
Over 40 tourism officials and professionals participated in the UNWTO Course in Mexico on “Sustainable Tourism Strategies for Local Development”

Over 40 tourism officials and professionals participated in the UNWTO Course in Mexico on “Sustainable Tourism Strategies for Local Development”


La Organización Mundial del Turismo, su Fundación OMT.Themis, la Secretaría de Turismo de México y su Instituto de Competitividad Turística, y la Secretaría de Turismo del Estado de Jalisco, clausuraron el viernes 8 de septiembre en Guadalajara el Curso de la OMT en México sobre Estrategias de Turismo Sostenible para el Desarrollo Local”.


El objetivo de este curso consistió en contribuir a la mejora de la calidad, sostenibilidad y competitividad de los destinos turísticos locales mediante el intercambio de conocimientos, herramientas, habilidades y experiencias que permitan a los tomadores de decisiones diseñar e implementar planes turísticos sostenibles.


Para ello se desarrollaron diversas ponencias, discusiones, acciones de trabajo en grupo y actividades prácticas lideradas por los expertos facilitadores Ana Baez y Francisco Pastor.


Como parte de las actividades prácticas desarrolladas, los participantes recorrieron diversas localidades del Estado de Jalisco, donde obtuvieron informaciones de diversos agentes locales involucrados en la gestión del destino turístico y particularmente en el desarrollo de turismo sostenible.


En el curso participaron 48 funcionarios de administraciones nacionales, regionales y locales de Turismo, académicos y otros profesionales de México, Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Ecuador, Haití, Honduras, Perú, Panamá, Puerto Rico, que tuvieron un rol activo y participativo en el curso.


El acto de Clausura contó con la presencia del Licenciado Carlos Cruz Pérez, Director de Servicios de Extensión del Instituto de Competitividad Turística de la Secretaría de Turismo de México,  Licenciado Miguel González González, Director General de Promoción Turística de la Secretaría de Turismo del Gobierno del Estado de Jalisco y Alba Fernández Alosno, Coordinadora del curso regional de la OMT en México 2017 y el Representante de la Fundación OMT.Themis y estuvo seguido de una cena oficial de clausura en el restaurante “El Patio”.


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UNWTO deeply saddened by the tragic effects of hurricane Irma

PR No.: PR 17101

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“UNWTO will work alongside the affected countries in all the necessary measures to support them and trust that as in previous occasion the people of these countries will show their resilience as life gets back to normal and they open for business” added Mr Rifai.
UNWTO is conveying a special meeting to address the impacts of hurricane Irma and the way forward on the occasion of its 22nd General Assembly taking place next week in China. The Assembly is expected to gather over 1000 participants from around the world.
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Inaugurated the UNWTO Course in Mexico on “Sustainable Tourism Strategies for Local Development”

Inaugurated the UNWTO Course in Mexico on “Sustainable Tourism Strategies for Local Development”


El curso de la OMT en México sobre “Estrategias de Turismo Sostenible para el Desarrollo Local” fue inaugurado el día 4 de septiembre en la ciudad de Guadalajara (Estado de Jalisco), y contó con la participación de funcionarios de la administración nacional, regional y local de México, así como otros funcionarios de la administración nacional de diversos Estados Miembros de la OMT, los expertos facilitadores del curso Ana Baez y Francisco Pastor, entre otros.

El acto fue presidido por Lic. Jesús Enrique Ramos Flores, Secretario de Turismo del Gobierno de Estado de Jalisco, Mtra. María Teresa Solis Trejo, Subsecretaría de Planeación y Política Turística de la Secretaría de Turismo del Gobierno de la República, Sra. Alba Fernández, Coordinadora del Curso y representante de la Fundación OMT-Themis, Lic. José de Jesús Quiñónez Ramírez, Director General del Instituto de Competitividad Turística de la Secretaría de Turismo del Gobierno de la República y Lic. Miguel González González, Director General de Promoción Turística de la Secretaría de Turismo del Gobierno del Estado de Jalisco, quienes señalaron la importancia del turismo sostenible para el desarrollo local.

El curso, que transcurrirá hasta el próximo día 8 de septiembre en la ciudad de Guadalajara, tiene por objetivo contribuir a la mejora de la calidad, sostenibilidad y competitividad de los destinos turísticos locales mediante el intercambio de conocimientos, herramientas, habilidades y experiencias que permitan a los tomadores de decisiones diseñar e implementar planes turísticos sostenibles.

Para alcanzar dicho objetivo, el Programa UNWTO.Capacity hace especial hincapié en la aplicación de una metodología teórico-práctica, enfocada en la transmisión del conocimiento y su puesta en práctica, que incluye presentaciones metodológicas dadas por expertos internacionales de organismos y entidades especializados en la temática del curso, debates y discusiones sobre temas claves del curso, y actividades prácticas grupales a fin de aplicar lo compartido por los expertos.

Así, durante la jornada de trabajo del día 6 de septiembre, los participantes desarrollarán su jornada académica distribuidos en varios destinos del Estado de Jalisco donde podrán recoger información de primera mano valiosa para la elaboración de los trabajos académicos que serán presentados el último día del curso, contribuyendo así a la aplicación práctica de los contenidos abordados durante la impartición del curso.


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61st meeting of the UNWTO Regional Commission for the Americas addresses application of technology to tourism

61st meeting of the UNWTO Regional Commission for the Americas addresses application of technology to tourism

PR No.: PR 17074

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), together with the Ministry of Tourism of El Salvador and the Honduran Institute of Tourism, jointly held the 61st Meeting of the UNWTO Regional Commission for the Americas. The meeting, which took place in San Salvador and Roatán on 30 and 31 May 2017, respectively, culminated in an international seminar on new technologies applied to tourism on 1 June 2017.

The meeting of UNWTO Regional Commission for the Americas (CAM) was held for the first time in two locations—in the Salvadoran capital and in Roatán, Honduras—and was attended by 20 delegations from Member States, 13 Affiliate Members and regional bodies.

In a region clearly differentiated by its natural heritage, the observance of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development 2017 was present in the debates. The majority of the Member States noted the importance of including sustainability in sectoral policies as a key area, going beyond the global campaign of the International Year.

Countries such as Colombia and Nicaragua expressed their interest in expanding the social dimension entailed by the concept of sustainability, as well as its application to identity and culture, to convert sustainability into added value for its tourism sector. For its part, Costa Rica, a pioneering Member State in its commitment to sustainable tourism, pointed out the importance of working on sustainability from within the educational system and in the family milieu, emphasizing the need to involve the media.

The relationship between sustainability and new technologies was the main theme of the International Seminar held after the Regional Commission. Around 120 participants, both international and local, addressed the current trends in this discipline, especially with regard to Big Data and new platforms of tourism services.

The value of the International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories, one of the main initiatives of the UNWTO in assessing the impact of the sector, was one of the points that generated the most agreement at the Regional Meeting.

“We are in a region that presents a multitude of good practices related to sustainable tourism that can be beneficial in other areas of the world,” commented UNWTO Secretary-General Taleb Rifai. The Secretary-General of the Organization, who met with the President of El Salvador, Salvador Sánchez Cerén, received during his visit the Great Gold Plate Cross of the Order of José Simeón Cañas, Liberator of Slaves. The Government of Honduras also decorated UNWTO Secretary-General Taleb Rifai with as Grand Officer of the Order of Francisco Morazán.

The 62nd meeting of the CAM will be held in Chengdu, China, on 12 September 2017 in the framework of the 22nd UNWTO General Assembly.

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Photos of the Event


UNWTO Media Officer Rut Gomez Sobrino

Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60 /

UNWTO Communications & Publications Programme

Tel: (+34) 91 567 8100 / Fax: +34 91 567 8218 /

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UNWTO and CENFOTUR to launch report on ‘Talent Development, Key for Destination Competitiveness’

PR No.: PR 17073

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and CENFOTUR, the official training center of the Ministry of Tourism in Peru have signed a cooperation agreement to develop a report ‘Talent Development – Key for Destination Competitiveness.” The report will offer an extensive analysis of the importance of capacity building as a determining factor in the success of tourism destinations, with a special focus on Latin America and Peru. 

Created in 1978, CENFOTUR is a UNWTO Affiliate Member. The extensive research conducted by CENFOTUR will include an assessment of the diverse educational models, the challenges faced in the labor market as well as the needs expressed by the private sector.

The publication will also incorporate a number of best practices in talent development in tourism, providing a useful set of guidelines for tourism leaders interested in implementing policies to foster talent development and, accordingly, increase the competiveness of their destinations.

The joint initiative is part of the UNWTO Knowledge Network that aims at advancing knowledge in talent development in the tourism sector.

Additional information:


As part of the Ministry of Tourism, CENFOTUR is the official training center of the tourism and hospitality sector in Peru. Created in 1978, it counts with national and international recognition in the education, training and continuing education through effective programs and short and medium term demand-driven training courses. CENFOTUR offers four Educational Programs, which are: Hospitality Management, Tourism Management, Official Tourism Guides and Peruvian Cuisine. In addition to these educational programs, CENFOTUR works very closely with all public organizations and Ministries in Peru, designing and executing training and counseling on labor certification (In collaboration with the Ministry of Labour) and quality programs in tourism in the frame of the National Strategic Tourism Plan. CENFOTUR also takes part in projects sponsored by the European Union and the Inter-American Development Bank.

Useful links:

Knowledge Network, Issue Paper Series, Volume I, Issue 1: “Growth of Chinese Tourists to Hong Kong, China, 2002 to 2014 - Implications and Way Forward”. Download for free

More information on the Knowledge Network Review Series

More information on the Affiliate Members Publications


UNWTO Media Officer Rut Gomez Sobrino

Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60 /

UNWTO Communications & Publications Programme

Tel: (+34) 91 567 8100 / Fax: +34 91 567 8218 /

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