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General Assembly - Twenty-fifth session

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General Assembly - Twenty-fifth session
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The 25th session of the UNWTO General Assembly | Samarkand, Uzbekistan, 16- 20 October 2023
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The 25th session of the UNWTO General Assembly
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General Assembly Concludes With Clear Vision for UNWTO and Tourism

General Assembly Concludes With Clear Vision for UNWTO and Tourism

Global tourism leaders have further advanced plans for a more ethical, diverse sector led by a growing UNWTO. The 25th session of the UNWTO General Assembly convened for a second day to examine, discuss and approve the Organization’s work, with a focus on expanding its global presence, ethics and legal frameworks and the role of public-private partnerships

New Regional and Thematic Offices

UNWTO's commitment to moving closer to its Members and being on the ground in every region was further emphasized as the Assembly was given an update on work to establish new Regional and Thematic offices. Members heard:

  • The Regional Office for the Middle East, opened in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in 2021, is an established hub for tourism education and tourism for rural development. From here, UNWTO has opened the Riyadh School for Hospitality and Tourism, launched a first Education Toolkit for high schools, and also launched the Best Tourism Villages initiative.
  • UNWTO signed an agreement with the Government of Brazil to establish a Regional Office in Rio de Janeiro, to be focused on investments.
  • The planned Regional Office for Africa in Marrakesh, Morocco, will focus on the priorities of innovation and investments in tourism.
  • The hosts of this Assembly, Uzbekistan, presented its proposal to establish a Thematic Office for Tourism on the Silk Road. The proposal was approved by the 119th session of the UNWTO Executive Council.

Ethics Committee

The General Assembly further built on UNWTO's leading work to create a more ethical and accessible sector, while also increasing confidence in travel and tourism. The Global Code of Ethics were the foundation for UNWTO becoming a UN agency. In Samarkand, the Assembly approved new members to serve on the World Committee of Tourism Ethics, with a clear commitment to diversity. Members also looked ahead to the International Conference on Accessible Tourism, due to take place in San Marino in November.

During the Plenary Session, UNWTO formally welcomed the newest group of Members that have agreed to adhere to the International Code for the Protection of Tourists.  Argentina, Brazil, Lebanon, Lithuania, Senegal, Thailand and Venezuela all signed to agree to adhere to the landmark legal instrument, while Portugal and Uruguay resigned. They joined the 13 Members who had already taken the step. The Code was designed during the pandemic, with the first harmonized international legal framework set to play a key role in restoring consumer confidence in travel

World Tourism Day Report  

Just three weeks after World Tourism Day 2023, Member States were given an update on UNWTO's work growing the sector's global day of observance. The Secretary of the Assembly provided a recap of the past two events and looked ahead to the two years to come.

  • World Tourism Day 2022 was hosted in Bali, Indonesia, around the theme of Rethinking Tourism, with the 2023 celebrations – the biggest to date – held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, around the theme of Tourism and Green Investments. The General Assembly agreed to adopt the "Tourism Opens Minds" pledge, introduced by UNWTO that day, and recommends that the Secretariat takes steps to advance the initiative, including through the funding of relevant programmes and campaigns.
  • Members of the General Assembly approved the themes and the hosts for the next two years. For 2024, the theme will be "Tourism and Peace",  to be hosted by Georgia, and then Malaysia will host World Tourism Day 2025 around the theme of Tourism and Sustainable Transformation.

Strong, stable Organization

In his report to the General Assembly during the First Plenary, Secretary-General Pololikashvili highlighted the ongoing work to strengthen and modernise the Organization. Members of the Assembly agreed to Extend the mandate of the Task Force on Redesigning Tourism for the Future until the 26th session of the General Assembly. The Task Force aims to reinforce UNWTO's role in guiding the global sector forward through long-term strategy and vision. Nine Member States were approved to serve on the Task Force for the next two years. Members were provided with an update on the reforms to reinforce UNWTO's compliance with UN standards, most notably through the Joint Inspection Unit.

The General Assembly voted with 73% in favour of Secretary-General Pololikashvili being permitted to present his candidature for a third mandate.

Affiliate Members

UNWTO's Affiliate Members represent the broad diversity of the sector, counting on representatives from business, academia and civil society. The Report of the Chair of the Board of Affiliate Members gave the Assembly an update on work done over the past two years, with a clear focus on growing the Affiliates' role in the mission of the Organization as a whole. Members welcomed the achievements of the Affiliate Members network, including in efforts to grow new areas of tourism to promote economic diversity and resilience.

Saudi Arabia to host the 26th General Assembly

To conclude, Members agreed that the 26th session of the UNWTO General Assembly will be held in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

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120th Executive Council Welcome New Members to Begin New Programme of Work

120th Executive Council Welcome New Members to Begin New Programme of Work

The Executive Council of UNWTO met for the second time in a week to fulfil its statutory obligations and look ahead to a full two years transforming the sector.

At the 119th session of the Council, also held in Samarkand, Members endorsed the Organization's Programme of Work for 2024 and 2025. This sets out its intentions for the two years, with both strategic objectives and programmatic priorities. As UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili noted: "We know where we are going, we know what we want, and we know our priorities for tourism."

We know where we are going, we know what we want, and we know our priorities for tourism

New Members welcomed

The 120th session of the Executive Council was held in a clear spirit of international friendship and collaboration. In Samarkand, the Council thanked its outgoing Members for their service and active participation in helping guide the Organization over the past four years. Members also welcomed the new Members of the Council, namely Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, China, Colombia, Czechia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Indonesia, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Republic of Korea, Lithuania, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda and Tanzania.

Saudi Arabia to continue as Chair

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will continue as Chair as Executive Council for 2024. His Excellency Ahmed Al Khateeb, Minister of Tourism for Saudi Arabia, thanked all Members for their support and reaffirmed his commitment to advancing shared priorities and the Programme of Work. Secretary-General Pololikashvili thanked Saudi Arabia for their continued leadership and for his consistent and ongoing active support of the tourism sector.

Members also endorsed the Democratic Republic of Congo to serve as First Vice-Chair of the Council, and for Jamaica to serve as Second Vice-Chair. 

Subsidiary bodies and looking ahead

The Council fulfilled its statutory obligations with elections to its subsidiary bodies, with a commitment to fair and equal representation of all global regions. Members voted on the countries that will serve on the UNWTO Programme and Budget Committee until 2025 or 2027, including representatives of the non-Council Member States and from the Affiliate Members Network. The composition of the Council's Committees on statistics, competitiveness, sustainability and online education were also determined.

To conclude the meeting, Members agreed that the 121st Session of the UNWTO Executive Council will take place in Prague, Czechia, in the first semester of 2024.

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Celebrating the Power of Tourism through Film: UNWTO Video Competition Winners Announced

Celebrating the Power of Tourism through Film: UNWTO Video Competition Winners Announced

The power of visual storytelling to highlight tourism as a force for good has been celebrated with the 2023 edition of the UNWTO Tourism Video Competition. Member States from all regions were invited to submit their videos for consideration, with jury made up of top media professionals judging them based on how well they communicate the positive impact of tourism. The competition was divided into two categories.

Tourism and the Decade of Action

For this category, submissions were judged on how well they show how the tourism sector is advancing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development through references to one or more of the 17 Global Goals.

'Exceptional Stories of Sustainable Tourism'

Here, Member States were asked for remarkable examples which showcase the human face of tourism and make clear the positive social impact the sector can deliver for communities and individuals.

The winners were announced during the UNWTO General Assembly, taking place this week in Samarkand, Uzbekistan.

The 2023 winners are:

Decade of Action:

  • Africa: The Gambia- Welcome to Gambia
  • Americas: Panamá - Panamá vive por más
  • Asia and the Pacific: Philippines - Tourism Heroes of Palawan
  • Europe: Georgia - Stumari
  • Middle East: Oman - Experience Oman

Exceptional Stories:

  • Africa: Kenya - Magical Kenya
  • Americas: Panama - Panamá vive por más
  • Asia and the Pacific: Philippines - Tourism Hero of Zamboanga City
  • Europe: Switzerland - My Swisstainable Journey - Ivano Künzli
  • Middle East: Egypt – Visit Esna
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Executive Council Endorses UNWTO Plan of Work in Samarkand

Executive Council Endorses UNWTO Plan of Work in Samarkand

The Executive Council of the World Tourism Organization has analysed and approved its vision to transform the sector. Meeting for its 119th session, Members were also presented with the Organization’s Programme of Work for the past months, with a focus on core priorities as well as a longer-term leadership vision for transforming the sector.

Key Council Meeting

The Council met on the eve of the 25th UNWTO General Assembly, held in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. In line with his obligations, Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili presented his report to Members, outlining the progress made since the Executive Council met in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, five months previously. This included an overview of the latest round of Regional Commission meetings, their key outputs and achievements and associated thematic sessions, including work to rethink tourism communications, grow new pillars like wellbeing tourism and support investments into the sector.

Programme of Work Endorsed

As well as assessing progress to date, the meeting also gave Members a chance to learn more about the UNWTO Programme of Work for 2024 and 2025. This is based on a 2022 consultation with all Members on their needs and is distilled into clear strategic objectives and programmatic priorities. Members endorsed the Programme of Work and other key activities put before them. These included plans for directing funding towards flagship programmes and for establishing new Regional and Thematic offices for UNWTO. In this regard, Members were updated on progress to establish a new Regional Office in Marrakesh, the Kingdom of Morocco, endorsed the plans presented by Uzbekistan to establish a Thematic Office for Tourism on the Silk Road in the country, and advanced plans for a further Regional Office in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Members of the Executive Council also decided to recommend to the General Assembly that the mandate of the Task Force on Redesigning Tourism for the Future, with new members joining from every global region.

Vision for Leadership

In Samarkand, the host of the Executive Council as well as the subsequent General Assembly, proposed that Secretary-General Pololikashvili be permitted to stand for a third term in office in light of both his accomplishments so far and his longer-term vision for both tourism and for UNWTO. Following the established protocol, the Executive Council agreed that the matter be placed on the agenda for the General Assembly, to be voted on by all Member States.

Members thanked Secretary-General for the publication of his landmark vision for the sector, published to coincide with the General Assembly. "The Journey to 2030: A Vision for a Sector Transformed" sets out clear priorities for the sector in the year ahead and action plans for achieving them.

Statutory Obligations Fulfilled

The Executive Council fulfilled its statutory obligations, including by electing Egypt to serve as the Organization's External Auditor for 2024 and 2025. Members also endorsed the recommendations of Members for the hosts of World Tourism Day for the same years. In 2024, World Tourism Day will be held around the theme of "Tourism and Peace", with Georgia to be put forward as host. Then in 2025, Malaysia will be considered as host for that year's celebrations, to be held around the theme of Tourism and Sustainable Development.

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UNWTO General Assembly Opens to Advance Big Plans for Sector

UNWTO General Assembly Opens to Advance Big Plans for Sector

The General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization has met for the 25th time in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. As its own data indicates that global tourism is on track to reach up to 95% of pre-pandemic levels by the end of this year, the Assembly brought sector leaders together to advance a clear vision for the long-term transformation of the sector around clear priorities.

Reflecting the broad diversity of the sector, delegations from 117 countries, including 70 Ministerial level representatives, came together for the meeting of the supreme organ of the UN specialized agency for tourism for development. Ahead of the opening plenary, UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili had been formally welcomed to Samarkand by President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and commended his leadership in boosting levels of investment in the country's tourism sector and his focus on education and supporting jobs.

We weathered the storm of the pandemic, and now have the opportunity to achieve the long-term transformation of the sector and leave a real legacy for global tourism

A "key moment for tourism"

Opening the General Assembly, Mr Pololikashvili said: "This General Assembly represents a key moment for us as an Organization and for tourism as a sector. We weathered the storm of the pandemic, and now have the opportunity to achieve the long-term transformation of the sector and leave a real legacy for global tourism."

On the eve of the Assembly, the Secretary-General had published his wide-landmark goal for the sector. "The Journey to 2030: A Vision for a Sector Transformed" sets out clear priorities for the sector in the year ahead and action plans for achieving them. 

Also opening the General Assembly, H.E. Aziz Abdukhakimov is Minister of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of the Republic of Uzbekistan, underscored his Government's commitment to bolstering tourism as a pillar of national development and for the preservation of cultural heritage.

Members Applaud Progress

 A key part of the First Plenary Session was the Report of the Secretary-General to Members, setting out the Organization's achievements since the previous General Assembly, held in Madrid, Spain (December, 2021). The report focused on his five core priorities for the sector, both over the last two years and for the two years to come:

  • Scale up innovation and digital transformation
  • Invest in People with a focus on Human Capital, Education and Jobs
  • Boost investments, financing and entrepreneurship
  • Foster sustainable and green transition across tourism
  • Enhance competitiveness and resilience, through statistics, market intelligence, and product development.

The report to Members also highlighted UNWTO's heightened relevance and visibility, including as part of the wider United Nations system. During the opening day, Member States were greeted by video messages from key UN leaders, including UN Secretary-General António Guterres, Director-General of the World Health Organization Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Rebeca Grynspan, Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Juan Carlos Salazar, Secretary-General of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), as well as European Commission Vice-President Margaritis Schinas. They all commended UNWTO's central role in guiding tourism through the pandemic and setting the sector on course for a sustainable and resilient recovery.

Strong, Growing Membership

For the third consecutive General Assembly, UNWTO celebrated its growing size. In Samarkand, Belize was welcomed as the Organization's newest Member State, taking the total to 160. The Assembly was given an overview of advanced plans to further expand Membership, including to welcome several countries it has been in long-term talks with.

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UNWTO Names its Best Tourism Villages 2023

UNWTO Names its Best Tourism Villages 2023

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has announced its list of Best Tourism Villages 2023. The accolate recogonizes villages that are leading in nurturing rural areas and preserving landscapes, cultural diversity, local values, and culinary traditions.

In this third edition 54 villages from all regions were selected from almost 260 applications. A further 20 villages have joined the Upgrade Programme, and all 74 villages are now part of the UNWTO Best Tourism Villages Network. The villages were named during the UNWTO General Assembly, taking place this week in Samarkand, Uzbekistan.

Tourism can be a powerful force for inclusivity, empowering local communities and distributing benefits across regions

"Tourism can be a powerful force for inclusivity, empowering local communities and distributing benefits across regions," emphasizes UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili. "This initiative acknowledges villages that have harnessed tourism as a catalyst for their development and well-being."

A global network of local communities

Launched in 2021, the Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO initiative is part of the UNWTO Tourism for Rural Development Programme. The Programme works to foster development and inclusion in rural areas, combat depopulation, advance innovation and value chain integration through tourism and encourage sustainable practices.

As in previous editions, the villages are evaluated under nine key areas:

  • Cultural and Natural Resources
  • Promotion and Conservation of Cultural Resources
  • Economic Sustainability
  • Social Sustainability
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Tourism Development and Value Chain Integration
  • Governance and Prioritization of Tourism
  • Infrastructure and Connectivity
  • Health, Safety, and Security

The initiative comprises three pillars:

Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO: Recognizes outstanding rural tourism destinations with accredited cultural and natural assets, a commitment to preserving community-based values, and a clear commitment to innovation and sustainability across economic, social, and environmental dimensions.

Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO Upgrade Programme: Supports villages on their journey to meet recognition criteria, helping in areas identified as gaps during evaluation.

The Best Tourism Villages Network: a space for exchanging experiences and good practices, learning, and opportunities among its members, and it is open to contributions of experts and public and private sector partners engaged in the promotion of tourism as a driver for rural development.

The Network enlarges every year and aims at becoming the largest global rural network: with the announcement today of these 74 new members, 190 villages are now part of this unique Network.

Best Tourism Villages 2023

List of Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO 2023 is as follows (by alphabetic order):

  • Al Sela, Jordan
  • Barrancas, Chile
  • Biei, Japan
  • Caleta Tortel, Chile
  • Cantavieja, Spain
  • Chacas, Peru
  • Chavín de Huantar, Peru
  • Dahshour, Egypt
  • Dhordo, India
  • Dongbaek, Republic of Korea
  • Douma, Lebanon
  • Ericeira, Portugal
  • Filandia, Colombia
  • Hakuba, Japan
  • Higueras, Mexico
  • Huangling, China
  • Jalpa de Cánovas, Mexico
  • Kandovan, Iran
  • La Carolina, Argentina
  • Lephis Village, Ethiopia
  • Lerici, Italy
  • Manteigas, Portugal
  • Morcote, Switzerland
  • Mosan, Republic of Korea
  • Oku-Matsushima, Japan
  • Omitlán de Juárez, Mexico
  • Oñati, Spain
  • Ordino, Andorra
  • Oyacachi, Ecuador
  • Paucartambo, Peru
  • Penglipuran, Indonesia
  • Pisco Elqui, Chile
  • Pozuzo, Peru
  • Saint-Ursanne, Switzerland
  • Saty, Kazakhstan
  • Schladming, Austria
  • Sehwa, Republic of Korea
  • Sentob, Uzbekistan
  • Shirakawa, Japan
  • Sigüenza, Spain
  • Şirince, Türkiye
  • Siwa, Egypt
  • Slunj, Croatia
  • Sortelha, Portugal
  • St. Anton am Arlberg, Austria
  • Tân Hoá, Viet Nam
  • Taquile, Peru
  • Tokaj, Hungary
  • Văleni, Moldova
  • Vila da Madalena, Portugal
  • Xiajiang, China
  • Zapatoca, Colombia
  • Zhagana, China
  • Zhujiawan, China

The villages selected to participate in the Upgrade Programme this year are:

  • Asuka, Japan
  • Baños de Montemayor, Spain
  • Bilebante, Indonesia
  • Ciocănești, Romania
  • Civita di Bagnoregio, Italy
  • El Cisne, Ecuador
  • Iza, Colombia
  • Kale Üçağız, Türkiye
  • Kemaliye, Türkiye
  • Kfar Masaryk, Israel
  • Madla, India
  • Ounagha, Morocco
  • Pela, Indonesia
  • Puerto Octay, Chile
  • Sabbioneta, Italy
  • Saint Catherine, Egypt
  • Sarhua, Peru
  • Taro, Indonesia
  • Vila de Frades, Portugal
  • Yanque, Peru

The call for submissions for the fourth edition will take place in the first months of 2024, opening a new opportunity to rural destinations to shine on the global stage.

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“People, Planet, Prosperity”: UNWTO Global Investment Forum Looks to the Future

“People, Planet, Prosperity”: UNWTO Global Investment Forum Looks to the Future

The "where, why, how and how much?” of tourism investments were the focus of high-level dialogues within the framework of the UNWTO General Assembly in Samarkand, Uzbekistan.

With UNWTO data analyses making clear the vital need for both increasing levels of traditional and non-traditional investments in the sector and also ensuring that it is not solely focused on a minority of well-established destinations. The Investment Forum brought on stage Ministers (Albania, Colombia, Kingdom of Morocco, Maldives, Peru and Spain) leading private sector experts and representatives of the global investment community to reflect on key challenges and opportunities. In line with UNWTO's priorities for global tourism, the focus was firmly on the growing needs of investments along 'People (Education), Planet (Sustainability) and Prosperity (Innovation and Technology).

Investing for the Future

Opening the Forum, UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili emphasized the urgent need to re-imagine investments into our sector, in line with the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and highlighted the key role of government support for investment in tourism and creating a supportive policy framework, commending the example of the host country, Uzbekistan' which set out its tourism investment strategy for growing the sector as a pillar of development and cultural heritage.

The high-level panelists highlighted the key priorities of governments in national investment policymaking in the coming years to support the growing and changing investment needs of the tourism sector, while recognizing the vital need for both traditional and non-traditional investments in order to build greater sustainability, secure long-term resilience of the sector and to foster positive change. Furthermore, it was agreed that by channelling venture capital investments and providing crucial support structures is one of the most effective ways to unlock the potential of startups and foster an innovative and entrepreneur mindset.

Presentation of Framework

UNWTO Executive Director, Natalia Bayona summarized the global FDI and tourism investment outlook and trends and emphasized the importance of diversifying tourism investments along People-Planet and Prosperity. She highlighted that during the period 2018-2022 almost 2,415 projects were announced representing a total capital investment of USD 175.5 billion and also the crucial role of capitals to accelerate innovation, and support startups as venture capital funding in travel and tourism reached USD 48 billion in the same period of time proving the sector resilience. The rapidly growing role of public provident funds and sovereign wealth funds, which invested around USD 20 billion in the hotel and leisure industry since 2016 was brought to the audience attention by the Executive Director.

UNWTO Guides Investments in Uzbekistan and Mauritius

Further building on its portfolio in the area, UNWTO presented the latest in its series of "Doing Business" guidelines, comprehensive publications aimed at attracting investors in specific destinations. In Samarkand, Secretary-General Pololikashvili presented first "Tourism Doing Business: Investing in Uzbekistan" and then "Tourism Doing Business: Investing in Mauritius". He then also named UNWTO Ambassador for Responsible Tourism, Mr Albert, in recognition of his private sector work and role in growing the sector in a sustainable way across his native Indonesia.

Startup Competition for Mega Events and MICE Tourism

The winners of the UNWTO Event Startup Competition took the stage to present their innovative solutions for Mega Events and MICE Tourism challenges. The solutions presented in the pitch session aim to digitize event management, foster sustainability, enhance inclusivity, amplify impact through strategic promotion, and ensure robust infrastructure management to optimize participant experiences.

Among the 164 applications from 69 countries, five startups were selected across four categories. Circular Unity, a Portugal based start-up, stood out in the category of Digitalization and Disruptiveness for Sustainable Event Management in Mega Events. The all-in-one solution for carbon footprint management and stakeholder engagement simplifies sustainability for events, entertainment, and hospitality. In the category of Inclusiveness and Accessibility, Touch2see, a French start-up dedicated to making games accessible to the visually impaired, demonstrated a remarkable solution.

For promotion and marketing of MICE Events the recognition was given to Atlaseek a solution based in the United Arab Emirates, that unites the best travel creators and offers unique travel stories, guides, and early released videos, together with Sentimantl form Israel, a state-of-the-art software platform that assists a broad variety of companies in service sectors to improve their operations and customer satisfaction.

The last category was awarded to Hello X-Lab, a Japanese based start-up selected from the category of technology for attendee engagement and infrastructure, a UX-driven experiential and product design shop made up of trailblazers and creative problem solvers, that creates immersive experiences, improves processes and explores new ways to connect, inform and delight.

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Europe’s Tourism Leaders Plan Closer Cooperation Across Region

Europe’s Tourism Leaders Plan Closer Cooperation Across Region

Europe’s tourism leaders have met to advance plans for stronger collaboration both within and outside of the region, including through the landmark Agenda for Europe.

The UNWTO Commission for Europe met within the framework of the 25th session of the Organization's General Assembly, in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. For its second gathering of the year, the meeting brought together high-level representatives from nearly 40 European countries to discuss the challenges impacting the tourism industry in the European region and the way ahead.

Samarkand, with its rich history and cultural significance, serves as an inspiring backdrop for our discussions on the future of European tourism

Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary-General of the UNWTO, thanked the Government of Uzbekistan for its warm hospitality to all the members and participants of the Organization's highest statutory meeting:  "Samarkand, with its rich history and cultural significance, serves as an inspiring backdrop for our discussions on the future of European tourism. Together, we can shape a more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient tourism sector."

Agenda for European Tourism

The members of the Commission for Europe discussed and adopted the "Agenda for Europe – Tourism Leading the Change," an initiative proposed by Greece, during the Commission's 66th meeting, when it was the Commission's Chair, with the aim of boosting tourism activities in Europe, increasing cooperation levels, and strengthening collaboration with the other UNWTO regions.

The proposed "Agenda for Europe" was elaborated by a dedicated Working Group, comprised by representatives of Armenia, Cyprus, Greece, Lithuania, Spain, Switzerland, and Ukraine (current Chair of the Commission for Europe). The Working Group consulted in this regard with the other European members and the Secretariat. The Secretary-General will report to the Executive Council and the General Assembly on this proposed Agenda.

Uzbekistan to Host Silk Road Tourism Hub

The Establishment of UNWTO Thematic Office for Tourism on the Silk Road in Samarkand, Uzbekistan was also one of the key topics of discussion during this 69th meeting of the Commission. The government of Uzbekistan had put forward a proposal to establish the first UNWTO Thematic Office specifically dedicated to the advancement of Tourism on Silk Road, in recognition of the significance role of the Silk Road in promoting global tourism. It underlined that this ambitious initiative was another expression of the commitment of Uzbekistan to a sustainable and resilient tourism development.

Advancing Youth and Gender Empowerment

The Secretary-General took the opportunity to unveil to the members of Commission for Europe, the release of the Youth4Tourism: A Handbook to Champion Youth Participation in Tourism at the National Level, an initiative, part of the Global Youth Tourism Platform, aimed at increasing youth participation in the tourism sector at the national level. The Handbook provides guidelines for organizing physical and virtual events, along with useful activity examples.

As one of UNWTO's key priorities, the Secretary-General invited national tourism authorities to implement these guidelines and offer to children and youth, new opportunities to gain knowledge and develop sustainable skills. Through the Handbook the younger generation will be able to explore different aspects of responsible and sustainable tourism and formulate their own vision for the future of tourism, aligning with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. During the Commission meeting, Slovenia and Uzbekistan announced their willingness to host the future editions of the Global Youth Tourism Summit, in 2024 and 2026.

Also in Samarkand, UNWTO signed a Cooperation Agreement with the Ministry of Culture and Moldova State University for the implementation of the Skills Training and the Gender and Tourism Training under the framework of the "Empowering Young Women: Sustainable Livelihoods through Tourism" project in the Republic of Moldova.

Uzbekistan Reaffirms Support for Tourism

Deputy Chair of the Government Commission on Tourism Development and Minister of Ecology, Environmental Protection, and Climate Change of Uzbekistan, Aziz Abdukhakimov, underlined the Uzbekistan Government's firm commitment to advancing sustainable and environmentally friendly tourism. He said: "Today, international tourism demonstrates its efficiency and resilience to new challenges and realizations. For our countries, the tourism industry is a strategic industry, contributing to the growth of prosperity, creating new jobs and strengthening social and humanitarian ties in society."

As an integral part of the historic Silk Road, Uzbekistan is making comprehensive efforts to promote this tourist destination and aims to ensure its long-term development by establishing the first UNWTO Thematic Office for Tourism on the Silk Road in Samarkand.

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The Affiliate Members of the World Tourism Organization, made up of businesses, destinations and civil society actors, have met to bolster public-private cooperation around shared goals.

UNWTO’s Affiliate Members Advance Public-Private Cooperation in Tourism

The Affiliate Members of the World Tourism Organization, made up of businesses, destinations and civil society actors, have met to bolster public-private cooperation around shared goals.

The Affiliate Members Plenary Session, the most important statutory meeting of the Affiliate Members, met for the 44th time within the framework of the 25th UNWTO General Assembly, held this week in Samarkand, Uzbekistan.

Expansion Strategy

Under the theme "Enhancing tourism through public-private cooperation" 150 participants, representing around 70 Affiliate Members met in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, to debate the state of the Affiliate Membership, the main results achieved since the previous Plenary Session, analyse the evolution and results of the ongoing expansion strategy for a quality oriented and geographically balanced Membership and share information and proposals for future projects and collaborations.

In this context, the Affiliate Members Department presented the UNWTO Programme of Work for the period 2024-2025. Among more than 50 different contributions received, selected Affiliate Members had the opportunity to take the stage and explain more in detail the projects and initiatives submitted and that will be implemented in the near future with the Affiliate Members Department and UNWTO's support.

Recognizing Long-Term Allies

The session also featured a special Award Ceremony in recognition of long-standing Affiliate Members, for their valuable contributions to the successful fulfillment of the mission of the Organization during over 30 years of Membership. Among the awardees, 12 Affiliate Members have been recognized in the bronze category (more than 30 years of Affiliate Membership), 14 in the silver category (more than 40 years of Affiliate Membership) and 1 for the gold category (50 years of Affiliate Membership).

On this occasion, Affiliate Members have also been introduced to the new modernized platform that the Affiliate Members Department will launch in the following weeks, which will provide a more interactive and dynamic management of the network while enhancing networking and collaboration within the Affiliate Members' network.

The Plenary Session offered the perfect stage to highlight some of the opportunities for Affiliate Members to further engage with UNWTO in two of the main priority topics of the Organization, namely education and the protection of tourists. This is a crucial effort to ensure a better integration of the Affiliate Membership in the UNWTO agenda.

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