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UNWTO Welcomes Netcom as Newest Affiliate Member

UNWTO Welcomes Netcom as Newest Affiliate Member

UNWTO has welcomed NETCOM, a leader in communications and digital advertising, into its growing network of Affiliate Members.

Affiliate Members are drawn from every part of the diverse tourism sector, with businesses, civil society, destinations and academia all represented. Through this network, UNWTO guides the development and growth of tourism in every global region. With more than 25 years in the market and presence in the main cities of the world, Netcom will work to promote the restart and sustainable recovery of tourism

At the same time, NETCOM is developing, together with specialists from the tourism sector, a guide of good advertising practices for the communication of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within the framework of responsible tourism as a promoter of economic growth, inclusive development and environmental sustainability.

Throughout its history, NETCOM has been a strategic communication media partner in tourist destinations such as Peru, Uruguay, Brazil, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Panama, the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and Taiwan, among others.

For this, it has used its experience in the creative combination of outdoor advertising tools (Wall Murals, Static Billboards, taxis ads full bus wraps, Single poles, special activations, small and medium Ad sizes, and much more) and digital public roads (screens and digital billboards). NETCOM developed also successful digital campaigns and traditional graphics in newspapers and magazines.

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AM NEWS VOL. 40 APR 2022

AM NEWS VOL. 40 APR 2022

Dear Affiliate Members,

I would like to start by informing you that on the 27th and 28th of April in Madrid, UNWTO will hold an Extraordinary Session of the General Assembly to vote on the suspension of the Membership of the Russian Federation. This decision was taken by the Executive Council at its emergency session which took place on the 8th of March.

Focusing now on the Newsletter, this issue includes some of the most relevant activities carried out by the Affiliate Members Department in the last month, along with some future initiatives that will soon be held.

On the 21st of March we organized the first session of the UNWTO Briefing for Affiliate Members, this time focused on the upcoming Global Youth Tourism Summit. This is a new format aimed at offering first-hand insights on upcoming major UNWTO events and initiatives.

Moreover, I am very happy about the active role of the Affiliate Membership in the framework of the 48th UNWTO Regional Commission for the Middle East, held in Cairo on the 28th and 29th of March. I had the opportunity to present a report of the main activities implemented by the department in the past year, with a specific focus on the region, and I was accompanied by a representative of the Board of Affiliate Members, the Red Sea Development Company, who transmitted to the governments the main needs and priorities of the Affiliate Members.

Also, I would like to highlight that on the 5th of April we held a briefing session dedicated to the Members of the Board in which the Chair, Ms. Mar de Miguel, shared details about the debates which took place at the emergency session of the Executive Council on the issue of the possible suspension of the Russian Federation.

About the upcoming initiatives, it is worth to mention that on the 21st of April we will hold a new session of the Webinar on how to use the AMConnected platform, for the participants to get to know more about its basic functionalities and so get the best out of it.

Lastly, I am glad to say that we are already working with our Affiliate Members on the implementation of some of the initiatives and activities that were included in our Programme of Work 2022 and we are preparing the Affiliate Members’ participation in the other upcoming UNWTO Regional Commissions.

As always, I am at your disposal and look forward to hearing any comments you might have.

Yours sincerely,
Ion Vilcu

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AM NEWS VOL. 39 MAR 2022

AM NEWS VOL. 39 MAR 2022

The bulletin of UNWTO’s Affiliate Members from the tourism sector

Dear Affiliate Members,

I would like to start by updating you on the outcome of the Emergency Session of the UNWTO Executive Council, held in Madrid on March 8 at the request of several Member States to address the suspension of the membership of the Russian Federation. The members agreed to convene the first ever Extraordinary UNWTO General Assembly in the coming days to decide on this critical matter.

Focusing now on this edition of the AM Newsletter, this includes some of the most recent activities carried out by the Department and others which will be implemented in the next weeks. In particular, I am pleased to inform you that the new affiliation procedure is now available in the UNWTO webpage. Among the main changes, there is the introduction of a more rigorous and demanding procedure for the admission of new Affiliate Members, which will allow us to foster a more quality-oriented expansion of our network. This is part of our efforts towards the implementation of the provisions of the Legal Reform of the Affiliate Membership, which was approved at the 24th UNWTO General Assembly.

Also, to meet a specific request raised by the Board of Affiliate Members at its last meeting, we have held an informative session on the Affiliate Members’ Legal Framework for its members to learn more on the main changes introduced by the reform and the functioning of UNWTO Governance. We counted on the participation of the Chair of the Board, Ms. Mar de Miguel and the UNWTO Legal Counsel, Ms. Alicia Gomez.

I would also like to talk about a new product developed by our Department called “UNWTO Briefing for Affiliate Members”. This is a format dedicated exclusively to the Affiliate Members offering them first-hand insights on upcoming major events and initiatives. The first one, to be organized on 21st March, will focus on the upcoming Global Youth Tourism Summit (GYTS), that will be celebrated in Sorrento, Italy on 27 June – 3 July. I strongly encourage you to participate as you will have the opportunity to get to know more about the specific content of the event and opportunities for you to engage. You will receive all the information through the platform AMConnected.

Lastly, I am glad to say that we are already working with our Affiliate Members on the implementation of some of the initiatives that were included in our Programme of Work 2022 and please do not hesitate to reach us out and explore future collaboration with us!

As always, I am at your disposal and look forward to hearing any comments you might have.

Yours sincerely,
Ion Vilcu

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Dear Affiliate Members,

I am pleased to share with you this special edition of our AM News bulletin, highlighting themain activities organized by our department at FITUR.

This edition of the Madrid international tourism fair demonstrated that the tourism sector is advancing towards the recovery, despite all the challenges we are still facing. The strong results, with figures exceeding initial expectations, highlight the efforts of the entire tourism industry value chain to generate new opportunities and be able to look forward to 2022 with strong expectations for the forecast recovery.

The participation of the Affiliate Members Department was, once again, very consistent. Firstly, we organized the initial meeting of the new Board of Affiliate Members 2022-2025, with an agenda marked by the election of its representatives. I would like to congratulate on their election the new Chair, Business Hotel Association of Madrid (AEHM), the First Vice Chair, Chamber of Tourism of Argentina (CAT), and the Second Vice Chair Chameleon Strategies. I am convinced that the new Board will successfully manage the priority topics of this challenging period and that we will work together to strengthen the UNWTO-private sector partnership and the Affiliate Membership of our Organization.

Moreover, we successfully held another edition of our Affiliate Corner. This time “Strategies by Tourism Boards”, focused on the changing role of tourism boards and how they boost an effective recovery of tourism. It also featured presentations by private stakeholders helping advance the work of tourism boards. It was once again a great opportunity to learn, exchange and network for our Affiliate Members.

As in the past edition, we supported our Affiliate Member Caixa and its 4th “Hotel and Tourism Awards”, which recognized the professional career and achievements of businessman of the hotel industry in Spain. I am glad to have participated in this event and I look forward to strengthening our collaboration with CaixaBank.

Lastly, we took advantage of FITUR to hold many bilateral meetings with our Affiliate Members. We had the opportunity to discuss future collaborations and set the basis for the implementation of joint projects included in our Programme of Work.

I am very satisfied by the outcomes achieved at this edition of FITUR and I really hope that 2022 will be the year of the recovery for our sector.

As always, I am at your disposal and look forward to hearing any comments you might have.

Yours sincerely,
Ion Vilcu

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UNWTO Affiliatee Members Corner “Strategies by Tourism Boards”

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UNWTO Affiliatee Members Corner “Strategies by Tourism Boards”
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Friday, 21 January 2022, 11:00 | Room Sustainability, Fiturtechy, Pavilion 10, IFEMA
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UNWTO Affiliatee Members Corner “Strategies by Tourism Boards”
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Affiliate Members Board Elects Chair and Vice Chairs for 2022-2025

Affiliate Members Board Elects Chair and Vice Chairs for 2022-2025

The Board of the UNWTO Affiliate Members met for the first time in 2022 today against the backdrop of the FITUR international tourism trade fair.

Top of the agenda was elections to choose the Board’s Chair and two Vice Chairs to serve for the next four years. The 23 members of the Board voted Hotel Business Association Madrid (AEHM) as Chair, represented by Ms. Mar de Miguel, Executive Vice President; Chamber of Tourism of Argentina as 1st Vice Chair represented by Mr. Gustavo Hani, President; and Chameleon Strategies as 2nd Vice Chair represented by Mr. Jens Thraenhart, CEO.

UNWTO stands ready to work hand-in-hand with the new Board of the Affiliate Members, and I would like to personally congratulate the elected Chair and Vice Chairs for their hard work

Following on from the elections, the new Chair, Ms. Mar de Miguel, expressed her gratitude for the trust placed in them by the rest of the Board and expressed her readiness to work to unlock the full potential of the UNWTO Affiliate Members network as a tool to promote a better tourism, enhance public-private cooperation and accelerate the recovery of the sector.

Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary General of UNWTO, commented: “UNWTO stands ready to work hand-in-hand with the new Board of the Affiliate Members, and I would like to personally congratulate the elected Chair and Vice Chairs for their hard work. I wish them the best in their new roles.”

Affiliate Members Growing  

The Board of the Affiliate Members is the representative body of the more than 500 Affiliate Members of UNWTO. Among its functions, it is to provide recommendations and proposals to the Secretary-General for the preparation of the Programme of Work for the Affiliate Members and on any question regarding Affiliate Membership.

Following the approval at the 24th UNWTO General Assembly of the new Legal Framework of the Affiliate Members, which deepened the prerogatives of the Board, it will be called to work towards strengthening the role of the Affiliate Members within the organization and reinforcing the partnership between tourism’s private sector and UNWTO’s Member States.

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UNWTO announces the results on the election of the Board of Directors of the Affiliate Members

UNWTO announces the results on the election of the Board of Directors of the Affiliate Members

UNWTO is pleased to announce the successful completion of the election process for the Board of Directors of Affiliate Members for the period 2022-2025.

UNWTO expresses its satisfaction with the active participation of the Affiliate Members in the voting process and its full conviction that UNWTO and the new Board will continue to deepen their joint work to foster the partnership between the Organization and the private sector, through the Affiliate Membership, in order to accelerate tourism recovery in the current context.

The 20 elected Members of the Board of Affiliate Members 2022-2025 are as follows: 

  • AEHM - Asociación Empresarial Hotelera de Madrid (Spain)
  • BASQUETOUR- Basque Tourism Agency (Spain)
  • CAT - Cámara Argentina de Turismo (Argentina)
  • Chameleon Strategies (Thailand)
  • CONPEHT - Confederación Panamericana de Escuelas de Hotelería, Gastronomía y Turismo (Mexico)
  • Croatian National Tourist Board (Croatia)
  • Facility Concept (Côte d’Ivoire)
  • Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)
  • Universidad de Málaga (Spain)
  • FITUR - Feria Internacional de Turismo (Spain)
  • George Washington University (United States)
  • IATA - International Air Transport Association (Switzerland)
  • JTB Corporation (Japan)
  • KITTS- Kerala Institute of Tourism and Travel Studies (India)
  • NECSTOUR - The Network of European Regions for a Sustainable and Competitive Tourism (Belgium)
  • Pacific Area Travel Writers Association (India)
  • Red Estable (Spain)
  • The Red Sea Development Company (Saudi Arabia)
  • Tripadvisor (United States)
  • World Federation of Tourist Guide Associations (Austria)

It is also informed that, in accordance with the procedure established by the regulations applicable in this matter – Article 4.6 of the Rules of Procedure of the Committee of the Affiliate Members -  the Secretary-General of UNWTO will proceed to appoint three additional members of the Board, which will be announced soon.

The formal constitution and start of the activity of the new Board of the Affiliate Members 2022 - 2025 will take place in January 2022, date and format to be defined soon. On the same occasion the members of the Board will also proceed to elect the Chair and two Vice-Chairs of the Board.

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AM NEWS VOL. 37 DIC 2021

AM NEWS VOL. 37 DIC 2021


Dear Affiliate Members,

I am pleased to share with you the Vol. 37 of our AM News Bulletin, a special edition focused mainly on the activities and outcomes of the 24th UNWTO General Assembly, held in Madrid from 30th November to 3rd December.

First of all, I would like to express my great appreciation to all those Affiliate Members who managed to be with us in Madrid to attend this crucial session of the General Assembly. More than 120 Affiliate Members participated in-person, making of it one of the UNWTO events with the largest representation of its Affiliate Membership.

Beyond this, I am pleased to highlight some of the main achievements of the Affiliate Members Department, which will hugely benefit our network. I refer in particular to the approval of the new Legal Framework of UNWTO Affiliate Membership, adopted by the General Assembly after being previously approved by consensus by the 43rd Plenary Session of the Affiliate Members. This is a landmark for our membership that I am convinced will increase the value we can offer to our network.

Moreover, I am very satisfied for the fruitful debate on the Programme of Work 2022 that arose during the Plenary Session. The PoW is the roadmap document outlining the main objectives and lines of action of our Department, and all the interventions made by our Affiliate Members showcased their interest to collaborate on projects and initiatives.

I would also like to highlight that we held another successful edition of the Affiliate Members Corner, a space for our Affiliate Members to promote their projects and initiatives contributing to the recovery of the tourism sector.

Lastly, at the General Assembly we welcomed 36 new Affiliate Members, and I am confident that they will bring real added value to the Organization thanks to their knowledge and expertise on a very diverse range of tourism’s components.

I would like to reiterate my sincere appreciation to all those who accompanied us in Madrid and, for those who were not able to do so, I hope to meet you all at FITUR 2022!
I take this opportunity to wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a great start into 2022.

Yours sincerely,
Ion Vilcu

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The First World Sports Tourism Congress: the Role of Sport for Tourism Recovery and its Contribution to the 2030 Agenda

The First World Sports Tourism Congress: the Role of Sport for Tourism Recovery and its Contribution to the 2030 Agenda

Renowned experts and academics in sports tourism debated over two days on current and future trends in the sector and underlined the key role of sport for the development of a more sustainable and inclusive tourism.

The first edition of the World Sports Tourism Congress (25-26 November, Lloret de Mar, Spain) focused on the unique capacity of the sector to promote sustainable and inclusive development, diversification and public-private partnership. The Congress was organized by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the Catalan Tourism Agency (ACT), an Affiliate Member of the UNWTO.

An encouraging example is the gradual return of major sporting events, which is a major driver of the restart of tourism

At the opening ceremony, UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili declared that the holding of this Congress, with a strong in-person participation, is a clear message that the tourism sector is ready to welcome tourists again, and the recovery of sports tourism plays an important role.

Pololikashvili added: "An encouraging example is the gradual return of major sporting events, which is a major driver of the restart of tourism."

For his part, the Minister for Business and Labour of the Regional Government of Catalonia, Roger Torrent, stressed that "this Congress can give rise to ideas that allow progress towards a more responsible and sustainable tourism thanks to diversification, differentiation and de-seasonalization". In addition, he stated that tourism, and in particular sports tourism, can offer economic, employment and social opportunities that must be harnessed.

The Congress was attended in person by some   350 participants, and more than 150 followed it online. The most immediate challenges were discussed throughout the first day, ranging from the impact of COVID-19 and current trends in tourism demand and in the tourism market, to trends in sports, innovation in major sporting events, diversity and inclusion, and public-private governance strategies.

Looking to the future, the second day focused on the digital transformation of the sector and the phenomenon of e-sports, the promotion of digital marketing, the environmental framework and new research in the sector.

One of the most innovative aspects that the Congress brought was the deployment of two hologram booths in the proceedings  in order to have the participation of speakers who could not attend in person.

Work on Tourism and Sports is among the priorities of the UNWTO, especially in view of the necessary recovery of the sector in general.

The Congress featured more than 50 speakers--more than half of them in person--from Canada, Croatia, the United States, Spain, France, Wales, Italy and South Africa, among others.
Among the speakers were prominent figures with recognized experience in the sports and tourism sectors, representing entities that are also UNWTO Affiliate Members such as Lavonne Wittmann, President of Skal International; Sonto Mayise, General Director of Tourism Kwazulu-Natal; Luis Valente, Head of Partnerships and Information at the FC Oporto Museum; Paraskevi Patoulidou, President of Thessaloniki Tourism Organization; Kattia Juarez-Dubón, Director of the International Sustainability Commission of the International Motorcycling Federation (FIM), and Lisa Delpy Neirotti, professor at George Washington University.

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AM NEWS VOL. 36 NOV 2021

AM NEWS VOL. 36 NOV 2021

Dear Affiliate Members,

I am pleased to share with you the Vol. 36 of our AM News Bulletin. November is the month of the 24th UNWTO General Assembly, the most important statutory meeting of our Organization. As you know, it will be held in Madrid on November 30 – December 3, after the decision by the Government of Morocco to withdraw due to the evolution of the current global situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Within the framework of the General Assembly, the Affiliate Members Department will organize several meetings and activities that will reflect the work done this year and the future main initiatives and projects. First of all, we will celebrate the 43rd UNWTO Affiliate Members Plenary Session, in which the draft Programme of Work 2022, incorporating the main proposals shared by our Affiliate Members, will be presented, and the Revised Rules of Procedure of the Committee of the Affiliate Members will be submitted to their approval.

In addition to this, the new Legal Framework for the Affiliate Members will be submitted to the approval of the General Assembly, and we trust it will contribute to increasing the quality of the Affiliate Membership and strengthening the cooperation between the Affiliate Members and the Member States.

Another important item of the Agenda is the admission of the new Affiliate Members. We will submit a high-quality list of more than 3 entities from all the regions of the world to the approval of the General Assembly.

In order to enrich the participation of our Affiliate Members in this important statutory meeting, another edition of the AM Corner will take place, providing them with the opportunity to present their projects and initiatives and so increasing their visibility.

We are also planning to organize an exhibition in partnership with Netflix to promote the Global Report on Cultural Affinity and Screen Tourism, which was recently published in the UNWTO E-Library. A combination of digital and physical assets will showcase the main findings of the report and will boost visibility on the reciprocity between sustainable tourism, culture and the audiovisual sector.

Lastly, on 25-26 December we will celebrate in Lloret de Mar the first World Sports Tourism Congress, in partnership with the Catalan Tourism Board. The event, which will be held in a hybrid format, will count on a list of renowned speakers that will share their knowledge on the current and future trends of Sports Tourism.

As always, I am at your disposal and look forward to hearing any comments you might have. Looking forward to meeting you in Madrid and Lloret de Mar!

Yours sincerely,
Ion Vilcu

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