UNWTO Seeks Input into New Study on Climate Change and Tourism in Asia and the Pacific
UNWTO is seeking government and private sector participation in its new study entitled ¨Tourism´s Response to Climate Change: An Examination of Tourism Related Initiatives in Asia and the Pacific, ¨ through the completion of brief online surveys.
Climate change is an issue of growing importance for the global tourism sector. Though its impacts vary across regions and individual destinations, recent years have shown that changes in climate can create a myriad of environmental, social and economic challenges for destinations. The tourism sector´s response – the way it adapts to and mitigates these impacts – is of paramount importance to the sustainability of the sector, and to the sustainability of destinations themselves.
Until now, there have been no in depth studies into the impacts of climate change on tourism in Asia and the Pacific. This year, UNWTO´s Regional Programme for Asia and the Pacific, in collaboration with the University of Queensland (Australia) is producing a new study to review existing climate change related policies, programmes and initiatives in the region, and to showcase best practice case studies from across the Asia Pacific.
To ensure that the study accurately reflects the region´s attitudes and current actions in response to climate change, UNWTO is seeking your participation. If you are a tourism ministry representative or business owner we want to hear from you.
We have designed two brief online surveys to garner your experiences with climate change and your organization´s thoughts about its impact on the tourism sector. If you would like to have the opportunity to be featured as a case study in this publication, there is an opportunity to complete your contact details in the survey.
Should you have any questions about the study or your contribution, please contact project manager Dr. Lisa Ruhanen at l.ruhanen@uq.edu.au. We thank you in advance for your contributions and interest in this important study and look forward to receiving your responses.
Are you from your country´s tourism ministry? Please click here to complete the survey for government representatives.
Are you a business owner or tourism operator? Please click here to complete the survey for tourism businesses.