AM NEWS VOL. 34 SEP 2021

AM NEWS VOL. 34 SEP 2021

The bulletin of UNWTO’s Affiliate Members from the tourism sector

Dear Affiliate Members,

I am pleased to share with you the Vol. 34 of our AM News Bulletin.

After the summer break, we are now preparing for some very exciting months in which several important events and projects implemented by the Affiliate Members Department will take place.

I refer in particular to the launch and presentation of the Global Report on Cultural Affinity and Screen Tourism, that will be organized within the framework of the Iberoseries Platino Industry in Madrid the 1st of October. The report is the result of the close collaboration developed in the last months between our department and Netflix and its launch will be followed by a Panel of Experts to further explore the topics discussed in the report.

Furthermore, we are making good progress in the organization of the World Sports Tourism Congress, one of the main events organized by our department in collaboration with the Catalan Tourism Board on 25-26 November. Last month the official webpage of the event was launched and shortly we will open the registry for all the Affiliate Members and other organizations who want to participate.

Even more importantly, I would like to remind you that the final dates of the 24th UNWTO General Assembly, that will be held in Marrakech, were announced. The most important statutory event of the UNWTO will take place on 30 November – 3 December. Within the framework of the GA, our department will make its best efforts to organize a successful Plenary Session of the Affiliate Members. In addition to that, the text of the new Legal Framework of the UNWTO Affiliate Membership, as approved by the Working Group for the Reform (WG-AMLR), will be presented for approval during the GA.

As you can see, many relevant activities will soon take place, and I hope to count with the support and participation of all of you.

As always, I am at your disposal and look forward to hearing any comments you might have.

Yours sincerely,
Ion Vilcu

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