AM NEWS VOL. 37 DIC 2021

AM NEWS VOL. 37 DIC 2021


Dear Affiliate Members,

I am pleased to share with you the Vol. 37 of our AM News Bulletin, a special edition focused mainly on the activities and outcomes of the 24th UNWTO General Assembly, held in Madrid from 30th November to 3rd December.

First of all, I would like to express my great appreciation to all those Affiliate Members who managed to be with us in Madrid to attend this crucial session of the General Assembly. More than 120 Affiliate Members participated in-person, making of it one of the UNWTO events with the largest representation of its Affiliate Membership.

Beyond this, I am pleased to highlight some of the main achievements of the Affiliate Members Department, which will hugely benefit our network. I refer in particular to the approval of the new Legal Framework of UNWTO Affiliate Membership, adopted by the General Assembly after being previously approved by consensus by the 43rd Plenary Session of the Affiliate Members. This is a landmark for our membership that I am convinced will increase the value we can offer to our network.

Moreover, I am very satisfied for the fruitful debate on the Programme of Work 2022 that arose during the Plenary Session. The PoW is the roadmap document outlining the main objectives and lines of action of our Department, and all the interventions made by our Affiliate Members showcased their interest to collaborate on projects and initiatives.

I would also like to highlight that we held another successful edition of the Affiliate Members Corner, a space for our Affiliate Members to promote their projects and initiatives contributing to the recovery of the tourism sector.

Lastly, at the General Assembly we welcomed 36 new Affiliate Members, and I am confident that they will bring real added value to the Organization thanks to their knowledge and expertise on a very diverse range of tourism’s components.

I would like to reiterate my sincere appreciation to all those who accompanied us in Madrid and, for those who were not able to do so, I hope to meet you all at FITUR 2022!
I take this opportunity to wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a great start into 2022.

Yours sincerely,
Ion Vilcu

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UN Tourism News #38

UN Tourism News #38

UN Tourism News

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Global Tourism Plastics Initiative
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Sustainable tourism can offer mountain communities a path to prosperity and inclusion

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Dr. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka Begins as Chair of World Committee on Tourism Ethics
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UNWTO media highlights:

Global Tourism Plastics Initiative by UNWTO welcomes more signatories


Dr. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka Begins as Chair of World Committee on Tourism Ethics


2021 UNWTO Tourism Video Competition Winners

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Global Tourism Plastics Initiative Releases First Progress Report and Welcomes More Signatories

Global Tourism Plastics Initiative Releases First Progress Report and Welcomes More Signatories

The Global Tourism Plastics Initiative has welcomed a further 21 signatories, taking the total number past 110. The new signatories have been announced alongside the launch of a first annual report, which makes clear the significant progress made in tackling plastics pollution in tourism over the past year.

Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Accor, Club Med, Hong-Kong and Shanghai Hotels, Iberostar, Melco, Six Senses have all reported continuous efforts to implement their commitments to tackle plastic pollution. Together, they have eliminated over 108 million plastic items and packaging in 2020, totaling around 804 metric tons.

UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili said: “In just one year, the Global Tourism Plastics Initiative has made a real impact. Together, signatories have cut their use of plastic by 800 metric tons, equivalent to 27 large shipping containers full of plastic. I congratulate all those businesses and destinations for their commitment and welcome the 21 newest signatories to the Initiative – a clear sign that tourism is working hard to become more sustainable, even in times of crisis.”

Signatories report plastics progress

In just one year, the Global Tourism Plastics Initiative has made a real impact

deSter, a member of gategroup and the leading supplier to the aviation, hospitality and foodservice industries has also reported progress, for instance by discontinuing the launch of new products with non-recyclable materials; working on fiber-based technologies and closed loop recycling pilots with customers; and developing new designs.

“We are delighted to have joined the Global Tourism Plastic Initiative through our Bye Bye Plastics program: Club Med has already removed on a global scale disposable plastic items such as cups, straws, cutlery, plates as well as individual plastic packaging from shower gel, shampoo and lotion and from other in-room accessories. We are now aiming to remove single use plastic accessories from our rooms and festive events as well as reducing by up to 50% the use of plastic water bottles in 2024 (compared to 2019),” said Florian Duprat, Sustainability manager at Club Med.

“We are pleased to have been able to formalize our goals and progress in the global commitment of the Global Tourism Plastics Initiative report. It gives us the opportunity to demonstrate our commitment to developing more sustainable solutions. And, more importantly, by being part of a coordinated action plan with other signatories, we can be sure that we are moving the needle to stop plastic pollution,” said Philippe De Naeyer, Director Sustainability at deSter.

The full report is available online and is also linked to the annual report of the New Plastics Economy Global Commitment led by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, providing its Tourism chapter (see page 12). A broader reporting mechanism which would allow additional stakeholders that are signatories (e.g. SMEs) to report progress on the implementation of their commitments will also soon be made available.

More sector-wide commitment

Since the last announcement of signatories in July 2021, the Global Tourism Plastics Initiative has officially welcomed 21 new signatories bringing the total of organizations that have committed to implement circular economy of plastics in the tourism sector to 113.

Among the 21 new signatories, the Initiative welcomes 4 accommodation companies (Alila Villas Uluwatu, JJ’s Hostel Mirissa, Phaea Resorts, Sudima Hotels), 7 tour operators (Adventuretects LLC, Europamundo, Evaneos, Secret Scotland Tours, SEE Turtles, Travel.Bhutan, Turama Pacific Travel Group), 9 supporting organizations (arcenciel, Blue Community, Clewat Ltd, The Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO, Jaya House River Park Siem Reap, Lombok Tourism Polytechnic, Natufagus Consulting, Union of International Mountain Leader Associations (UIMLA), Worldwide Association of Diving Instructors) and 1 destination (Azerbaijan Tourism Board (ATB)). These signatories have set concrete targets around the elimination of unnecessary and problematic plastics, the introduction of reuse models and work on value chain level to improve recyclability.

A common goal for tourism

The Global Tourism Plastics Initiative unites the tourism sector behind a common vision to address the root causes of plastic pollution. It is led by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Tourism Organization in collaboration with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. The Global Tourism Plastics Initiative was endorsed by the Executive Council of the World Tourism Organization at its 114th meeting held on 1st December 2021 during the UNWTO General Assembly in Madrid, encouraging Member States to take part in the fight against plastic pollution.

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Dr. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka Begins as Chair of World Committee on Tourism Ethics

Dr. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka Begins as Chair of World Committee on Tourism Ethics

Dr. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, the former Executive Director of UN Women, has been confirmed as the new Chairperson of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics.

The 24th Session of the UNWTO General Assembly, which met in Madrid (30 Novemer-3 December) unanimously approved Dr.  Mlambo-Ngcuka’s nomination for the position. She will serve as Chair for four years, starting on 3 December 2021, taking over from Pascal Lamy, former Director-general of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and President Emeritus of the Jacques Delors Institute.

“It is with great honour that I accept this appointment and I will, together with the members of the Ethics Committee, work hard to provide a fair guidance towards more ethical practices in the tourism sector.” said Dr. Mlambo-Ngcuka.

With her rich background and experience of leadership, Dr. Mlambo-Ngcuka will ensure that the principles of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism and the UNWTO Framework Convention on Tourism Ethics continue to serve as a compass directing us towards a fairer and more inclusive tourism sector

UNWTO Secretary-General, Zurab Pololikashvili added: “With her rich background and experience of leadership, Dr. Mlambo-Ngcuka will ensure that the principles of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism and the UNWTO Framework Convention on Tourism Ethics continue to serve as a compass directing us towards a fairer and more inclusive tourism sector.”

New Committee Members Confirmed

The World Committee on Tourism Ethics is the independent body responsible for interpreting, applying and evaluating the provisions of the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism. The Committee’s tasks include the promotion and dissemination of the Code as well as the evaluation and monitoring of its implementation. Dr. Mlambo-Ngcuka brings to the role significant experience working in the fields of human rights, equality and social justice, most notably serving as an Undersecretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women for two terms.

The 24th UNWTO General Assembly also approved the appointment of the following as Committee Members: Ms. Mayada Belal (Undersecretary for the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for Cultural Cooperation), Mr. José Ignacio Besga Zuazola (President of the Basque Country Ethics Cluster), Ms. Susan Longley (General Secretary of the International Union of Food, Agriculture, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers Associations (IUF), Ms. Daniela Otero (Chief Executive Officer of Skal International).

Ms. Gunnur Diker (Partner and General Manager of Eurasia Tourism Ltd.), Mr. Shahid Hamid Fih (Chairman & Founder of SH’otel Hospitality Management & Consultancy Ltd) and Prof. Marina Novelli (Professor of Tourism and International Development at the University of Brighton) were also appointed as alternate members of the Committee.

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Sustainable tourism can offer mountain communities a path to prosperity and inclusion

Sustainable tourism can offer mountain communities a path to prosperity and inclusion

FAO and UNWTO launch new publication at high-level event to celebrate International Mountain Day 2021

Sustainable tourism plays a key role in boosting livelihoods, poverty alleviation, and environmental conservation in mountainous areas, according to a new report launched by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and UNWTO at an International Mountain Day 2021 celebration event.

Mountain tourism - Towards a more sustainable path, jointly developed by FAO, the Mountain Partnership Secretariat and the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), highlights the role of tourism in the sustainable development of mountain regions. The publication features examples of innovation, best practices and initiatives from all over the world, as well as practical guidelines and recommendations in the context of building back better for sustainable mountain tourism.

Sustainable tourism can serve as an important driver of socio-economic development in mountain areas

“For many mountain communities, tourism is their livelihood,” FAO Director-General QU Dongyu stressed at the event. “Promoting sustainable eco-tourism, agri-tourism and wellness tourism can help generate new jobs, diversify income, build robust micro-economies and revitalize products and services,” he added, encouraging everyone to work together to protect fragile mountain ecosystems and “rethink and reshape mountain tourism for the benefit of mountain communities, global wellbeing and the planet’s health.”

“Sustainable tourism can serve as an important driver of socio-economic development in mountain areas. Well managed, community-based tourism increases and diversifies household incomes, enhances job and livelihood opportunities, supports traditional systems, builds resilience and helps to conserve and promote natural and cultural heritage across landscapes,” said UNWTO Secretary-General, Zurab Pololikashvili.

The theme of International Mountain Day 2021

The United Nations has designated 11 December as International Mountain Day, with FAO as the lead agency for its coordination. Celebrated every year, it creates awareness about the importance of mountains to life, highlighting the opportunities and constraints in mountain development and building alliances that will bring positive change to mountain peoples and environments around the world.

With mountain destinations attracting around 15-20 percent of global tourism, International Mountain Day 2021’s theme of sustainable mountain tourism recognizes the sector’s role in valuing the natural and cultural heritage of mountains and mountain peoples, promoting sustainable food systems, and protecting mountain ecosystems and their biodiversity.

The Year’s theme also draws attention to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, and how it can be an opportunity to rebuild mountain tourism in a greener and more sustainable and inclusive way. This means ensuring community empowerment, effective measurement of the impact of tourism in mountains, the effective management of resources and waste, and the definition of carrying capacity for destinations.

A joint effort

Today’s high-level International Mountain Day event was opened by the FAO Director-General QU Dongyu and UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili. Other participants included Maria Ubach, Andorra’s Minister of Foreign Affairs , Christine Bulliard-Marbach
Swiss Parliamentarian, Member of the National Council and President of the Swiss Association for Mountain Regions, Roberto Natali, Plenipotentiary Minister and Directorate General for Development Cooperation for the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Anthonette Velasco-Allones, Chief Operating Officer of the Philippines Tourism Promotions Board and mountaineer Reinhold Messner. FAO Deputy Director-General Maria Helena Semedo gave the concluding remarks. Stella Jean – an Italian-Haitian fashion designer was appointed Mountain Partnership Goodwill Ambassador in recognition of her work with mountain women artisans from Kyrgyzstan. Dilshodbegim Khusravova, a Tajik young activist, was named Youth Mountain Partnership Goodwill Ambassador for her work in early warning disaster prevention systems in the mountains of Tajikistan.

The event highlighted the need to promote dialogue and cooperation to tap mountain tourism’s full potential to contribute to sustainable development. It highlighted the work that many Mountain Partnership members and UNWTO member states are doing to ensure that mountain communities are not left behind in the spirit of the UN 2030 Agenda.

Sustainable best practices

According to the study, sustainable mountain tourism products and services should shift from high-impact tourism to low-impact, climate-sensitive ones, and create new opportunities, bringing tangible benefits to local communities, while helping to
enhance the conservation of the unique mountain heritage. They should also be inclusive, providing a good quality of employment and decent work. The publication highlights projects from across the world that are doing just that, including in the Cordillera region of the Philippines, where the country’s Department of Tourism, the Mountain Partnership Secretariat and Slow Food are connecting tourism service providers to small-scale producers so visitors can discover high-quality mountain products, and ‘astrostays’ in the Himalayas, which are homestays provided by local communities that include stargazing activities.


FAO and UNWTO have a long history of working together, boosted by a recent   Memorandum   of   Understanding between the two parties. This establishes further commitment to nurture innovation and entrepreneurship, drive sustainable development, and strengthen livelihoods through rural tourism, agritourism, nature tourism,  outdoor activities and other forms of landscape-based tourism. It envisages, among others, collaborative activities within the framework of FAO’s Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS),  the Coalition of  Fragile  Ecosystems and the Green Cities Initiative.  

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UN Tourism News #37 | General Assembly Special Edition

UN Tourism News #37 | General Assembly Special Edition

UN Tourism News

- General Assembly Special Edition -

Logo UNWTO General Assembly

24th UNWTO General Assembly

Tourism leaders from all regions arrived in Madrid for the 24th Session of the UNWTO General Assembly. Ministers of Tourism were joined by representatives of international organizations and from across the private sector for the first truly global tourism meeting to be held since the start of the pandemic, with innovation, education and investments high on the agenda.

24th UNWTO General Assembly: Tourism United, Resilient and Determined
24th UNWTO General Assembly: Tourism United, Resilient and Determined
Over the course of three days, the 24th session of the UNWTO General Assembly underscored global tourism’s commitment to restarting around the shared pillars of sustainability, innovation and solidarity.
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UNWTO Members Support Leadership and Back Plan for Tourism’s Future
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UNWTO Members Support Leadership and Back Plan for Tourism’s Future
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UNWTO Points Tourism Towards a Greener, Inclusive Future at General Assembly
Innovation, youth empowerment and tourism and rural development took centre stage as Spanish Prime Minister Sánchez joined UNWTO at the General Assembly in Madrid.
Travel restricitons
UNWTO Calls Against Blanket Travel Restrictions
UNWTO called out against the introduction of blanket restrictions on travel, as witnessed in recent days. During the 24th General Assembly, countries from all global regions expressed their solidarity with Southern African states, calling for the immediate lifting of travel bans imposed on specific countries and for freedom of international travel to be upheld.
Travel Restrictions Update
Greater Legal Protection for Tourists Promulgated
To restore confidence in the tourism sector, UNWTO, Member States and other key partners have moved a step further to safeguard tourists with the approval of the regulatory framework of the International Code for the Protection of Tourists. The code has developed minimum standards and consumer rights for tourists in emergency situations a special Committee was formed. In all, 98 Member States and Associate Members as well as 5 non-member States, international organizations and leading private sector stakeholders actively participated on this landmark project.
King of Spain Hosts Tourism Leaders at Gala Dinner
Ahead of the official opening of the 24th Session of the UNWTO General Assembly, the King of Spain Felipe VI welcomed Ministers and heads of delegation at a gala dinner at the Madrid City Hall. His Majesty reiterated his support to the activities of UNWTO and its leadership as it strives to get tourism moving again.
UN and International Community Backing

Emphasizing the significance of the General Assembly, as well as UNWTO’s elevated stature within the global agenda, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres welcomed delegates. and called for them to work together for a “green, inclusive, sustainable” future. His words were echoed by the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, by Rebeca Greenspan, Secretary-General, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), by Juan Carlos Salazar Gómez, Secretary-General of the International Civil Aviation Organization, and by Vice-President of the European Commission Margaritis Schinas.

Travel Restrictions Update
UNWTO Announces ‘Best Tourism Villages’ 2021
The best examples of villages embracing tourism to provide opportunity and drive sustainable development were celebrated at the General Assembly in Madrid.
Travel Restrictions Update

A discussion on empowering the tourism leaders of the future, with reference to the UNWTO Students’ League, featured contributions from the Ministers of Tourism for Bulgaria, Lebanon, Maldives and Oman, as well as students themselves.

Video Competition
2021 UNWTO Tourism Video Competition Winners

The best examples of destinations harnessing the power of tourism for sustainable development have been celebrated in the 2021 UNWTO Tourism Video Competition.

Travel Restrictions Update
43th Affiliate Members Plenary Session

This Plenary Session of UNWTO Members reviewed the work done in the past year. It also presented the Programme of Work of the Affiliate Members Department for 2022, which has benefitted from valuable contributions.

The next session of the UNWTO General Assembly will be held in the Uzbekistan city of Samarkand.

Bali in Indonesia will host World Tourism Day 2022, to be held around the timely theme of ‘Rethinking Tourism’, as approved by the General Assembly.

Travel Restrictions Update
Executive Council – 115th session

Officers for 2022
Chair: Côte d' Ivoire
First Vice-Chair: Saudi Arabia
Second Vice-Chair: Mauritius

UNWTO media highlights:
The Wall Street Journal

Bali Was Slammed With Tourists Before Covid. Now It’s Slammed Without


This year may prove even worse for the tourism industry than 2020

The Washington Post

Covid is set to cost the tourism industry $1.6 trillion this year. Omicron could make it worse


Anger simmers over Omicron travel bans in southern Africa

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2021 UNWTO Tourism Video Competition Winners

2021 UNWTO Tourism Video Competition Winners

The best examples of destinations harnessing the power of tourism for sustainable development have been celebrated in the 2021 UNWTO Tourism Video Competition.

Launched ahead of the 24th UNWTO General Assembly, the competition was designed to recognize the best visual storytellers from every global region. Submissions were judged in two categories.

‘Tourism and the Decade of Action’

Participants were asked to use film to show how the tourism sector is advancing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development through references to one or several of the 17 Global Goals.

‘Exceptional Stories of Sustainable Tourism’

Participants were asked for remarkable examples which showcase the human face of tourism and make clear the positive social impact the sector can have through generating opportunities for all.

All submissions were viewed by an independent jury made up of international media gathered in Madrid for the UNWTO General Assembly.

The 2021 winners are:

Promotion and the Decade of Action

Africa: Seychelles - Experience Seychelles

Americas: Bahamas - Exuma Land and Sea Park

Asia & Pacific: Macao, China - Sustainable Gastronomy Day 2021

Europe: Georgia - The Grand Tour of Samegrelo

Middle East: Experience Egypt

Exceptional Stories of Sustainable Tourism

Africa: Seychelles - Creole Rendezvous

Americas: Puerto Rico - Agrotourism Puerto Rico

Asia & Pacific: The Philippines - Have A Safe Trip, Pinas

Europe: Slovenia - Slovenian Gastronomy. You can't spell Slovenia without love. Your plate awaits.

Middle East: The Red Sea Company - Seeds of Hope (affiliate member)

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