Online Event: UNWTO Tourism Tech Adventures on Aviation Technologies
Thursday, 10 September 2020 | 16:00 – 17:00 Madrid Time (10:00 – 11:00 New York Time) | Language: English
In collaboration with:
The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), in collaboration with ICF, presents a special edition of its Tourism Tech Adventures to provide tools for destinations and businesses recovery.
Highlighting the vital role of air transportation for tourism, this session will focus on air connectivity strategies and top technological solutions for safe travelling reactivation:
Integrated recovery of air transportation and tourism, ICF
Startup solutions
Beautiful Destinations
Hand in Scan
Tourism ministers, their teams, tourism boards, travel associations, Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs), corporations and tourism value chain and innovation stakeholders are encouraged to participate.
Join us and identify the solution for your country’s tourism future!


Welcome and Keynote speech Innovation and sustainability as the new normal
Ms. Natalia Bayona, Senior Expert on Innovation, Digital Transformation and Investments, UNWTO
Integrated recovery of air transportation and tourism
(25 min)
Aviation & Tourism
Mr. Jared Harckham, Vice President and Managing Director, Aviation at ICF
Tourism Strategy
Ms. Yolanda Perdomo, Tourism Affiliate, ICF
Marketing and Communications
Mrs. Shannon Lovich, Vice President, Marketing Communications, ICF Next
Solutions for air transportation and tourism recovery
(20 min / 5 min per solution)
Airside Mobile Digital identity for safe travel. Mobile Passport.
Jessica Patel, Chief Commercial Officer
Beautiful Destinations Innovative marketing for destinations.
Elizabeth Linder, Executive Director
Civic Safe and secure identity.
Vinny Lingham, CEO and Co-Founder
Hand in Scan Hygiene.
Diane Wilson, Director, Business Development
The Commons Project Digital identity.
Paul Meyer, CEO
Q&A and Closing Remarks (5 min)