En 2011, la OMT formuló un Compromiso del sector privado con el Código Ético Mundial para el Turismo, abierto a la firma de empresas privadas del mundo entero. Al firmar el compromiso, las empresas prometen acatar, promover y aplicar los valores del desarrollo responsable y sostenible del turismo que defiende el Código. Se comprometen también a informar al Comité Mundial de Ética del Turismosobre el modo en que aplican los principios del Código en su gobernanza corporativa.

El Compromiso se centra especialmente en los aspectos sociales, culturales y económicos, y presta atención particular a cuestiones tales como los derechos humanos, la inclusión social, la igualdad de género, la accesibilidad y la protección de los grupos vulnerables y las comunidades receptoras.



ETS Tur 
Date signed: 3 December 2018
Event: 3rd UNWTO/UNESCO World Conference on Tourism and Culture
Signed by: Mr. Selim Suat Özbek 
Photo of the signing: Please click here 
Website: ETS Tur

Eurasia Tourism

Eurasia Tourism
Date signed: 3 December 2018
Event: 3rd UNWTO/UNESCO World Conference on Tourism and Culture
Signed by: Ms. Günnur Diker 
Photo of the signing: Please click here
Website: Eurasia Tourism

Euromundo S.A. de C.V.

Euromundo S.A. de C.V. 

Date signed: 19 January 2017, Madrid, Spain
Event: FITUR Madrid
Signed by: Mr. Luis Ortega, Commercial manager
Photo of the signing: Please click here



Date signed: 20 January 2016, Spain
Event: FITUR International Tourism Fair
Signed by: Luís García Codron, General Director
Photo of the signing: please click here

Events Industry Association

Events Industry Association

Date signed: 28 April 2017
Event: 3rd International Congress on Ethics and Tourism
Signed by: Ms. Marta Dunin-Michałowska, President
Photo of the signing: please click here

Explore Georgia Ltd

Explore Georgia Ltd

Date signed: 4 April 2017, Tbilisi, Georgia
Event: 3rd Euro-Asian Mountain Resorts Conference
Signed by: Nick Erkomaishvili, CEO
Photo of the signing: Please click here



Date signed: 29 June 2017, Serbia
Event: Conference on Sustainable Tourism in the Danube Region: New Perspectives, 29 June 2017, Serbia
Signed by: Mr. Aleksandar Vasilijević, General Director
Photo of the signing: please click here

Family Holiday Association

Family Holiday Association
Date signed: 22 October 2015, Portugal
Event: 8th European Tourism For All Forum
Signed by: John McDonald, Director
Photo of the signing: please click here
Website: Family Holiday Association

Federación Argentina de Cámaras de Turismo de la Républica Argentina (FEDECATUR)

Federación Argentina de Cámaras de Turismo de la Républica Argentina (FEDECATUR)
Date signed: 4 December 2014
Event: Closing of the working session of the Argentine Chamber of Tourism
Signed by: Mr. Federico Lanati, President
Photo of the signing: please click here
Website: www.fedecatur.org

Federación Boliviana de Guías de Turismo (FEBOGUIT)

Federación Boliviana de Guías de Turismo (FEBOGUIT)
Date signed: 7 October 2014
Event: 1er Encuentro Internacional de Turismo Comunitario y Social de la UNASUR
Signed by: Mr. Julio César Rengel, President
Photo of the signing: please click here

Federación de Campings de la Comunidad Valenciana

Federación de Campings de la Comunidad Valenciana

Date signed: 14 December 2016, Spain
Event: Private Sector Commitment to the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism in Valencia
Signed by: Mr. Juan Villena Delgado, President
Photo of the signing:please click here

Federación Empresaria Hotelera Gastronómica de la Républica Argentina (FEHGRA)

Federación Empresaria Hotelera Gastronómica de la Républica Argentina (FEHGRA)
Date signed: 4 December 2014
Event: Closing of the working session of the Argentine Chamber of Tourism
Signed by: Mr. Roberto Brunello, President
Photo of the signing: please click here
Website: www.fehgra.org.ar

Federación Empresarial Hotelera de Mallorca - FEHM

Federación Empresarial Hotelera de Mallorca - FEHM - SUSPENDED
Date signed: 16 September 2011, Madrid, Spain
1st International Congress on Ethics and Tourism
Signed by: Ms. Margalida Ramis Fornes, Member of the Board of Directors 
Photo of the signing: 
Please click here
Website: http://www.fehm.info

Federación Española de Asociaciones de Agencias de Viajes

Federación Española de Asociaciones de Agencias de Viajes - SUSPENDED
Date signed: 16 September 2011, Madrid, Spain
1st International Congress on Ethics and Tourism
Signed by: Mr. Rafael Gallego Nadal, President 
Photo of the signing: 
Please click here
Website: http://www.feaav.org



Federated Association of Travel and Tourism Agents (FATTA)

Federated Association of Travel and Tourism Agents (FATTA)

Date signed: 24 May 2017
Event: UNWTO Masterclass on "Attracting Chinese Tourism to the Mediterranean Countries"
Signed by: Mr. Ray Azzopardi, Vice-President
Photo of the signing: please click here

Fédération Nationale de l'Industrie Touristique de Côte d'Ivoire (FENITOURCI)

Fédération Nationale de l'Industrie Touristique de Côte d'Ivoire (FENITOURCI)
Date signed: 24 April 2013, Tunis, Tunisia
Event: 54th meeting of the UNWTO Commission for Africa
Signed by: Mr. Mamadou Diomande, Président du Comité Exécutif Fédéral
Photo of the signing: Please click here
Website: http://www.fenitour-ci.com

Fédération Nationale des Agences de Voyages du Maroc

Fédération Nationale des Agences de Voyages du Maroc

Date signed: 1 November 2017, Valencia, Spain
Event: 4th Summit of Travel Agencies Associations
Signed by: Mr. Mohamed Amal Karioun, President
Photo of the signing: please click here

Fédération Tunisienne de l’Hôtellerie (FTH)

Fédération Tunisienne de l’Hôtellerie (FTH) - SUSPENDED
Date signed: 24 April 2013, Tunis, Tunisia
Event: 54th meeting of the UNWTO Commission for Africa
Signed by: Mr. Mohamed Belajouza, President
Photo of the signing: Please click here
Website: http://www.fth.com.tn

Fédération Tunisienne des Agences de voyages et de Tourisme (FTAV)

Fédération Tunisienne des Agences de voyages et de Tourisme (FTAV) - SUSPENDED
Date signed: 24 April 2013, Tunis, Tunisia
Event: 54th meeting of the UNWTO Commission for Africa
Signed by: Mr. Mohamed Ali Toumi, President
Photo of the signing: Please click here

Federazione Italiana di Turismo Sociale (FITUS)

Federazione Italiana di Turismo Sociale (FITUS)
Date signed: 22 October 2015, Portugal
Event: 8th European Tourism For All Forum
Signed by: Claudio Nardocci, Vice-President
Photo of the signing: please click here
Website: Federazione Italiana di Turismo Sociale (FITUS)

FEDETUR - Federacíon de Empresas de Turismo de Chile

FEDETUR - Federacíon de Empreses de Turismo de Chile
Date signed: 20 June 2014
Event: Official visit of the Secretary-General to Chile
Signed by: Mr. Mauro Magnani, President
Photo of the signing: please click here
Website: www.fedetur.org

Fest Travel (Turkey)

Fest Travel
Date signed: 27 March 2013, Çeşme, Turkey
Event: 55th Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for Europe
Signed by: Mr. Ender Yorgancilar, Member of the Board of TOBB
Photo of the signing: Please click here
Website: http://www.tobb.org.tr

FIHR - The Federation of Hotel Industry in Romania

FIHR - The Federation of Hotel Industry in Romania
Date signed: 3 July 2013, Bucharest, Romania
Event: International Tourism Conference: Identifying the competitive advantages of a tourist destination-opportunities and challenges for sustainable tourism development
Signed by: Mr. Radu Enache, President
Photo of the signing: Please click here
Website: http://www.fihr.ro/


Four Seasons Hotel Amman

Four Seasons Hotel Amman

Date signed: 13 November 2017, Amman, Jordan
Event: Regional Conference "Tourism in MENA Cities: Competitiveness for Sustainable Growth"
Signed by: Mr. Vincent Hoogewijs,  General manager and Vice President 
Photo of the signing: please click here

Four Views Hotels

Four Views Hotels

Date signed: 8 February 2017, Portugal
Event: official visit to Portugal of UNWTO Secretary-General
Signed by: Ms. Ana Paula Franco Nunes, CEO
Photo of the signing:please click here

FPTR - The Federation of Romanian Tourism Employers

FPTR - The Federation of Romanian Tourism Employers
Date signed: 3 July 2013, Bucharest, Romania
Event: International Tourism Conference: Identifying the competitive advantages of a tourist destination-opportunities and challenges for sustainable tourism development
Signed by: Mr. Dragos Raducan, Vice President
Photo of the signing: Please click here
Website: http://www.fptr.ro/

FTI Group

FTI Group
Date signed: 17 November 2012, Budva, Montenegro
Event: DRV Annual Convention 2012
Signed by: Mr.  Ralph Schiller, Director
Photo of the signing: Please click here
Website: http://www.fti-group.com

Fuerte Hoteles

Fuerte Hoteles
Date signed: 20 January 2016, Spain
Event: FITUR International Tourism Fair
Signed by: José Luque García, General Manager
Photo of the signing: please click here
Website: Fuerte Hoteles

Fundação INATEL

Fundação INATEL
Date signed: 22 October 2015, Portugal
Event: 8th European Tourism For All Forum
Signed by: Fernando Ribeiro Mendes, Chairman of the Board
Photo of the signing: please click here
Website: Fundação INATEL

Fundación de Hoteleros de Guatemala - FUNGUAT

Fundación de Hoteleros de Guatemala - FUNGUAT
Date signed: 17 March 2015
Event: Official Visit of the Secretary-General
Signed by: Arnoldo Kuestermann, Vice President