entire membership.

We will keep you duly updated on these and other activities taking place this year. I strongly encourage you to actively use the AMConnected platform, and other communication channels, where you will find all information published in due time.

As always, I am at your disposal and look forward to hearing any comment you may have.

Yours sincerely,
Ion Vilcu

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AM Newsletter Volume 26. December 2020

AM Newsletter Volume 26. December 2020

Dear Affiliate Members,

The year 2020 comes to an end having brought tourism to a near-standstill. Hardly hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, our sector has faced a global crisis with unprecedented economic and social consequences. However, adversity also provides opportunities for growth and for learning. And that is why, in this very last issue of the year, I would like to leave behind the negative effects of this crisis, so widely spoken, to reflect on the positive aspects that this situation has brought us.

In 2020, the tourism sector has stood more united than ever, strengthening its partnerships and improving the information exchange mechanisms in a common effort to relaunch tourism and rebuild the trust of tourists. The UNWTO Affiliate Members department has, on the one hand, considerably increased its capacity to collect valuable inputs from Affiliate Members and effectively incorporate them into UNWTO’s work, and, on the other hand, offered the Affiliate Members its full support in the joint effort to deal with the adverse impact of the pandemic.

As a result, we have been able to provide a coordinated and effective public-private response to this crisis. The Affiliate Members, represented by the Chair of the Board, Ms Ana Larrañaga, have played an active role in the decisions of the UNWTO’s Global Tourism Crisis Committee, created at the initiative of our Secretary General. Next to this, the Affiliate Members’ valuable contributions have helped develop very important documents for the Organization, such as the UNWTO’s Global Guidelines to Restart Tourism.

We have also embraced digitalization more than ever, quickly adapting to the needs of the moment and incorporating the latest technologies in digital production to our meetings. This has allowed us to successfully organize very important events despite the difficult environment, such as our 42nd Plenary Session of the Affiliate Members, which was held in a hybrid format that combined in-person with virtual attendance obtaining record levels of participation. Also, we have increased the frequency of our virtual meetings, ensuring that we can gather any time anywhere, regardless of restrictions to mobility.

We have joined forces to draw up a Programme of Work 2021 that contains innovative proposals. While the activities on tourism recovery amidst the COVID-19 remain a priority, you have also provided excellent ideas to further develop priority topics, including Sports Tourism and Tourism and the Audiovisual, along with innovative projects covering new areas of work, such as Astro tourism, Motor Tourism, Tourism and Culture Synergies and Air Connectivity and Sustainable Tourism.

On a path forward, my department is fully committed to modernization and innovation. As you will read in this issue, we have already taken the first steps towards reforming the legal framework of the Affiliate Members, which will modernize the processes ruling our Membership. Next to this, we have fully involved the Affiliate Members in one very important project for the UNWTO: the development of an International Code for the Protection of Tourists. With a view to also revamp the AM Newsletter, we have given birth to a new interview section aiming at including testimonials from the Affiliate Members, as well as starting to put together an Agenda of Affiliate Members’ Events for 2021 at the end of the publication.

Despite 2020 has been a very difficult year for the tourism sector, there is no doubt that we have proved our great strength, resilience and capacity to innovate. I would like to thank you all for your excellent cooperation throughout the year. And I would also like to thank you in advance for the support and contributions that, I am sure, you will continue to provide in the months to come with a view to rebuild tourism and traveler’s trust.

With the conviction that, together, we can ensure that tourism gets back on its feet stronger in the year ahead, I would like to wish you all a happy holiday season and a very prosperous new year 2021!

Sincerely, Ion Vilcu

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Towards a modernized legal framework for the UNWTO Affiliate Membership

Towards a modernized legal framework for the UNWTO Affiliate Membership

UNWTO is moving ahead with plans to revise its strategic collaboration with the private sector. This follows up on the commitment made at 112th UNWTO Executive Council held in Tbilisi, Georgia, in September 2020.

To advance a modernized legal basis for the UNWTO Affiliate Membership, which brings together more than 500 private entities, the “Working Group for the Reform of the UNWTO Affiliate Membership Legal Framework” met for the first time on 2 December 2020. This Working Group is composed of ministerial representatives and public authorities from Member countries across the world, including Argentina, Azerbaijan, China, Colombia, Côte d’Ivoire, Croatia, Egypt, Honduras, India, Iran, Mexico, Saudi Arabia and Spain. Joining them were the Chair of the Board of Affiliate Members, Ms Ana Larrañaga, along with UNWTO experts. 

Dated back from 2011, the existing legal regulation contains some outdated provisions that no longer serve today’s modern functioning of the Affiliate Member's network. The proposed reform will modernize and streamline the procedures, including those of the governing bodies such as the Affiliate Members Plenary Session, as well as the processes for the admission of new members. It will also set up a Committee of Affiliate Members with more decision-making powers to help manage the Affiliate Members community more efficiently.

Over the coming months, the Working Group will hold regular meetings to discuss and jointly develop an updated legal framework for the membership. Next to them, Affiliate Members with solid expertise in different topics will be invited to join as ‘’Observers’’ to provide their input and contribute to the discussions. It is expected that the new regulation will be finalized and presented for approval at the 24th UNWTO General Assembly, to be held in Morocco in 2021. 

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Dear Affiliate Members

I would like to convey my most sincere appreciation for your valuable participation in the 42nd UNWTO Affiliate Members Plenary Session, which took place on 5-6 November 2020 in Madrid, Spain, under the theme “Recovering Tourism. Rebuilding Trust. Reinforcing Partnerships”.

The event, which was celebrated in a hybrid format combining in-person participation at the Four Seasons Hotel in Madrid, and a very consistent virtual involvement, counted with the participation of high-level political authorities and over 200 representatives of our Affiliate Members from all over the world.

I am proud that we could organize a highly valuable hybrid event, despite the current difficult circumstances. Our goal was to make it possible for our network of more than 500 Affiliate Members to attend, either in person or virtually.

I am convinced that the most important annual meeting of the private sector affiliated to the UNWTO, our Plenary Session, provided us with an excellent opportunity to send to the sector a clear and strong message on the importance of the public-private partnership, along with the perfect platform to give visibility to the projects and good practices of our Affiliate Members.

The topics discussed during both the Plenary Session and the Thematic Sessions covered a wide thematic range and enabled us to develop a fruitful exchange of information to strengthen the public-private partnership within the tourism sector.

The feedback and comments received from all the participants – Affiliate Members, authorities, and UNWTO – was very positive and encouraging, this representing a very significant message to continue reinforcing our membership and the value of the brand “Affiliate Members”.

I was really honored to have such committed and active members presenting and sharing their work and experiences with a view to support tourism recovery, and to prepare our Programme of Work 2021. I would like to inform you that in the following days we will send you the updated draft of the PoW 2021, where we included the most consistent proposals provided by our Affiliate Members.

The COVID-19 crisis has showed us that we need to learn from each other and that we need to work together. The good news is that the means, the strategies and the knowledge are already available. We just have to learn from them, share our knowledge and strengthen our coordination to implement them. Our 42nd Plenary Session has proven to be a very important forum for this and we must carry on with the work done. I am looking forward to continue discussing and sharing with you projects and initiatives for our common goal of jointly rebuilding a stronger tourism sector.

I am looking forward to continuing the dialogue and further sharing with you projects and initiatives for our common goal of jointly rebuilding a stronger tourism sector.

Ion Vilcu

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