24th UNWTO General Assembly | Thematic Session
30 November - 3 December 2021, Madrid - Spain
On 2 December, the Thematic Session on “Building for the Future: Innovation, Education and Rural Development” will focus on how to harness the contribution of digitalization, MSMEs, education and policy to drive inclusive recovery through tourism and leave no one behind.
- Launch of the UNWTO Digital Futures Programme for SMEs created to accelerate economic recovery of the tourism sector by supporting Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and Travel Tech and Mobility Startups to unleash digital technologies to create jobs and enhance future resilience in the linkages of the tourism value chain post COVID-19. The goal of the Programme is to digitalize 20 million SMEs by 2024.
- Restarting tourism through Innovation & Education for future generations: This session will focus on how innovation can foster inclusion and support destinations resiliency and competitively and will include case studies presenting the 4 winning startups from the UNWTO Global Rural Tourism Startup Competition and 4 UNWTO Member States sharing insights on the impact of entrepreneurship on rural communities, offering insights and inspiration to stakeholders and destinations.
- 2021 Global UNWTO Students' League: This session will showcase how youth and the future tourism leaders of our sector are a powerful asset when creating sustainable solutions to build back better, as well give the audience an inspiring insight into their thoughts, through a debate with Ministers about the tourism, its future and their future within it. To get to this session, the winning Students of the 2021 Global UNWTO Students' League—from ages 11 to 29—have previously competed in the League to give their best sustainable ideas on how to address the Challenges set for this year: ‘Rural Development through Tourism’ and ‘Plastics Pollution’.
- Policies to Foster Tourism for Rural Development: This Ministerial session will focus on how to develop effective policies for rural development through tourism including whole of government approach, financing, national/local policy coordination and public-private partnerships.
- Official Announcement Ceremony of the Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO: villages recognized as “Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO” in the first edition of the initiative (pilot) will be announced.

Thematic Session - 24th session of the General Assembly
Building for the Future: Innovation, Education and Rural Development
2 December, 10:00-13:00, Auditorium
Opening :
- H.E. Mr. Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary-General, UNWTO
Ministerial Debate on Policies to Foster Tourism for Rural Development
Moderator: Sandra Carvao, Chief, Market Intelligence and Competitiveness, UNWTO
Advancing the contribution of tourism to rural development requires adequate policy frameworks and strategies. The ministerial discussion will aim to identify opportunities for shaping new policies and effective instruments to support inclusive and sustainable tourism development in rural areas including issues such as infrastructure, connectivity, value chain development and investment.
Presentation of the UNWTO Digital Futures Programme
- Natalia Bayona, Director, Innovation, Education & Investments Department, UNWTO
The UNWTO Digital Futures Programme for SMEs will be launched to accelerate economic recovery of the tourism sector by supporting Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and Travel Tech and Mobility Startups to unleash digital technologies to create jobs and enhance future resilience in the linkages of the tourism value chain post COVID-19.
The Digital Futures Programme focuses on 5 digital paths: Business Growth, Connectivity, ECommerce, Big Data & Analytics, and Payments & Security in collaboration with technology corporations such as: Amadeus, Airbnb, Mastercard, Facebook, CISCO, Telefónica, and Amazon Web Services. The Programme has the ambition to serve at least 1 million SMEs from 22 countries.
Ministerial and Entrepreneurial Roundtable on Innovation in Rural Tourism:
- Moderator: Natalia Bayona, Director, Innovation, Education & Investments Department, UNWTO
This roundtable will showcase the four winners from each of the categories of the UNWTO Global Rural Startup Competition alongside four Ministers from UNWTO Member States across regions sharing their views on how entrepreneurship is making an impact in rural communities in their regions, offering insights and inspiration to future entrepreneurs and destinations. Prior to the roundtable we will also see a video compilation of the winning projects.
Empowering Future Tourism Leaders – The UNWTO Students’ League
Award Ceremony of the 2021 Global UNWTO Students’ League
Interactive Panel discussion: “Youth Meets Ministers”
Moderator: Lucy Garner, Youth and Talent Development
Through UNWTO’s youth and talent development initiative – the UNWTO Students’ League – students from around the world compete to give the tourism sector their best ideas to solve the challenges of the sector on subjects strongly linked to the UN SDGs.
Through an online competition, this powerful 360º tool enables, on the one hand, public and private sector stakeholders to foster talent development and obtain innovative sustainable solutions for the challenges they face. And on the other hand, this tool bridges the gap between students’ education and training and the realities of our sector and therefore not only gives students more insight on our sector but also enables these young people to then enter the labour market as highly qualified and skilled professionals capable of adapting to any situation that may arise.
This year’s 2021 Global UNWTO Students’ League Challenges have been created for 4 age and study categories, from ages 11 to 29. The students were asked to create innovative sustainable solutions and give us their best solutions for Rural Development and Plastics Pollution.
This event at the General Assembly will not only showcase the Teams and their winning solutions but will also give the audience the opportunity to answer some of the concerns that these young future tourism professionals have and give us an inspiring insight into their opinions about the Tourism Sector, its future and their future within it.
Official Announcement Ceremony of the 2021 Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO
Closing remarks
For any enquiries about the session, please contact: Addaia Arizmendi aarizmendi@unwto.org