Hoteles Casa del Árbol

<p><a href=""><strong>Hoteles Casa del &Aacute;rbol</strong></a><br>Date signed: 20 March 2015, Honduras<br>Event: <em>During the Offical visit of the Secretary-General to Honduras on 20th March 2015</em><br>Signed by: Donaldo Suazo<br>Photo of the signing:<a href="/content/commitment-signatory-hoteles-casa-del-arbol">please click here</a><br>Website: <a href="

Hotel Marina Copán

<p><strong><a href="">Hotel Marina Cop&aacute;n</a></strong><br>Date signed: 20 March 2015, Honduras<br>Event: <em>During the Offical visit of the Secretary-General to Honduras on 20th March 2015</em><br>Signed by: Ra&uacute;l Welchez<br>Photo of the signing:<a href="/content/commitment-signatory-hotel-marina-copan">please click here</a><br>Website: <a href="

Asociación Operadores de Turismo Receptivo (OPTURH)

<p><a href=""><strong>Asociaci&oacute;n Operadores de Turismo Receptivo (OPTURH)</strong></a><br>Date signed: 20 March 2015, Honduras<br>Event: <em>During the Offical visit of the Secretary-General to Honduras on 20th March 2015</em><br>Signed by: Luis Molina<br>Photo of the signing:<a href="/content/commitment-signatory-asociacion-operadores-de-turismo-receptivo-opturh">please click here</a&g

Asociación Hoteles Pequeños de Honduras (HOPEH)

<p><a href=""><strong>Asociaci&oacute;n Hoteles Peque&ntilde;os de Honduras (HOPEH)</strong></a><br>Date signed: 20 March 2015, Honduras<br>Event: <em>During the Offical visit of the Secretary-General to Honduras on 20th March 2015</em><br>Signed by: Nicole Marrder<br>Photo of the signing:<a href="/content/commitment-signatory-asociacion-hoteles-pequenos-de-honduras-hopeh&qu

Cámara Nacional de Turismo de Honduras (CANATURH)

<p><strong><a href="">C&aacute;mara Nacional de Turismo de Honduras (CANATURH)</a></strong><br>Date signed: 20 March 2015, Honduras<br>Event: <em>During the Offical visit of the Secretary-General to Honduras on 20th March 2015</em><br>Signed by: Epaminondas Marinakys<br>Photo of the signing:<a href="/content/commitment-signatory-camara-nacional-de-turismo-de-honduras-canaturh">please click here</a><br

Comisión de Turismo Sostenible de la Asociación Guatemalteca de Exportadores (COMITURS)

<p>&nbsp;<div><table class="views-table cols-2"><tbody><tr class="odd views-row-first views-row-last"><td class="views-field views-field-body"><p><a href=""><strong>Comisi&oacute;n de Turismo Sostenible de la Asociaci&oacute;n Guatemalteca de Exportadores (COMITURS)</strong></a><br>Date signed: 17 March 2015<br>Event: Official Visit of the Secretary-General<

Federación Empresaria Hotelera Gastronómica de la Républica Argentina (FEHGRA)

<p><a href=""><strong>Federaci&oacute;n Empresaria Hotelera Gastron&oacute;mica de la R&eacute;publica Argentina (FEHGRA)</strong></a><br>Date signed: 4 December 2014<br>Event: Closing of the working session of the Argentine Chamber of Tourism<br>Signed by: Mr.