Commitment Signatory: Federación de Campings de la Comunidad Valenciana

Commitment Signatory: Federación de Campings de la Comunidad Valenciana

On behalf of Federación de Campings de la Comunidad Valencianathe associacion's president, Mr. Juan Villena Delgado signed the Private Sector Commitment to the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism on 14 December 2016, at the Valencian Tourism Center, in Valencia, Spain, in the presence of Mr. Marcio Favilla, UNWTO Executive Director, Mr. Ximo Puid, President of the Community of Valencia, and Mr. Francesc Colomer, Secretary of the Valencian Tourism Agency.


 Signing Ceremony of the Private Sector Commitment to the Global Code of Ethics for Tourismat the Valencian Tourism Center, in Valencia (Spain), 14 December 2016.


Federación de Campings de la Comunidad Valenciana was one of the 9 tourism entities which signed the UNWTO Private Commitment to the Code of Ethics in December 2016 in Valencia.


See also:

Private Sector Commitment to the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism

List of Signatory Companies and Associations

Global Code of Ethics for Tourism 

Website of Federación de Campings de la Comunidad Valenciana