
Punta del Este Convention Bureau Receives First UNWTO.QUEST Certification from UNWTO

Punta del Este Convention Bureau Receives First UNWTO.QUEST Certification from UNWTO

PR No.: PR 19001

Madrid, Spain, 3 January 2019 - The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has granted UNWTO.QUEST Certification to the Punta del Este Convention Bureau, which became the first destination management organization in the world to receive this certification.

The Punta del Este Convention Bureau, a UNWTO Affiliate Member, participated in the UNWTO.QUEST Certification pilot project that was created to advance excellence and quality in strategic leadership, management and governance in destination management organizations (DMOs).
Throughout the process, the UNWTO—through the UNWTO Academy—accompanied the DMO in a process of constant improvement with a tailor-made training plan, which enabled the institution to reinforce its internal capacities and governance, and successfully meet the standards and criteria of UNWTO.QUEST Certification, thus contributing to the competitiveness and sustainability of Punta del Este as a tourism destination.
The UNWTO.QUEST Certification awarded by UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili to the Punta del Este Convention Bureau is an example of the UNWTO’s commitment to its Member States and Affiliate Members in the areas of governance and quality. 
UNWTO Secretary-General congratulated the private sector, the local authorities and the Uruguayan Government for their exemplary collaboration, underlining the role of the Punta del Este Convention Bureau: “This distinction is a testament to the work of the Punta del Este Convention Bureau and its support for the continuous improvement of quality and excellence in the planning, management and governance of tourism development of destination management organizations.” He added that “through capacity building at all levels, we are also driving innovation, aware of our contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals”.
Among the decisive factors for the realization and implementation of the project were the close collaboration and the joint efforts between the Government of the Department of Maldonado with the private sector (Destino Punta del Este and Liga de Fomento y Turismo de Punta del Este, among other entities), as well as with the Municipality of Punta del Este, with the support of the Ministry of Tourism of Uruguay, demonstrating once again the maturity of the working relationship between the public and private sectors. 
“This is the culmination of a momentous stage for tourism in our country, and particularly for its main tourist destination that is Punta del Este. Nearly 8 years after starting the process, with input from hundreds of public and private actors, the UNWTO’s certification in its area of specialization has arrived; it is the visible result of an effort that will enable us to provide renewed momentum to our ideals and our hopes and to improve the quality of life of our citizens and the services enjoyed by the more than 4 million visitors that arrive each year to our country, through governance and a vision that looks out to 2030,” said the Minister of Tourism of Uruguay, Liliam Kechichián. 
Nicolás Kovalenko, President of the Punta del Este Convention Bureau, expressed great pride in receiving this certification from the World Tourism Organization: “All the efforts made were worth it; in this journey, many people from public and private institutions planted the seeds that today have resulted in Punta del Este’s achievement of this certification. This distinction gives Punta del Este the great responsibility of being the architect of its own destiny. I am fully convinced that we will be up to such a challenge.” 
UNWTO.QUEST is a strategic tool aimed at destination management organizations in order to enhance their performance and strengthen their governance and institutional capabilities. 



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Member since


Hosted by

Guatemalan Tourism Institute

Monitoring area

Antigua, Guatemala

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To generate trustworthy information through the scientific methodologies about indicators related to tourism, to measure from the sustainability perspective and so that allows the correct decision making for the generation of public policies which promote the development of the destination when it comes to culture, economy and environment.


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Customer satisfaction
hotel offering
Amount of private investment in the tourism sector
Keep control of the certified tourism companies
Repeat visitors
Average expense and average stay per visitor
Carbon footprint for tourism events
Garbage generated and water consumption at destination


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Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA

Tourism Observatory of the City of Buenos Aires

Member since


Hosted by

Buenos Aires City Tourism Board

Monitoring area

Buenos Aires, Argentina

The Tourism Observatory of the City of Buenos Aires is a General Direction within the Buenos Aires Tourism Board, under the direct supervision of the President of the Buenos Aires Tourism Board. The Buenos Aires Tourism Board reports to the General Secretary of International Affairs, under the direct supervision of the Mayor of Buenos Aires, who is the Head of the government of the city.



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Economic impact
Market forecasts
International and domestic travel


Primary data collection
Surveys, interviews, ethnographic studies, focus groups
Hotel occupancy
Market segments: MICE, cruise, cultural, gastronomy educational


Air connectivity
Tourist mobility


The City of Buenos Aires was founded in 1580 by the Spanish Juan de Garay, who called it City of the Holy Trinity. In the 19th century, the Argentine state, with the aim of populating a large nation, promoted European immigration. Thus, the port of Buenos Aires was the arrival point of the Spaniards, Italians, Lebanese, Syrians, Poles and Russians who will define it as a cosmopolitan and dynamic city, rich in cultural diversity.

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Thompson Okanagan Sustainable Tourism Observatory

Member since


Hosted by

Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA)

Monitoring area

Thompson Okanagan region

INSTO Map location

The Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA) is a not-for-profit society governed by the BC Societies Act.Governed by an elected Board of Directors representing business and community tourism interests throughout the region. One of five regional tourism organizations in British Columbia that work under the Super, Natural British Columbia brand, and whose mandate includes destination development and marketing







“Our mission is to stimulate ongoing sustainable growth in the value of tourism through innovative leadership in promoting unique experiences and inspiring creative collaboration”.


 The Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association monitors a wide range of sustainable tourism indicators from within the region. Monitoring is done using both primary and secondary research undertaken directly by TOTA as well as through various government and non-government stakeholders from whom TOTA receives and then analyzes their data.


Local satisfaction with tourism
Destination economic benefits
Employment, HR/labour
Energy management practices
Water management practices
Waste management practices
Carrying capacity
Climate change and increased weather-related events
Intra-regional connectivity
Indigenous products, experiences and community impacts
Land use (cross industry)
Sustainable tourism practices
Universal Inclusivity


Indigenous tourism has a strong potential for expansion and there is a clear interest from First Nations participants in the planning process to play a lead role. The Okanagan Valley’s history is intrinsically linked to the Indigenous peoples who have made the area their home for thousands of years. Indigenous Nations in the Thompson Okanagan tourism region belong to the Interior Salish peoples, comprising the Secwepmec, Nlaka’pamux and Syilx Nations.



Chief Executive Officer

Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association



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Concurso post-curso OMT México 2018: Transformación Digital en el Destino

Transformación Digital en el Destino

Con el fin de fortalecer la transferencia del conocimiento para beneficio de la sostenibilidad del destino y de su comunidad local, la Organización Mundial del Turismo y su UNWTO Academy organizan concursos post-curso, con el apoyo de las administraciones turísticas y el sector académico.

Para el curso de la OMT en México 2018 sobre “El turismo y la transformación digital: Impactos en el desarrollo del modelo turístico” se abrió un concurso de proyectos sobre esta misma temática para los alumni que estuviesen interesados en implementar en sus destinos turísticos lo aprendido.

Esta innovadora iniciativa está organizada con la colaboración del Departamento de Innovación y Transformación Digital de la OMT, la UNWTO Academy, el Instituto de Competitividad Turística (ICTUR) dependiente de la Secretaría de Turismo de México (SECTUR), El Instituto Politécnico Nacional de México (Institución UNWTO.TedQual) y los facilitadores que llevaron adelante el curso arriba mencionado: Montserrat Peñarroya y Tirso Maldonado.

Para participar en el concurso, los interesados en presentarse han tenido un mes desde la finalización del curso, 9 de noviembre de 2018, para presentar su proyecto de implementación al Comité Evaluador.

Este Comité ha estudiado todos los proyectos presentados, en base a los criterios de evaluación establecidos para el concurso, y seleccionado el que más se ajuste a estos.

En este sentido, nos complace anunciar que el proyecto ganador del concurso post-curso OMT México 2018: “El turismo y transformación digital: Impactos en el desarrollo del modelo turístico” es:

"Comunidad Virtual de Conocimiento Turístico"

Propuesto por el Mtro. Jorge Trujillo Rincón, del OGD Centro de Conocimiento en Comunidad, A.C., Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, México.

Este proyecto se hace acreedor 20 horas de mentoring impartidas por un equipo de expertos internacionales durante 3 meses. Las sesiones se llevarán a cabo según las necesidades del proyecto y los horarios acordados entre el beneficiario y el equipo mentor.

Finalizado dicho período, el beneficiario presentará los avances implementados en su OGD.


Para más información sobre los cursos con las ANTs, visite: el programa UNWTO.ExecutiveEducation . 



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Universidad de San Martín de Porres

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Universidad se San Martín de Porres


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El Curso de la OMT en México sobre El turismo y la transformación digital: Impactos en el desarrollo del modelo turístico que finalizó el viernes pasado en la ciudad de Zacatecas, contó con la participación de funcionarios de la administración nacional y administraciones provinciales de Estados Unidos Mexicanos, así como funcionarios de administraciones nacionales de Argentina, Brasil y Ecuador.


El objetivo de este curso consistió en compartir conceptos teóricos sobre la gobernanza y el desarrollo del modelo turístico y también brindar a los participantes la posibilidad de adquirir conocimientos sobre procesos y herramientas que ayudan a lograr una gobernanza eficiente en el destino que permita propiciar el desarrollo local.


Para ello se desarrollaron diversas ponencias, discusiones, acciones de trabajo en grupo y actividades prácticas lideradas por los expertos facilitadores Montserrat Peñarroya (España) y Tirso Maldonado (España).


Como parte de las actividades prácticas, los participantes hicieron trabajo de campo en varios destinos del Estado de Zacatecas, recorrieron diversos sitios turísticos para obtener información de agentes locales involucrados en el sector turístico del destino y también de pobladores locales responsables de emprendimientos que amplían la oferta turística en la zona.


El acto de clausura y entrega de diplomas fue presidido por Licenciado Eduardo Yarto Aponte, Secretario de Turismo del Gobierno del Estado de Zacatecas; Maestro José de Jesús Quiñónes Ramírez, Director General del Instituto de Competitividad de la Secretaría de Turismo del Gobierno de la República y Licenciado Claudio Blaires, Coordinador del Curso de UNWTO Academy.

Si desea saber más sobre los cursos que ofrece la OMT, no dude en visitar: /conference-services/content/unwtocapacity


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Sonoma County, California

The Sonoma Sustainable Tourism Observatory

Member since


Hosted by

Coalition to Observe and Advance Sustainable Tourism

Monitoring area

Sonoma County, California


The Coalition to Observe and Advance Sustainable Tourism (COAST) is a not-for-profit cooperation established in the State of California, USA. Under the umbrella of COAST, the role of the Sonoma County Observatory for Sustainable Tourism is to observe, monitor, evaluate, and report-on rapid-growth visitor-serving activities in its area, and to enable others elsewhere to learn from, and adapt, the sustainable solutions generated to that growth.



Through the identification and quantification of data, the main objectives of the Sonoma County Observatory for Sustainable Tourism is to monitor, report on and improve the sustainability of tourism in the Sonoma County destination area to create high value information to allow the many examples of best practices being pursued in Sonoma County to be replicated in the destination area and elsewhere in the UNWTO network.


Tourism is presently monitored by multiple agencies of county and state government in California, including the Sonoma County Economic Development Commission (EDC), and the Sonoma County Tourism Bureau. Sustainability is monitored by the County’s Planning Resource and Development Department (PRMD) and by independent organizations including Sonoma Ecology Center and Sustainable Sonoma. The Observatory is integrating data from these sources into a single monitoring and reporting system.


Impacts of agricultural-tourism growth in an environmentally sensitive rural area
Loss of funding for tourism and historical destinations
Water scarcity in a drought-prone area
Impacts of the sharing economy
Climate-change responsiveness and resilience
Employment and local living opportunities across cultures


Sonoma County is one of the largest counties in the nine-county San Francisco metropolitan area. It is largely agricultural, with 447 wineries, miles of rugged and scenic pacific coast line and towering redwood forest. As an established tourist destination, Sonoma County produces the largest amount of travel related spending in the San Francisco Bay Area and has been a significant pioneer in support of sustainability through its policies and action programmes.


Founder/Chair, Observatory Organizing Committee

Sonoma County Sustainable Tourism Observatory


Website Observatory | Website COAST

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