Wordl Tourism Day 2024: Tourism and Peace

 27 September 2024 | Tbilisi, Georgia

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World Tourism Day 2024:
Tourism and Peace

The pursuit of peace is a continuing endeavour, and progress through tourism is more relevant than ever.
Tourism can play a vital role as a catalyst for fostering peace and understanding between nations and cultures and in supporting reconciliation processes.

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Women in Tech Startup Competition Middle East 2nd Edition 2024

Her Vision, Our Future


Innovative entrepreneurship has disrupted the tourism sector, changing the ways people travel and experience destinations, and in doing so driving digitalization and sustainability. At the same time, tourism offers many opportunities for prospective entrepreneurs in tourism-adjacent sectors to grow their businesses and capitalize on the demand for goods and services from incoming tourists. The synergies between tourism entrepreneurship and innovation are well-founded and can be meaningfully strengthened. A key enabler in this regard is fostering environments for investors to empower entrepreneurs to push the sector forward.

Why women in tech?

57% of science technology engineering and math (STEM) graduates in the Middle East are women. 34% of the region’s tech-focused startups were founded by women. However, globally, women founders secured only 2.2% of global venture capital funding in 2019.

Countries across the Middle East, have integrated innovation and women empowerment within their long-term economic development plans. This is the case of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030, where increasing women's participation in the labor force is a strategic target. (Saudi female participation has already risen from 16% to 35.6% between 2016 and 2021). In the GCC region, a robust entrepreneurial culture has fuelled a surge in start-up businesses led by women, averaging at 40.9% of the total, according to World Economic Forum’s (WEF’s) 2022 Global Gender Gap report.

Women in Tech 2nd Edition Theme: Creating a Sustainable Tourism Sector

This year’s theme will be directly linked with the UN Tourism Investment Framework: Investing in People, Planet and Prosperity.

Presented during World Tourism Day 2023, it reflects a growing consensus among sector stakeholders about the need to diversify away from the traditional investment framework to a new one where people (education), planet (green transformation), and prosperity (innovation) are at the center to guarantee the development of a sustainable tourism sector.

This framework is at the same time anchored on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), part of the Agenda 2030. As we have already passed the halfway point to 2030, every sector must increase efforts in the path towards sustainability. The tourism sector is not different – the tourism sector has to be at the forefront of this sustainable transformation due to its multiplier impact across all economic industries, and also by offering high-quality jobs, and supporting countries in bringing prosperity to rural areas and less favored communities.

Hence, the categories of the competition will be based on the mentioned key elements, which are economic, social, and environmental factors.


  • Startups must be led, owned or managed by women in the Middle East, residing in any of the following countries: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain, Kuwait, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Libya and Yemen.
  • Be an Idea Stage, Early Stage, or Series A startups with a minimum viable product or idea that is ready to be developed and funded.
  • Have a full-time team, a tested pilot, and a business plan.
  • Be scalable with potential for international growth.

The competition will be divided into 3 categories: Tech categories relevant to Sustainable Tourism and connected directly to our UN Tourism Investment Framework: Investing in People, Planet and Prosperity.

Category 1:
People & Skills | Investing in People

It is no secret that people lie at the heart of the tourism sector. Millions of people support the sector either through working in tourism-related industries or simply traveling. This category focuses on solutions that build human capital capacities in the tourism sector. Top solutions will facilitate the upskilling and training of the tourism workforce around the world by utilizing innovative and creative options that are inclusive, effective, and accessible.

This category calls for start-ups that use environmentally friendly and sustainable approaches in education tech, tourism & travel tech, social & messaging, wellness, health, with cross-cutting benefits with tourism.

Start-ups involved in the above areas are invited to participate in this competition under this thematic area.

Category 2:
Green Tourism & Travel Solutions | Investing in Planet

The tourism sector relies on travel and mobility, which can contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. The sector is also vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. This category will feature solutions that aim to address emissions from traveling and/or increase the resilience of the sector to the adverse effects of climate change. Top solutions will be tailored to local contexts, manage emissions, and offer new and innovative technological solutions that can address climate change and ensure the sustainable growth of the sector globally.

This category calls for start-ups that use environmentally friendly and sustainable approaches in green tech, green infrastructure, sustainable travel & logistics, urban development, rural development, with cross-cutting benefits with tourism.

Start-ups involved in the above areas are invited to participate in this competition under this thematic area.

Category 3:
Market Innovators | Investing in Prosperity

Digitalization is no longer a trend in the Middle East, it is here to stay for all sectors, including tourism. The region is moving towards implementing a smart destinations approach to tourism that leverages different emerging technologies.

This category calls for startups working in the areas of fintech, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality (AR/VR), cryptocurrency, Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain and web3 technology, digital twining and the metaverse.

Start-ups involved in the above areas are invited to participate in this competition under this thematic area.

  • Pitch at the UN Tourism Tech Adventure in AlUla taking place in November (TBC)
  • Mentorships by UN Tourism and top partners. (TBC)
  • Invited to participants to any relevant new activities related to tourism, sustainability and business.
  • Invited to participate in the annual Gala WITH Female Leaders to be held in Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao in 2025.
  • Invitated to participate in online training events and networking meetings.
  • Tailored support for the startup.
  • Membership in the UN Tourism Innovation Network.
  • Scholarship opportunities for the Tourism Online Academy.
  • Media, PR and communications benefits. 
  • Opportunities to speak as panelists and keynote in our events.

LaunchApplication Launch: May 8th 
Review Webinar for Participants: June 19
Closing Applications Close: August 31st
AnnouncementSept 30 – Oct 2 : Semi-Final rounds
Review Finals (Demo Day): Tourism Tech Adventure in Nov 2024

Travel Partner



AIM Congress
Plug and Play

Ecosystem Collaborators 

Impulse 4 women
UN Tourism News

UN Tourism News

To mark the start of the United Nations ‘Decade of Action’, UN Tourism News was launched to provide the latest updates of UN Tourism’s work and key insights from the world of tourism as the sector leads the way in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

UN Tourism News 86

UN Tourism News 86

Diversifying tourism across Asia and the Pacific, alongside promoting more and better education, will be key to building a more resilient and sustainable sector.

UN Tourism's Impact: Boosting Gastronomy Tourism, Sustainability, and Regional Cooperation

UN Tourism News 85

UN Tourism News 85

Tourism leaders from across the world have met again to shape the sector’s future, emphasizing the sector’s vital economic importance while also placing it firmly on the political agenda.

From Small Islands to Global Leaders, UN Tourism Shapes the Future of Travel

UN Tourism News 84

UN Tourism News 84

International tourist arrivals reached 97% of pre-pandemic levels in the first quarter of 2024. According to UN Tourism, more than 285 million tourists travelled internationally in January-March, about 20% more than the first quarter of 2023, underscoring the sector’s near-complete recovery from the impacts of the pandemic.

Focus on Boosting Tourism Performance and Investment Opportunities

UN Tourism News 83

UN Tourism News 83

The 69th meeting of the UN Tourism Regional Commission for the Americas brought together prominent representatives of countries of the region in the Cuban city of Varadero. The meeting addressed the challenges and opportunities of the tourism sector that the region is facing.

UN Tourism´s impact: Driving Investment & Empowering Women

UN Tourism News 82

UN Tourism News 82

The United Nations General Assembly has held a second thematic event focused on tourism and the sector’s critical role in critical role of tourism in advancing sustainable development and resilience

Sustainable Development of Tourism

UN Tourism News 81

UN Tourism News 81

Europe’s national tourism authorities have met to advance shared solutions to the biggest challenges facing tourism as well as the opportunities offered by the sector’s post-pandemic return.

Global Tourism Investments Trends and Opportunities

UN Tourism News 80

UN Tourism News 80

Offering more diverse experiences and investing in talented people will play a key role in helping mountain areas grow tourism in a sustainable and responsible manner. The 12th World Congress on Snow, Mountain and Wellness Tourism identified key challenges, among them climate change and evolving consumer trends, while recognizing the role tourism can play in the protection of the fragile mountain ecosystem, the building of resilience for mountain communities, and the preservation of the local heritage.

Diversification, Innovation and Sustainability

UN Tourism News 79

UN Tourism News 79

A groundbreaking statistical framework, developed under the leadership of UN Tourism, has been adopted by all 193 UN member states.
The Statistical Framework for Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism (MST) thus becomes the internationally agreed reference framework for measuring the economic, social and environmental aspects of tourism.

Data, Sustainability and Collaboration

UN Tourism News 78

UN Tourism News 78

With the latest UN Tourism data showing international arrivals returning to 88% of pre-pandemic levels at the end of 2023, emphasis has now shifted to protecting the sector from future shocks. The official visit of the delegation led by Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili coincided with the second Global Tourism Resilience Day. A series of high-level meetings in Jamaica also advanced shared efforts around ethical, inclusive and sustainable tourism as well as the priorities of education and investment.

Official Visits Spotlight Tourism for Culture and Prioritise Investments

UN Tourism News 77

UN Tourism News 77

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) enter a new era with a new name and brand: UN Tourism. With this new brand, the Organization reaffirms its status as the United Nations specialized agency for tourism and the global leader of tourism for development, driving social and economic change to ensure that "people and planet" are always center stage.

Bringing the world closer
Green Projects Innovation Challenge



Green Projects Innovation Challenge 

Transforming the Tourism Sector in Latin America and the Caribbean


Powered by:

UN Tourism
CAF logo

UN Tourism and the Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAF) join forces in a momentous initiative to enhance the transformative impact of tourism, with a central focus on Green Projects. Our objective is to revitalize the industry by promoting innovation with a significant impact on sustainable infrastructure, reducing emissions and waste, but also in the social sphere, promoting rural and community tourism and generating new tourist experiences, all catalyzed by green projects in the sector.

In a dynamic world tourism scenario, we face a world where travelers' expectations are rapidly evolving, tourism is calling for innovation to create tourist experiences that are not only memorable but also transform the way the world is explored. In this changing context, entrepreneurs and tourism companies must seek to exceed travelers' expectations by applying new ideas and technologies.

Revealing the Challenge:

The relevance of this Challenge is highlighted by recognizing tourism as an essential driving force in the global economy and, more specifically, in the UN Tourism Region of the Americas, including Latin America and the Caribbean. During the period from January to July 2023, arrivals to the Americas reached 87% of 2019 levels, evidencing the resilience of the region1. Additionally, it is worth noting that for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) trends in the tourism sector in Latin America, according to the most recent report by UN Tourism in collaboration with fDi Intelligence of the Financial Times, between 2018 and 2022, 340 FDI projects in tourism were announced in the region, with a capital investment that amounts to USD 27.9 billion2 .

In this sense, innovation is relevant in the tourism sector to contribute to the transformation of the economy of rural communities and thus, in the same way, contribute to the reduction of emissions caused by the change in land use.

This Challenge seeks to support startups, enterprises, tourism companies, new entrepreneurs that promote through innovative projects, ensure the conservation and regeneration of the ecosystems and biodiversity of Latin America and the Caribbean to redefine how tourism can generate a positive impact, also having in mind that today tourists favor these offers when making their decisions about the destinations to visit.

The Challenge aims to strengthen the role of tourism in addressing local problems and to commit to greater ventures based on economic, social, and environmental sustainability.

Green Projects:
This challenge is focused on startups, new entrepreneurs, and tourism companies that lead green project initiatives. Innovative projects are expected to contribute to sustainability and regeneration in all its pillars.

Specific working areas:

  • Innovation that generates environmentally responsible and low-carbon tourism: Innovative solutions that contribute to the significant reduction of environmental impact and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through waste management, energy efficiency, renewable energy generation; and initiatives that promote the design and development of tourist infrastructure in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner, through technology and innovation, among others.

  • Innovation that generates tourism resilient to Climate Change: Projects that address social protection and the impact of climate change in the tourism sector, seeking equitable and resilient solutions.

  • Innovation conservation of protected areas through tourism: Projects that in some way contribute to the conservation of National Natural Parks, Biosphere Reserves, World Geoparks, Ramsar Sites, and areas designated for the conservation of migratory species of wild animals.

  • Innovation for the regeneration of ecosystems and their biodiversity in tourist destinations: Projects that in some way contribute to the restoration of ecosystems through the tourist experience.

January 24, 2024
Fitur 2024 until June 30, 2024
Deadline submissions:
June 30, 2024
June 30 until July 30, 2024
Announcement finalists
July 31, 2024
Final Pitch
Selected finalists will have the unique opportunity to present their revolutionary ideas at the UN Tourism and Tech Adventures (venue and date to be confirmed).

The objective of the contest is to especially attract the attention of startups, entrepreneurs, tourism agencies, and operators with a presence in Latin America and the Caribbean that are focused on social and environmental impact.

Entrepreneurs, startups, tourism companies, and organizations that meet the following requirements can apply:

  • They have an innovative/disruptive nature and offer sustainable and value-added solutions for the tourism sector;
  • Leveraging new technologies and innovative solutions, especially in the context of the blue and green economies;
  • Have the ability to offer positive impact indicators in the context of the blue and green economies;
  • Have potential for growth, scalability, and application in the region;
  • Have a minimum viable product or project that is ready to be developed and funded;
  • Have a structured business plan;
  • Have a market study that justifies the business plan.

  • Opportunity to present your solution at the UN Tourism Tech Adventures: Green Projects
  • USD 10,000 investment offered by CAF for the winner
  • Mentoring and support from UN Tourism and top-level partners
  • Personalized support for the company
  • Scholarship opportunities for the UN Tourism Online Academy
  • Be a member of the UN Tourism Innovation Network through which they will have continuous support and opportunities to participate in UN Tourism projects and events

About Innovation at UN Tourism:

UN Tourism believes that innovation is the key to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. To drive the digitalization of tourism, create an Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem that will maximize the potential of the sector in terms of economic growth, job creation, and sustainable development, and anticipate, address and overcome the new challenges and trends of the tourism sector, in 2018 UN Tourism developed a framework for Innovation, Education, Digital Transformation and Investments.

The IEI Department already launched 23 global, regional, and specific challenges, and 21 Tourism Tech Adventures (Innovation Forums) in 14 countries were held, with an additional 8 online editions. Total funding of 214 + USD million has been gathered for the UN Tourism Top Startups


Acerca de la CAF:

La CAF es el banco de desarrollo comprometido con mejorar la calidad de vida de todos los latinoamericanos y caribeños. Sus acciones promueven el desarrollo sostenible y la integración regional. Apuntan a convertirse en el Banco verde y azul, y el de la reactivación económica y social de la región.

Ofrecen asesoramiento y apoyo financiero a los sectores público y privado de sus países accionistas. Además, generan conocimiento para fortalecer las políticas públicas en América Latina y el Caribe y mejorar la calidad y el impacto de los proyectos que impulsan.

Related links:

Previous UN Tourism startup competitions
Terms & Conditions 

UNWTO 2023: A Year in Review

UNWTO 2023: A Year in Review

UNWTO in 2023:
Advancing Priorities and Moving Closer to Members

With its priorities for tourism clearly defined and supported by its Member States, 2023 was a year of consolidation and growth for the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). As the tourism sector continued to rebound from the pandemic at a remarkable rate, UNWTO set the direction of travel, advancing its Programme of Work and moving even closer to its Members on the ground.

Resilience and Reliability

The first UNWTO World Tourism Barometer of the new year forecasts a return to 80% to 95% of pre-pandemic levels in 2023. Attended by UNWTO’s leadership, the official opening of China’s tourism market in February was a key element to continue rebuilding global confidence in the sector.

Results at the end of 2023 proved the predictions to be right, emphasising both tourism’s resilience and the reliability of UNWTO data as the go-to source for tourism insights for Governments, businesses and the media.

Spotlight on Investments

With investments identified as a key priority for the sector, UNWTO started 2023 strong. A new cooperation agreement with the Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAF) further promotes tourism investments in the Americas region. Investment Guidelines were released throughout the year, emphasising opportunities in specific destinations, with a focus on Africa and the Americas. This year also saw UNWTO join the World Investment for Development Alliance (WIDA) to boost effectiveness of investment in the sector and its work towards Agenda 2030. 

After being there for the country's reopening, UNWTO returned to China in September for the 10th Global Tourism Economic Forum in Macau. The gathering served as a platform to advance UNWTO's work around investments, with the role of China as the world's biggest outbound market made clear. Then in the Saudi capital of Riyadh in September, UNWTO celebrated the biggest World Tourism Day so far, this time around 'Tourism and Green Investments' while also highlighting importance of devoting significant financial resources to education. Out of this day comes the "Tourism Opens Minds" initiative to promote new and diverse destinations, and the second World Tourism Day Report, this year on investments for people, planet and prosperity.

Education and Youth Empowerment

Throughout 2023, UNWTO showed its commitment to investing in people and supporting young talent. New Academies in Collaboration with UNWTO opened in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Uzbekistan, with more to follow. Reflecting UNWTO's work to advance tourism education at every stage, the Education Toolkit to support the introduction of tourism as a high school subject was launched, the final of the Students' League was held, and the first BSc in Sustainable Tourism Management was announced with the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences in Switzerland.

Finally, returning to the World Travel Market in London, UNWTO makes education the theme of its annual Ministers' Summit at one of the world's leading tourism trade fairs, concluding a year-long focus on key priority. 

UNWTO Healing Solutions for Tourism Challenge

Education and Youth Empowerment

This year has presented unprecedented challenges to the sector but has also promoted innovation. Entrepreneurs have provided ground-breaking ideas and solutions to reboot the sector, specially aimed at mitigating the impact of COVID-19. This year’s top winning and shortlisted Startups came from all regions of the world, especially Europe and the Americas. Among the participants, 27,8% were women-leading startups, and 41% of this year’s winners were female entrepreneurs.

Among the solutions presented, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cloud were the preferred technologies mainly for delivering solutions related to Online Travel Agencies and Hotels & Hospitality Management. Even with the challenges of 2020, our Startups managed to source 37.122.932 USD in funding this year alone and 74.890.240 USD since the creation of the Department- ‘Angel’ and Venture Capitalists’ were identified as the main investors. Further information will be released soon in the Travel Tech Startups Ecosystem and Investment Landscape Report.

At the end of our second year of operation, UNWTO has directly supported more than 1,000 entrepreneurs around the world with numerous projects set to scale up in 2021 and beyond. These projects have the potential to restart tourism and benefit communities as well as contribute to the SDGs. Our gratitude goes to all the governments and public entities, academia, corporations, investors, Startups & MSMEs and supporting business partners who made these results possible during this unprecedented year. The 2021 UNWTO Innovation Agenda shall be full of more Challenges and Competitions to keep on encouraging the adoption of disruptive technologies and so offer more seamless and sustainable tourism, enhance capacity building and the chance to build back better, as well as the opportunity for the Startups to connect, partner, and scale-up.

List of 2020 Challenges and Competitions



2nd UNWTO Global Gastronomy Tourism Startup Competition set out to identify challenges and projects, and catalyzing innovations that can transform the Gastronomy Tourism sector in the near future. Partners: Basque Culinary Center (BCC). Participants: Over 300 applications from 150 countries. Winners: FoodieOn (the Republic of Korea) and Jiranis Food (Kenya)



UNWTO Rural Tourism Competition (Spain) set out to promote solutions to rural Spain's challenges, strengthen the role of tourism in addressing local problems with an emphasis on greater employment and entrepreneurship opportunities based on sustainability. Partners: Google, Ministerio de Industria Energía y Turismo de España y FADEMUR. Participants: Over 136 applications from 18/19 Spain’s Autonomous Communities. Winners: My Street Book and Vanwoow (Spain)



UNWTO Healing Solutions for Tourism Challenge  A global call to reach the most disruptive startups, entrepreneurs and drive solutions to mitigate COVID-19’s impacts on tourism. Partners: WHO. Participants: Over 1,000 applications from 100 countries. Winners: HandInScan/ Chameleon (Canada/USA), OUTPOST Healthcare (Canada), SeeTrue AI (Israel), Checkpoint (Spain) MyStay (Czech Republic), WAAM MACHINES (Poland), iBonus Limited (Hong Kong), Beautiful Destinations, Inc. and Airside (USA)

#EUvsVirus Hackathon  – UNWTO played a central role within the framework of the pan-European Hackathon led by the European Commission, the European Innovation Council and in close collaboration with the EU member states to connect civil society, innovators, partners and investors across Europe in order to develop innovative solutions for coronavirus-related challenges.  UNWTO Independently organized, selected and coordinated a 100+ person team with 7,000 participants to lead and coordinate the Education Pilar of the hackathon. Overall, over 20,900 people from across the EU and beyond took part, with 2,150 solutions submitted, 279 of which were selected in the field of education.



Hospitality Challenge: Supporting the Hospitality Talents of Tomorrow set out to identify ideas and individuals capable of accelerating the recovery of the tourism sector in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Partners: Sommet Education. Participants: over 1,000 applications from over 95 countries. The top 30 applicants will receive full-board scholarships to world class education programmes Winners: 15 made it to the final and 4 were picked as winners of the categories of Healing for People and Healing for Destinations. (See true(Israel, smart occupancy (Spain), MyStay (Czech Republic), WAAM (Poland)

Beyond Tourism Innovation Challenge set out to identify new digital skills for the recovery phase post-COVID, and environmental sustainability. Partners: Over 214 applications from 28 countries. Participants: Over 214 applications from 28 countries. Winners: Better Batteries (Barbados), Belizing Tourism Innovation Lab (Belize), INTO (Costa Rica), Green Fins Hub (Dominican Republic), Safe Lodges Equal Safe Guests (Guyana), Caribbean Tourism Career Accelerator (Haiti), Digital Transformation of Indigenous (Panama) and Nariva Swamp (Trinidad and Tobago)



UNWTO Inspiration Africa Branding Challenge set out to identify a campaign that positions Africa as a destination in the minds of travellers supporting the efforts of individual countries and companies, making tourism a driver of development in the continent. Partners: CNN Participants: Over 150 applications from 48 countries. Winner: UBUNTU: Africa invites you to live-Atrevia (Spain)

Desafio Brasileiro de Inovação em Turismo  set out to boost innovation in the Brazilian tourism sector, by improving the competitiveness of the sector throughout the country by digitally transforming public and private organizations. Partners: Ministério do Turismo Brasil and Wakalua. Participants: Over 700 applications participants. Winners: WorldPackers (Brazil)



UNWTO Sustainable Development Goals Global Startup Competition set out to support long-term recovery through the achievement of the SDGs. Partners: Google, Mastercard, Plug and Play, Amadeus, Telefónica and the InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB) Participants: Over 10.000 participants from 138 countries. The 60 finalists from 28 countries were already announced. Winners:  Not yet announced



UNWTO Smart Solutions for Smart Destinations Challenge set out to identify innovative, intelligent solutions that maximize the visitor’s experience of stadiums or events. Partners: Athletic Club of Bilbao and Deputy for Economic Promotion, Regional Government of Bizkaia. Participants: Over 99 applications from 37 countries. Winners: NECSUM Trisom (Spain) and Orwell Virtual Reality (Italy)



2ND edition of the Travel Tech for Good Accelerator initiative. In its second edition, this accelerator sourced top social impact startups from East Africa offering coaching for entrepreneurs, during which local and international mentors help them innovate their business models, research potential investors and clients, and bring their business pitches to the next level. Partners: Tui Care Foundation and Enpact  Selected participants: Tripxio (Uganda), SINA Village (Uganda), Mauritius Conscious (Mauritius), 54HOMES (Uganda)

Voices from 2020:

UN Tourism systematically collects tourism statistics

Tourism Statistics Database

UN Tourism systematically collects tourism statistics from countries and territories around the world in an extensive database that provides the most comprehensive repository of statistical information available on the tourism sector. This database consists mainly of more than 145 tourism indicators that are updated regularly. You can explore the data available through the UN Tourism database below:

145 Key Tourism Statistics

145 Key Tourism Statistics

Data on inbound, outbound and domestic tourism, international tourism flows, tourism industries, employment and other indicators.

145 Key Tourism Statistics

Economic Contribution and the SDGs

Economic Contribution and the SDGs

Data on the economic contribution of tourism and the implementation of relevant standards, such as the Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) and the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA).

Economic Contribution and the SDGs
Tourism Opens Minds

This Is The Begining Of The Tourism Opens Minds Initiative
Where It Goes Depends On You


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The Pledge

Tourism moves people, ideas, and economies. It brings us directly into other people’s lives. Tourism is fatal to preconceptions, As it has the power to bridge cultures

Because when we move, so do our minds.
And the more we move, the more our minds and hearts open.

So why then do we so often close ourselves off from the world?
And allow the fear of the unknown, the feeling of not being welcome,
the worry that the way is not yet paved,
make us visit the same places, meet the same people, and have the same stories and experiences.

At The World Tourism Organization we have a duty,
To foster people’s desire to discover the entire world,
making the unknown more inviting,
and enabling new connections between strangers,
to give back to tourism the power to build bridges.

That’s why, on this World Tourism Day, we launch the Open Minds Campaign.
Starting with a symbol.
A symbol embracing all places and people,
inspired by the colors of the flags of every country in the world.
Yet, a symbol is only as powerful as the actions behind it.
For this, we take a pledge.

A pledge to develop tourism in less visited regions, to open up new opportunities,
And to create moments to establish a dialogue between strangers.
To make travel a truly heart and mind-opening experience.
For all of us, everywhere.



Pledge to work with the World Tourism Organization to make lesser-known destinations more welcoming and accessible.


Pledge to work with the World Tourism Organization to help cater to and foster an environment that compliments lesser-known destination trips.


Pledge to be open-minded to new cultures and destinations while holding an open heart while travelling.


The Emblem: Ways To Show Your Commitment

We have crafted a comprehensive set of guidelines that serve as a powerful symbol of your brand's unwavering commitment to this noble cause. By adhering to these guidelines in all your communications, you demonstrate that you have taken the pledge and are actively working towards its realization.

Tourism Opens Minds | UNWTO initiative
UNWTO Startup Competition for Mega Events and MICE Tourism

UNWTO Startup Competition for Mega Events and MICE Tourism

MEGA Events

Digitalization and Disruptiveness for Sustainable Event Management

WINNER: Circular Unity (Portugal) www.circularunity.com

Inclusiveness and Accessibility

WINNER: touch2see (France) www.touch2see.fr

MICE Events

Promotion and Marketing

WINNER: Sentimantle (Israel) www.sentimantle.com
WINNER: Atlaseek (United Arab Emirates) www.atlaseek.com

Technology for attendee engagement and infrastructure

WINNER: Hello xLAB KK (Japan) www.hello-xlab.com

Tourism is one of the leading sectors in international trade, accounting in 2019 for 28% of the world's services exports, representing 1,7 trillion dollars from international tourism, turning it into the fifth largest traded services sector (UNWTO). While many factors influence tourism growth, MICE tourism and mega events can contribute massively to the influx of tourists to a country and destination. With this call, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), is sourcing the most sustainable, innovative, and disruptive entrepreneurs that offer SMART solutions for mega events and mice tourism that benefit visitors, organizers, and local communities in a sustainable way.

Mega events are large-scale events often of a longer duration that attract a significant number of attendees from different parts of the world, related to sporting, cultural, or business, and they usually have a global impact. They can benefit a host destination in terms of attracting visitors, drawing global attention to destinations, and as a consequence increasing international tourist arrivals. In principle, mega events contribute short-term benefits, yet when executed systematically and in a sustainable way, they can be a catalyst for longer-term tourism development in various aspects from economic to social. Although international tourist arrivals and receipts increase significantly for the host country of a mega event, we must take into account possible tourist displacement and the effect of this kind of tourism on the destination. They can present a range of challenges for the country, the host destination, and the stakeholders involved.

Tourism generated by Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions, or MICE Tourism, is a specialized segment of the tourism industry that involves organizing and hosting short-term events and gatherings for business purposes. It is an important sector for many countries and cities, as it can attract significant numbers of high-spending visitors who contribute to the local economy. The tourism industry relies on effective marketing and promotion to attract attendees and exhibitors, as well as on skilled event organizers who can manage the logistics and coordination of large-scale events.

Both tourism activities generate a substantial amount of tourist arrivals but present different challenges.

Present your business and offer an innovative solution to the challenges of mega events and mice tourism!

  1. Digitalization and Disruptiveness for Sustainable Event Management: Mega events can have significant environmental impacts, such as increased energy and water consumption, waste generation, and greenhouse gas emissions. Disruptive ideas that contribute to sustainable event management practices can help to minimize these impacts by reducing waste, conserving resources, and promoting renewable energy. Digital technologies can be used to enhance the attendee experience and improve mega events, as well as serves as a tool for sustainability for both the infrastructure and the services.
    Key challenges waste reduction, conserving resources, renewable energy, enhancing attendee experience, and emerging technologies.
  2. Inclusiveness and Accessibility: Mega events can often be exclusive and not accessible to everyone. Inclusive event design aims to create events that are accessible and welcoming to all attendees, regardless of their abilities or backgrounds. In addition, they have an impact on the surrounding communities, both positive and negative. Engaging with local communities can help to build trust and support for the event, as well as to identify and address any concerns or issues that arise. This can involve partnerships with local businesses, community organizations, and local government.
    Key challenges: fan engagement, promotion of values, accessible infrastructure, involvement and partnership with local communities


  1. Promotion and Marketing: There is significant competition among destinations to attract MICE events. Host destinations must differentiate themselves from other destinations and provide a compelling value proposition to event organizers. These events require effective marketing and promotion to attract attendees and exhibitors. Event organizers and host destinations must develop targeted marketing campaigns that reach the right audience and communicate the event's unique value.
    Key challenges: differentiation and competition of host destinations, targeted marketing, communication, exhibitions, and brand awareness.
  2. Technology for attendee engagement and infrastructure: MICE events must engage attendees and provide a compelling experience that meets their needs and expectations. This includes developing relevant content, providing networking opportunities, and incorporating technology to enhance the attendee experience. In addition, challenges related to venue availability, transportation, accommodation, communication infrastructure, security, and sustainable infrastructure, arise for these types of high-level events.
    Key challenges: security, network opportunities, logistics, registration, communication with attendees, translation, and audiovisual innovation.


31 May 2023
Launch of the challenge
MAYO 27 – JULIO 31 CANDIDATURAS 1 September 2023
Deadline for candidatures

September 2023
Announcement of the finalist startups (online)
September-October 2023
Pitch of the finalists

The purpose of the competition is to capture the attention of many startups, entrepreneurs, and businesses from around the global tourism value chain to facilitate the selection of those most relevant to the challenge we are addressing.

The business must offer an innovative and disruptive solution for one of the challenges of Mega Events and MICE Tourism.

In addition, the competition will require the following requirements to participate: The projects must be aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations and preferably also allow for an introduction or adaptation of digital and technological elements, and focused on one (or several) of the following areas:

  • Be innovative/disruptive in nature providing value-added solutions;
  • Harnessing the impact of new technologies;
  • Alternative and complementary business models to harness the economic impact of tourism in destination(s);
  • Smart and innovative solutions for sustainable experiences;
  • Entrepreneur/promoter team: Suitability of the promoter team, motivation, and interest;
  • Startup in Seed Stage or Early Stage (have a minimum viable product or an idea that is ready to be developed);
  • Emphasize the promotion of gender equity (and female empowerment), digitalization, environmental preservation, local communities, and youth leadership;

More information and the Terms of Reference.

  • Opportunity to join UNWTO Innovation Network
  • Opportunity to participate and pitch solution at a Global UNWTO event
  • Potential opportunity to provide a demo of the solution at an upcoming global UNWTO event
  • Visibility on UNWTO global platforms and social media networks
  • Scholarships for UNWTO Tourism Online Academy
  • Access to potential Mentorship programs with international leaders in the field of innovation
  • Networking opportunities with UNWTO and key partners
  • Access to potential seed funding, investments, and partnership opportunities with consultancies, accelerators, and incubators within the UNWTO Network

With the Participation of:


Ecosystem Collaborators



Joint Meetings Industry Council

About Innovation at UNWTO:

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) believes that innovation is the key to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. To drive the digitalization of tourism, create an Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem that will maximize the potential of the sector in terms of economic growth, job creation, and sustainable development, and anticipate, address and overcome the new challenges and trends of the tourism sector, in 2018 UNWTO developed a framework for Innovation, Education, Digital Transformation and Investments.

The IEI Department already launched 23 global, regional, and specific challenges, and 21 Tourism Tech Adventures (Innovation Forums) in 14 countries were held, with an additional 8 online editions. Total funding of 214 + USD million has been gathered for the UNWTO Top Startups