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AM NEWS | VOL. 51 MARCH 2023

AM NEWS | VOL. 51 MARCH 2023

Dear Affiliate Members,

I am pleased to introduce you to a new edition of the Affiliate Members Newsletter. This monthly publication will inform you about the latest news, events, and initiatives related to your membership and our Affiliate Members network. Also included is the updated calendar of events for 2023, including the main UNWTO events and those carried out by our Affiliate Members, with the participation of the Affiliate Members Departments or the UNWTO.

Regarding the upcoming initiatives organized by the Affiliate Members Department, we are pleased to inform you that we will be present at ITB Berlin, the world's leading travel trade show. In this framework, the UNWTO and the host of the fair, ITB Berlin have jointly organized a Roundtable Discussion on "Connecting sports tourism to health" that will count on the participation and contribution of experienced Affiliate Members in this area.

I am also pleased to inform you that the UNWTO, in collaboration with the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of Croatia and the Affiliate Member Croatian National Tourist Board will host the Second World Sports Tourism Congress, on the 26-27 April, in Zadar, Republic of Croatia. More information regarding this event will soon be shared through the AMConnected platform.

Regarding the upcoming UNWTO statutory/high-level meetings, I would like to remind you that the 118th session of the UNWTO Executive Council is scheduled for the16 -18 May, in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. I take this opportunity to highlight the importance of the participation of our Affiliate Members during these events as they provide an excellent stage to showcase proposals and initiatives for the Membership, and the opportunity to network and exchange information and knowledge with the entities, authorities, and key stakeholders attending. More information regarding this event will soon be shared through the AMConnected platform.

The Affiliate Members Department will continue to collaborate and support the Affiliate Members' initiatives to the best of its capabilities.

As usual, I am at your disposal and look forward to hearing any comments you might have.

Yours sincerely,
Ion Vilcu

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Dear Affiliate Members,

I am pleased to introduce you to a new edition of the Affiliate Members Newsletter. This monthly publication will inform you about the latest news, events, and initiatives related to your membership and our Affiliate Members network.

This special edition of the AMNewsletter highlights the main activities that saw the involvement of the Affiliate Members in the framework of FITUR 2023 (Madrid, Spain). This year's international tourism fair brought together 8,500 companies and more than 222,000 attendees, demonstrating that the tourism sector is on its way to the pre-pandemic level.

In this promising framework, the Affiliate Members Department (AMD) organized several events that counted on remarkable participation from the Affiliate Members. We presented the "Preliminary Conclusions from the World Experts Meeting on Cultural Tourism" (in collaboration with Comunidad de Madrid), followed by the 58th Meeting of the Board of Affiliate Members. We also held another edition of the UNWTO Affiliate Members Corner, under the theme "Trends taking shape in the travel industry in 2023", which provided an excellent opportunity to learn, exchange ideas, and discuss the important topics presented by 10 Affiliate Members. Furthermore, the AMD took the stage during FITUR SPORTS and FITUR SCREEN and had the opportunity to share the UNWTO's perspective on two growing topics in Tourism: Sports Tourism and Audiovisual Tourism. Lastly, my department held several bilateral meetings with Affiliate Members, and we had the opportunity to discuss future collaborations and set the basis for implementing joint projects included in the Programme of Work.

I am very satisfied with the outcomes achieved at FITUR, and I am looking forward to the meet you during the next International Tourism Fair: ITB Berlin. In this regard, I take this opportunity to remind you that, in view of the desire of Affiliate Members to take advantage of the main fairs and events to network and meet other Affiliate Members, my Department wants to further facilitate these fruitful interactions, and kindly invites you to let us know your planned events and activities for ITB Berlin. Click HERE for more information.

The Affiliate Members Department will continue to collaborate and support the Affiliate Members' initiatives to the best of its capabilities. As usual, I am at your disposal and look forward to hearing any comments you might have.

Yours sincerely,
Ion Vilcu

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Trends taking shape in the travel industry in 2023

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UNWTO Affiliate Members Corner


Dear Affiliate Members,

We are pleased to begin the year 2023 with a new edition of the Affiliate Members Newsletter. This monthly publication will inform you about the latest news, events, and initiatives related to your membership and the Affiliate Members network. Additionally, we would like to share with you that the Affiliate Members Department has been working on a strategic analysis that has allowed us to redefine our mission, purpose, and value proposition in order to maximize the benefits we offer you as a member of the UNWTO.

In this edition of our AMNewsletter, you will find a brief description of the mission and purpose of the Affiliate Members Department, and the main objectives of the membership. Also included is the updated calendar of events for 2023, including UNWTO events and those carried out by or with the participation of our Affiliate Members.

Regarding the upcoming initiatives organized by the Affiliate Members Department, we are pleased to inform you that on Tuesday, 10 January, we have scheduled another edition of the Induction Session for Affiliate Members. This webinar is open to all Affiliate Members and it offers the perfect opportunity to learn more about the benefits and resources of the membership and how to make the best out of it.

In preparation for another edition of FITUR (18-22 January, Madrid, Spain), the global meeting point for tourism professionals and the leading fair for inbound and outbound markets in Ibero-America, we are pleased to inform you that In this framework, we will organize the 58th Meeting of the Board of Affiliate Members, as well as another edition of the UNWTO Affiliate Corner, under the theme "Trends taking shape in the travel industry in 2023". Make sure to check out the AMConnected platform to learn how to participate.

After the very positive results of 2022, in terms of participation and engagement of the Affiliate Members within the UNWTO's events and initiatives, the Affiliate Members Department is committed to maintaining and improving the ongoing collaboration and support of the Affiliate Members' initiatives and objectives during 2023 and beyond.

As usual, I am at your disposal and look forward to hearing any comments you might have.

Yours sincerely,
Ion Vilcu

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Dear Affiliate Members,

I am pleased to share with you the December Edition of the Newsletter, which focuses on the latest developments achieved by the Affiliate Members Department and future events and initiatives carried out by the UNWTO, the Affiliate Members Department, and the Affiliate Members themselves.

Also included is the updated calendar of events for the second half of 2022, including UNWTO events and those carried out by or with the participation of our Affiliate Members.

On November 17, we held the 2nd meeting of the Committee on Matters Related to Affiliate Membership (CMAM). Moderated by the Chair of the CMAM, Félix de Paz (Spain), the meeting included the presentation of the "Latest developments and activities of the Affiliate Membership", followed by the endorsement of the Affiliate Members Programme of Work (PoW): 2023, which includes a strategy for quality-oriented & geographically balanced expansion of the UNWTO Affiliate Membership. Furthermore, the new candidatures for the Membership have been revised and submitted for the approval of the Executive Council.

Key topics for the Membership have been brought up to the attention of the 117th Executive Council (Marrakesh, Morocco on 23-25 November), by the Chair of the Board of Affiliate Members, Ms. Mar de Miguel, and the Chair of the CMAM: Spain, in their respective reports. On this occasion, the new candidatures for the Affiliate Membership have been approved. I would like to extend a warm welcome to all 18 new Affiliate Members!

We are looking forward to working closely with all of you and building together a better tourism sector that benefits all societies and communities around the world.

Regarding the events and initiatives organized by the Affiliate Members Department, I am proud to inform you that on December 1-2, in collaboration with Comunidad de Madrid, we hosted the 1st Experts Meeting on Cultural Tourism. The debate counted on the valuable expertise of 17 experts on cultural tourism from all over the world, who engaged in insightful debate to formulate solutions to the current challenges of cultural tourism.

The Affiliate Members Department will continue to collaborate and support the Affiliate Members' initiatives to the best of its capabilities.

As usual, I am at your disposal and look forward to hearing any comments you might have.

Yours sincerely,
Ion Vilcu

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Cultural tourism Management the Focus as UNWTO and Comunidad de Madrid Host Experts Meeting

Cultural tourism Management the Focus as UNWTO and Comunidad de Madrid Host Experts Meeting

UNWTO and the Comunidad de Madrid have reunited 18 experts from all around the world to share ideas, debate and explore the challenges and trends of cultural tourism.

The meeting focused on the strategic management of cultural resources for the destinations, including the challenge of managing tourist flows through different routes or combined products. Experts also discussed on how to promote lesser-known destinations which are outside of the major tourist circuits as a way to avoid the saturation of main touristic attractions. In this sense, for example, the experts examined crucial role of tourism promotion, marketing strategies, and public-private partnerships for the development of cultural tourism.

The debates focused on the identification of aspects that are jeopardizing the sustainability of cultural tourism. This brings up the eternal dilemma between conservation and development, and to what extent it is legitimate to exploit the cultural values of a territory for the socio-economic growth.

Ion Vilcu, Director of the UNWTO Affiliate Members Department, highlighted the importance of cultural values for the promotion of destinations. He added “UNWTO is providing solutions to the conflicts that tourist saturation is generating in major destinations and cultural sites, as well as to promote the development of tourism in lesser-known sites, stimulating their conservation and fostering the positive effects that tourism generates in terms of socioeconomic development”.

Daniel Martinez, Deputy Regional Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Region of Madrid, highlighted the opportunity for the Region of Madrid to host such an important international meeting. "We are very pleased to facilitate reflection on the region's essential tourism model. We are experiencing a large increase in high-value tourists who visit us attracted by our cultural and heritage offer, which is why it is essential to understand the trends of cultural tourism and to promote its sustainable growth, generating employment and attracting investment.”

During the last 3 days these international experts have been working to draw up conclusions and set out recommendations for cultural and tourism destination management that will be featured in a report to be presented next January at the International Tourism Trade Fair (FITUR). On this occasion, experts also had the opportunity to visit the Picasso/Chanel Exhibition at the National Museum Thyssen-Bornemisza, along with the Royal Site and Town of Aranjuez.

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UNWTO and Comunidad de Madrid Hold First Experts Meeting on Cultural Tourism

UNWTO and Comunidad de Madrid Hold First Experts Meeting on Cultural Tourism

UNWTO and the Comunidad de Madrid have teamed up to bring together the world's leading experts in cultural tourism.

Around 20 international professionals will meet in Madrid between 30 November-2 December to share ideas, debate and explore the challenges and trends to boost cultural tourism. They will also draw up conclusions and set out their recommendations for cultural and tourism destination managers, all of which will be presented in a report next January at the International Tourism Trade Fair (FITUR).

The rise of cultural tourism has led to a number of challenges for destinations, all of which will be addressed in the Madrid meeting. Experts will also examine the growing importance of a holistic tourist-cultural experience, recognizing that a visit to a museum, monument or show does not begin at the entrance door, but is the responsibility of a destination's entire tourism system. The role of tourism promotion, cooperation with the private sector, the appropriation of cultural resources and the fragility of the intangible will also be discussed.

Recognizing tangible and intangible values

Ion Vilcu, Director of the UNWTO Affiliate Members Department, stresses the importance of this conversation because "the focus is often placed on tangible cultural heritage, and intangible cultural values remain in the background, even when they inherent to the tangible ones. However, the intangible is an important attraction for visitors, precisely because of its unique, exotic, intangible and, in many cases, ephemeral nature.”

As such, aspects such as gastronomy, handicrafts, forms of production, folklore, linguistic heritage, among others, are important cultural resources for destinations, which, without sustainable management, can easily become blurred or even distorted.

Madrid tourism returns

The Comunidad de Madrid formalized its accession to the UNWTO as an Affiliate Member in 2021, through the public entity for the management and promotion of Madrid's tourism sector Madrid Cultura y Turismo SAU. This global meeting, in addition to deepening the needs of cultural tourism, will help to project the region internationally as a tourist destination, recognizing the specific weight that Madrid's culture represents in attracting tourists from all corners of the planet. It will also strengthen the image of the Community of Madrid and contribute to consolidating the recovery of the tourism sector which, according to the latest official data, by July of this year had recovered 100% of international visitors compared to the same period in 2019.

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UNWTO Welcomes 18 new Affiliate Members

UNWTO Welcomes 18 new Affiliate Members

UNWTO has welcomed 18 new Affiliate Members into its global network.

The newly admitted UNWTO members reflect the diversity of the broad tourism sector, with private companies, Destination Management Organizations, universities, professional associations, Intergovernmental Organization and NGOs, all represented. The new additions also reflect UNWTO’s global mission, six from Europe; four from the Americas; four from Asia and the Pacific; two from Africa and two from the Middle East.

We are proud to see the Affiliate Members network growing while adding value to the Organization, and wish a warm welcome to the 18 new entities joining our community

In accordance with the current legal process of admission, the 18 candidatures were submitted for consideration and approval of the 117th Executive Council after being previously reviewed and endorsed by the Committee on Matters related to Affiliate Membership, during the meeting of the Committee that took place on 17 November. With this official approval of the Executive Council, the new members can enjoy all the rights and benefits corresponding to this UNWTO membership, in accordance with the statutes and rules of the Organization.

UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili said: “We are proud to see the Affiliate Members network growing while adding value to the Organization, and wish a warm welcome to the 18 new entities joining our community.”

The 18 new Affiliate Members are:

  • Asociación Española de Directores y Directivos de Hotel (Spain)
  • Busan Tourism Organization (Republic of Korea)
  • Cappadocia University / Kapadokya Üniversitesi (Türkiye)
  • Comité International Des Festivals Du Film Touristique - CIFFT (Austria)
  • Escuela Profesional De Turismo De La Universidad Nacional De San Antonio Abad Del Cusco (Peru)
  • Eturia CLM (Spain)
  • Hospitality & Tourism Association of Eswatini (Eswatini, the Kingdom of)
  • Innovaris SL (Spain)
  • Jeddah Central Development Company (Saudi Arabia)
  • Johannesburg Tourism Company (South Africa)
  • Manifest Destinations Group, INC. (United States of America)
  • National Inbound and Domestic Tourism Association of Moldova (Moldova)
  • ONWARD (United States of America)
  • Osaka University of Tourism (Japan)
  • Pacific Tourism Organization (Fiji)
  • Petra Development and Tourism Region Authority (Jordan)
  • PT. Pintu Bali Digital (Indonesia)
  • Smart Tourism & Hospitality Consulting  SA – SMART THC (Panama)
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Dear Affiliate Members,

I am pleased to share with you the November Edition of the Newsletter, which focuses on the latest developments achieved by the Affiliate Members Department and future events and initiatives carried out by the UNWTO, the Affiliate Members Department, and the Affiliate Members themselves.

Also included is the updated calendar of events for the second half of 2022, including UNWTO events and those carried out by or with the participation of our Affiliate Members.

On November 9, we held the 57th meeting of the Board of Affiliate Members in London, within the context of the World Travel Market. As the end of 2022 approaches, the Board of Affiliate Members met to discuss next year's roadmap and lines of action for the Membership.

On this occasion, the Chair of the Board presented an update on the latest participation of the representatives of the Affiliate Members Board at the UNWTO statutory meetings, while the Affiliate Members Department presented the Summary of Affiliate Members' Activities for the first half of 2022 and the AMD Programme of Work 2023 and beyond.

As the tourism industry is on its way to recovery, the UNWTO seeks to keep counting on the valuable inputs of the Affiliate Members. I take this opportunity to point out that the call for proposals for the Programme of Work 2023 is open until 15 November. This is an excellent opportunity for Affiliate Members to engage with the UNWTO and share the valuable contributions of the private sector. I strongly encourage you to send a proposal in the area of expertise or knowledge where your entity is best at.

Regarding the upcoming events and initiatives, I am pleased to inform you that on November 17 we have scheduled the second meeting of the Committee on Matters related to Affiliate Membership (CMAM) during which the new candidatures for the Membership will be revised, and submitted for the approval of the 117th UNWTO Executive Council, that will be taking place in Marrakesh, Morocco on 23-25 November.

The Affiliate Members Department will continue to collaborate and support the Affiliate Members' initiatives to the best of its capabilities.

As usual, I am at your disposal and look forward to hearing any comments you might have.

Yours sincerely,
Ion Vilcu

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The bulletin of UNWTO’s Affiliate Members from the tourism sector

Dear Affiliate Members,

I am pleased to share with you the October Edition of the Newsletter, which focuses on the latest developments achieved by the Affiliate Members Department and future events and initiatives carried out by the UNWTO, the Affiliate Members Department, and the Affiliate Members themselves.
Also included is the updated calendar of events for the second half of 2022, including UNWTO events and the ones carried out by or with the participation of our Affiliate Members.

I would like to express my gratitude to all Affiliate Members who attended and showcased the contributions and perspective of the Membership towards the recovery and development of the Tourism Industry during the Affiliate Members Corner we organized within the context of Tourism Expo Japan (23 September), and during the dedicated session that took place during World Tourism Day (27 September).

I am pleased to inform you that this month I had the pleasure of personally attending and supporting the following events organized by our Affiliate Members:

  • Skål International World Congress 2022,
  • 4º Congreso Gastronómico“Culinaria Castilla La Mancha,”
  • International Convention of Vatel Hotel and Tourism Business Schools,

The Affiliate Members Department will continue to support the Affiliate Members' initiatives to the best of its capabilities and has already planned to attend CETT Smart Destinations Conference and AstroFest 2022.

Regarding the upcoming events and initiatives, I am pleased to inform you that on 9 November we will hold the 57th meeting of the Board of the Affiliate Members in London, within the framework of the World Travel Market; while on 17 November, we have scheduled the 2nd meeting of the Committee on Matters Related to Affiliate Membership.
Please keep in mind that registration for the 117th UNWTO Executive Council is now open, make sure to check the AMConnected Platform to know about the registration details and more information.

As the tourism industry is on its way to recovery, the UNWTO seeks to keep counting on the valuable inputs of the Affiliate Members. I am glad to inform you that we have launched the call for proposals for the Programme of Work 2023, a great opportunity to engage with the UNWTO and share the valuable contributions of the private sector. I encourage you once again to send a proposal in the area of expertise or knowledge where your entity is best at.

As usual, I am at your disposal and look forward to hearing any comments you might have.

Yours sincerely,
Ion Vilcu

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