Workshops on Tourism Statistics and on the Elaboration of a Tourism Satellite Account

Workshops on Tourism Statistics and on the Elaboration of a Tourism Satellite Account


These workshops are technical assistance initiatives through which UNWTO aims to improve the statistical capacity in the field of tourism statistics for the participating countries so that their own technical personnel can carry out two sets of initiatives:

  • on one hand, to promote the development of the System of Tourism Statistics as a necessary condition in order to make progress in the measurement and analysis of the economic impacts of tourism;
  • on the other hand, to begin the tasks contemplated in the different stages recommended by UNWTO for the development of a TSA.


The Workshops are geared towards statistics professionals and managerial staff with responsibilities in the field of tourism statistics and/or Tourism Satellite Account, who work in different types of institutions such as:

  • National Tourism Administrations;
  • National Statistical Offices (both basic statistics production units and National Accounts units);
  • Balance of Payments departments of Central Banks;
  • Entities in charge of border statistics (arrivals and departures of international travellers) such as Migration/Interior Departments;
  • Business Associations of Tourism Activities.

Workshops held