Antigua Guatemala Sustainable Tourism Observatory
Member since
Hosted by
Guatemalan Tourism Institute
Monitoring area
Antigua, Guatemala

Being an intersectoral and interdisciplinary entity with technical analysis, the Observatory is to measure, verify and monitor in a permanent way the evolution of the tourism sector in Antigua Guatemala, from the sustainability perspective with the participation of the public, private and academic sectors which will bring as a result the best decision making for the creation of public policies for the benefit of the city of destination, tourists and general population..

To generate trustworthy information through the scientific methodologies about indicators related to tourism, to measure from the sustainability perspective and so that allows the correct decision making for the generation of public policies which promote the development of the destination when it comes to culture, economy and environment.
As part of the work for the Guatemalan Tourism Institute – INGUAT – monitoring are made on the most important festivities in the country. In addition, a 2018 satisfaction survey was implemented for inbound and domestic tourism.
Customer satisfaction
hotel offering
Amount of private investment in the tourism sector
Keep control of the certified tourism companies
Repeat visitors
Average expense and average stay per visitor
Carbon footprint for tourism events
Garbage generated and water consumption at destination
As of August 2018, the City of Antigua Guatemala, through the Agreement 45-2018, prohibits the use and distribution of disposable plastic, plastic bags, plastic straws, plastic dishes or plastic or expanded polystyrene glasses.
- UN Tourism Press Release: Guatemala partners with UN Tourism to launch Sustainable Tourism Observatory
- 2021 Annual Report of the Antigua Guatemala Sustainable Tourism Observatory