24th UNWTO General Assembly | Contact
30 November - 3 December 2021, Madrid - Spain
UNWTO coordinators
Ms. Zhanna Yakovleva
Chief of Cabinet
Office of the Secretary-General
Ms. Yolanda Sansegundo
Conference Services Specialist
Conference Services
Host-country coordinators
Mr. Javier Fernández González
Deputy Director General of Cooperation and Tourism Competitiveness
State Secretariat for Tourism
Ms. Teresa Gancedo Nieto
Chief, International Relations Area
State Secretariat for Tourism
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24th session of the UNWTO General Assembly | About Madrid
30 November - 3 December 2021, Madrid - Spain
Climate: In November and December, the average temperature in Madrid can range between 10ºC during the day and 3ºC at night. Winters in Madrid are cold and dry. However, completely clear days are very typical, so it is possible to enjoy sunny weather at midday.
Official language: Spanish
Madrid local time (winter): GMT +1
Local currency and exchange rates: The official currency of Spain is the euro (EUR). The applicable exchange rate in November 2021 is approximately USD 1.16 to EUR 1. Banks are open from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Throughout Madrid there are foreign exchange offices that are clearly indicated. There is also a currency exchange service at hotels. The city has numerous ATMs, and shops accept major credit cards.
Electricity: The electric current in Madrid is 220 volts, 50 Hz AC. Outlets take round pins. In any case, most hotels have adapters for special plugs. Participants should ensure that their electrical devices (computers, mobile phone chargers, razors, etc.) work with this voltage or, if not, use transformers and batteries that allow different voltages.
Credit cards, shopping and tipping
There are ATMs throughout the city, and in the vast majority of establishments it will be possible to pay for goods and services with a credit card (in the metro you can pay with a card, but not in the urban bus network).
Visa and Mastercard are the most widely accepted types of card, while American Express and Diners are less commonly accepted. Information regarding possible commissions for using credit cards in Spain should be consulted with the issuing bank, because transaction fees will depend on the entity managing the corresponding bank account.
Almost all establishments accept card payments, although some require a minimum charge (between 5 and 10 euros). Also, before getting into a taxi when not carrying cash, the driver should be asked if the taxi is equipped with a card payment terminal. There are different applications such as Free Now through which it is possible to request a taxi and pay with a card using it.
The concept of tipping in Madrid is directly related to customer satisfaction regarding the treatment received. Tipping continues to be considered in its original meaning as being “voluntary” and at the discretion of the consumer, at least among the national clientele, and the personnel of the service sector are well aware that nothing is taken for granted.
In some restaurants it is customary to charge an additional 2 to 3 euros for serving bread or a small appetizer - which the establishment is obliged to disclose, and can be rejected if not desired - but, in general, what the customer decides is respected when it comes to expressing appreciation for the friendliness and quality of the service in the final bill.
This custom extends to other tourism services in which there is some type of personal treatment, such as hotels, taxis, beauty salons or hairdressers.
It should be noted that all establishments include the price of the service, but in hotels and restaurants it is common to see “VAT not included” on the menu. This means that a 10% surcharge will be added to the price of what was consumed.
Health regulations and precautions: It is not necessary to be vaccinated against any disease in order to travel to Spain.
COVID-19 situation:
See updated information at: https://cnecovid.isciii.es/covid19/
If you need a PCR test for your return flight, ask at the reception of the Convention Center of the Madrid Marriott Auditorium hotel. They will inform you about the location of the mobile laboratory and its opening hours during the days of the Assembly.
Medical services: Madrid has a good network of health centres (primary care services) and hospitals.
Reference hospital:
Hospital Universitario La Paz
P.º de la Castellana, 261, 28046 Madrid
Emergency services: 24 hours
Tel.: +34 917 27 70 00
Reference hospital near the Hotel Madrid Marriott Auditorium (Event venue):
Hospital del Henares
Av. De Marie Curie, 0, 28822 Coslada, Madrid
Emergency services: 24 hours
Tel.: +34 911 91 20 00
Useful telephone numbers:
Emergency: 112
Police: 091 or 112
Ambulance: 112
Fire: 112
Callers can request to speak in English, German, French or Spanish.
In the event of any emergency during the days of the General Assembly, you can also contact the UNWTO Security Officer: Mr. Antonio García. Tel.: +34 699976040.
Local transport rates:
The fare for the taxi ride between the airport and the city ranges between 20 and 30 euros. The price of a single local bus ticket ranges from €1.50 to €2 and tickets for 10 trips can be purchased for €12.20.
Tourism information
In Spain
Tourism information for Spain
In Madrid
Tourism in the Community of Madrid
Tourism in the city of Madrid

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24th UNWTO General Assembly | Procedure for proxies
30 November - 3 December 2021, Madrid - Spain
In light of the currently evolving situation of the COVID-19 pandemic and the related worldwide restrictions of gatherings, the access to the venue of the session is limited to the Head of Delegation plus 2 persons.
If a Full Member is unable to participate in the General Assembly, it can be exceptionally represented by a member of another State’s delegation, provided it submits a formal letter or fax signed by the competent authority designating the individual who will represent it and, if applicable, giving him/her the power to vote on its behalf. Please note that, unless the items for which the power to vote is given are clearly specified, it will be understood that the delegate has full powers to cast a vote on behalf of the government he/she is representing by proxy on any agenda item.
Furthermore, it should be noted that the General Assembly, at its twentieth session, adopted resolution 633(XX), which stipulates the following regarding mandates for representation:
- A mandate for representation can be given only in exceptional circumstances, duly explained in writing by the State giving the mandate;
- The Credentials Committee will assess the validity of these explanations;
- Only one mandate for representation may be given to a delegate representing another State;
- A mandate for representation may not be given to the Head of Delegation of another State; and
- The mandate for representation is valid for the whole session of the General Assembly.
The General Assembly, at its twenty-first session in Medellín, Colombia, in 2015 (resolution 649(XXI)) decided the following:
- The Credentials Committee will consider as invalid credentials in breach of the principle of secrecy of the vote;
- Once the Report of the Credentials Committee is issued, no further credentials or proxy letters will be considered by the Committee except:
- When the Committee itself has invited the Full or Associate Member concerned to regularize its credentials or its proxy; and
- When a State whose credentials have been accepted by the Committee does not have a representative for the remaining part of the session for reasons duly explained in writing by the State giving the mandate; in such case, the Committee will assess the existence of the exceptional circumstances justifying the proxy;
- The Chairs of the Regional Commissions will verify that the credentials and proxy letters comply with the applicable rules.

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24th UNWTO General Assembly | Submission of credentials and identification papers
30 November - 3 December 2021, Madrid - Spain
In light of the currently evolving situation of the COVID-19 pandemic and the related worldwide restrictions of gatherings, the access to the venue of the session is limited to the Head of Delegation plus 2 persons.
The names of the delegates of Full Members and Associate Members, of the observers of Affiliate Members and of the invited representatives of the United Nations and other international organizations, both intergovernmental and non-governmental, shall be communicated to the Secretary-General, if possible, at least fifteen days before the session of the Assembly opens. (Rule 12(1) of the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly).
The credentials of the delegates of Full Members and Associate Members, issued by the competent authority of the State, shall be handed to the Secretary-General, if possible, at least one day before the session of the Assembly opens. (Rule 12(2) of the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly).
It should be pointed out that, ever since the tenth session of the Assembly, only formal letters or faxes bearing the signature of the competent authority are considered valid credentials. Please note that since the twelfth session of the General Assembly, only credentials from Heads of State or Prime Ministers, Ministers of Foreign Affairs or Ministers responsible for tourism of the respective State or his/her equivalent are regarded as valid. Further, credentials can be accepted only if written in any of the working languages of the General Assembly or if an appropriate translation is attached. Please refer to the model credential letter (Annex 1).
Identification papers of the observers of Affiliate Members and invited representatives of intergovernmental and non-governmental international organizations to attend as observers shall be handed to the Secretary-General, if possible, at least one day before the session of the Assembly opens. (Rule 12(3) of the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly)
Seating arrangements
Delegations will be seated in the plenary meetings in English alphabetical order, beginning with the Member that is hosting the session of the General Assembly.

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24th UNWTO General Assembly | Online Registration
30 November - 3 December 2021, Madrid - Spain
In light of the currently evolving situation of the COVID-19 pandemic and the related worldwide restrictions of gatherings, the access to the venue of the session is limited to the Head of Delegation plus 2 persons.
Registration for the Assembly session will be carried out online until Monday, 22 November 2021. The participation form is available here.
The online registration platform will be collecting all necessary information regarding the participation in the conference, airport pick-up, visa information and technical visits.
Accreditation badges are issued to specific individuals and are not transferable. Participants should keep their badge and ID with them at all times during their stay in Madrid. The badge is the only document confirming a participant’s General Assembly accreditation that can be used to gain access to the venues of the different events.
Participants can collect their accreditation badges at the registration desk located in the Hotel Marriott Auditorium (venue of the event). The registration desk will be open starting Monday, 29 November.

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24th UNWTO General Assembly | Entry Formalities
30 November - 3 December 2021, Madrid - Spain
The Government of Spain will facilitate visa processing for delegates attending the 24th session of the General Assembly, upon presentation of the letter of invitation to the Assembly at the corresponding Spanish Embassy, in accordance with Spanish regulations.
Pursuant to European Union regulations, visas on arrival cannot be provided under any circumstances. Participants are kindly requested to make the necessary arrangements to process their visa in advance. For more information on visas, participants should contact the Spanish Embassy or Consulate responsible for their territory of residence.
The list of diplomatic and consular missions of Spain and their areas of responsibility can be consulted this website.
The list of countries whose nationals require a visa or are exempt from this requirement can be consulted this link.
For any visa inquiries, participants can contact: Ms. Shirin El Tayan, UNWTO Protocol Officer, e-mail: seltayan@unwto.org
Spain will make the necessary arrangements to facilitate the arrival, stay and departure of all the participants invited by the Organization. During their stay, the participants will enjoy the privileges and immunities conferred to delegates at events of the UNWTO in Spain, in accordance with the provisions of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies of the United Nations.

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24th session of the UNWTO General Assembly | Transportation
30 November - 3 December 2021, Madrid - Spain
Local transportation of delegation members will be provided between the hotels and the meeting venue.
Discounts on flights
IBERIA Airlines is offering exclusive discounts of 10% for participants of the twenty-fourth session of the General Assembly travelling to Spain between 23 November and 10 December 2021. The discount is also applied if requested upon booking, seat reservation and billing.
To book their flights, participants can visit the website: www.iberia.com and enter the code UNWTO21.

Tourism information
In Spain:
Tourism information for Spain
In Madrid:
Tourism in the Community of Madrid
Tourism in the city of Madrid
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24th UNWTO General Assembly | Accommodation
30 November - 3 December 2021, Madrid - Spain
The following hotels will offer special rates to delegates for a limited number of rooms.
Hotel Marriott Auditorium **** (meeting venue)
Link for online booking with special rates
Avenida de Aragón 400. 28022 Madrid
Tel.: +34 91 400 44 00
Type of room |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Premium Room: Double room, single occupancy |
130€ |
130€ |
130€ |
Premium Room:Double room |
150€ |
150€ |
150€ |
Hotel Meliá Castilla ****
Poeta Joan Maragall, 43. 28020 Madrid
Tel.: +34 91 567 50 77
Type of room |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Room, single occupancy |
125€ |
125€ |
125€ |
Room, double occupancy |
140€ |
140€ |
140€ |
Hotel Eurostars Madrid Tower *****
Paseo de la Castellana 259-B. 28046 Madrid.
Tel.: +34 91 334 27 00
Type of room |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Superior double room |
150€ |
150€ |
150€ |
Madrid Airport Suites Affiliated by Meliá ***
C. de Lola Flores, 4-17, 28022 Madrid
Tel.: +34 913 29 70 50
Contact e-mail: asier.varela@melia.com
Promo code: MEL-UNWTO
Type of room |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Room, single occupancy |
80€ |
80€ |
80€ |
Room, double occupancy |
90€ |
90€ |
90€ |
Hotel Madrid Chamartín Affiliated by Meliá ***
Calle Mauricio Ravel, 10, 28046 Madrid
Tel.: +34 917 33 34 00
Contact e-mail: miriam.ramiro@melia.com
Promo code: MEL-UNWTO
Type of room |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Room, single occupancy |
95€ |
95€ |
95€ |
Room, double occupancy |
105€ |
105€ |
105€ |
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24th session of the UNWTO General Assembly | General Information
30 November - 3 December 2021, Madrid - Spain
Conditions of entry to Spain relative to health measures
The requirements for entry to Spain, according to country of origin, can be found here.
Climate neutrality
The UNWTO Secretariat is calculating its GHG emissions since 2009, and the Organization is climate-neutral since 2015 for its facilities and activities. The Secretary-General would like to encourage all GA participants to apply to offset mechanisms, notably those proposed by transport companies.
Working languages
The documents for the Assembly session will be available in Arabic, English, French, Russian and Spanish. Simultaneous interpretation in these five languages plus Chinese will be provided at the plenary sessions.
Working documents
In compliance with the United Nations system’s environmental protection policy, please note that no hard copies of the working documents will be distributed at the venue of the event. Delegates are kindly requested to bring with them copies of the documents they need. The documents will be posted here. Delegates will also be notified by e-mail.
Assembly Daily
UN Tourism News – General Assembly Special Edition, is the official publication accompanying the UNWTO General Assembly, giving visibility to proceedings and key milestones.
Produced in English, it is featured prominently on www.unwto.org, it is also distributed electronically to Member States, Affiliate Members, partners and UNWTO’s global media database.
Given its status as a global reporting vehicle on the Assembly, this publication remains as a fixed feature for future reference on the UNWTO website.
Each of the four issues of the Daily will include a journalistic account of
- Key outcomes of the previous day’s meetings;
- Main decisions reached;
- Meetings and events to be held during the day of publication and key items of discussion;
- Interviews and statements with delegates and experts;
- A selection of pictures after each day and
- Link to the official site with audio-visual material of the Assembly and its numerous side events and meetings.
This publication represents a key partnership opportunity for Member States, Affiliate Members, and other partners. It strengthens the overall outreach of UNWTO and allows partners to gain international visibility among key tourism stakeholders, the media and the general public.
UNWTO will be filming proceedings and sharing via social media channels and that by being part of the General Assembly, delegates automatically give their consent to this.
For enquiries, please contact comm@unwto.org
In light of the currently evolving situation of the COVID-19 pandemic and the related worldwide restrictions of gatherings, the access to the venue of the session is limited to the Head of Delegation plus 2 persons.