
Global Report on the Meetings Industry

Global Report on the Meetings Industry

This report explores the scope, impact, as well as the opportunities for economic growth and development of the meetings industry. Moreover, it points out the importance of public-private collaboration and the relevance of implementing processes of continuous innovation. The publication includes experiences and success stories by Affiliate Members from around the world, who we deeply thank for their contributions to the study.


UNWTO supports Qatar’s new Tourism Strategy

PR No.: PR 14013

UNWTO is supporting Qatar to implement its new tourism strategy through collaboration in the areas of legislation, institutional strengthening, statistics, marketing and capacity building. During an official visit to the country, where he met H.E. Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al Thani, Prime Minister of Qatar and attended the launch of Qatar’s Tourism Strategy, UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai welcomed the high priority afforded to the tourism sector in Qatar (22-25 February 2014).

“I would like to commend the government of Qatar for placing the tourism sector as a strategic pillar within its National Vision 2030. This is a clear recognition of the role tourism can play in boosting the image of Qatar, diversifying its economic base and driving sustainable development in the country”, said Mr. Rifai.

During an audience with H.E. Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al Thani, Prime Minister of Qatar, UNWTO Secretary-General presented him with the UNWTO/WTTC Open Letter on Travel and Tourism. The Open Letter reaffirms the commitment of a country to tourism as vital sector in the economy and the society.

Looking into the future, the Secretary-General said “According to UNWTO long term forecast, the Middle East is expected to triple its current volume of international tourism by 2030 when it will welcome 149 million international tourists a year. With an investment portfolio of US$ 17 billion over the next five years, including 130 new hotels, resorts and other leisure facilities, a new international airport, a new port with cruise passenger terminal, some 12 sports stadiums and various cultural iconic centres, Qatar is set to become a leading tourism destination and take full advantage of such growth.”

UNWTO has been collaborating with the Qatar Tourism Authority (QTA) in the implementation of Qatar’s Tourism Strategy. Meeting with H.E. Issa Al Muhannadi, Chairman of QTA, Mr. Rifai discussed how to advance the collaboration between UNWTO and QTA in areas ranging from institution building, such as the legislative and organizational framework and the regulation of tourism activities, to the development of Qatar’s national system of tourism statistics.

Qatar’s tourism has grown significantly over recent years with the total number of international tourists visiting the country rising from less than half a million in 2000 to over one million today.


UNWTO Senior Media Officer: Marcelo Risi

Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60 

UNWTO Communications & Publications Programme

Tel: (+34) 91 567 8100 / Fax: +34 91 567 8218 


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UNWTO strongly condemns attack on tour bus in the Sinai

PR No.: PR14011

On behalf of the international tourism community, UNWTO conveys its heartfelt sympathy to the families of the victims and to the Government of Egypt.

“I am appalled by this horrible act of violence. Our thoughts at this difficult moment are with the families and friends of the victims and the Government and people of Egypt” said UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai. “The livelihoods of millions people in Egypt depend on the tourism sector and this is a direct attack on the hopes of these people as Egypt works to reinforce its tourism sector." he added.


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Chinese Outbound Travel to the Middle East and North Africa

Chinese Outbound Travel to the Middle East and North Africa

Over the last decade, China has grown to become the first tourism source market in the world with US$ 102 billion spend on travel abroad. While Asia and the Pacific, Europe and the Americas lead as the main destination regions for Chinese travelers, the growth in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region over the past decade has been impressive, yet overall flows are still modest. This study on the Chinese Outbound Travel to the Middle East and North Africa looks into Chinese travel preferences and destination choices, their perceptions of MENA countries and their travel behaviour, while providing recommendations on how to market MENA destinations in the Chinese market in view of the main travel trends of China.


ISBN: 978-92-844-1566-3

UNWTO to support Libya tourism development

PR No.: PR13073

UNWTO and the Ministry of Tourism of Libya have forged a cooperation agreement for the development and phased implementation of a tourism strategy and action plan (London, United Kingdom, 6 November 2013).

Under the agreement, signed during the 2013 World Travel Market (WTM) in London, UNWTO will provide support to Libya´s Ministry of Tourism in its strategic tourism development through institutional building and governance, sustainable development, marketing and human resource development.

Priority will be given to institutional building and governance, with technical support focused on developing a cohesive tourism policy, strategy and action plan, as well as updating the sector´s legislative and regulatory frameworks and strengthening its organizational structure.

“This agreement is a very positive step in reviving Libya´s tourism sector and affirms UNWTO´s commitment to Libya during this time of national rebuilding. Tourism will enhance the country´s global image and contribute to its sustainable economic growth and development,” said UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai.

“Libya has great potential for tourism, it was a tourism destination in the 60s and we want to prioritize rebuilding the country´s tourism sector. Tourism provides great opportunity for investment and employment and will give a better face for Libya,” said Libya´s Tourism Minister Ikram Bash Imam. “By joining hands with UNWTO, we will work to implement our plan for sustainable tourism development”.  

The cooperation agreement will build on Libya´s Ministry of Tourism action plan towards sustainable tourism development with the support of the public and private sector. The agreement was the result of the UNWTO mission to Tripoli in June 2013 to assess the specific needs of Libya’s tourism sector.



UNWTO Senior Media Officer: Marcelo Risi

Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60


UNWTO Communications & Publications Programme

Tel: +34 91-567-8100 / Fax: +34 91-567-8218

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Libya counts on tourism to help rebuild country

PR No.: PR13039

Libya´s Ministry of Tourism has enlisted UNWTO to help implement an action plan to rebuild its tourism sector as an effective way to increase national revenue, create employment, foster national cohesion and enhance the county’s international image. A UNWTO mission led by Secretary-General Taleb Rifai made a first approach on the specific needs of the country during a workshop on technical cooperation in the capital Tripoli (9-10 June 2013).

Libya is counting on tourism to help rebuild the country, in the light of its ongoing socio-political transformation. Libya´s Ministry of Tourism has drawn up an action plan focused on institutional capacity building to pave the way for sustainable tourism development and calls on the support and participation of its public and private sectors to help implement its plan.

“Achieving sustainable tourism is a propeller to create employment, diversify Libya´s national sources of income and promote our image as an attractive tourism destination domestically and abroad,” said the Minister of Tourism, Mrs. Ikram Bash Imam. “Revitalizing domestic tourism will likewise help foster national cohesion in this significant period of nationwide rebuilding,” she added.

“Libya is a prime setting for tourism development, being blessed with natural, cultural and archaeological assets, including five UNESCO World Heritage Sites,” said UNWTO Secretary-General. “Tourism is the right vehicle to contribute to the international repositioning of Libya whilst contributing to its sustainable economic development and job creation particularly among the youth,” he added.

Following a request by the Ministry of Tourism to assist in its tourism development efforts, a UNWTO delegation delivered a first approach during a two-day workshop, addressing issues such as institutional framework building, human resources development, sustainability, image building and marketing.



UNWTO Senior Media Officer: Marcelo Risi

Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60


UNWTO Communications & Publications Programme

Tel: +34 91-567-8100

Fax: +34 91-567-8218


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Special session on: Tourism as a key driver of mutual understanding and tolerance among peoples and cultures, 31 May 2013

Special session on: Tourism as a key driver of mutual understanding and tolerance among peoples and cultures, 31 May 2013

UNWTO and the Government of Azerbaijan are organizing special session on: Tourism as a key driver of mutual  understanding and tolerance among peoples and cultures in Baku, Azerbaijan on May 31, 2013 within the framework of the 2nd World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue, to be held from May 29 to June 1, 2013 in Baku, Azerbaijan.

The objective of this session is to highlight tourism’s importance as a cornerstone of pluralism, underscoring its role as an effective means of bridging divides and countering instances of inter-cultural tension.

For more information regarding  2nd World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue, please visit


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