Nomadic Culture and Tourism in Mongolia: Revitalization of Community through Sustainable Tourism
The UNWTO Regional Support Office for Asia and the Pacific (RSOAP) is hosting the seminar, Nomadic Culture and Tourism in Mongolia: Revitalization of Community through Sustainable Tourism on December 16, 2014 in Nara, Japan.
In response to Mongolia’s increased focus on tourism, diverse stakeholders gather together to discuss the challenges, benefits, and strategies of developing and promoting sustainable tourism in Mongolia. The seminar will further existing efforts and explore new international partnership opportunities.
Time: Seminar Session: 10:00 – 12:00
Networking Session: 12:00 – 13:00
Location: Nara Prefecture New Public Hall,
101 Kasugano-cho, Nara, Japan 630-8212
Languages: English, Mongolian, Japanese (simultaneous interpretation)
To register please visit:
The seminar is co-organized by: University of Shiga Prefecture
Nara Women's University
Shizuoka University
Under the auspices of: Mongolia Ministry of Culture, Sport, and Tourism (MCST)
Japan Tourism Agency (JTA)
Japan Association of Travel Agents (JATA)
Nara City
(Subject to minor changes)
10:00 Official Opening
Tadaaki Asanuma, Chief of UNWTO Regional Support Office for Asia and the Pacific; President of Asia-Pacific Tourism Exchange Center (APTEC)
Masako Okano, Director of International Tourism Division, Japan Tourism Agency (JTA)
10:10 Mongolian Heritage Crusade: Perspectives from Mongolia and China
Uradyn E. Bulag, Reader in Social Anthropology
at University of Cambridge
10:35 The Future Opportunities of Cultural Heritage as a Tourism Resource
in Mongolia
Sampildondov Chuluun, Director at Mongolian Academy of
Sciences Institute of History
11:00 Current Situation and the Future of Mongolia Tourism
Banzragch Margad, Head of Department, Mongolia Ministry of Culture,
Sport, and Tourism
11:15 Winter Tourism in Mongolia
Lundaa Davaajargal, Counsellor of Commercial and Economic,
Embassy of Mongolia in Japan
11:30 Panel Discussion
Moderator: Akira Ohno, Professor in Social Society,
Department of Sociology at Shizuoka University
12:00 - 13:00 Networking Session